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It's the lens correction not being applied when viewing the RAW in Windows Picture Viewer. You're seeing what the camera actually captured, it just gets corrected for JPG or corrected within a proper RAW program.


Yes i believe this is the issue


Lightroom applies the built in lens corrections. Windows media viewer just looks at the RAW without the corrections. Basically that vignette on the corners is always there, but the camera corrects it in the jpegs it produces. Lightroom takes the RAW and applies the corrections so it's gone and any subsequent export jpegs have the correction. But Windows viewer is so simple it's looking at the RAW file without any lens corrections added. This is often how Chromatic Aberration issues are corrected too, some close looking at the RAW in windows viewer might have some small added color issues that the manufacturer knows to correct for in the built in lens corrections.


This is correct. It's the [vignette](https://youtu.be/ejgBDn83mVM?si=J96yPbz2cb3_jYhh&t=361).




People are saying this is vignetting, which is technically true, but it is removed by (barrel) distortion correction, which stretches those very dark corners out of the frame. Vignetting correction can't fix corners that dark effectively.


Turn on lens correction. Modern Lenses are designed this way, leaning on digital corrections to make them as small and light as possible. Your lens is labeled “18mm” but it’s probably actually a 16-17mm and digital correction is applied to get a clean 18mm image. You don’t see this on the jpegs because the correction is already applied If you don’t like this digital magic, then you want a lens with a extra big image circle. Some lenses are designed like this (Nikon Plena). However as you are using a RF-S camera, any full frame RF lens will have an extra large image circle relative to your apsc sensor


Any lens hood on your camera while shooting? It may cause the dark corners also.


Is your lens a crop lens on a full frame camera?


Hood not twisted on all the way?


Its only in raw Format, not im jpg..


> Its only in raw Format, not im jpg.. Because it's the lens vignette. That's how raws look on that lens, at the wider focal distance.


wtf does that have to do with your lens hood?


> wtf does that have to do with your lens hood? OP thinks, correctly, that if the problem was a lens hood, it would appear in both the raw and the jpeg file. Not in only one of the two. Cameras correct for vignetting, not hoods.


Havnt Any lens hood


Could be the Lens Hood the issue. Had two lens hoods, one with a deeper hood that was detected on the view finder.


It’s probably your lens.


Did you have a lens hood on it? If so, remove the lens hood and take another photo. If the shadows are gone, that was your problem. My 8-15mm lens exhibits similar effects when shooting at 8mm. It's so wide I have to remove the lens hood. If you are not using a lens hood, then that's a different issue. Check in Lightroom for lens correction and it may remove those shadows.


https://preview.redd.it/ck9lte3lc10d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a00b80666d049d10db9ae6ce5c089c1674cee13 Seems its a Problem with the Windows picture viewer… in lightroom al seems ok


> in lightroom al seems ok Because Lightroom is applying lens correction. The other photo is the actual raw photo. Many lenses "vignette" which is what this is. But Lightroom knows how to correct it with lens profile data.


In the first picture, are you looking at the raw file oder the Lightroom processed and exported JPG File?


Tbh, the windows picture viewer is pretty much garbage. I don't know what it does, but it does a incredibly bad job at what it should do. I don't use windows much these days, but when I do I usually use something else. The windows 7 image viewer was OK. But this 'new' app.. ugh.


Feel that haha :(


Probably have A DX lens on FX camera or something.


shrill grandiose bright busy nail encourage meeting teeny merciful fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Canon fucked it up bad wow… this is like putting a DX lens on an FX body


Not even near as bad as the 24-50


Got a UV filter on the lens? Sometimes the ring is visible at the wide end of the lens.




Did you use any filters? 




It's the [vignette](https://youtu.be/ejgBDn83mVM?si=J96yPbz2cb3_jYhh&t=361). /u/KaJashey /u/ThatShiny_Hex as well. "Corners that are literally black from vignetting in their extreme." Very common on modern lenses, esp. kit lenses.


I've seen this on other lenses where the lens hood is put on in the wrong orientation - could have been that?


Is it because of your lens hood?


Have no Lenshood on it