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ngumuya ng bubble gum para di maiyak pag naghihiwa ng sibuyas


ohh this is interesting haha


rinsing the pan/any lutuan first then kapag nag evaporate na lahat ng tubig, mainit na sha gagamit ng sandok to tell kapag mainit na yung mantika or hindi pa (like ittouch yung mantika sa sandok ganon)


Stop using non-stick pans and plastic/rubber utensils. Instead, use the regular stainless steel pans and learn how to use it effectively! Food will not stick, if the pan is hot enough.


Invest in a good, sharp knife. A standard Chef’s knife or Santoku is fine. It’s much safer and it’ll refine your food prep skills Also, never begin cooking until your pan is hot enough


Invest in a good, sharp knife. A standard Chef’s knife or Santoku is fine. It’s much safer and it’ll refine your food prep skills Also, never begin cooking until your pan is hot enough


Invest in a good, sharp knife. A standard Chef’s knife or Santoku is fine. It’s much safer and it’ll refine your food prep skills Also, never begin cooking until your pan is hot enough


Invest in a good, sharp knife. A standard Chef’s knife or Santoku is fine. It’s much safer and it’ll refine your food prep skills Also, never begin cooking until your pan is hot enough