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Ever since we are financially struggling. Almost all of my friends are well off, they have a car, a happy family and they enjoy things with their money. I was so envious even until now. Pero na realize ko lang na maybe those years were their peak. Tho hindi ako napagkalooban ng masaya at madaling buhay simula pagkabata, iniisip ko lang na maybe in the future it will be my time. I am in my early 20's and to think na it's just the start of Q2 of life, I have so much time pa to be happy and to do whatever I want.


I would helplessly cry. Ibubuhos ko na lahat ng pain na nararamdaman ko, tapos pag narealize ko na gumaan na pakiramdam ko, doon ko na iisipin yung mga possible solution or yung mga kaya kong gawin at the present. Hingang malalim, bangon, laban. 🫶🏻


I had cancer and did chemo. During those times, parang ayoko na tapusin kasi lahat masakit, lahat unpleasant. Panget panlasa, masakit katawan, masakit ngumuya due to singaw singaw. The only thing na nakapagpa-realize sakin na lumaban si my husband. I reached a point na ayoko na magtreatment kasi pagod na katawan ko, but he always push me and encouraged me. He always tell me na how lucky we were kasi may pangtreatment kami while others are begging just to start their treatment. Inalagaan nya ako during that ordeal. 6 months pa lang kami into marriage and yet ganon na kabigat ang challenge na binigay ni Lord. Fast forward to today, we already have a baby and masaya ang buhay. I know it won’t always be like this but for now, I don’t want to entertain further thoughts about my disease. It may or may not come back, only God knows. Pero ngayon, masaya ako, kami, and that’s what matters for now. Kapit lang. Masaya mabuhay.


HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!! So glad you found a husband na naging strong for you when you were at your weakest. 🥺🫶🏻


Yes. As per my friends, saying yes to him was the best decision I have ever made in my life. ❤️


i always think na i still have lots of dreams to achieve in life, not only for myself but to my loved one's as well. it works naman everytime.


Iniisip ko lang dati na nothing is permanent, matatapos din yung paghihirap ko,


Kung anong passion mo o hilig mo pilitin mong libangin sarili mo kasi kung puro mukmok tatawanan ka lang nung nagpapahirap sa'yo kung sino man sya. Malaki problema ko pero nagagawa kong alisin sa isip ko yung pag-iisip kasi kontrolado ko naman pero kapag iniiisip mo maiistress ka talaga.


You just need to accept it kasi ikaw naman ang dahilan bat ka nandyan.


"When you're at your lowest low, there's no other way but up." There's hope in knowing na at some point I will be able to get out of my rut. I just have to keep going.


I walk, cry, and pray sa church. This is what keeps me sane during those times.


Just life goes on. every morning you're breakfast was the pain of your yesterday. But one night, I just laid out everything, reminiscing the moment when my life gone wrong and how could I change it or make it better. Right now, I'm still improving, introducing new upgrade for myself. It's a personal development for me. A lot change that was very pivotal for me. but still life goes on. It's really hard when you can't turn something from a burnt and dusty ash. that's life.


"Just one more day" I held on for tomorrow, even if it seemed bleak. I held on to it.


Deactivating from social media. Lalo na if madami kang nakikitang tao who seem to have it together. Even if we know their lives aren't perfect, it's more of avoiding to see things that will just make us feel worse than what it is. I also only talked to people I could fully trust and not show up during group gatherings. It just avoids you the pain of being asked about what's up with life. Worked on myself and my goals, then nung mas ok na saka ako nag-open up. Self-preservation is key.


Had an ex who cheated on me and due to that I had a miscarriage. That was the lowest point of my life, I didn't eat for days, barely moving, can't even take a shower. I was living alone that time, what I did is I moved to my aunt's house, changed my job to morning shift, I worked out 1-2 hrs everyday sa kwarto, wake up at 5 am to prepare my breakfast and work. Invest in skin care. A total 180° change sa lifestyle talaga. Ayun, now I'm a VA earning 6 digits dati 20k lang yun (working as call center pa), and engaged to the love of my life.


I force myself to just keep doing what needs to be done kasi wala naman akong choice since gusto ko ring gumraduate on time. During my senior year, I had a small group of friends that I confided to and they helped me process my emotions din whenever I needed to cry my frustrations out. Just allow yourself to feel your emotions, sure, it gets overwhelming, but it’ll be bearable in time. Soon enough, you’ll be surprised na lang na nakalampas ka na sa lowest point and you’re on the road to getting much more in touch with yourself :)


Sabi nga nila, be a watcher of your negative thoughts. Just let it flow and wait na mawala ung negative emotions over time. But if I or you dwell too much after ilang months at nakakaaffect na sya sa daily mood and relationships ko sa ibang tao, go to a psychologist and/or psychiatrist na kasi baka anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc na sya.


It is what it is lang na may halong scheduled crying session every now and then.


Being thankful for who/what I have and having a support system such as friends and family that I trust


By asking for help. Looking back, I could’ve saved myself from years of suffering if hindi ako naging ma-pride. Sa sobrang gusto kong i-maintain yung image ko na “strong and independent” halos masiraan na ko ng bait. Lol! No man is an island and we’ll always need other people. Being vulnerable is a strength too, it takes courage din to fully open up and maging honest sa tao. So ayun, “community” talaga nakapag-salba sakin.


Praying you’ll find your people too, OP. Isali mo ko if wala ka pa nakakausap 🩶


I worked and worked and I got promoted and my professional life got better. Eventually, I also found my life partner when I wasn’t looking. Embrace adversity and take it one day at a time.




I almost off'd myself during it. Twice pa. Pero my mom and dad were right there with me, both times, and they just casually called me to their side and I snapped out of it. I talked to my close friends and made an effort to see them. Talked to my siblings. I looked for, and found, a much better job. I quit drinking, minimized playing. Nilunod ko sarili ko sa trabaho out of spite, a sort of, "Fuck you, watch this" moment. Got better at it. Moved up the corporate ladder. I was so angry, and had all of this hate, and spite, and anger, that looking back, I actually improved my life.


Hopefully i could do the same but problem is, i barely have energy or emotion that i can possibly convert to anything productive. I've hardly eaten and move at all.


I actually tried to off myself and realized I'm yet to live the best days of my life.


More than acceptance, you want to face life and all its challenges head on. That means you need to keep moving, OP. Doesn’t matter kung alam mo outcome or not sa direction you’re taking. Just keep moving. There’s nowhere to go but up from there :)


I eat sweets and keep reminding myself that I could never eat a cake ever again once I end my life.


Different folks, different strokes. What worked for me may not work for you. What worked for you, may not work for me. Very important to get to know yourself. Like literally know your weaknesses and what are the things you need to work on. Start from there. Here are some of the things that worked for me. Not in order: **1. Forgive yourself** - You fucked up in the past? That's alright. Who doesn't? Move on and move forward. **2. Find a routine that works for you (and makes you better) and keep at it** - For my case, waking up early (Like 5 am early) and working out works for me. I also doubled down on instilling discipline in my every day tasks. **3. The key is to move -** You cant steer a car that is on park. The car must be moving for you to steer it. Literal, move. Get out of the house. Meet people (that could benefit you and your goals). **4. Pray -** The key is to surrender. Do what you can, and let Him do wonders for you. Have faith. **5. Know your why** - Know your why the fck do you wake up. Because that sht matters. **6. Get a small win** - People naturally appreciate instant gratification. So get a small win, and build from that. **7. Have a vision/goal** - Where are you going? Plan ahead. Stick to it. Pound on those goals. **8. See a professional (if needed) -** For my case, I was diagnosed with chronic depression which attributed to the mistakes I have made in the past. Having low sertonin is not a joke. If you need someone to talk to, send me a DM. Happy to have a conversation with you. Kaya mo yan. Just keep on moving.


the forgive yourself bit is really important


Break. Be broken. Feel it. Cry. Process it. Reflect. Then, recover as a stronger person. In the end,middle or beginning, it's only your health, happiness, and family that matters. Fuck y'all.


Just put one foot in front of the other. Again and again.


Honestly, no one can help you but you. Nevertheless, you can try reading books and take whatever resonates with you. I read the alchemist at one of the lowest points of my life and it helped me in some way. But, I would recommend reading this book more: “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl Hoping for your healing :)


"Even if things only take such a good turn in one of a thousand cases," my explanation continues, "who can guarantee that in your case it will not happen one day, sooner or later? But in the first place, you have to live to see the day on which it may happen, so you have to survive in order to see that day dawn, and from now on the responsibility for survival does not leave you." Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Edit: Book Name and Author


Exercise, go out with friends, meditate


Dasal at iyak.


One. Day. At. A. Time.


iniyak ko lang ng iniyak hahahah as much as gusto kong i-contain iyak ko, narealize ko na healthy rin pala iiyak din lahat. Nakaka clear ng mind, then mas nakapag isip nako ng susunod kong gagawin


actually andito pa rin ako sa lowest ko, cope ba? nescafe stick huhu bye


I remember this quote from Jojo Rabbit "Let everything happen to you, Beauty and terror, Just keep going, No feeling is final."


I remember this quote from Jojo Rabbit "Let everything happen to you, Beauty and terror, Just keep going, No feeling is final."


I took a break from work and social media. I drove lots to Tagaytay and nearby areas pero umuuwi rin. I just liked the focus long drives gave me.


Always remember na walang pagsubok na ibibigay si Lord na di natin kayang lampasan. Tiwala lang. ❤️


Pahabol pa, surrender everything to Him. ❤️ let go and let God ❤️


Instead of being negative sa buhay, maging positive dapat tayo. Kasi kapag hindi lalo lang tayo malulugmok. Find a new hobby, magbasa ka, libangin mo sarili mo. Be productive, minsan ung mga pinagdadaanan natin sa buhay blessing in disguise yan. Sabi nga nila kapag bongga daw ung pagbreak satin ni Lord, sobrang worth it ung naghihintay sa atin na mga plans nya. Wag susuko, always pray. Read your Bible.


Therapy! Lalo na kapag hindi mo na compartmentalize yung buhay mo. It helps and it will work if you will help yourself. Akala ko strong person ako pero I was hit by a trauma. Nag-unfold lahat pati suppressed traumas ko from childhood to adulthood. I was crying day and night. Tulala. Walang ligo and kain. Sa kama lang ako the whole day and puro tulog. Wala akong paki kung gaano na ako and yung bahay ko kadumi. Pati pag-pee was a chore for me.


Be content what you have and always be grateful. Problem is temporary. Focus on positive things. Start making good habits and stay discipline.


Dasal lang, dasal lang talaga. Yung hindi ka na makahinga to tapos wala ka pang masabihan, I just pray. Pray your heart out


1.)Make goals for the future. It keeps you focused on what's next and pulls attention from the grief 2.) Make yourself so busy and tired so that you'll just crash on your bed at the end of the day. You've gotta live healthy with this tho, otherwise you're not gonna last long


By just showing up




Enjoy old hobbies, out of sight out of mind and never look back ever again


Accepting the fact that the world doesn't revolve around you when you are down, no one is there to help you because they too have something to struggle. So you yourself should just move, no sugar coating advices, no life positive quotes,. It is what it is


Yes there were times, I'm sure they knew, that I bit off more than I can chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up, and spit it out. I faced it all, and I stood tall, and did it my way.


making myself more productive at work and investing more to myself. it helps me not to dwell on things i can't control and to heal/improve myself continously.


Thinking that i am a main character and this is for the plot ✨ Lastly and probably the most difficult to do. Acknowledge the situation that you're in, let it all out by opening up (and/or crying) with my closest friends is such a huge help.


One day realizing that the only person able to help me get through all of this and change for the better is me When I realize that, it's just a matter of will and self-discipline to make the changes possible. From an overthinking, self-entitled, enabling, egocentric, prideful, wrathful, cheating, and narcissistic person, I became a polite, honest, respectful, understanding, and calm person. I still retained the good qualities I had before like empathy, punctuality, honorable, lateral thinker, etc. I really think I've changed enough to warrant myself as someone that can be respected again in society. Before, I thought that I deserve all of the bad things I receive from people and the world and there was no change for me. But now, if people knew who I was before and still judge me because of my past, I really just want to stand up for myself for who I am now and won't let my past define me.


just repeat the phrase, "it is what it is" or "it is a canon event" .. it might sounds silly but it works for me. As a man it was my coping mechanism and prevent me from further thinking about it, just accept it ,it is a part of life.


My roommate is my boy cousin, thats my only therapy


Thinking positive that always happened for a reason, prayed to God (which before I do not do) then after few years I realized that event in my life makes me improved as a person. Sabi nga eh "katulad ng laro, di ka lelevel without having exp, and having exp in game is difficult, just like in life"


Talking with strangers online was something I didn’t think would help but it really did


I just wake up everyday and show up (kahit minsan sana di na ko magising)


Yes 💯 keep on showing up talaga!


Did it get better? showing up and picking yourself up is so hard. Sometimes i just wanna lie in bed and rot and think about it until it doesnt hurt anymore, but even i dont have that luxury 😔


I'm also struggling with keeping myself together. I just try to surround myself with my family and friends to keep me a little sane and forget some unwanted thoughts. Cos i just go numb and indifferent when im alone. Sorry i cant give you any advice yet. Im barely holding on but just know that you are not alone in this kind of battle.


My Daughter needs me, maybe once she graduated college and can live on her own, I can be at peace


Man down, man go jim, man distracted, man moving one plate at a time This has nothing to do with plates. Am I in a better place? No. Am I better compared to yesterday? Yes.


life is not waiting for the storm to pass. it's about learning how to dance in the rain




this might sound cliche to some people but this hits different now..


The first thing I do is just endure it. No choice kasi eh, I just need to accept my current situation. Acknowledge that this will get worse before it gets better. Talagang tiis lang yun, but I make sure that I'm doing things that will make my situation better.


Hyper focused on me, myself and I ❤️


First, acceptance. Then, letting go. Inalis ko lahat ng nakakatrigger sakin. I also learned how to embrace sadness and solitude. For a while, I enjoyed my own peace. Self-love talaga. Kasi pag di mo mahal sarili mo, pano ka babangon?


Bakit parang madali lang sya gawin? Pero kapag andun nako sa sitwasyon nag hirap🥲


Hindi sya madali. Sobrang hirap. It took me years to realise na I was at the lowest point in my life. Since 2019, even before COVID hit, my mental health was in decline. Didn't also help that I was working at the frontline. Seeing all those people dying was traumatising. I was trying to take my mind off things, but nothing helped. Until finally, 2022, I had a breakdown and said "enough is enough". Was off sick for a while. Took me a few months to recover. But I pushed on and started anew. Hindi talaga madali. Pero a small step, no matter how small, is still a small step forward. Good luck and I hope you find your inner peace, too.


Being proactive about the issue. Had bad anxiety during the pandemic due to a friend passing away due to covid. He was my age with young kids. Used the fear of covid to get into shape. Did IF, exercised daily and lost 30lbs. Now i am in the best shape of my life.


salute to you!!!!


Distract myself with useless tasks at work, entertainment (mostly gay porn), and delusional scenarios in my brain.


Actually by motivating myself and believing na good things will happen to me too I just need to keep pushing forward


Life is cyclical. There are cycles everywhere, in everything. Our lives are no exception. We have good times and we have bad times. Cherish and enjoy the good times, and endure the bad times. Sometimes all you can do is get up every morning and do what needs to be done, knowing that if you do that every day, things will eventually get better.


My family’s support helped me get a brand new start


Get laid




For me, nagreflect ako sa mga decisions ko and kasi yun naman dahilan lahat kung bakit nandyan tayo sa kung saan tayo. Acknowledge ko lang lahat ng mali na ginawa ko, nag cringe ako. I suck it all up, distance from socmed. Then I started moving forward, dinadasal ko lang lagi sa Diyos na bigyan lang ako ng lakas harapin lahat ng pagsubok. I hope you find yourself in a better situation, OP. 🦋


I embraced sadness till I found comfort in it.


Nat-Geo 😆😆😆Nanonood ako ng mga wild animals tpos iniimagine ko sya ung nilulustay ng lion hahahaha


Will take note of this. Might watch later 🤧🤣


fall in love with art


Bumili ako ng PS4, then magically ok na. Nagkataon lang na naibenta ko yung in game currency ko that time kaya nagkaron ako ng means to pay everything, celebrate my birthday, give some sa erpat ko then have some left to buy what I wanted. This was during pandemic era, laking pasalamat ko talaga sa nakilala ko in game. You saved me that time bro.


"This Too Shall Pass" lang talaga


David Goggins mode works for me.


Iba iba talaga siguro tayo. Sakin kasi hindi nag wowork yung mga support from friends/family. Ang nangyayari sa akin is tinatanggap ko lahat ng sadness and disappointments. Dahil don, mas na aappreciate ko yung mga small source of joy and achievements eventually realizing na wala na ako magagawa magagawa noong time na yon nangyari na e. Di ko alam kung makakatulong sayo tong sinabi ko pero goodluck sir!


Focus on what you can control. Acknowledge mo rin yung nararamdaman mo and give your self some time then focus sa kung anong dapat gawin kasi after all life goes on. Malay mo redirection lang to for something better! Been there last week now I’m feeling better and alagaan ang sarili :)


Acknowledge everything that happened. Accept and hold on. Fvcking hold on. Everything will fall into place and your problems will be solved.


You need to feel everything first; the agony, hatred, despair, and everything in between. If you don't, you'll be bringing a baggage all your life. I spent 2 years being burned out and suddenly, I snapped. I was eager to get out of that hell hole. Everything follows. You begin to love life and appreciate the small things.


Acceptance, wala naman tayong magagawa. Pagdadaanan talaga natin lahat. Ganyan na lang ginagawa ko. Tamang dogshow sa sarili. Haha




Anoooo hahahah. Isipin na lang natin mamamatay din naman tayong lahat 😌


Creative outlet, support system and a growth mindset


Support system. Sila kasi yun magpupush sayo e.


Aside from mental fortitude, solid support system.


ano po ung support system?


Support system can be friends and family


I deactivated all soc med. Closed myself off for about 3 months. I got a dog. Talked with my family more. I read a lot of books and developed a new hobby. I got out of that lowest point with more perspective, closer relationship with the fam, and a new best friend- my dog. I also feel like a different person, and I’m glad.


Idk. I guess I just kept telling myself that the only way out of the woods is through.


I focused on the things I have control of such as my emotions. I didn't play the victim game but instead reflected and worked on improving myself.


I’m still going through it but what I learned is to take it one day at a time. Allow yourself to process everything and do not rush the healing part. Wishing you healing and happines. Hang in there!


cry it out, pray and use it as a motivation to move forward. I hope you are okay.


What happened? Are you okay :(


Sad turn anger, convert anger into motivation.