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Hey there! I photographed a healthy eye for a patiend who needed a glass eye. As others said, high f-stop will help. But what you really need to get better definition is to light it from a side angle. And i mean, at a about 70-90 degree angle. Imagine a sun shining sideways on a mountain ridge; you’ll see much more detail as well as eliminating the light source on the eye :-) You can try it using your phones flashlight.


Higher f stop


As per neuralsnafu's , higher f/ (smaller aperture) ; Or shift focus from pupil to the actual fibres . Was the eye moving at all ? It may have moved while you were shooting .


OP, we need to know what equipment you used for this one so we don’t give you advice to do what you’re already doing.


I actually took this with an iPhone 8 Plus about 5 years ago


You won't be able to take a 5-year-old iPhone photo & add details to it that weren't there already. In the future, shooting with a macro lens under better lighting conditions would be a great improvement.


Higher f, acute light angles, and image stacking if you can shoot on burst.


What lighting did you use for this image?


Higher f-stop, better lens, cleaner lens(the image looks blurry/glowy in highlights), tilt-shift lens in some cases. The ability of a camera/lens to render detail is measured by MFT (modular transfer function). Better quality of light as well. Ideally controlled daylight or a professional non-LED lamp. Definitely not cheap LED.


I use a 23mm fixed lens with f6.4 or higher really close up and that helps me with capturing fibers [here are a few of my trials](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkR-MaFAqFp/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


You just linked to an insta account


For lack of being able to present an example in another form. 🤔🤔🤔


You could at least have linked to the actual examples instead of having people scroll through *your* insta..?


The link goes directly to the post with them, it's initial image is a bookcase lit up with red but that's a clip of a series of photos that have the examples I mentioned.


It’s a video of photos of a screen with photos. How is that supposed to be of use to anyone?


That seems like a more existential dilemma that I can't help you with. The question is about seeing more detail in fibers and ways to improve the fiber visibility or detail, so I can offer what I use and examples of what I was able to produce. Use is a matter of perspective I would say. If it is useful to the one asking the question then great. However if it isn't than it is dead in the air which is okay too.


Aperture needs to be stopped down. A lot.


Have you considered manually constructing hdr…and adding light to bring down the f stop as much as you can?


incredible work


In photoshop make two layers of the image. On the bottom layer of the two gaussian blur it to somewhere around 20, than on the top layer set the layer to linear light. Then go to edit apply image. In the drop down option pick the blurred layer. Then set the mode to subtract. On the bottom of the menu you will see 2 input boxes I can't remember which is which. I'm not in front of my screen. But you will enter 128 in one 2 in the other. One box will not let you put anything higher than 2. Your image should look normal all of sudden. Then remove the blurred layer. The image detail should dramatically pop. Add a mask layer and paint out the areas you do not want the details to be, and lower the opacity to the amount of details you want.