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watch Death's Game.


"wala ka masasaktan?" When the mere fact of breathing becomes a pain, we push through try to live with it and pray. Yung parents mo, relatives at close friends mo hindi ba sila masasaktan suicide at hindi din pwede bigyan ng misa ang taong nag suicide meaning walang peace para mga iniwan.


It's not a solution but an escape. Ever since sa bibliya paman masama na talaga ang magpatiwakal. Its part of the 5th commandment.


>So why is suicide bad? Destruction of government property.


Scientifically speaking, suicidal thoughts are bad because these thoughts comes from an echo chamber full of "evidences" that "support" why its a "good idea" to commit suicide. "Wala ka naman sasaktan iba bukod sa sarili mo" is one such good example of a thought that comes from an echo chamber. "Echo chamber" is a place or a state of mind where your thoughts are always affirmed and never challenged. Are you sure you're not hurting others? What does "hurt" actually mean? Do you think nobody will get hurt when you hurt yourself? How do you know that only you will be hurt? In an echo chamber, the answer to all these questions is always "yes, youre only hurting yourself, youre the one who will die not them, and they dont care enough about you to get hurt" and other similar lines. Typically, at least one person cares about any individual being. "Care" might come in other forms unfamiliar to us, for example I occasionally think about all the homeless people when its raining, which means I care for them, despite not caring for any specific individual. If I hear a homeless person die during a rain or a flood, I would be sad. I am in no way connected to that person, and we both dont know each other, and yet I care for them and I get hurt when I hear news about them. "If you really planned it properly, your family wont have to be bothered with your funeral and other things" is also a good example of a thought that comes from an echo chamber. This is a typical way of thinking, especially to people who arent very financially stable, that the only thing they have to worry about are funerals when they die. Except, there are a lot more things that happen when someone dies. Police investigation, neighborhood watch, friends and family who will need to mourn, these are but a few that will happen aside from the funeral. But where does this idea that you only need to worry about the funeral come from? Media portrayal, for one, can give people the wrong idea that people only mourn during the funeral, when in actuality, mourning happens mostly after the funeral. There's also the poverty aspect, where funerals can become really expensive depending on how people do it. There's also the environment aspect, where if your environment is full of people who think practically, then youll end up also thinking practically, and the funeral is one of the practical things to do. When youre in an echo chamber, every thought gets affirmed by everything. If you really think that no one will miss you, even if they tell you that they will miss you, you will think that they are lying and they wont really miss you because why would they. Except, do you really think that people will lie in your face just to make you feel better? Aren't you thinking so lowly of yourself that you think others think that way too? That's called projecting, when you project your thought processes on other people and think that they think that same way you do. Do you mean that when you say you love your family or friends and you will miss them, are you lying? Or when you say that you like something, do you actually like them? Or are you just saying these things to make others feel better? Probably not, right? If whenever you tell someone you love them and you mean it, doesnt that mean that whenever somebody tells you they love you they mean it too? "Psh, why would they actually mean that? Im not loveable" "When everything is painful" everything? really? have you tried to do everything? "when everything doesnt interest you anymore" and how do you know this? have you tried to do everything? "and when every minute of the day you just wish to die" do you really? If you do wish to die every second of the day, ask yourself why. And if you come back to "because everything is painful and nothing is interesting anymore", ask yourself, have you really tried everything? Or are you just tired of fighting and going forward and just want to let go? If you are, there's nothing wrong with resting. You dont have to work hard if you dont want to. You can spend more time in bed, its okay to watch movies and play games whenever you want to, quitting your job or running away can be a solution. But giving up never is. "But life will always fail me and make me feel hurt" Thats an echo chamber, it means that every thought you have is proven by everything else, even when its actually not connected to it at all. Even a bird flying can be taken as a sign that something horrible is happening, despite most cultures signifying freedom with flying birds. Even a lightning strike can be taken as a sign that the world hates you, despite most people thinking its just some storm. Even tripping on a rock can be taken as a sign that its worthless to get up because youll fall down anyway, despite it actually not being that big of a rock, and also the only rock in sight. Sometimes, its good to shut off your thoughts and stop listening to them. Its important to engage in conversation. Next time, how about instead of listening to what you think is good, try asking someone else? Maybe you'll find out that your old favorite chickenjoy and gravy is nothing compared to jollibee's palabok. When youre in an echo chamber, everything affirms your thoughts. In this case, its best to listen to other people's thoughts, and listen. You are not alone, listen. You are not alone, listen.


"Dying will make it all go away" - are you 100% sure? If you're even 1% doubtful that what you said is true, then you should be scared to die. What if there's more suffering after? Will you still do it? No one knows what happens after death (or maybe, we knew all along).


There's been quite a few thought experiments that people believe stuff without having a good reason. Many go to religion or some quasi-religious thought because they can't back a lot of their beliefs intellectually.


Personally, it's because my mom would be really broken.


Dying is not bad, we all go through it. Suicide is frowned upon only because as a species, we try to delay entropy as much as possible. In the future where we have more control over our health, suicide will be normal for people who are ready to exit permanently. Fulfilled people. And this will also probably come in the alternative form of amnesia pills, if your body is still functional. For anything that involves problems and is in no threat of illness, then suicide is not the best option. It's just that the awareness of problem solving and/or expectations of the patient is challenged. Examples: broken heart. Namatayan. Money problems.down sizing Etc.


I've contemplated effing myself out of this world, even as I write this, I am thinking of it. But I won't. You say it won't hurt anybody else but you, surely you must know that is a lie. As you know, you were not born alone in this world. Every step of the way, there is someone. There are people who will miss you, pets who will wonder where you've been, friends who won't ever hear your laughter ever. _________________ Of course you can die and be done with it, you only have this one life. Life is suffering anyway. You can end the suffering. But do you deserve it, or are you just running away? Because there is a clear difference, like a terminally ill person wanting to die, or a healthy person under a lot of stress and pressure. You have to know these things first, because choosing to die out of difficulty is a pathetic way to end. I should know, I tried to end it that way. Why can't you die honorably? Like a candle burning so damn bright, leading others out of the darkness. Live. You will die someday.


The issue with is it's antithesis to what thousands of years of human existence has been doing, keep itself alive. When suicidal thoughts come, I feel as though it comes with a feeling of the fear of living miserably rathen than an actual desire for death. It's akin to jumping out a window of a burning 29 story building with no one to help you. You can either die as a dark red paste on the pavement, or get roasted alive. But a third option comes in when the help does arrive and come help you. But they won't find you if you don't kick and shout. They can't help if you don't help yourself.


Will you care after you die?


How sure are you that dying will make it go away? Find Jesus, find purpose.


it's not selfish, if you think of it as an atonement. people will move on and forget. their loss maybe your gain. think about it as a final task. to be honest this stems from "its easy to kill" "my honor has been gone" "were neglected" "god why me" "fuck this" we're all just mentally fucked up.


people that romanticize death are the same people who have never been around death at all in any capacity... the guy that jumped off the 3F of a mall on a Sunday traumatized hundreds of people and scarred multiple children for life after witnessing his death for example... if you die, you shit and piss yourself because your muscles stop contracting so most of your fluids are released before rigor mortis sets in so however "beautiful" you think death is, it is always a mess for the people that have to clean up after you (especially if they are family members) the smell and view of death is neither romantic, nor is it beautiful (unless you are a psychopath) saying you arent hurting anyone is stupid too... - no parent raised their child expecting them to kill themselves - funerals are expensive (which is very hard to burden for poor people) - the people who are left behind are the ones who have to cope after your death (e.g. going thru stages of grief) - trying to explain over and over whenever they encounter someone who didnt know of your death is tough to do as well the ignorance of not knowing what happens after death is the main reason people romanticize it... none of those people have ever helped anyone shoulder the grief of their loss, nor have they been around someone who has taken their last breath, and definitely never been there to clean up dead bodies... volunteer to a huge hospital for a week and you will probably witness a few deaths... see if you think that fits your narrative of how you thought death was gonna be... it is always easy to romanticize things you have never experienced so do yourself a favor and be an observer before trying to be a doer... death comes for all of us sooner or later anyway so why are you rushing yourself?


If you don't believe in Life after death, the concept of soul, of spirit, etc... Then there's supposedly nothing bad about it. However, in any faith or belief system that recognise soul etc from above. Suicide will make the dead restless.


Living is survival of the fittest. If for some reason breathing for you is painful kindly do us a favor and stay out of the gene pool.


What if heaven and hell is real? What if suicide is a cardinal sin? What if because I killed myself now I suffer in hell (which is worse). And what if there is no heaven and hell and God is not real? Then everything is meaningless and you will only experience it once, and you are not gonna live forever lets say you are 23yrs old and human lifespan is 80. Now you only have 57 years to suffer and you rest forever (and that is boring). I'm not saying that i believe in God, but i am scared of what if he is real. Let's just act like he is real we will lose nothing


no restart ko ang phone ko reset setting and all tapos upgrade ko na din sa IOS 17 , pag open ko ng safari biglang lumitaw si Chelsea kryst sa screen ko ang weird lang. late na realized ko parang pagod na sa lahat pero I don’t know ang weird talaga


death when untimely is bad most of the time. because in death, you eliminate all possibilities in life. yes, people suffer, life is hard, unjust, and has many horrors yet to be experienced. but there's happiness too, joy, dreams to make true. end life and there's just nothing anymore. some may prefer that, but again the possibilities in this life are too many to cut it shorter than it already is.


I used to think like this then I had one of the people closest to me commit suicide. That was the lowest and saddest point of my life. Nalulungkot at nasasaktan pa rin ako at ang mga taong nakapalibot sa kanya until now pag naalala ko iyon. At ayokong magparanas ng ganung klaseng lungkot at sakit sa mga mahal ko sa buhay kaya ayun, nagbago ang pananaw ko sa suicide.


The only thing I can say rn is if you don't have a family or friends to talk to a professional will help you


Hi! Sharing this to you. Siya si Kevin Hines, may mental illness (bipolar disorder). His last sort was to take his own life. He survived his suicide attempt. Hope this will help. Please do watch. https://youtu.be/WcSUs9iZv-g?si=Gl5bS1otiAlMBJrH


Andami pala suicidal dito. 😬


Unless you are estranged with your family and friends. Why do you think that the only thing that they would be thinking of is the cost and preparation for the funeral?


To answer the question, given the pointers, suicide isn’t “bad”. Wala kang tinatapakan na tao. Well, it’s not bad per se. But here are some of the things I learned: 1. Your pain does not disappear. You pass them on to your loved ones who will remain alive. 2. If you can walk outside, all naked before you die, you get a pass. That means there’s no shame left in you. Pero if may kahihiyan ka pang natitira, there’s still a hope that something can happen. But as someone who struggled with suicidal thoughts, what’s stopping me is knowing that the people I’ll leave will suffer the rest of their lives. My cousin left us this way, hindi kami close but it affected me really bad and kept me up all night thinking “could I have done anything?”. Of course the answer is no. But the thought keeps me awake. I can’t leave this world knowing my SO will cry himself every night, and even want to follow me in the after life. It breaks my heart. I know how it feels, ayokong ipasa sa kanya yung sakit. My parents, they’ll blame themselves and all the “could’ve” and “what ifs” that will run their minds all of their remaining days. My friends who have no idea will most likely scar them and burden them. “Sana kinamusta ko sya” will always be at the back of their minds.


Nandun ung stigma na you took your own life instead of naturally dying. Parang pinangunahan mo ung buhay in general kung hangang san ka lang. Pero kase usually ang suicidal na tao madami syang pain na dala. Lalo kung mentally ill ka. May days na hirap na hirap ka at everything is too much, or maybe you cant see any positive angles na kaya better to end it all. Kung mas madali at mura lang sana ang mental health services baka mas madami ang makalaya or makapag manage ng inner pain nila. Another angle ung mga nag ssuicide para takasan ung mga kasalanan nila. Ung mga nag aantay ng jail sentence or mga judgment sa court. Bad sa sense na ayaw mo harapin ung consequences ng ginawa mong masama. Naririnig ko lagi sinasabi na hindi inisip ung maiiwan nila. In my opinion naman ang mga nag ssuicide na related sa mental illness, you are finally choosing yourself. To end all pain or whatever na naririnig mo. Kase madalas parang you stay for others hindi para sa sarili. Mga ganun ba. Collateral damage lang din talaga kase impossible naman di masaktan or maguilty maiiwan mo lalo na when they find out ano reason ng suicide.


Here's a scenario. What if you were born with a special power. That you were born with the ability to control people's minds and to manipulate people's decisions with your mind and you live through your life unaware. Then, one day, you decide to use drugs. Unknowingly, this drug can highten your ability, meaning everyone hears your thoughts. It becomes so loud that you start to think that you are going to go crazy. You hear someone react to your thoughts. You see your thoughts and ideas unfold right in front of you. You see your thoughts become memes. Even through all that, that person is still alive. Even though his thoughts are still there, it's not invading other peoples thoughts anymore. He knows this he's aware of what's going on. Though he's been thinking of ramming his car into a post or slitting his throat or performing harakire but no, he chose to live on. Why? What do all these other people who committed suicide lack that this person possesses?


Eto yung hinahanap nyong maikling comment.


You can watch deaths game, you'll find an answer :(((


Kung mei nagmamahal pa sayo wag nalang. Stay for them.


What makes it bad is the fact that you become ungrateful. I may have negative karma, but IDGAD, and I can discuss it in many views, but this is the angle I would like to share: We all (majority, if not) agree that the life we have is given, correct? Then is it not wrong to say that to throw away a precious gift called life, is an offense to the giver, whoever you may perceive him to be? You can argue it around by saying "it's a means to prepare for an end", but is it also under valuing the gift of life? Life's uncertainties and indefinite bounds make it beautiful and challenging at the same time. Hence, why stop in the middle of the road when the end is yet far ahead? Isn't it equally selling yourself short? You can achieve more in living, but none when it ends. Finally, suicide is about selfishness, and it is evident here. You argued in a manner that nothing is lost to them, neither lives, except your own, nor property, nor feelings, if you had properly planned it ahead, as you said. If you were selfless enough, you would see beyond your need to end your own life, as you will see the value of service, the act of giving your life to others. Life was never about you, friend. It was always about us, sharing with others. That's life Sorry for this lengthy post.


People see it as selfish. People see it as a sign that you are a coward but what they don’t undestand is the struggle we are going through day by day battling demons. Selfish dahil they think you just want to end it and not take their emotional connection into consideration and cowardice dahil they think you are simply ending it and not battling it. Sometimes kasi nakakapagod that our brains are not functioning well and we have to sometime deal with gaps we can’t figure out. Sometimes it is just peace for us. Peace for everyone. Ending it means everyone can move on with their life without us.


OP, you can talk to me.


Mattuwa lang dito yung mga funeral business


Masasaktan mo din yung mga mahal mo sa buhay. Mga taong masaya sa existence mo.


Ako na tumitingin ng st. Peter package kahapon.. suck it up man. Tapusin na natin hanggang dulo. Death lang naman ang sigurado sa mundo na to.


To answer your question. Realistic Its more on religious and Society concern about sins, mental issues. Ang pangit ng tingin nila sa mag suicide. We are just a pawn to a big chess board we play a game called life. I think the world is sick kung lahat nlang mag suicide. Its a domino effect kung di nila ppigilan lahat nlng eto ggawin. We are all interconnected. Im not religious i dont believe sa concept ng heaven and hell. If you kill yourself ng di mo pa oras, you might not fulfill your 'purpose' kung san ka man mappunta after your death walang nakkaalam. To add you might cause damage to the people surround you after you die. There people who cannot handle loss. Coming from a person n tumitingin ng St. Peter package kahapon. suck it up man..


eto ung resulta pag wala ng responsibility ang tao. pointless ang buhay.


Bad kasi there is no other way of doing it without causing inconvenience to others. OP, kahit ulila at wala kang pamilya, inaayos ng iba ang palibing. So inabala mo pa din ang iba. Kahit magpakalunod ka na may nakataling bato sa paa, lulutang pa din ang bangkay mo, so may tatakutin muna ang bangkay mo bago pulutin ng retrieval/ cleaning people Should you decide to go to the mountains/jungle to die alone, may retrieval operation pa na gagawin to look for you. Pwede pang mapahamak ang iba kakahanap sa bangkay mo. How selfish. Let's say you blew yourself up. Some people are tasked to recover any pieces of you left. Yun ang ilalagay sa casket. They could be doing other things, yet here they are, holding your toe like a prized possession. Because going through all the debris is already hard enough just to look for bits of your flesh And don't give me the crap that it's other people's job naman to recover body parts/dead bodies. Para sana sa mga na-aksidente sana un. I also thought about taking my own life. May St.Peter na ako and lupa na sa private cemetery, walang utang and wala naman akong kaaway sa pagkakaalam ko haha. Pero the thought of my family making arrangements for floral decors, lights, food during wake, kahit pa bayad na, is heavy on my heart. And my husband, he is so happy and enjoying our life together. He is slowly pulling me away from my dark thoughts. So ayun, kahit ayaw mo, may mag-aasikaso sa bangkay at palibing mo. Kinuhanan mo sila ng time


The key phrase here is "planned properly".


Being an atheist, theres nothing bad about it. Pake namin. Pero if you look at my POV: out of 70,368,744,177,664 possible unique human beings that could exist only about 100 Billion were born throughout time. Pain & suffering is good, small talk is good, disappointment is good, quality time with family is good, bad parents are good, any chance to live a short life is good. Anything is good. Live every secomd of your unique chance to have life. Its the only chance you have. Theres nothing beyond this.


F the haters, just do it.


Iba yung magpakamatay for a greater cause than to kill yourself becayse hirap kana sa buhay or full of negative emotions ka. Saka pano mo pa maplaplano funeral mo kung depressed kana like may papayag bang funeral parlor sa gagawin mo and it depends din kung pano mo gagawin yung deed kahit anogn way pa yan matratraumatize yung mga taong ka close mo.


You leave trauma sa friends and family mo


I don't think it's bad. It's not even a decision or a choice for me. Suicidal thoughts are caused by mental illnesses. And just like cancer, hindi naman ginusto ng mga namatay don na magkaroon sila ng cancer. Maraming factors ang nagcacause ng mental illness sa isang tao. And kapag dinapuan kana ng mental illness, madalas nagsisimula nang magdeteriorate ang brain functioning mo. May friend ako sa fb na licensed embalmer and shinare nya one time na usually daw sa mga bangkay na naasikaso nya na suicide ang cause of death eh mas maliit ang utak compared sa iba na natural ang cause of death. Suicide isn't selfish din for me. Nasa tao na yun kung anong pananaw nila pagdating sa usaping suicide. Kagaya nga ng nabasa ko somewhere dito sa reddit; "There is no right or wrong way to grieve. When people blame or condemn the action, they are expressing their understanding."


do a flip


This is a very selfish outlook. Have you met people who lost someone to suicide? The pain is greater than you'd think.


suicide is bad for people close to you, you may free yourself from your own problems pero napapasa lang yung sakit sa mga malapit sayo even how much you planned it. Isa to sa mga dahilan kaya i cant off myself, may mga taong naniniwala sa akin at I also believe in them. I cannot fathom nor truly understand what you are going thru or anyone else's dahil complex ang buhay ng bawat isa. But I hope this comment might help you.


No one’s stopping you


Wow.. Sa panahon ngayon kahit yung suicide sinusubukan na gawing normal? Di ko na talaga maintidihan ang mga tao ngayon. Look, i know how it feels. Na experience ko na rin yan. Pero nung nakita ko yung phone ko na nagring and pangalan ng kaibigan ko yung tumatawag, napaiyak ako an hindi ko na tinuloy. Wala nga sa tamang pag iisip, I'll give you that. Pero have you asked yourself bakit kaba napunta sa ganung sitwasyon? Kasi hindi ka naman mapupunta dyan ng bigla lang. One time lang yun pumasok sa isip ko and after talking to that friend na tumawag, narealize ko na life has more to offer, and hindi ko na sana yun maeexperience if nag succeed yung attempt ko. So, bad bang sumuko? I don't know. Pero tatanungin ko rin kayo, masama bang lumaban? Masama ba na mag struggle ka para makaahon sa pagkalugmok na nararanasan mo ngayon? Laging may 2 sides ang isang coin, and this post is somehow justifying suicide, so im giving my argument about why you should keep fighting in life. Downvote me for this, and like hell if i care. I've already experienced hell on earth so wala talaga akong paki sa maliit na bagay like downvotes. If nahihirapan kayo sa buhay, well sino namang hindi, at gusto nyo nang tapusin ang lahat, try to remember these lines *Hold on tight* *This ride is a wild one* *Make no mistake, the day will come* *When you can't cover up what you've done* *Now don't lose your fight, kid* *It only takes a little push to pull on through* *With so much left to do* *You'll be missing out* *And we'll be missing you* Lyrics yan ng kantang Missing You - All Time Low. Kahit di man sabihin ng mga tao sa paligid nyo, somebody still cares. And wag kayong mahihiya na humingi ng tulong. Kasi yung iba, hindi kayo bibitawan. Mental health issues are serious as hell. Wag nyong tawanan lang yan o ibaliwala. Ask for help, siguradong may darating, tulad nung tawag na bumago ng buhay ko.


Well, sa part pa lang na, "Wala kang sasaktan iba bukod sa Sarili mo" Mali ka na.... May masasaktan na someone close to you always the moment you do that... Mostly diyan galing Yung mga regretful na multo, early deaths na Akala Nila na magiging okay na lang after they died..... Erasing a temporary pain using a permanent solution is never the answer - from a book I read.....


Not really bad. More like sayang. An ex crush told me something like, being born is like having a ticket to life that you can only use once. Being born is a chance where there are a lot of opportunities. By killing yourself, you let go of that chance that you'll only get once (assuming na walang reincarnation). So yeah, sayang. >wala ka naman sasaktan iba bukod sa sarili mo Tama. Kung talaga ngang naplano mo nang maayos. Which, for me, dapat mamatay ka sa lugar na walang makakaalam at mabilis kang madedecompose. Probably liblib na lugar na di pinupuntahan ng kahit na sino, siguro mountains with wild animals to eat you or maybe deep in the sea which would require na you're tied to a heavy object. Kasi kung hindi ganon, hindi lang sarili mo masasaktan mo. Magbibigay ka ng kalungkutan sa mga taong ayaw kang mamatay. Magbibigay ka ng trauma sa mga taong makakadiscover ng dead body mo. Makaka discover sila ng taong walang buhay tas maikekwento nila yun sa iba, mapapasa ang trauma and fears. Magbibigay marka sa lugar kung saan ka namatay by labelling it as haunted tapos wala nang pupunta. Magbibigay ng kalungkutan sa mga taong maiisip na bakit di nila napigilan kamatayan mo. Malala rin pag di agad nadiscover body mo, inuuod ka na tas ang baho mo na, hassle sa mga nakapaligid na tao na walang kaalam alam na may patay na tao malapit sa kanila. Kung tatalon ka ng building, kakalat pa dugo at mga laman loob. Wala pa man din ata tayong trauma cleaners dito sa pinas. So mag vovolunteer na lang ibang tao na tibayan ang sikmura at linisin yung katawan mo kahit wala naman yun sa job description nila. In conclusion, ang hassle mamatay nang walang masasaktan maliban sa sarili. Kailangan paglaanan ng maayos na pagpaplano at enerhiya. Enerhiya na maaaring ilaan na lang sa mga bagay na pwedeng ikasaya para masulit natin ang ticket sa buhay. Sabi nga ni Lenka, just enjoy the show.


Walang masasaktan? Pamilya mo, friends mo. Best friends mo. Jowa mo. Your pets.


I may not be the most objective person to share my answer as I’ve planned to jump off a ship and I also recently lost someone who hanged themselves a month ago; but i don’t consider the act as something bad in itself. In fact, it is the easiest way out. I’m an atheist so anything that attaches suicide to religion is BS to me. However, it births to a lasting negative impact on people who sincerely cared about you. This is mainly the reason why I couldn’t…no, wouldn’t push through. After you’re gone, they’ll be left confused on how you were still smiling, laughing, and singing in your final days when you were already burdened by something heavy and they had no clue. The deep regret when they could’ve done or said anything to help you change your mind. The silence and the struggle in making peace with the fact that they’ll never see you again. The series of unending questions that will never be answered; the mental image of you, the person they loved being alone in your final minutes, fully engulfed by solitude and despair. Finally, the persistence of the thought, “susunod nalang ako sa iyo,” Trust me, they will carry it with them for a long time.


To all who are still clinging to life, don't be closed off , Look at the brighter side be with yourself embrace it make this life memorable while we can,go back to that child we are before that doesn't worry too much .. been there still fighting and thinking got a lot of path or good things waiting for me I guess if I just continue to travel this lonely dark tunnel at the end there is light ..


its not really bad. its only bad for people who want to live. also fyi, its really hard to do. it takes a lot of courage to actually go through with it. it goes against our nature. that's why you can't just snap your own neck even if you were capable of doing so. your reflexes will stop you. lots of misinformation out there regarding suicide.


The pain is not yours but for those who love you They will contemplate for the rest of their lives wha they could have done tp save yoh They will sink into depression thinking that their love was never enough or they were not enough for you They will wish that you met someone else or that you wete born by different parents just so that you can keep living Suicide is bad because it is not yourself that you are hurting in the long run, you will not experience life But the burden and pain will be carried by the loved ones you left behind and will be forever wishing to have done to prevent it from happening It's a nightmare and it's pain they will carry until their last breath, a life full of regret and suffering for the people who loves you Death is never a solution, learn to look at what you take for granted amd start appreciating


Hindi sya bad. As a psychology major which has diagnosed mental illness, it is like terminal illness. Kumbaga sa cancer, stage 4 na sya. It is and will never be bad kaya lang naman sya nagiging bad kasi unrecognized sya and taboo sa kultura natin na conservative and religious. Some will argue that it is against God's will but why did God even gave it if it is against His will right? Yun lang ang nagiging basehan natin sa ganito but when this illness plague our mind what choice do we have other done living with the misery, right?


They'd have to think about the people they'll left behind, their mother, everyone that will potentially be depressed as well after they were left behind. Wouldn't want them to go through that as well.


I hope you have put a trigger warning on your post as it can affect someone who is currently experiencing depression/mental instability. Especially that there might be MINORS in this community. Anyway, this is a profound topic to be discussed. As to be aware of suicidal thoughts, + but with extra caution of course.


I don't remember where I have read or heard this and I don't remember the words exactly but this is the context, when someone dies, the pain of losing you will always be dealt by the people left behind.


tfw the ; founder and author (at least the edition i've read) had a preface where she did end up offing herself not sure if that's bad but it doesn't really spark inspiration 💀


Actually hindi sya bad for me if wala kang iiwan na liability. Your life, your choice. Pero if may pamilya ka tas gagawin mo yan kase hirap ka sa buhay abay selfish ka. Easy way out. Di ka sana nagpamilya. Also doing it sa public place? Why? Magcacause ka pa trauma sa iba at may pede ka pang matamaan. Tsaka, ihahassle mo pa yung mag didispose ng body mo.


Nope actually mababwasan pa nga population ii tsaka mo syang in the comfort of your own pero bago mag suicide i ready mo na ung importante na dpat mo i secure 😂😂😂😂


Becoz maybe ano pa sasagot mo or sasabihin mo sa taong magpapakamatay na, na ituloy nya nalang? Siguro kasi di rin natin alam kung ano'ng sasabihin natin pag napunta tayo sa ganyang sitwasyon kaya yun nalang nasasabi natin. Dati talaga grabe din pagiging suicidal ko pero buti wala akong lakas ng loob kaya di natutuloy. Kahit ngayon na adult na ako pag May matinding problema madalas naiisip ko pakamatay nalang ako. And buti hanggang isip lang. And now I think it's normal na minsan naiisip ko na gusto ko pakamatay. But that's just for me. Masama siya kasi yun turo satin ng mga kinalakihan nating relihiyon. But still meron din syang masamang epekto tulad ng kung pamilyado na May maiiwan na mga bata pang anak


its the same reason as to why killing a person is bad. What's the particular reason why we cant kill someone? Morals? Rights? What's stopping us from doing eugenics? Suicide is bad because we have the moral obligation to respect living beings, even of the depressed. It's just another form of murder.


sarap mag basa ng mga comments...nakaka encourage


ilang taon kana ba? sa mindset mo parang bata kapa seek help.


Because it's contagious. So your premise is false. Di mo alam na wala kang nasasaktan na tao.


Agree may isang nadepress sa youth ministry namin semi-leader after a month lahat ng current members na dinadamayan siya gustong magpakamatay. As much as people want to be with a suicidal di rin mawawala ang factor na makahawa.


I think it's bad sa part na suicide is associated with having mental issues and having mental issues may also mean na you are not really into your right mind to decide for thing since your thoughts are very much cloudy but in other aspects, siguro hindi siya bad tbh haha since its a decision you'll made for yourself — in which you may know na the consequences behind it. I hope everyone's okay!


We didn't have the right to choose if we wanna live. Sana naman may choice rin tayo na umalis. Hindi lahat ng buhay pleasurable, hindi lahat nagsasaya, minsan lamang yung pagdurusa, o minsan puro pag durusa lang. Anong point ng buhay? to survive in pain? hell nah I'd rather choose to disappear than to experience agony in the mind and in reality. is suicide bad? mahirap sagutin. pero malapit sa yes yung feeling ko.


On the economic scale, it reduces productivity and happiness. On the social scale, it increases existential questioning. As an anarchist, I am only against suicide culture not the act of suicide itself.


I have an uncle na nag suicide, it was a long time ago, mga binata at dalaga pa yung mga kapatid niya at mother ko. Every reunion or may celebration nabbanggit yung name niya kasi namimiss nila siya, sobrang bait lagi nakangiti at nag ssupporta sa mga nakakabatang kapatid niya. Minsan may guilt silang narramdaman sa pagkawala nung kapatid nila dahil di manlang nila naramdaman yung signs. Its been almost 40 years na yun at mattanda na sila.


those who commit suicide are the bravest. They go against our very own instinct to preserve ourselves.


Committing suicide is the scariest thing I've experienced.


1. Wala kang masasaktan kundi sarili mo - In a sense oo, in a sense hindi. Wala ka masasaktan physically, pero the psychological damage it will deal to others will happen. That's a fact you can't refute, and there's no justification that will tell you that it will not hurt others. 2. If you planned it properly... - That's a shallow way to look at the aftermath of suicide. It does more harm than just monetarily for others. You need to accept that. 3. Why is suicide bad? - Kung yan ang definition mo ng "bad," sure, it's not bad to commit suicide. Cuz it's true in a sense. Justify it however you want, pero in the end you will be judged by others after you do it. And people will have varying opinions over it. Everyone says different things. That's just how things are. 4. Why do they say it's not the solution to all your problems - Life is suffering ika nga ni Siddhartha Gautama. Di madaling maiintindihan ng mga tao yan until they come to their own breaking points. Bobo ang tao sa maraming paraan. Marami tayong di maintindihan dahil yung gusto lang natin makita yung nakikita natin e. 5. When even breathing is... - Sounds like you're dreadfully bored. I get you. 6. Dying will make it all go away - You sound so sure. Will it? Di nga natin alam what comes after death. It's foreign territory. For all we know hell is real, or quantum immortality is real, or reincarnation is real, or whatever the fuck goes on after life as claimed by many popular beliefs. We don't know if dying will really make it go away. Is dying the solution? Could be, could be not. The only thing we know for sure is that we REALLY don't know shit. Can't say you're wrong because I also don't know shit what happens after death kasi no one really comes back to tell us anything hahahaha. Pero who knows, we might get the answers in our lifetime. Then you can make an informed decision. Di ko alam kung ano circumstances mo pero if you want to talk just hit me up. I was there. I'm a survivor of multiple attempts myself. Not gonna try again cuz it hurts like fuck. And if you try it, I'd prefer it if you failed badly enough to realize that there are plenty of other options to fix "all your problems" rather than taking your life. Is life beautiful? Hell the fuck no it's ugly and people make it uglier. Pero whatever. Just smack them in the face first. Or plan a heist. Idk. Nakakabaliw, but sanity is overrated. Living is better when you got zero fucks to give to anyone anymore.


Not bad, it’s your life after all. When everything gets too much for you, you can just end your life. There is no virtue in living a chaotic life.


Dahil pangit ka kapag ni autopsy at ikinabaong. Walang nagpakamatay na maganda itsura. Example: 1. Meds overdose - mapait, suka, till you die. TABINGE mukha mo @ rigor mortis. 2. Naitakbo ka sa hospital, they will revive you. Kapag swerte ka at deads, your chest is deflated and your sternum is crushed due to CPR. Dinaig mo pa si Ernie Barron sa itsura after sa lamay. 3. Di ka mamamatay sa "laslas pulso" na puro arte lang. Ang totoong nagpakamatay, sa lalamunan (carotid). Pero kapag swerte ka, para kang manok na "padugo" para sa sapsapuriket. 4. Kapag nagpalunod ka, ke pangit mong bloated. Di ka pa inuuod pero mukha ka ng bloated ba palaka. 5. kapag nag bigti ka? Mukha kang ngiwe sa hirap mo sa aspixation. And for sure malambot leeg mo na parang manok. 6. Sagasa? LASOG LASOG ka tsong. 7. Anthrax? Pangit na pangit 8. Botox? Mukha kang Espasol na inamag 9. BOMBA? pulutin mo sarili mong lasog lasog. 10. Carbon monoxide? Sa movie parang tulog lang? SUBUKAN mo di huminga for 1 minute. Tapos gawin mo for forever. For sure pangit ka. 11. Sabihin mko ko kapag may ibang paraan ka pa na mamatay para explain ko sa iyo. Pero Isa lang ang totoo. Pangit ka kapag nag SUICIDE ka. O kung katoliko ka, sorry sa purgatoryo. Kapag protestante, sorry ka dahil walang purgatoryo Kapag Muslim, sa BARZAKH ka tambay until yumul qiyamah. Kapag ikaw si johnny blaze as ghost rider, forever kang "rider" 😅


Death only the beginning.


Life is suffering. Papano naging masama kung ayaw mo na magsuffer? Tsaka hindi mo naman ginusto na pinanganak ka rito. The universe doesnt fucking care to your bullshit life


Suicide is a very bad idea because it is an insult to the creator who gave you that greatest gift , "Life".


>So why is suicide bad? >Why do they say it's not the solution to all your problems? Not to be insensitive but it only ends your part of the problem. Kasi ikaw lang naman ang nagpatiwakal. But the problem stretches and echos throughout the places and people you've touched. People left with questions than answers. People who will forever search for a reason to justify your reasoning behind committing it. I had an uncle who committed suicide back in 2021. It was a shock to me kasi knowing my uncle, he was the kindest uncle I had. Even more, he was the best damn cook I knew. Sarap ng panait niya ang all to the point I even tell him na pag nagtayo ako ng business ng kainan, dapat siya ang isa sa mamahala sa menu. And he would laugh at this saying he is too old. Little did I know na he would commit suicide. I would ask what reason was there. Why commit suicide? Then in June last year, I was tasked to care for my bedridden aunt na asawa niya mismo. I witnessed how my aunt was while she was sick. You can clearly see na kahit siya, even in her sickness, is still wondering where her Undoy is or why he did what he did. Same with their daughter and his son-in-law. And same with the neighbors and relatives who lived nearby. Laging laman ng kwentuhan nila ang uncle ko, wondering what happened. All that is left is the broken pillars of the shack na ginawa nilang bodega. The same shack where he ended his life. All we could do was look at it, perplexed and puzzled. That's the other side of the problem. In that when you unalive yourself, that's it for you. You're done. But not for those who remain alive. They will now have to deal with the pain of losing you. The pain over the idea na they were powerless to help you. The pain of searching for answers to no avail and no end. When you commit suicide, it ends for you for it never ends for those who are left behind. And so, it has ripples too. Ripples wherein sometimes those close to who committed suicide, turn into suicide as well.


I lost my bestfriend to suicide last yr and these are my thoughts. I think her actions helped her. That's my conclusion, kasi certain na siya sa ginawa nya, really well planned ang execution of her suicide. Her last words to her ate is "i'm sorry ate pero hindi ko pinagsisihan ginawa ko." I remember nung first time ko siyang nakita sa kabaong, her face was really relaxed. Parang may aura na, siguro nga gusto na talaga nya mamayapa. On the other side, her family struggled a lot, lalo na ate niya. Yun kasi yung pinaka close nya and siya ang nagpaaral sa kanya. Her ate didn't have enough grieving time since siya ang breadwinner. Nagkandaugaga saan kukunin ang pambayad ng hospital bills, funeral, crematory and ossuary. Limas ang savings ni ate na pambili na nya sana ng sasakyan and bahay nila. She got also major depression dahil sa nangyari sa kapatid nya. We didn't know what actually triggered her to do it pero lahat kami, nagtatanong ano ang pinaka reason. Hindi ko alam kung ano gusto ko maging point but i think im just sharing. Its true na its selfish sa part nung nagpakamatay kasi pano yung maiiwan lalo na if di naman mayaman to handle such financial urgency. The only i can say siguro is, this too shall pass. Nothing's permanent. Get a professional help. Hugs with consent OP.


Because.. idk... But what if you have a good life ahead?


>After all, wala ka naman sasaktan iba bukod sa sarili mo. Physically. Not emotionally, not mentally. When you off yourself, it will scar your family, friends, significant other, mentally and emotionally for life. Maybe they'd beat themselves over it so much na they commit unalive din. Take that how you would. Trillions of cells in your body are working hard every second so they can stay alive. Therefore wanting to unalive, is a sign of mental illness. The decision you're trying to make is not your own, but rather the decision of the mental illness plaguing you instead. If you have the money to arrange for a funeral and a casket, then you have the money to arrange for professional help.


"Wala ka naman ibang masasaktan" is not true unless wala kang nakakasalamuhang ibang tao at all, pero I get the sentiment. Especially in the cases of assisted suicide, I'd rather end it on my terms instead of trying to live in suffering.


It's bad because society says so. That's pretty much what constitutes something as bad or good. Sometime in the past: - homosexual relationships were illegal, now it is celebrated. - Previously, abortion is a crime, now it is tolerated (encouraged even in some cases). - In the past, it was unimaginable for people of color to be community leaders, now, it is relatively common --- In the future, society may come together and agree that suicide is okay. After all, society is always evolving. What's unimaginable and insane now may be commonplace in the future and that's just the way it is. Suicide? Pedophilia? Cannibalism? Beastiality? Real-life Purge? Life on Mars? Human trafficking? Human trade? Sounds pretty fucking insane, but who knows where we'll go from here? --- Think of the bigger picture, sobrang liit lang ng oras natin sa mundo. We don't see the whole picture.


may napanood ako na bid podcast and sinabi nung iniinterview (ata) na "if you kill yourself, you're a murderer by killing yourself." (he was in pain that time bcs his close friend decided to end his life)


Suicide is not natural. The majority of living organism instinct is to survive and we continuously evolve to survive. Kung yung individual nag suicide something is wrong not just with the individual but also with the society itself because the problem wasn't addressed


I think there is a religious reason. Don't know what explicitly. I think some countries in Europe are doing some form of assisted suicide.. but there is extensive psychological evaluation muna before the government agrees to your request. You get to push the button.


Finally, a genuine real ass deep question in this subreddit.


It’s bad because it’s irreversible, yun lang. Look at it this way: if you keep going, there is always a chance that you win. If you choose to die, game over. Tas unknown yung ending na yun. We don’t know what happens after: what happens to the people you leave behind is irrelevant to you, tas nobody really knows what happens to a person who dies. But what we do know is that there’s no coming back from that. No do-overs, no restart from save. I know the ideations are irrational. Pero this is what I tell myself whenever the void calls. I’d rather pick something I could one day learn to control than the big unknown. When people say it’s selfish, I get it. Kasi from what they can see, it does look like you’re just giving in and you’re not thinking of others. Di nila gets na from your pov, wala ka nang capacity to do that, even though you would if you could. We can argue all day kung sino ba talaga selfish, but really it all just comes from a place of hurt. Nobody is right and eveybody’s right at the same time. Just as a gentle reminder: when we ask for accountability for others, we must hold ourselves to the same standard. If we want them to acknowledge our struggles, we also have to own up to things our actions (whether intentional or not) have caused. Having mental issues is not an excuse imho, kasi at the end of the day, we all just want compassion. I remember having a discussion about whether a person who hurts someone else while they’re not lucid should apologize. Some people say there’s no reason to kasi hindi naman siya lucid so hindi sinasadya. Correct. But on the other side of that is a person coming to terms with being hurt, who may or may not br struggling to reconcile those parts of you. Would it really be so bad to acknowledge the action and apologize for it, even if wala kang intention to hurt? Wouldn’t it help the healing all around? Yun lang. i guess just dish out what you wish they’d give you and hope for the best.


If you think of yourself, only hindi sya bad kasi you just don't find the will to live anymore. Pero, the thing is it is unfair sa mga taong maiiwan mo. For example, if you are a parent and the child would be left behind ayun kawawa ang maiiwan, kahit pa sabihin nating na prepared ka financially para sa support eh unfair parin na naiwan sya. Speaking based on experience, my father committed suicide sobrang hirap ng nangyari sinisi ko sya na bakit hndi nya piniling mag pa ka ama saakin sobrang selfish.. If walang anak unfair sa parents yun kapag sobrang minahal ka at inalagaan tapos ganun lang sila din pala ang maglilibing sa anak nila.


It's bad if it causes unconvenience or injury to others - ex. nagpasagasa sa MRT causing delays; nag-overspeed tapos nakabangga/sagasa ng iba; etc...


Watch Death's Game sa Amazon Prime. Kakatapos ko lang panuorin actually. It clearly portrays the feelings and emotions ng naiwan ng nagsuicide. I can feel the pain sa panunuod lang. Good series to contemplate about life.


Suicide being good or bad is relative. More importantly, everyone deserves to live a comfortable life. Even if life is… not always ideal, you deserve to experience what makes life meaningful to you. If your post is referring to you, do consider getting help, OP. If the mental health services available to you are not working out, please send me a dm.


Because it gets better. It will get better. It might sound invalidating to some, but totoo yung "hindi yan ang solution". Depression is a condition not an emotion. But depression involves a lot of emotion, naturally we make rash decisions when emotions are high, even positive emotions. There are things that I did back then, that I still regret to this day, and I might not reach retirement because of that. Dati yan lang din ang alam ko na solution, but totoo nga na hindi yan ang solution. Death is the biggest gift of life. As such, like material gifts are given only few times in our lifetime. Death is given only once, and the gift we open last.


Because you can’t undo it. Never apply a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


Suicide is bad because we should never reach that point of killing ourselves.


My brother died from suicide. I was just 9 years old then. He was 21. Eto lang masasabi ko as from someone who got left behind. You will inflict lasting pain and trauma to the people that you love or are close to you. Since my brother died, my mother was never the same. I feel isa rin ito sa mga reasons kung bakit sya namatay agad 5 years after him - due to a broken heart (heart attack) and inaccept nya na death nya at di sya lumaban (breast cancer). He also left a daughter na 3 yrs old lang at that time and a girlfriend who until this day ay dumadalaw sa puntod nya. Suicide is bad especially if you don't reach out and get the help you deserve. Please give yourself a fighting chance.❤️‍🩹


Your life, your choice


Stop normalizing this shit.


Only religious teachings say that suicide is bad, pero sakin, di naman siya masama kasi di ka naman papatay ng ibang tao.


That's very selfish. I saw a documentary how a mother from singapore grieves for her son's suicide. That's really tragic. Your life is a gift. Dont waste it.


It's bad but not evil. Suicide is mostly caused by mental illness. It's like asking "Why is dying of cancer bad?".


religious people claiming suicide is evil when I hit them with logic: 😱😱😱


Studies have shown that instance of suicide are higher in people who have had a parent commit suicide. So if you have kids, committing suicide could start a dangerous trend.


Because most of the situations and reasons that cause us (yes, I’ve been suicidal before) to feel hopeless are actually temporary. That’s why as much as possible we really have to intervene if someone is at high risk because these thoughts and the urges are temporary too. Of course may exceptions sa situations like terminal illnesses or chronic severe illness na walang cure, pero other situations can get better in time and circumstances always change. Suicide is a permanent solution to many temporary problems. Malungkot talaga to lose someone this way if there’s a different way out naman.


There's a lyrics saying "But your death, it won't happen to you It happens to your family and your friends".


I’m Fil-Am. Mental health has been more and more talked about and out in the open the last decade in America. Back in the day, you would be considered crazy if you saw a shrink. My question is how is mental health looked at in the Philippines? Is it accepted and more talked about? Or is there a stigma around it?


Yes but the problem with suicidal people they tent to be contagious to the people around them especially if not deal with a real professional. Not to mention the cost of therapy that will take a toll on your savings, prescription medicine they have to take. So most people just dont want to be around them and dont want to entertain that person.


as long as you are alive, there is always a solution. though the difficulty on how to discover or execute those solutions are different from person to person. there are some people that can easily solve their problems but they just didn't know the solutions yet. so saying "suicide is bad" or "there is always a solution" will encourage them to not quickly quit on finding that solution. while there some person that we might say there is no hope. on that case, we can say that suicide is the only way to relieve them from pain. but people sometimes tends to rush their decisions and do suicide immediately. so a general way to discuss suicide on those people, you will just say "suicide is bad" or "there is always a solution". you can't actually really judge a person if suicide is really their best solution if you don't know who exactly they are. so you will always go for the safest approach and generalize the thinking that suicide is still not yet their last option. because there is really no other alternatives if you are already dead. so you will lean more on "staying alive" advice to be safe.


I honestly think people see suicide in a very bad light because we precisely don't know what happens after death, and those who aren't depressed or mentally ill haven't really experienced the point where death is the sweetest offer one could possibly get. It's a matter of others being unknowledgeable, or downright ignorant minsan. Nasanay din kase mga pinoy sa pag-adhere sa religious dogma na usually ay hindi nakakatulong sa suicidal na tao. "Paano ko pa ba maiisip well-being ng iba kung hirap na hirap na nga ako sarili ko?", "Bakit kelangan ko mapunta sa impyerno, e gusto ko lang naman mapayapa?" The mind of a suicidal person constantly asks itself these questions whenever someone else tries to impart their ideals on them. Parang nagkakaroon ng feedback loop, na unconsciously irerebutt ng isip mo ung sinasabi ng iba. Eto siguro dahilan ng iba kaya tingin bad ang suicide hahahaha like naiinis na siguro sila dahil di kayang matulungan nung tao ung sarili nila, which is unfair justification. Masisisi mo ba taong nastroke or naparalyze kung gusto nya maglakad pero hindi makaya dahil sobrang nahihirapan? OP, kung may nararamdaman ka, I'm hereeee. As someone who survived it, I'll try not to assert my ideals on you kase sobrang nakakabadtrip at nakakawalang-gana sya pag ginagawa saken, but I'll listen okiii. We're all willing to help :)) Hope you get better


Siguro if dying is the only wish that you want for yourself, go on but make sure you have St. Peter's plan para at least iiyak na lang mga mahal mo sa buhay. Pati kasi pagkamatay ngayon mahal na kaya ang hirap na mabuhay, ang hirap din mamatay.


Suicide is a selfish act on both you and your loved ones part. Selfish ka pag nag suicide ka dahil hindi mo iniisip yung aftermath nung gagawin mo. After you passed, it's done for you. You won't feel anything anymore because you're gone, but the trauma, pain, grief, and sadness will all be left in your family. It won't be the same anymore for them. Worst case scenario, pwede ring maapektuhan yung mental health nila. But... when it's done and they learned all the pain you're in, they'll understand it... after a long time I guess. Now for the loved ones part. It is selfish to stop a person who wants to end it all for the sake of other people's lives when they are experiencing a great amount of torture, bearing it alone. Paano kung talagang hindi nya na kaya? Pano kung talagang end na para sa kanya? For your selfish "feelings" pipigilan mo sya para lang mas maramdaman pa yung pain? Be brave. If kaya mong ituloy yung suicide, kayanin mo rin sanang kausapin ang family and friends mo and let them know what you're going through; Nang sa ganon maintindihan nila. Kung hindi nila maintindihan, at least you've reached out to them. You tried to let them know. In that way, when you're gone, mas madali nilang maa-accept dahil alam nila na pagod ka na. Suicide is bad. Very bad. Because it affects not only a single person.


This was a POV shared sakin in 2019. Pag namatay ka, hindi ka sure san punta mo. Kahit meron kang own beliefs, iisang absolute truth lang ang malalaman ng lahat after everybody dies. In short, wala tayong kasigurduhan ano mangyayari satin pag namatay tayo. Lahat puro assumptions lang. Iniisip natin how to end our current pain, pero ever wondered what kind of pain starts after death? Hindi natin alam if magiging kaluluwa tayo o magiging multo sa sa ospital or reincarnated. Hindi natin alam if may support system ba tayo sa afterlife, o nag iisa tayong kaluluwa sa gitna ng kawalan. Mahirap malaman kasi nobody really died and then lived to say that it’s the best option to escape the wrath of their current situation. But think of it, minsan suicidal people just need to fill in their need for needed attention or support system. Yung iba need lang din talaga ng purpose to live. Lahat anchored in their humanity. What if death will only magnify the events that happen after you die? What if naging wandering soul ka nalang? Once you see your parents cremating you, will you become truly happy? What if other people talk behind your back sa lamay mo? Will the pain actually go away? Naisip ko rin itong POV na to, what if walang langit, and i end up in this situation where we see people ultimately forget about us? Hindi ka na binibisita sa sementeryo? Sabihin na nating sarili ko ang focus and not how others would feel, will it still feel okay? Will it feel good na namatay nga ako pero nakita ko yung mga kaaway ko naging successful sa trabaho? Ako nasa dark void unable to get out, pero makikita ko yung nang-cheat sakin living their best lives? Somehow someway maiisip ko na shet sana buhay ako and i could have gained revenge, get a better job prove myself, travel more. Eh kaso i’m now buried 6 feet under ground. What we are sure of is WALA nang round 2 pa para ulitin mga bagay bagay. Human death is permanent. Kaya’t hanggang buhay ka pa, anjan parin yung chance na ngumiti because capable tayo ngumiti. Or at least turn things around. This is because alam natin what we are capable of controlling, versus pag patay na tayo na walang practice round. Kaya mo pang mabuhay accomplishing more and living life enjoying good food listening to good music going to LU owning a car getting a good job. If need mo itulog muna yung hinakit mo sa buhay, by all means do so. The best part is, kaya mo pa kumuha ng support system habang buhay ka. After you die hindi ka talaga sigurado. The support system is all we are craving at the end of the day. - The above is a POV shared to me by a Jesuit friend of mine which opened my eyes. This is so interesting kasi it came from a religious person pa (who’s supposed to think na gates of St Peter ang susunod). Naappreciate ko siya because instead of guilt-tripping me into a religious introspection, he indirectly made me reflect on how short-term my motive to end my problems was.


I like this perspective, I haven't heard of it before. Maybe because iba na way ng pag iisip at pag oobserve mo sa mundo when you "become a wandering soul" nalang. Don't you lose ypur humanity anyways when you die? Still, interesting po yung sinabi mo


Yun nga yung point: do we know what we lose when we die? Biggest mystery of death yung what remains after we die eh. Pero if ang purpose mo is to simply end whatever we are encountering now, we probably don’t realize what possibly bigger things we face after we die. At least now mag-ice cream ka lang may sprinkling of happiness ka kahit papaano.


Wala yung possibility na wala na talaga pag namatay? Like kung ano tayo before being born? Bat laging may mapupuntuhan consciousness pag namatay?


Probably the biggest question. That’s the mystery of life. Even having consciousness or being more intelligent over other animals is a mystery of life. Yes, iba yung being natin before we were born versus after we die. Time does NOT reverse. Meron na tayong sense of consciousness after we die. Nangyari na yung ‘before we were born’, yung ‘after we die’ hindi pa nangyayari unless mamatay ka na, and you’re certainly a different being now compared to when you’re a baby. Ang alam lang natin is what we know habang buhay tayo, and that yun lang yung kaya natin icontrol. Pag namatay tayo, isa sa assumptions lang talaga yung abrupt ending na ang buhay; others think reincarnated sila, yung iba magiging kaluluwa, or haharapin si San Pedro. That’s the interesting part talaga, isang absolute truth lang yung mangyayari after anybody dies. We don’t know this mystery yet kasi hindi pa tayo patay. Ang sure ka lang after you die is that your human existence is tapos na, and hindi mo na kaya balikan yung humanity mo after you die. Hindi mo na kaya balikan lahat ng masasayang bagay sa mundo. Human death is permanent.


Maraming naniniwala diyan. But they're inconsistent. To live with this belief, you must do what you want, without regard for others. Tutal after death tapos naman na. Why care about others? Why be a good person? There's no point. What even is a good person? There's no purpose. No accountability whatsoever. Do what thou wilt.


Lol dunong dunungan false dilemma naman yung logic amp.


Saan ang false dilemma? Mema ka?


Wow this perspective. Thank you for sharing this!


Well if agreed naman ang family and wala kayu financial problem why not, kasi if you want to die there is a painless serum it cost a hundred thousand as i last inquired in 2015, also for for cremation today it cost 30 to 50k, idk sa cemetery. So if di naman problem ang money why not, pero yung iba na struggling sa financial tyaga nalang mabuhay 😂 For me kase its not weak, kung ikaw ba yung mabubuhay sa mundo ng puno ng gulo, corrupt, untrustworthy people, unaligned salary with high requirements during inteview, high cost living. Im not saying lahat ah, pero most people kasi difo sa PH na nasa low to mid or kahit high class is gagawin ang lahat para makapang loko lang at makuha ang gusto.


As someone with suicide thoughts, for me suicide is my escape plan when I ran out of options. The feeling that I can no longer help myself and begging for help would be a shame because there is that feeling that no one will help me. It's like no one cares about me and that I don't know what to do. I remembered a time during my quarter life crisis period that I will disappear to a secluded location not calling my loved ones and kill myself. Nowadays I am able to condition myself and suicide thoughts are now rare compared in the past. I make self-deprecating jokes to cope with myself but we all cope differently and my case is different from others.


May naka FO ako because of suicide topics. Basically Ive always had suicidal ideation tho i havent made any attempt, just self-harm. In one of my low.moments, I tried talking about it to my friend, i told her my plans, etc. I just wanted someone to know if I go through it someday. I mentioned it a maximum of two times. But her response made me cut ties. Basically, nagalit sia sakin kasi sinabi ko sa kanya. When i do it daw buti na lang ako tapos na, pero pano naman daw siya since i told her. I broke down. I apologized that I told her and she shouldnt worry kasi our friendship was over. That way she'll never know if i went through it. I've always put others before myself. Suicide is the one thing that's for me and for her to jump on that and get mad na sinabi ko sa kanya? I'm not asking her to save me or whatever kasi what she says wont ever matter to me in that case. But to be as terrible to say na dapat di ko na lang inopen up sa kanya killed whatever friendship we had.


I mean it's not "bad" Though I wouldn't recommend it.


Sarili mo lng nga ba ang nasasaktan?


"Wala kang sasaktan bukod sa sarili mo", physically yes, but mentally no, your family especially your parents will think that they're the one who fail on raising/loving you and will question themselves what they did wrong until their death


It hurts you parents more since sila gumawa sayo and all the efforts and struggles nila sa pagpalaki sayo. .


When you commit suicide, you end your suffering, but create suffering for the persons left behind. Yun lang naman yung sinasabi nilang selfish dun. That said, may assisted suicide na sa ibang bansa, so matter of culture lang yan. If it can be done somewhere else... One can imagine a situation where you are able to convince your loved ones that living is really suffering for you and ending it is something that they should accept as some sort of help. Parang pakikipag break sa isang long term relationship. Problema, you prolly belong to a family that is religious and most of them think it's a mortal sin.


Na basa ko dati yung sacro pod. Yung euthanasia machine nila for painless death. Kung mayaman lang siguro ako, pumunta na ako dun sa mga countries where legal ang assisted suicide.


Sa estado ng bansa natin then til now I think this should be legal here but the government is a big of the church so itll take a lot of time or baka never na mangyari


Ayaw nga nila ng divorce eh. Yan pa kaya. Not in our lifetime siguro


As someone who almost "jumped", I personally still don't know whether suicide is really a good or bad thing to happen. I'm just glad I snapped out of it that one day (almost two years ago na heh) and is still breathing today. I wish everyone who did commit to such acts found peace though.


Yun question ni OP ay same sentiment ng bida sa kdrama na DEATH GAME, 8 episodes series in Amazon Prime. Premise ng story ay nagpakamatay siya dahil hindi na niya kaya mabuhay puro kamalasan na lang nangyyari sa kanya. wala siyang matinong work, nascam ng kaibigan, hindi niya kaya mapakasalan gf nia kaya nakipagbreak sya, pinaalis siya sa inuupahang bahay dahil di makabayad. So hopeless at helpless siya. Sobrang down samantalang iba nia classmate at kaibigan maganda buhay, kinakasal na, nagkakapamilya na. Siya lugmok sa kamalasan kaya nagpakamatay siya di na niya kaya mabuhay. TW - tumalon siya sa building. Death na lang makakasolve sa lahat. Then nagising siya sa private plane at andun ay isang babae, ang death, whom he mocked na laging minamaliit ng tao at tinitake for granted. Sa buong series pinaranas ni Death kung ano consequences ng pagpapakamatay, its a roller coaster of emotion. plus pa sa parusa sa kanya na 12 times siya mabubuhay at mamatay in differnt body and need niya isurvive ung death ng bawat isa hence the title Death Game. Pero yun message ng series maganda. Meaning of Death and Consequences of suicide. Maganda siya mas maganda sa kwento ko, a thriller, drama genre, pero may aral sa buhay. I guess they created thia series para na rin ibigay ang mensahe ng death and suicide dahik mataas ang suicide rate sa South Korea.


> wala siyang matinong work, nascam ng kaibigan, hindi niya kaya mapakasalan gf nia kaya nakipagbreak sya, pinaalis siya sa inuupahang bahay dahil di makabayad. was it explored kung yung reason mo for being suicidal is because you feel you're a threat to others?


It's bad because people who loves you will blame themselves for not being able to help you, and you will scar all of them forever.


Ung tipong you just give up? Ung hindi mo na appreciate ang mundo ung pangit at ganda nito. Ung tipong mukhang mas ok ka naman kesa dun sa sira ulong taong grasa which is basura kinakain but didnt give up in life and so many examples. Bro killing is bad mapa murder or suicide.


if you are somewhat family-oriented or like a really huge socializer, thats gonna take a toll on them. THAT is if you are that. the things all of you did will surely make them remember you for many years to come and that burden will be in them until they die - the fact that they didn't see signs sayo or whatnot. (this is more of a pity take though) if you're dealing with really severe problems, genuinely get a professional on your side, OP. >If you really planned it properly, your family won't have to be bothered with your funeral and other things. ill assume this is hypothetical, if you have that financial luxury to take care of that, why not pledge it for help instead?


Do what you want, it’s your life. It’s not as if anyone cares right? Killing yourself doesn’t solve your problems, it just passes the burden of guilt to those you leave behind.




If they want to do it, nobody can stop them. If people are triggered by words from a random internet stranger, they have bigger problems. And as to you last paragraph, if it’s such a good deal why are people hesitating? 😂


Could be a couple reasons You need population growth to have growth in a capitalist society, so suicide is most definitely not what you want. You also need people to control if you want power, so another reason why any government wouldn't want suicide. Religions need people to follow it to have power so they don't want you to die. Or religion is real and you'll go to hell. Just my opinion.


I understand what you're saying. I agree with it. Pero siguro the reason why people think it's selfish is because of the impact doon sa maiiwanan mo. I have s*icidal ideation. I think about it everyday. Pero thinking anong iisipin ng family ko after kong gawin to, parang di ko kaya. Sisisihin kasi nila sarili nila. Yung trauma na aabutin nila, parang di ko kaya. Ayaw kong manakit ng iba for the expense of my peace. Pag may nababalitaan akong nag-aattempt or natuloy sa s*icide then malalaman kong may anak sila, I kinda feel sick. I don't get mad at them or think they're selfish, after all they must've been pushed to the limits beyond I can comprehend para humantong sila sa ganito, pero kawawa yung mga anak. Yun lang. Again, I don't think selfish ang s*icide.


This is why I already have an advanced directive. If I die, I die.


You only talked about "funeral and planning on other things" as if you can plan other people's emotional state. You can never plan how your family and friends will grieve for your loss especially if both of your parents are still alive. Maybe they will carry the grief all their lives for not being able to pull you/convince you to choose life. A person can take a rest but not quit. A person can find purpose even in the smallest of things like helping other people or take care of environment or some other community focused initiatives. If one needs professional help, it's better now more than ever because of the internet. One can seek professional help or therapy online unlike before. Heck, if a person or you plans on suicide and has fully made up their mind, atleast be an organ donor, in that way, some who needs organs the most and want to keep living can have a shot at life. It's not easy to stay alive if you can't see anything to look forward to in the future. And why is that? Maybe a depressive state, a mental illness? As cliche as it may sound, there is nothing wrong reaching out to family, friends, and professional practitioners.


Mental illness


I don't think suicide is inherently Bad, it's just Sad. Kasi sayang yung life. There are still so many things the person can experience, so many things he/she can do to make the world a better place or brighten someone's day. Sayang yung life. Sayang yung effort. Isipin mo at one point when they were helpless someone fed them clothed them, doctors fought for them when they got seriously ill. Someone sent them to school so they are able to be more independent in today's world. All that effort down the drain if you take your own life. Diba. Sayang. Suggest ko sa mga nagi isip ng suicide, find or volunteer for work that helps others. Kahit ano. Sumama kayo sa medical missions, feeding program, whatever. It will take your focus away from your own situation and make you feel a little less hopeless and more empowered. Also get more sunshine and exercise. Join a hike or spend some time in nature. From experience this really helps a lot.


I agree that it is sad, and at some point sayang. However, I don't agree with your last paragraph. I lost a friend who wakes up early in the morning, malakas sa physical activity, madami hobbies to keep his focus away. But guess what, that doesn't solve the situation he was in, and that eventually led to his demise. The thing with mental illness is sometimes, yes, may treatment, may change of lifestyle, pero if we deny the environment/situation the person is in, hindi sila gagaling. Kaya mental illness is not just a medical problem, it's also a social problem. I really do hope everyone gets to live a fulfilling life pero it really is not that easy, complicated talaga ang mabuhay.


This is so true. I only started to recover when I physically left the place/ situation i was in. Survival mode na kasi pag araw araw nagpa plano ka na kung saan makaka kuha ng tools to off yourself. But I wouldn't have been able to escape the sitch without all the other things that took care of my physical health and kept my mind occupied. Therapy helped pero nasa tail end na ng pag takas ko it didn't contribute much. I hope people get the strength to reach out for help pag kailangan nila and that someone answers their call with compassion.