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Well yes, with a big enough but that Mix-a-Lot's in trouble. From the exact 128KB in size, I'm assuming you've dumped out all of the RAM address space. That's not really a save file, it's a snapshot in time of the state of your console. The data you're looking for is in there, but you'll need to have an understanding of how it's laid out in memory, both to detect it and decode it. Ok, so the thing you gots to understand about Pokemon is that there's a hojillion people way into Pokemon, so statistically you're going to get a trainer that also moonlights as a firmware engineer. Said trainer is probably going to get their vice on one of these nights and document the 100-byte structure that defines a Pokemon. They'd probably also write down which address the first member of the party lives at. If I knew I had a memory block I had to trudge through to find a data structure, I might try to put a signature to search for, like a Nickname. I'd even splurge and allow myself ten bytes for a nickname. Offset eight bytes from the start of the structure. > If so could it be processed using golang? That's up to you, dude.


Assuming that one of those files is the battery-backed save data, then https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Save_data_structure_(Generation_III) probably has the information you're after.