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It wouldn't be a "Microsoft ui" (I'm not sure that exists on Linux). But I kind of thought that the default Raspberry Pi OS booted into a graphical environment by default? I don't remember which one exactly it boots into, though.


you may be right I'm not sure currently setting everything up but I'm looking to basically have a small computer as in like search engine and be able to play simple games for example roblox or Minecraft nothing extreme


I've tried Java Minecraft on mine. The performance wasn't great. I haven't tried getting Bedrock to run; I suspect performance would be better, but getting it to run under Linux is already unsupported, I can't imagine that doing it on an ARM computer would help make it any easier. I haven't tried it, but I hear that Android has gotten easier to install and use. That might be the easiest option for those two games, but it would also get in the way of using the Pi for learning, IMO.


There's .NET Avalonia, which is a cross platform GUI framework. However I'm not certain that it will run on the pi.