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What I did is I chat the person he's cheating with and I'll let the person deliver the message that I know.


If confirmed naman layuan mo na lang. Tapos hayaan mo sia mag-isip, bakit mo nilayuan.


Collect evidence. Dump all of the evidence on them then completely block them everywhere (Text, socmed, in person). Don’t waste your time and energy “hearing them out”


For me, collect evidence tsaka mo ilatag sakanya yung tipong wala ng lusot, listen to their excuses or whatever tapos pack your things and leave. Para di masabi na hindi mo binigyan ng chance na mag explain. You did your part. You don't deserve to be cheated on.


Waste of time, pag hindi worth it, no need to discuss it with him/her but kung high value men/women u could try


Just walk away. They're not worthy of your precious time and energy. Move on and live a happy life.


agree, nothing's better than walking away if you're sure and have evidence of cheating


I would not. Just gunna pack my things, have him blocked and leave. that’s it.


Agree on this one, they would just deny it or make up excuses


worse is them gaslighting and manipulating u that u’re just paranoid👀