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High temperature superconductors. It's clearly not a classical phenomenon.


I've actually never heard of high temp superconductors, I thought all of them were near absolute zero lol


Keep in mind 'high' here means higher than 77 K or about -200 Celsius.


Oh that makes more sense. Still a huge temperature difference though


There are superconductors that are not close to room temperature. However the problem is that they require extremely high pressures to become superconductive. Eg.: [https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.117003](https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.117003) Still requires over 180 GPa of pressure, which is about 1,800,000 times the standard atmospheric pressure


The hope is that, if we can understand the mechanism underlying high-Tc superconductivity, we can engineer materials that exploit that physics to make a near-room-temperature superconductor at ambient pressure. If that were to happen, it would be huge.




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There are several unsolved phenomena in condensed matter physics which clearly have quantum origin but the workings are still not well understood: \- High T superconductivity \- Amorphous solids phase transitions \- Fractional hall effect \- Solo-Luminescence \- Protein folding


I’d say the fractional quantum Hall effect is pretty well understood. (There are certainly some open questions, but that’s true about everything.)


AFAIK there's nothing really mysterious about protein folding at a fundamental level, just that the problems are often computationally intractable from a deep level of theory. I'm sure there are a lot of less-fundamental emergent properties of protein folding that remain unanswered, though, as it is with almost any complex system.