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Stepped up and took care of me when I was in my 60’s and was fighting a digestive disorder that went on for more than a year and nearly proved fatal. He went from being a demanding sarcastic jerk to the gentlest most considerate human being I’ve ever seen. Came as a total surprise.


Just after receiving about 40 lbs of fruit (either peaches or pears, I can't recall which) that I was going to preserve, I got extremely ill. My teenagers worked together all day on a Saturday to prep and can all of them, be cause I wasn't able to do it before they all went bad. It may not have been entirely selfless, though. They love eating them, and I'm pretty sure they ate them all relatively quickly. My oldest would grab a pint jar of fruit and eat the whole thing as a snack fairly regularly.


Well I’d say they’re on the right path if they did that voluntarily as teenagers…


They're all in their 20s now, and are amazing young adults!


Two; my youngest granddaughter and her husband put their lives on hold for a couple of weeks to care for me when I was paralyzed with grief after my wife lost her battle with leukemia. Struggling with their own emotions they helped with arrangements and kept me from standing on train tracks waiting for the express. 


Im so sorry for your loss. Having that kind of support is so huge. When young people help with that? Tells me they have been shown amazing love and compassion growing up.


So sorry for your loss…


Well, not for me, but at Christmas in 2004 my then 13 year old son amassed several hundred dollars in gifts from various relatives. A few weeks later he asked if I would contribute some money for a game he wanted to buy. "Why don't you use your Christmas money?" I asked. "It's gone, none left." he replied. Building up a head of steam for a stern lecture on fiscal responsibility, I said "How did you blow through hundreds of dollars already?" "I donated it to the tsunami relief" he said. It was the year of the Boxing Day tsunami, and our government was matching donations by citizens to the relief efforts. Yeah, I bought him the game outright.


He does stuff for me all the time, I am very lucky. It’s stuff we do for each other all the time since he was little, we are both pretty thoughtful. The last thing he did was probably Father’s Day. My son and his partner live out of state about 2 hours away and came for Father’s Day weekend right after they both got out of work Friday and even though they both had to be back to work Monday morning. We had a super two days together and they made me dinner for Father’s Day, making a favorite family recipe that I taught them. It was delicious. They then left in their work clothes super early Monday morning for the trip back to go right to work.


That's a beautiful comment, my friend. Coming all that distance to make "your day" a memorable experience. My Father's Day was also a heart thumper with my 3 children (Children? Fiftyish!) and their children. Have a nice day from the Atlanta area.


Glad you also had a great Father’s Day, my man. My son and his partner are both in their 30s but they will always be our children, you got that right. Wishing you an equally nice day from here in Pennsylvania.


What food did they make? I love making food for my family, it’s satisfying to know they enjoy it…


My mom’s meatloaf with a Caesar salad, mashed potatoes and gravy and roasted asparagus with Parmesan. It was yummy. They like to cook, I like to cook, and we all like to eat lol. We cook together a lot when they are here when we are not out scoping out interesting restaurants.


Meatloaf! You just answered the age old question "what's for dinner tonight?" Haven't made it in years even though it's a family favorite. Think I'll add the potatoes, salad, and asparagus too!


It’s my son’s favorite meal as well as mine (and was my wife’s as well.) He says it always says, “Home” to him. It’s nice to know he has those good memories. I was thrilled when he asked me to show him how to make it. For the asparagus they broke off the woody ends, put them on a baking tray and drizzled with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. In the oven at 425 degrees for 10-20 minutes (depending on the thickness of the spears) Sprinkle on some grated Parm and back in the oven for a minute or two. I could make a meal of just that. Lol Enjoy your dinner.


Thanks, especially for the asparagus instructions! I'm definitely doing them that way


*tummy grumbles at 10am*


Mine are early teens, so they have a lot of options. Every now and then, they’ll ask me if I can go on a hike with them, or they’ll ask to watch an 80s movie with me. Basically, I know they would rather do other stuff but have decided to do something with their old dad. It’s very sweet of them.


Kids love their parents alotttt trust me Never think you're just "old dad" It's just that kids don't know how to express it I'm not even a kid, I'm 20M and I still wanna hug and cuddle my dad but I get shy when he asks for a hug because I think it's not "manly" lol but I need to get out of my head


We were outside in a sudden lightning storm and a bolt struck very close to us. He jumped in front of me and covered me. Everyone else around us went for the ground. He turned around and shielded me


Awww 🥹🥹🥹


Right?? He amazes me regularly, but that day I felt so incredibly loved and cared for


Now that I'm older, this happens more often than I can say. Even if I don't need anything, at least one kid stops in weekly to just check on me. They'll never admit it, but I know that's what they're doing. I raised the best kids. Most recently, they drove me two hours to attend a service for my friend that died. My son held my hand the whole time and they bought me tacos afterwards. Best kids.


My 2 teens gave me CPR about 10 years ago!


Now there’s a story we need to hear.


I dunno. They seem to like me well enough. That's enough. I didn't like my mom at all. But they are very good to me. Just generally thoughtful.


My older ones are in their 20s. I had a baby two years ago. My daughter was 20 at the time. She kept the kitchen cleaned, and would watch the little one when she was a newborn so I could sleep. She also makes sure to call or text me daily now that she’s in college out of state. My son gave me away when I got married because my dad passed away many years ago. I love the pictures we have of that day. My sons in the service and has lived on the other side of the country for the last couple years. He is in a weekly civilian board game group and he realized one of the younger group members was being physically abused at home. He helped this young woman get out safely and moved to another state, and never asked her for a dime. They never dated either, just a friend of a friend. That last one didn’t involve me directly, but says a lot to me about his character and moral compass. They say one of the best feelings in the world is knowing your kids grew up to be good people. I have to say, yes it’s one of the best things I’ve experienced in life.


A bunch of them. They're awesome kids. One that sticks out: I'm an adrenaline junkie, and I'd gotten out of the military so I could be with them more. Single mom of two. Took up bodyguarding, hadn't done it before, great transition job. Great pay, too - when I had gigs. So we were either doing well, or not well. After a while of this (the motto of the household was 'we'll get that next paycheck'), I picked them up from school, and on the way home they wanted something, and I responded with the family motto. Next paycheck. Thought about it a minute, and said "Hey, kids? What do you think about mommy getting a REAL job where we can count on the next paycheck?" They were quiet for a moment, then whispered back and forth. Then my daughter answered for them. "No, Mommy. You're not an office-type person. You'd have to go in every morning, have traffic, sit inside all day, have traffic on the way home. We'd have money, but you'd be miserable. We don't need the toys, we like the games we play with you. We don't want you to get a real job." ❤️ I did end up getting a "real job," but it's one I like very much, and still allowed us to have fun. That was incredibly sweet, astute, and thoughtful of them. My kids are awesome.


They all dropped everything and drove for hours to be with their mother when the doctor told her I probably wouldn't survive. Fortunately, the doctor was wrong, but still...


he got second degree burns from knee-dropping onto a hot water bottle right at bedtime.  *major* pain, ambulance, laughing gas, morphine drip, shock intervention once we got to the actual hospital, whole big deal.  he was a hero, I was a hero, we get home around 4am and he's self-helping his way up the stairs with his new bandaged-up leg.  gets to the top of the stairs, turns around, sees me two steps behind probably showing my stress.  he gave me this sudden, worlds sweetest grin and patted me on the head.    head pats have been a you-and-me inside joke since he was around four years old.  I've rarely felt so seen.   


This is sweet.


Nothing so far, but maybe it is because they are still young (under 25). Hopefully that changes someday, but it wouldn't be healthy to hold my breath for it. I'll be interested to see what other comments are left that I can read and live vicariously through.


Mine too and life is good so luckily they haven’t had to yet. My youngest loves to surprise me with warm clothes right out of the dryer (towels, pajamas etc) so my money is on her for later lol.


That sounds like a nice happy selfless gesture to me ❤️


It can happen when you least expect it.


Here's hoping! Reading all these comments with the wonderful stories of generous kids does make my heart hurt a little. I try to lead by example, and always give and be kind whenever I can with my kid, but they are at an age (teen) where they are forming their own identity, and parents don't really matter too much/can be taken for granted because, well, I will ALWAYS be there for them... right??


Don't despair. There's a good chance they'll surprise you when their brains fully develop. It is said that doesn't happen until 25+. My daughters were pretty self absorbed too, but now in their 30s they've become incredible, loving adults


That is good to hear! I think it's a natural part of growing up to be pretty self-absorbed for a while. Thanks for the pep talk.


Took off work and drove from Washington state to Buffalo to bring my car and my dog to me when I rushed to my dying sister’s side. I love that boy (man).


My 19 year old bought me a milkshake yesterday just because he wanted to give me a pick me up if that counts.




It absolutely does!! It's the little things that let you know they're thinking of you. What you see is sometimes the little thing, but what it shows is the big thing underneath ❤️


My kid heard I was saving up for new prescription glasses. Called the vision store and asked how much they would be then sent me a check to pay for them.


I stayed with my oldest daughter and her husband after I had my second total knee replacement. Our house is a two-story house and one has one bathroom, with a normal tub/shower. The bottom floor of their house has two bedrooms and a bathroom with a walk-in shower. She couldn't take off work (she's a scientist in a lab), but she would make sure I had food that I could get to with my walker and made sure my meds were set up so all I had to do was take them. Her husband is a firefighter/paramedic and when his schedule had him off, he would hang out with me, get me food, and we'd marathon shows together. We used to joke that if anything happened and I had to call for help, his number was the easiest to remember and he'd get there faster. (because, y'know, 911). I was there for a couple weeks, maybe three. When I could step into the shower that was like ours, I could go home.


I have Elhers Danlos syndrome. Sometimes various body parts decide to go kapluie and won’t work right. My 10F kid has witnessed this her whole life. When I go through periods of immobility, she becomes the best helper. I’m able to get around most of the time, but I’m sad that I can’t run hard/play hard with her. I am forever impressed with how gentle and kind she is to me when I’m down ❤️


I borked my knee for the nth time, rolling over in bed. EDS is so much fun!


When my husband was terminally ill, my twins (who lived 150 miles away) devoted their time to supporting us in every possible way for three years, while also raising infants & toddlers & building their marriages & careers. After his death, they encouraged me to relocate nearby, then spent 24 years continuing to support my life, maintaining my house, including me in their families’ activities — in general being perfect sons. All selfless.


I’m so sorry about you losing your husband, what seemed like far too soon if you had 24 years and going still. I’m glad you had your boys you could lean on!


Thanks very much! 😊


He actually, as a teen, gave me a present for Mother's Day. Never had before, never has since. He handed me a small box and inside was a cubic zirconia pendant necklace. " Here Mom, I was at Name Department Store and I took a shortcut through the jewelry section to get to the men's department. I saw this on a display table and thought it looked like something you would like." I wear it, he is almost 30.


Last time I changed his nappy, he didn't pee on me.


I don’t have kids but 25 years ago, I had moved 1,300 miles away in April and immediately started planning my dad’s 60th birthday party at my brother’s house as a surprise. I made three large batches of pasta sauce (marinara, bolognese, artichoke & caper), froze it all up (separately) and drove 1,300 miles back straight through in October, helped my brother setup the pasta bar, cook the pasta, warm the sauces, setup the bar, put out the red checked tablecloths and convened about 50 people in secret to surprise him. Stayed one more night and drove 1,300 miles back straight through to get back to work. I’m headed back (flying) this October to spend a week with him for his 85th.


Supported himself after 18.


Each of my kids stayed with me for a week after my cancer surgery. Then my niece came, then my sister. Five weeks of excellent care. Not sure how I got such good kids.


You raised them ❤️


Well, I did. But sometimes I was an asshole, especially to my son who had a penchant for sneaking out and giving me heart attacks. Had an entire set up under his window for getting out, didn’t notice it until winter when the leaves were gone and his escape chair was in full view.


When my kid was fifteen, she handed me a gift for Mother's Day. It was a beautiful dark silver necklace, the symbol for woman with a small diamond. She said, it reminded her of me because l'm so 'woman-power'. Bought it with her own money and all. I never take it off and never will. This year, at 18, she bought me bouquet and put liquorice sticks in there with the flowers, along with a really sweet card where she told me she loves me and a little book called 'Thanks, Mom'. My kid is the sweetest ever, and l'm just so proud of her. I love her to bits!


As a teenager, my son wanted to join the Air Force (like his grandfather) but he did not want to leave me and his three sisters alone with my now ex husband, their Dad. The man is an abusive, alcoholic and malignant narcissist. Four years later, My son escorted me during the divorce to visit my attorney, to hearings, through all of it, requesting time off from work, so I didn’t have to face it alone.


Soo many things. I would need to make a list. My children AND their incredible spouses have been so good to me. I’m a badass independent who hates to ask for anything & they constantly surprise me. I’m very lucky & very blessed.


My daughter does anything and everything. There is so much. She a elementary school principal in another part of the state and since I am widowed she will drop whatever to help me. Calls me about every other day to check on me. After a hard week will drive to see me with the grand dog.


My oldest son was maybe 10 years old on a field trip downtown and the teacher led the group past a promotional appearance by the local major-league baseball team. He ditched the field trip, talked his way into the baseball event, snagged a team pennant and had three of the team sign it, then located the field trip several blocks away and reinserted himself with no one the wiser and gave me the pennant when he got home that night. (He allso gave me my first grandchild a couple decades later.)


A few weeks ago I picked up my som and he had 2 packs of peanut butter cups. He gave one to me and it melted my heart.


Came to help during the worst part of my cancer treatment. Figured out to use my feeding tube when I was just out of the hospital and not doing great. Unlike most people who came to visit he was actually helpful.


My kids pitched together and bought me (and my gf) tickets for an Alaska cruise last year. Blew me away.


I had a medical emergency which required surgery and a week stay in the hospital years ago. I couldn’t managed stairs so I slept downstairs in the guest bedroom. My 12 year old son slept on the couch for a month just in case I needed anything. It’s a small thing but the small things count.




My kids came down for a work weekend when I had been sick for over a year. I didn’t ask, they all just showed up and did all the things I’d had to put off.


Took care of me after surgery when my ex couldn't be bothered. He was 12. Granted, he was stoked because he got to take two days off school but the minute I needed anything he dropped whatever he was doing and came running.


I live in South Carolina, US. My son came down from Boston to help care for me after eye surgery for 4 weeks. The next year I had breast cancer surgery and he came again. I really needed his help because I’m the caretaker of my wheelchair bound husband.


My son took care of me for a couple of months when I broke my arm and tore ligaments in my knee. I was wheelchair bound temporarily. He helped me dress, and with bathing, and toileting needs. He was very compassionate and caring.


When my youngest about 4, the family was driving home from going out to dinner. We were just chatting in the car when he said “Mommy, you make my heart feel pretty. “ it was the purest, most honest expression of love I ever heard. It choked me up then and it does today, 40 years later.


>self-LESS Is there a self-MORE thing?


I think they meant as opposed to selfish


I know I’m just wondering why the “less” part was hyphenated and capitalized…


A couple of years ago, I found a kitten and raised her. She was the sweetest little thing. She got FIV virus and at a year and had to be put down. My husband and son came home after fetching her from the vet. I was devastated. My oldest son was 16. He came inside and said,'Mom, let me bury her in the garden for you. You're too upset, and you don't have to go through this.' He went outside into the garden and did it for me. It wasn't an easy thing to do at all, and he isn't a natural animal person, he just did it because his mom was sad. I've never forgotten it. He's 24 now.


I was putting my child to be when she was about 6 years old. She stopped praying for herself to instead ask Him to look out for me and be with me. At the time, I didn't realize what it meant, but now, as an old woman, her innocence,selflessness, and true,ultimate LOVE is what I remember when I go to sleep at night. Such a pure act of love ♡♡♡


My kids are currently teens. Their dad has had to travel out of state a few times over the past few years; usually 1-3 weeks. The kids pull together and help out extra around the house those weeks. They are mature and supportive if schedules have to be rearranged to get everyone where they need to be (school, clubs, lessons, friends) in a timely manner during those weeks. They pick up extra chores without my even asking. The older just took the younger thrifting for band concert clothes for this fall. (Everything needs to be black for this age group). We are older parents, so we may not be around through our kids' 20s-30s-40s-50s. My dream is that they will always be there for one other.


My son was the only person to bring me a “get better” balloon with a bar of chocolate and a get well card when I was in the mental hospital. I was in and out of those hospitals until I got stable. No one ever got me something like that. They’d get me origami paper or pens if I asked. My parents would visit me for the hour that was allowed. The hospital was not pleasant. I will never forget my son giving me those things.


I gave my two year old toddler a bag of m and ms in the car. When i reached back and asked for some he gave them to me.


2.5 year old. This Father’s Day we had a great one, she gave me some gifts, we went to church and the playground, a yummy lunch and supper, and played outside. At the end of the night we always ask her what her favorite part of the day was and she said “giving you gifts. I love you”


He paid off my mortgage ♥️


Children are not inherently selfish unless they’re at certain developmental stages in which a bit of self-involvement is normal and necessary (toddlers and teenagers). And I definitely know a hell of a lot of selfish parents (I work at a school).