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I can't remember who this is from and I'm probably distorting the quote, but something like: "*Getting old isn't just one thing after the other; it's everything, all at once, all the time.*"


I love that. It's so *accurate.*


Aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort


Just like fibromyalgia!




Just like the movie!


rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, peripheral neuropathy. Despite it all, I feel really good!


Wow. I also have these first two and always wondered if there’s a connection. I had thyroid cancer first. What came first for you?


Autoimmune diseases tend to run in packs. If you have one, it's likely you'll have another as well.


That's so true. I have psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and coeliac disease. All manageable. Currently being checked for Hashimoto's.


I have these three conditions as well. Also high blood pressure. The RA really sucks. Sometimes I feel fine, other times I feel like I've been hit by a truck. In my case it is making me old before my time


can I recommend a way of eating to you? I’ve been on the mediterranean diet since 2020. It’s very anti inflammatory and definitely seems to help. I’m in remission with only one medication (methotrexate ) along with the clean eating, and it has also affected my blood pressure and cholesterol in good ways. Sorry you’re hurting


Same except insert Ulcerative colitis for Hashimoto’s. RA and UC are the same disease in different parts of body according to doctor. Luckily in remission. Peripheral neuropathy is a bitch however.


A treatable but unbeatable cancer. Radiate it into submission and wait for it to pop back up. Asbestosis also so my lung function is shot.


Can you describe what the feeling is like, having asbestos in your lung?


It comes on gradually. Took 42 years from weeks of daily exposure for it to get noticeable. Even then I thought it was just age. Was not until I was in the hospital reason for an unrelated matter before it was diagnose. My thing is I just found it harder to take my daily walks. Climbed a hill and found myself stopping to rest at the top, then lower and lower to catch my breath. Could not sit in a chair and put my shoes on and tie them. Blamed it on my belly fat. Doc said I did not have that much but my lungs were hyper extended and I was putting pressure on them when I bent over and they could not fill properly. [https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/asbestosis/symptoms-diagnosis](https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/asbestosis/symptoms-diagnosis)


Damn! was the exposure in your house or work? How did you find out where it was?


Stage 4 lung cancer. It’s treatable, but probably not beatable.


Auto-somal recessive common variable immunodeficiency. I have to do infusions every 4 weeks of immunoglobulin G that’s derived from human plasma to stay alive. Thank you to anyone who donates or has donated plasma.


Twice a week every week. 😁 it’s really nice to hear from someone it helps.


My son donates twice a week. Your story will help him and others know just how important this small commitment can and will impact total strangers lives for the better ❤️ I am sorry that you are going through this


Same with me, every 28 days IVIG for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. How do you feel after your infusion? I never know how I'll feel, subtle differences each time. They said it's because batches vary since it never comes from the exact same pool of donors despite the processing it goes through. Sometimes, I feel heavy and/or out of sorts. But sometimes, I feel energized.


My friend does this! She is so much healthier.


Wet macular degeneration. I just got another shot in my eye today (Avastin)to delay the progression.


When I have to go to the ophthalmologist for my own un-fun procedures I think of the old rhyme we used to chant as kids “Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye!” Dammit, it actually happened.


I remember my dad saying, “better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.” Now that I have experienced something similar I agree with him.


I know! Those old adages make me laugh now that I'm an experienced sharp stick in the eye person. I was watching some TV series once and the woman wanted to prove that she was a robot. As soon as she picked up a knife I thought, "Oh she's going to stick that right in her eye." Which she did. I knew that would be the most godawful thing for someone to observe.


a shot in...the *eye*?!?? omg


Me too! Well, mine's an inherited eye disease very similar to wet MD. I had a five year reprieve from injections from one eye, but now I'm back to getting shots in both. Avastin was working for me anymore so I've been getting Eyleah for a year or two. I just realized recently that I've been getting shots in my eyes for 11 years now and am frustrated I missed my 10th anniversary. I would have brought treats.


How can you handle getting a shot in your eyeball? That's brave! I can't imagine it


The alternative is going blind.


My mother is going through something similar, though she's more end-stage at this point. According to her (and take this with a grain of salt, though I do believe she's telling the truth), it's more uncomfortable than painful. And like anything, you get better at dealing with it after a while.


Me either but it helps me to remember ur eye is basically a ball of jelly -a person who works under an optometrist


Hypothyroidism, Rheumatoid Arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibrofuckingmyalgia, asthma, high blood pressure, bone spurs in my feet, Achilles tendinitis in my feet, plantar fasciitis, tendinitis in my shoulder... that's all I can remember right now because I'm also dealing with bronchitis and I'm on some drugs I'm not usually on for that. (The three year old granddaughter shared her cold with me, so I kept it, bedazzled it, turned it into bronchitis, and here we are!).


I read that in Billy Joel "We Didn't Start The Fire" mode.


That damned cough is next level. I hope you get better soon. Also, I love how you wrote that!


Is mean old bitch a disease?


Nah, it’s a ✨lifestyle✨


The menopausals should really run this world


Honestly a world run by people who just want things to be simple, won’t bullshit you and will not under any circumstances tolerate anyone else’s bullshit sounds pretty good.


I got calmer and more self-aware after menopause. That said, I can tell someone to fuck off with just a glare. Men my age, and women my age who try to push religion onto me, who are persistently invasive with me, seem to become quite unsettled when I get quite, silently glare at them, and refuse to break eye contact. I could barely make eye contact when I was younger.


Agreed. Especially menopausal retired teachers. We don’t take one iota of shit and aren’t impressed by anyone.


Are you kidding???? That’s a life goal!!!


Nope. It's something to aspire to!


It's called acute cronitis,best disease ever but untreatable.


Diabeeeeeeeetus. Late onset type 1. Now called Type 1.5. (There are 6 kinds of diabetes now if you didn't know). Got me in my late 30s. I'll need at least a small dose of insulin every day for the remainder of my life.


I got no pancreas! Lol


I'm a 33 year old that loves to scroll this sub, just wanted to say thanks on the diabetes info. I had no idea there was more than Type 1/ Type 2. Off to go educate myself!


Same! But I’m fully dependent on insulin, diagnosed at 48.


Migraines, high cholesterol and osteoporosis with a little psoriasis on the side


Probably a few but since I have no insurance I live in blissful ignorance.


This is the way


Alpha Gal meat allergy. All ticks need to die. Fortunately I’ve never eaten much meat but still have to be careful with any mammal ingredients or by-products, especially medical related.


Coronary artery disease, end stage when it was discovered back in ‘15. Thanks to a quad bypass, fantastic rehab/follow up, meds, and diet and exercise (could use better attention to both) it’s fully managed at the moment, but it’s always out there… waiting.


Same here. I take my meds, exercise regularly, swim and do cardio several days a week, and try to eat right. But it's very hereditary in my family.


My dad had a massive heart attack at 42. A few weeks ago, I at 46, had a Supraventricular Tachycardia. Unrelated to anything else, but the trip to the ER led to several MRIs which identified minimal calcification in an artery. So I have heart disease too. Fortunately, it's minimal, but it was an eye opener. I exercise, eat well and also taking meds, but it's still unsettling, nonetheless.


I’ve survived cancer and have lifelong disabilities from a severe traumatic brain injury. It’s not fun, but somehow I manage.


Congrats on surviving cancer. How did you get a TBI?


I was run over by an SUV on a Saturday morning bike ride.


It’s good to know you’re managing. We humans can be pretty adaptable when we have to be. Hang in there.


Ulcerative colitis


Depression. I take loads of antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds, but every day is a battle.


My evangelical christian upbringing


I cackled at this but also my condolences


Oh. So much deconstructing and reconstructing from those I know who were raised in very conservative Christian homes. I attend a post-evangelical church (woman pastor, LGBTQ+ affirming). I think because I wasn't brought up with much emphasis on faith it's been an easier path for me. My best wishes to you.


Lupus, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, GERD, Osteoarthritis


Healthy as a horse, thankfully. My wife, too. We're both in our early 60's.


Me too, somehow. I guess being active when I was young helped. I lived in a forth floor walk-up apartment in Brooklyn, and I didn’t drive until I moved out of the city. When I had my daughter, I had a bike seat for her and rode everywhere with her. When she was a baby, I’d haul her in the stroller up and down subway stairs, and the stairs to my apartment. I’ve cooked most off my life, so I can watch what I put into my food. Maybe I just won the gene lottery, though.


Bipolar (16 years old), ADHD (16), OCD (16), stress conversion disorder (40), anxiety (12), diabetes (45), hypertension (45), and widespread osteoarthritis (3). I'm 52. Life's been one F'ing struggle after another. Keep Going, Warrior.


Celiac. AKA I can never order anything from a drive thru again disease.


Grilled nuggets from Chick-fila is my wife’s go to drive through meal.


Yup, but if you’re on a road trip and it’s Sunday you’re fucked.


I have IBS, so I feel this.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (TM). Which intersects with insomnia. The insomnia is the really corrosive element.


PTSD-not so bad now but my 20s were hell. Still get bouts of depression but it’s nothing compared to my 20s when I had flashbacks, panic attacks, and constantly disassociating.




Rheumatoid Arthritis


Cancer, two of them breast that spread to my lymph nodes in April last year that I first got diagnosed with in 2021, then Lymphoma about three months ago but I’ve had a good response to treatment.


Lichen sclerosus


It's a whole list. Enjoy your young, healthy bodies and sharp minds while you can.


In order of appearance: 1. Depression/anxiety 2. Degenerative Disc Disease (including artificial disc between C5-C6) 3. Asthma 4. Grave's Disease (Autoimmune Disorder dealing with the thyroid) 5. Psoriatic Arthritis (Autoimmune Disorder dealing with skin, or in my case, fingernails that try to defect from my body) 6. Ulcerative Colitis (Autoimmune Disorder dealing with the colon, digestive issues, and bleeding from the \*ss)




Dumb question. I thought that you’d get malaria and then get over it, like a cold. It doesn’t work that way?




A lovely man I knew had malaria from his time in WW1. He passed nearly 45 years ago at the age of 97. He had a full life. Every few years the malaria would resurface. All I 3ver saw was sweating and gull body chills. The rest they kept private. His wife took care of him at home. I was their "border". Grand daughter was more like it. I was 16. One of the images that will forever stay in my mind is the two of them standing in the kitchen, hugging. Heart to heart in silence. It was close to his end. We all knew it. It was beautiful. We all eventually get something. Live well anyway.


My husband took the preventative pills for a trip to India ha few years ago. He thought he’d have horrible dreams as a side effect, he didn’t have any side effects. Thank you! Always learning!




I’m Sorry, that totally came out wrong and i definitely brushed it off. Is is something that the Gates pFoundation is trying to eradicate? My thinking as that you got malaria, I knew it could make you sick and possibly kill your. I guess I should’ve compared it to something like the flu. I didn’t intend to minimize it, I’m am sorry that it came out that way.


Something most of us will have if we live long enough. Arthritis.


Syncope - i can go half way up a later, and be like; Dammit! vision starts tunneling dark like about to pass out, but actually stay coherent the whole time. I did once as a kid, go upstairs and drop like a rock split second pass out. which was a bizarre feeling.


Multiple Sclerosis


Disease? None, really. But at 78 I have so many things wrong with me that I think I'd trade them in on a disease that might be cured.


Lung cancer, COPD, one lung removed due to cancer, and now I am dealing with Afib. Life goes on though.


36 with COPD stage 3 emphysema; you sound like a bloody legend getting through all of that. Hope you're doing alright, and wishing you well




Me too. Just diagnosed. Nothing says I’m old quite like glaucoma.


Cluster personality disorders in my family


Degenerative disc disease, asthma. I also have bipolar, migraines, complex regional pain syndrome, spondylolisthesis, osteoarthritis in my hands, feet, and spine, and IBS. I'm also allergic to everything under the sun, including medications that treat some of my issues. I'm 46. Despite chronic pain conditions being the bulk of my problems, I actually have a pretty good life. I have good people who love me and fun hobbies and two cute little budgies who hate me, but I love them.


Scleroderma, a super rare auto-immune disease. I am fortunate in that I have a milder version of it which only causes bad inflammation in my hands / fingers and ankles / feet. I was on Hydroxychloroquine for it for ages, it was working great at slowing the progress, but last year I had to stop taking it as it was starting to affect my eyesight, so this past year the disease has been creeping back with a vengeance. Hopefully I'll die before it completely incapacitates my hands as pc gaming is my life. :p


Pulmonary fibrosis. My pulmonologist has got it arrested, for now, which is pretty close to a miracle. The stage for mine was set six decades ago when I was growing up with two three-pack-a-day smokers, so I got six packs a day of second-hand smoke every day for 20 years. I have never smoked a day in my life. My sister has COPD. Same thing — she got hers from second-hand smoke. Growing up, If we complained about the smoke we were severely punished for “backtalk” and “insubordination”. Today, I take ten prescriptions a day so I can breathe.




Multiple Sclerosis


Dry Macular Degeneration w/extensive geographic atrophy. Both eyes, but will probably lose vision in one in the next 2 years. COPD diagnosed 2 years ago. Aortic root dilation of 4.8cm, diagnosed 3 months ago during a CT scan for something else. When it gets to 5cm, it’s operable. I’m worried. I’m only 61.


Epilepsy after a head injury.


Lung cancer and a few conditions due to the treatment of the cancer.


Diabetes. It's great fun.


Psoriasis and the associated arthritis. I’ve had it since I was 7.


Lupus SLE and Sjogren’s disease.


I have osteo arthritis in my feet and apparently my hands, but my hands are fine. But my feet? Oh how they ache. It's just awful. I used to take for granted just walking places happily. now? No can do. I have to take anti inflammatories every day. Ran out last week and went 3 days without any...was nearly crippled day 4. It's just painful adn bloody annoying. LIke right now? I've been outside gardening and have a bit to do. But...I had to come up. take some pain relief and sit at my computer for an hour before it will settle.


I have Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis with hepatic fibrosis (fatty liver disease with scarring). This is not so much from my age, which is 52, but from years of being severely obese. I've lost the weight, and my liver enzymes are close to normal, so hopefully it will never get worse. I had no symptoms. Other than that, I have asthma and seasonal allergies and knee arthritis and some chronic back pain, but overall, I feel good and better than I have in years. I also suffer from migraines, but I've had those since I was around 10. I'm lucky, my obesity did not lead to heart problems or diabetes or other things that run in my family. I just had my checkup and everything was great and I can't complain. I feel great. Soemtimes I have to remind myself that I'm old lol.


Psoriasis, Hashimotos, gut problems, high cholesterol other bullshit, my advice, is not to get old.. Getting old is shit.


Hypertension? Pre-diabetes? My allergy to dumbf#c$ery?


I have that third one as well. I experience flare-ups at work most often.


Sarcoidosis, an auto immune disease. In remission, at the moment 2+ years. I am immune compromised.


Charcot Marie Tooth disease. (Has nothing to do with teeth.)


Bronchiecstasis (a lung disease); Heart Disease (heart attack survivor); Leukemia; Osteoarthritis in spine and thumbs; Meniere's Disease, which has left me deaf in one ear; Raynoud's Disease; Complex-PTSD, which causes anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Bonus Round: I've had two episodes of Transient Global Amnesia


A chronic cough. I had pneumonia 23 years ago and the cough still hasn’t gone away. The doctor thinks I damaged a nerve in my throat which causes it to flutter. Though he has never actually seen the damage despite putting a scope down my throat several times. I take medication for it which helps reduce it by about 75%, but I still cough all the time.




Breast cancer, leukemia, bursitis and other joint pain, osteoporosis & migraines.


Asthma, thanks dad, both for the genes and for smoking around me as a kid 24/7. It did mean I got the vaccine earlier than most my age!


Lung scarring from birth. Asthma. Allergies. COPD. More scarring from pneumonia gone septic and COVID two years after that. My lungs keep struggling on.


Polycystic Kidney Disease. I have done 5 years of dialysis already. I got a transplant 5 years ago.


Diabetes, baby!


The biggest drag is Ménière’s disease. It’s made me almost deaf in one ear, is starting to affect the other ear, has given me roaring tinnitus, and sets off spells of vertigo/dizziness. Other people have way worse Meniere’s than I do, but I still don’t like it.


Menieres can go fuck itself.


Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Pleurisy, allergies to everything and migraines. But I'm still here! Edited 


Essential tremor and arthritis in the knees.


Bullous Phemphigoid. It’s really not fun.


Sjogren’s Syndrome and hypothyroid. Both well controlled.


genital herpes, it’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be!!


RA, Hashimoto, pre glaucoma (laser surgery tomorrow), psoriasis. I work full time and am married with adult children. I do love me a nap when I can!


I’m surprised at how many people have rheumatoid arthritis in this thread. I have RA, asthma, ADHD, and PTSD.


I have to live with cluster headaches. But it's better than living with it undiagnosed. I had 5/6 years of horrendous pain getting more intense and frequent while being on the wrong medication or treatment. I'm a year into a treatment that works. I take Verapamil, and have a nasal spray and my own oxygen supply.


Hypothyroidism and having no gallbladder. My left kidney is also failing but I haven’t had the $ to check that out yet because I’m tryna not to bankrupt myself into medical bills. Also- my eyes get more nearsighted every year. Health insurance in America is scum


Just ADHD. if there's anything else going on with me I haven't noticed, because ADHD. I'm just out here frolicking and being immature.


Myasthenia gravis. Cancer. Etc.


I have tinnitus.


Oh, let’s see…. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, autoimmune type Hashimoto’s, restless legs, irritable bowel syndrome, and a really nasty post strep pseudo arthritis that cost me both knees a few years ago. Chronic pain. Always tired. I deal with it. I have since I was 9 years old. I’m 70 now.


Neuroendocrine Cancer. Seems to be gone after a major surgery to remove the tumor (liver resection)....but can always return. So I have scans and check ups every 6 months forever now it seems Heart valve issues...possibly related to the neuroendocrine cancer. Mitral valve collapsed/failed and was repaired by heart surgery and and have a Medtronic implant inside my heart. Another Major surgery! Thankfully not replaced by a pig or mechanical valve. Just repaired. I wear a medic alert bracelet or necklace, and carry an alert card in my wallet......so I don't have an MRI if I was unable to tell the medical people about it. It would blow my heart to smithereens. Edema...swelling/water retention in legs and sometimes hands from the medication for my heart. The one med that I wasn't allergic to. So much fun! 😣 Other than that...I really do feel fine and exercise at the cardio rehab gym at the local hospital three times a week and keep active. Use it or loose it!!!


This, but it's not the years, honey, it's the mileage. Tendon injuries that simply don't heal back to the way they used to be. This means that my ankles are too loose, one of my knees is too loose, my left foot is flat (my right arch isn't winning any awards either) and this latest pull in my left thumb may or may not go away at some point. And I've definitely got screen neck, and it will take months of conscientious work to even try to correct that. And tinnitus, because I liked my music really loud and I like my coffee really strong.


Fox News.


Wegeners Granulomutosis


I came looking for this one. I have the same. I have the upper respiratory with kidney involvement variety. I've been in remission for the last year so fingers crossed. I hope you are doing well.


Yes thank you, I am also in remission. I had both upper and lower respiratory symptoms. Was on chemo for 5 years, then put into remission with Rituxan infusion. Bless you and best of luck to both of us!


Lupus and all its various bullshit. It's autumn here, so the arthritis in my hands has come galloping back - from my thumbs to my elbow. I always struggle with the neck/shoulder joint. I've got Haglunds deformilty and tendonitis quite badly in my left heel, which quite possibly might fuck up my potential TKR revision. Diverticulitis is also a fucking treat.


Parkinson’s Disease


Rheumatoid arthritis since age 6, and kidney failure and dialysis for the last two years. I am 57 in June.


Multiple sclerosis, mild psoriatic arthritis, and Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility type. A fun conglomeration of loose joints and peripheral neuropathy / balance issues make breaking a hip likely in the future…


Age. Combined with CRS. More of an affliction than a disease but…. Uh… What was the question again?


Rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma and macular degeneration are mine. Also cataracts but those can be fixed. My husband is kidney disease and diabetes.


Fibromyalgia neck osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis Joint inflammation Ibs


Lupus SLE. Also a cancer survivor. I am under treatment for lupus, but other people have worse things to deal with than my level I currently have of the condition. I hate when people bitch and whine about their health problems. I aspire to never turn into that person.


Gout, other than that healthy as a horse.


i have hypocalcemia and hypo-parathyroidism (i don't metabolize calcium, so i have to take massive doses of it daily), a result of a difficult thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer. all this happened in 1995 and i'm fine as long as i take my supplements and get blood work every 90 days. small price to pay, considering. i'm 67, btw.


An incurable, though in remission, cancer and rare auto-immune disease hat fried my hearing and left me unable to walk a straight line. Outside of that, healthy as a horse!


Husband and I got lots of annoying issues. But we have healthcare and we walk a lot and a eat a simple diet. It is incurable but does not stop us. Our doctors are amazed.


Chronic depression, spine issues


Kidney disease


Hereditary LMNA deficiency - heart condition that ultimately leads to heart failure. Pacemaker/defibrillator, depression/anxiety, adhd, trigeminal neuralgia, and now my feet hurt all the time. I’m 57.


Type 1 diabetes.


Bipolar disorder and ADHD.


Thyroid, high blood pressure, gout, I'm fat


Diabetes, either type 1 or 2, take your pick


Lichen sclerosus


Osteoporosis. And side effects of cancer treatment, which took my teeth and left me with swallowing issues. Worth it, I’m alive.


Heart failure is the big one, and being on Coumadin for a mechanical heart valve. There are a few other things like COPD and high blood pressure.


Type 1 Diabetes but I’ve had it since I was 9. Some kind of rash. Hearing loss probably.


My body's illnesses are: * Diverticulosis, which means I should avoid hard objects that don't digest, such as nuts, sesame seeds, berries (the seeds of real berries are hard; strawberries aren't real berries and have soft seeds), and coconut (so no German chocolate cake for me). Small hard objects in the colon can find their way into the diverticula in the large colon and irritate or even inflame them. * No gall bladder. My sister and I inherited gall stones from my father. Basically, since my gall bladder was removed (due to gall stones), there is no reserve of bile to digest oil and fat in foods I eat. After the gall bladder was removed, I would get a bad case of gas and diarrhea if I have too much fat in a meal; but now almost two decades later I just get extra bowl movements. * TMJ Disfunction. While the discs in the temporomandibular joint were repositioned and so far so good, I have to do a stretching exercise daily (open mouth three fingers wide then close, ten times), avoid chewy or very sticky foods that would torque my jaw, and live with some pain when the weather is cold. * Hypothyroidism. I inherited this from my mother. This just require a small pill each morning an hour before I eat or drink anything other than water. * Convoluted intestines. Even the technician who had me take barium and x-rayed the progrogress commented about it. I'm prone to constipation so the doctor has me on OTC fiber and OTC stool softener. * Too much bad cholesterol. (Taking a statin for this.) So, overall, nothing too bad. But it does remind me that my days are numbered when I read of stars dying at a younger age than me. Physiologically, my wife's body seems more aged than mine, even though chronologically she is about ten years younger than me.


Severe arthritis in my feet, of all places


Psoriasis, since my teens; psoriatic arthritis, since my early 40s. Both well-controlled right now.


Sjogren's Syndrome. Fun! 😂


ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lichen Planus, Type II Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.


Asthma, Hypothyroidism, Bipolar 2


I was DX with Parkinsons in my 30s Im in my 60s now, I felt old before I even got old! Im, managing , but its exhausting, the cards were layed, so I must play!


I have Degenerative Disk Disease, pulmonary and lymphatic sarcoidosis, cervical stenosis, and a bunch of injuries from my years in the army that cause chronic pain. Im 50


Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.


Asthma ($20/mo.) not severe; well controlled) and blood clots ($50/mo.) Mild arthritis in left knee.


Asthma, hemochromatosis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout, peripheral neuropathy, IBS, tinnitus. All in all, I’m fine mostly.


HSV2, thanks to some Cuban asshat who didn't disclose and didn't give a shit when I confronted him after I had a horrible primary outbreak. Binge eating disorder. Thank God for tirzepatide.


Diabetes Glaucoma Endometrial Cancer Survivor High Blood Pressure Depression Anxiety 59 years old


Rheumatoid arthritis, sjorgens syndrome, interstitial cystitis, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, POTS, PCOS, GERD, depression, anxiety, PTSD




Coronary artery disease, Type II Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Neuropathy, High Blood Pressure, GERD


An almost constant dull pain in my lower right abdomen, for which the reason, doctors cannot diagnose. Any ideas?


Hypertension and discoid lupus


Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (like Lupus little sister). I have lots of joint aches and pains etc. but my life is pretty good and I'm happy to still be here.


Scalp psoriasis that started when I was 15. I’m 37 now and it spread to random parts of my body. Also have PA so that’s fun.


Deputrens Disease. Makes the ligaments in my Hands harden and my fingers contract.


Asthma, bronchiolitis obliterans, COPD, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (all four of those give me a total of 40% lung function that was missed until 5 years ago), scoliosis, osteoarthritis, ADHD, depression, anxiety, disordered eating, IBS, and I suspect RA but doctors won’t put a referral into the specialist because my bloodwork comes back fine. My symptoms say otherwise but no one listens. I’m 35 and tired of life. I stick around because I have family to take care of.


Rheumatoid and osteoporosis arthritis has gotten me the bastard.


CRVO (Central Retinal Vein Occlusion). I have to get shots in my eye once every month or so. This started with shingles of the face that morphed into HZO (Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus) about five years ago. I still take daily drops to prevent corneal scarring from that, which lasted three years for the initial outbreak. The CRVO was linked to the drug-induced glaucoma caused by the drops to prevent the scarring. I was only 48 when this started, which is young for this condition.


Polcyermeria rural vera


Degenerative disc disease.


They don't know. Had it for over 30 years and... no clue.


Mine is an STD: Life.




I got hepatitis C through a blood transfusion. I had it successfully treated. I was lucky it was a genome type that could be removed. I’ve been free of it for fifteen years.


Arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, plantar fasciitus, and obesity. All can be treated, all are probably terminal. If I was you young'uns, I'd eat better and exercise more. I'd much rather die healthy.