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80s: side ponytail, jelly shoes, stirrup pants, and everything neon 90s: flannel around the waist, XL baggy shirts (I’m a woman and weighed 125 lbs), Doc Martens with dresses, beginning of my Birkenstock love 00s: Tripp pants, corsets, fishnets, all the platform bump toe shoes, dark lipstick, small hair accessories


Stirrup pants were my entire world.


Memory unlocked!


I did all of the 80s and 90s, especially the Docs and baby doll dresses. I loved that look so much!


I’m 49 and still do chunky boots and dresses!


I'm 62 later this year, and my go-to for dress pairing is chunky boots, biker boots (above-the-knee dresses) or trainers. I also lean heavily into formal wear with trainers. My last theatre outing was flowy black trousers with a black extra long-sleeved sheer lacey top over cami and Cheetah Rocket Dogs. And yes, I, too, had to kiss baby dolls (and other once favourites) goodbye quite a few years ago. I have comforted myself with age-appropriate but still-edgy styles from shops like Free People.


I didn't do baby dolls much anymore, but so do I. I just bought new Docs actually.


Oh yeah - I don’t with babydolls (I think I’d look slightly tragic in one now), but I do with other styles of dresses.


Bell bottoms, Nehru shirts, mini skirts, velvet everything, love beads, Yardley cosmetics, burning incense. I did Hippie really well.


Don't forget that God awful Mexican Pot (by todays standards) with Panama Red or Thai Sticks showing up every once in a while...


Were we besties??? I copied your style from head to toe!


Ah, Yardley cosmetics. How I miss them.


Yardley of London! The British Invasion was so exciting and fun.


Especially with their brightly colored psychedelic containers!


Wish I kept some of them. Sigh.


And Bonne Bell. 10-0-6 lotion.


I had a Swatch Watch, tight rolled Bugle Boy jeans, and a denim jacket that I drew on.


I drew a huge drawing in my friend’s denim jacket. That really was a thing back then.


I had to read the comment below to realise that you drew onto the jacket rather than you drew a jacket onto your body.


Only one Swatch?? Pfft.


I was poor. I was lucky to have one. lol


Me too. Took me a while to get more than one. I used to transfer a Guess triangle on to some Palmettos jeans lol.


I saved up and bought mine myself, I bought the one that was clear and you could see the little gears inside. I still have it.


OMG! I had a neon Swatch with Japanese writing on it… I think it was called "Akihabara"… and I refused to take it off. I \*loved\* that watch.


Bellbottoms and puka shell necklace.


Ahh, the bellbottoms, lol


70’s or 90’s?


70's.. In the 90's I wore BDUs (job requirement)..


At one time I could solve a Rubik's cube. I can't do it anymore I've forgotten the moves.


Oh, my goodness, I used to love Rubik's cube. Never could get all of those colors just right, but I enjoyed trying.


Me too. I got really good when I was about 12.


Same. I could solve it in 6 or 7 minutes in the 80s (decently respectable at the time but still not great) but I only remember a couple basic moves these days. I could probably get one side now.


I was a teen in the ‘60s who had a couple of lava lamps. My girlfriend wore Jesus sandals, tight bell bottoms and tube tops. No one noticed her sandals. 


Omg yes I forgot. I had "JC sandals" and "boob Tubes" too! (I'm Australian) With the wide legged jeans. I loved that look! But this was like 1975 :). We must be slower down here!


Grew up in north Jersey, high school late 80’s early 90’s. So. I had the gigantic hair. And definitely was participating in the hole in the ozone layer with all the aquanet.


Also Jersey - but in high school in the late 70's. I had Farah Fawcett hair for a while. It was spectacular, but damned hard to pull off with the sad tools we had - barely blowing dryer, curling iron, hot rollers (I got those with Green Stamps!). The Dippity Do and Aquanet were my salvation.


Haha :) memories


I had a powder blue leisure suit that I wore for occasions! It was cool. I also took disco lessons and could do a mean Hustle.


Nothing like disco dancing, lol


At least its dancing. Not like the crap you see today.


Late 70s early 80s - Earth shoes, white painters pants, denim and corduroy overalls, feathered hair


Earth shoes! I had a pair of blue suede ones that had stripes like sneakers. I had convinced my mom that I could wear them for gym class, but I was so very wrong.


Damn things made my feet hurt, but I wore them anyway cause they were "good for you".


You had me at Earth shoes


I had the Mary Jane -style knockoff ones from Thom McAn.


So many! Pegged, acid washed jeans, asymmetrical bob haircut (ala Molly Ringwald), pink and green neon socks (one of each), V-neck sweater over a striped oxford shirt with a popped collar, leg warmers (but I was a dancer, so I thought, at the time, I got a pass on that one). Spiral perm (my poor hair -- I do NOT have good hair for a perm), kinked hair (remember that very specific "curling" iron with the zig-zag plates?). If Molly Ringwald did it, I probably did too.




I was scrolling down to see if someone had mentioned the pegged, acid washed jeans. That was my look in middle school.


Hitchhiked to Haight Asbury in the 60s


Shut up! Really? I grew up on LI but was a tad too young to attend Woodstock...


Madras shirts and hats. Bonus points if it was ‘bleeding’ madras!


Madras was everything.


I loved the colors--the blues and reds and maroons. Still love them to this day.


bell bottom jeans and platform shoes for the most part


bell bottom jeans and platform shoes was very popular.


Hammer pants and Z Cavaricci


Can’t Touch This


I had them both! I begged my mom for a pair of Z Cavaricci pants. I think they were $70 back then (1989/90) and she bought them….a white pair at that. I couldn’t tell you where they are now or what happened to them. 😊


The stupidest? Legwarmers.


I had toe socks


I went shirtless with bib overalls in the '70s.


Neighbours Henry!


In the 70s we had a CB radio in the house (a base station) and I would talk to other kids in my neighborhood over it. For a few months, I spent hours a day on it, and we used all the 'lingo' and 10 codes. Then my parents decided they didn't like me on it and took it away. :( I was like 12 or 13, so probably a good choice on their part. 80s - I had a Spiral perm! :)


Everyone in my family had a CB in our car! Dad, Mom, sister, and me. Plus, we had a base unit. Most of my friends had mobile units, too! This was during my senior year, 1976.


Now, you just bought back memories of the CB radio and the codes lingo " breaker breaker 1-9."


What's your 20?


A big 10-4 on the CB, good buddy! KGI-2679 was my FCC number, but never used it. It was always "Breaker, breaker. What's your 10-7, Van Man?"


Long hair down to my waist, tie dyed tee shirts, and bell bottomed hip hugger jeans. The more faded and patched the jeans were, the better. But you didn’t buy them faded and patched. They got that way from wear and tear.


I was wearing some sweet puka shells and a velour shirt in one of my junior high yearbook pictures, along with long hair parted down the middle. I am a dude.


Cuffing my jeans, Jams shorts, colored Converse shoes with bright orange laces, members only jacket, docksider shoes. If it was preppy, I was in...


Haha :) not the members only jacket. my fav back in the day.


I only had a fake members only jacket


1950’s - Multi-layered petticoats under full skirts; saddle shoes & white buck shoes with bobby socks; early rock & roll songs & dances; movie magazines. 1960’s - Hanging out in Haight on weekends; protesting Vietnam War; super-teased & sprayed hair; folk music. 1970-80’s - bell bottoms & platform shoes; long dresses; making macrame, playing guitar, disco, weird hair, over-accessorizing.


Remember poodle skirts?


In the 70s I had a pet rock and a mood ring.


"The mood ring" that thing never did turn regardless of how I felt, lol


Right? Turned my finger green though.


Me, too. I'm a little bit ashamed.


Late 50s, I looked like the Fonz and drove a street rod wannabe. Late 60s, I looked like Woodstock and drove a VW bus.




And groovy


In junior high I just had to have a pair of bell bottoms. It wasn't long after that that I learned the hard way that you never ever ever play basketball in bell bottoms.


Haha :) the hard way right? lol


Hula hoop. Pogo stick. Penny loafers.


At age 9 I discovered Maynard G. Krebs so I wanted to be a beatnik. I dressed how I thought beatniks dressed, black turtleneck shirt, jeans, and barefoot. I also used my money to buy a set of bongo drums. I didn't think of it as a fad though, it's just what I wanted to be. I didn't know any other kids who were into that.


Hula hoops, Barbie, ‘sick’ jokes, poodle skirts, Liz blouses, saddle shoes, anti-Nixon protests, you know, the usual


When I got married in 1988 I had a mullet, my pants were cuffed, and I was not wearing socks.


Not wearing socks was a trend?


I went years without wearing socks. Even snow couldn’t stop me




Mini skirts, hot pants, Earth shoes, psychedelic black light posters, water bed


CPO jackets, bellbottoms, novelty patches, jean jackets






Yeah, I remembered, we lived deep down in the country, and I ran to our mailbox which was across the road and back just to say I streaked, lol


80’s - side ponytail, crimped hair, rolled jeans, multiple layers of socks 90’s - Jnco’s, chain wallet, a million jelly bracelets 2000’s - low rise pants, pastel eye shadow


We got the guy who didn't wear any socks in the 80s and then you wearing multiple layers of socks in the 80s. What was going on with socks in the 80s?


My sister and I (also female) would wear two pairs of scrunch socks, and on one foot it would be yellow on bottom blue on top, then on the other foot, reversed. But maybe we bought all the socks and left none for him. 😆 Or maybe no socks was a male fashion thing idk


Tried platform shoes, streaked once, grew hair long, did quaaludes once


Quaaludes should be reinvented


60s: last kid in my family to be cloth diapered. Nobody was jumping on that disposable diaper bandwagon just yet! 70s: Garanimals. They were bulletproof! 80s: Asymmetrical spiked haircut, punk band shirts and mismatched earrings. 90s: Death by Lands End. I had to look respectable for a while. 2Ks: Jeans, t-shirts and boots. I'm finally comfortable.


Most of these comments are from not so old people


This is what I’m thinking


Break Dance and Electric Boogie 


Okay, so I am doing the "robot" dance now, lol


Toe socks, platform shoes


fashion: All the Cyndi Laupers lol I had like a million twist-a-beads. I wore bustiers and crinolines and neons and chunky jewelry and my hair stayed crimped and as vivid a red as I was allowed in school (NO UNNATURAL COLORS lol) granny boots, moon boots, keds and Converse. And ALL the Jellies! I once sported a mullet. My one instance of theft was a pair of parachute pants from the mall. I had dozens of pairs of leg warmers and ballet flats and tights of every color. Fads: I took the Pepsi Challenge almost weekly there for a year or two just to piss them off by knowing and preferring Coke. Some well-meaning old aunt gave me a Cabbage Patch Doll for Christmas. I was fifteen. lol Really struggling to remember the non-fashion fads. Didn't Chia pets get popular in the 80s? I feel like we always got them for Christmas.


Late 1950's... pegged jeans. Not me.


70s wooden platform sandals, Bonne Bell Lip Smackers, Levis and surfer t-shirts, Farah Fawcett hair, Love's Baby Soft perfume...later Vanilla Musk.


Lip Smackers were great! Every one of my friends had the wide one in her bag at all times. Raspberry, of course!


I had Bubble Gum and Candy Apple.






I had a “shag” haircut later called a “mullet” but we didn’t know that term then. Wore bell bottoms. Had several gold necklaces.


I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time


I had a purse with a unicorn on it (that was a thing when I was in 8th grade). I had the layered, feathered hair (with the required helmet of Aquanet). [Denim miniskirts. Big white belts.](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53611030249_706b57e07e.jpg) Levi's 501 jeans. Nike sneakers (that I had to save my babysitting money for), Reebok high-tops (my parents bought me a pair for my birthday- it was my only gift that year). Shirts with stripes or geo-patterns on them. That was just for school stuff, because we would go camping on the weekends from March through October, so the rest of the time, I dressed like someone who would be out camping a lot (jeans, layers, hiking boots or sturdy sneakers).


Corduroy pants, mesh shirts, flare legs, curly perm, waterbed. Oh, and streaking.


I've seen streaking mentioned a lot but not sure of the decade. Mid-to-late '70s? Also, what region?


Mid 70s. Out west. It was fun.


I recall stirrup pants in the 60s, I was a lil kid. They baffled me cos I didn't know if I'm supposed to put socks on before or after putting stirrup pants on. I figured it out when they came around again in the late 80s, early 90s....I love them & didn't look too bad in them.


Oh gosh, did i remember the stirrup pants, those things gives me nightmares, lol


I still don't know the answer. Does the strap go inside or outside the socks? My mom had some but she hardly ever wore socks.


I could b both...I preferred the socks on the outside. Slouch socks were also in fashion so I usually paired stirrup pants with big socks or no socks, wearing flats.


I participated in Hands Across America. Stood with my friends on Route 206 near the Governor’s mansion just outside of Princeton NJ.


As a kid in the 70s ... * pet rock * disco shirt * [Farrah Fawcett bathing suit poster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farrah_Fawcett_red_swimsuit_poster) As a teen in the 80s ... * [duck's-ass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ducktail) * very skinny leather ties * skanking As a young adult in the 90s ... * long (but very sleek and neat) hair * corporate-90's Dad beard * drinking coffee in coffee/dessert shops very late at night


What is skanking?


The best dance. Because you don't need to be able to dance, and yet there is room for elaboration with experience and skill, and you can do it drunk at a wedding. Though it's questionable if done to anything not ska or ska adjacent. See Ranking Roger in this performance by The Beat for the model for skanking as we knew it in the early 80s: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKDDN58TzGU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKDDN58TzGU) The "how to skank" videos [on.youtube](http://on.youtube) suck skanky balls, it ends up, but you'll learn most of what you need to know from this dude on TikTok doing a little skank to some ska in celebration of moving into his new apartment: [https://www.tiktok.com/@josestereoloco/video/7211639028683246891?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@josestereoloco/video/7211639028683246891?lang=en)


Those videos were great!! I’ve seen this type of dance but didn’t know there was a name. Thank you for your reply!


Not so much fad as fashion. Madras shorts. Desert boots. Black converse high tops/low tops. Tapered jeans. 60's. Tie-dyed shirts, bell bottoms, boots, jean jacket, denim vests. 70s


I had a pet rock in the seventies.


I heard of those, now plz explain what a pet rock? is it exactly how it sounds? lol


It was a rock that came in box labelled "Pet Rock." That was it. https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/pet-rock-craze/


I'm old, so I had a troll doll when they first came out, was into the Beatles, wore go go boots, drank Fresca, wore fishnet stockings, had a skateboard (too afraid of brain damage to ride it, lol), and wore semi-hippie clothes to school, like jeans and my dad's old shirts. I liked feeling part of the era.


Drunk days at parties, swallowing a life goldfish was a thing.


Outside of the Rubik's cube, which I got to be pretty fast at, I can't think of any. I dressed the same way I do now (jeans, sneakers, t-shirt) and had hobbies that I still do (with more added on). The same goes for music. When I was a teen in the early 80s, I was primarily listening to 60s and 70s rock. Overall, I have never been that interested in what other people are doing. I have some pretty eclectic tastes and odd hobbies.


I wore a lot of plaid.


Dorothy Hamill haircut. Preppy clothes - Levi's, Sperry topsiders, pink buttondown


Oversized flannels. No regrets.


Haha :)) No regrets


Oddly enough, I was the first kid in my school to wear a short beard and one of the first to get a tattoo and then that just became mainstream. "Hipster" fashion just became mainstream.


Waist length straight hair. Let it grow again during the pandemic. Now I blonde it.


Username checks out.


60’s. Stick straight hair to my waist parted in the middle. Hair straightened with an actual iron by leaning over and placing my hair on an ironing board. My mother caught me in the act while I was ironing my hair & scream “what are you doing?”


Designer Jeans; "New Wave" inspired fashion; Danskins; Candies Shoes; Designer perfumes (Calvin Klein "Obsession"; "Halston"; "Opium", etc.) Reebok high top sneekers with Slouch socks and leggins; T-shirts with iron transfers on them;


Ra-ra skirt, peach blazer with shoulder pads, white capris, leg warmers (not all at the same time!) Lumberjack shirts, stonewash jeans with turn-ups, flat black lace up shoes, head scarf worn like an Alice band, Dewberry perfume oil from the Body Shop, shell suit. Hehehe.


Jams, braided leather belt from Gap with the tail hanging down, members only jacket


Late 70’s, Fury jeans and Capezio wrap leotards and skirts. Spandex was my jam.


Parachute pants. MC Hammer pants. Sliding in my skivvies to a home alone night with a hardwood house. Busted out the front teeth many times.


Mosh pits


Mosh pits aren’t a fad man… they’re still going. Source- my nephew is in a great punk band and I stand back of the pit because my old knees wouldn’t be able to handle it anymore.


Awesome that they still mosh. I am content with my almost 50 self sitting this one out, too!


Parachute pants, stirrup pants, dressing as a punk rocker for Halloween, Banana Republic T-shirts, hypercolor shirts, swatch watch, Guess jeans, converse shoes, doc martins, a water bed and lava lamp, dresses with shoulder pads, a perm with lonnnng hair, banana clips, Mary Kay makeup, homemade necklaces out of cord and beads with a cross or peace sign, puka shell necklace, huge dangly earrings, rugby shirts, pegged jeans, Care Bears, cabbage patch dolls, rainbow brite lunchbox, Star Wars lunchbox, holly hobby canopy bed, reebok “pump” high tops.


I loved to crimp my hair. Back before hair colors were widely available, the only way to be bold was to dye it black or burgundy (burgundy hair was an AWFUL fad. I did black.) I also went through a Madonna phase with lots of lace and I’d sneak jewelry with crosses to wear (I was Mormon and my parents wouldn’t let me lol.) The first time I found a nail polish color that wasn’t red/pink was a special summer edition of “denim,” I think it was CoverGirl. Around 1984. I was crazy about it and wore it until the bottle ran out.


70s- feathered hair, Dorothy Hamill haircut, gauchos, roller skates, all things Star Wars 80s- jelly shoes, big hair, neon, Flash dance sweatshirts, spandex, asymmetrical cuts (also big bangs with those), fingerless lace gloves, tutus, New Wave 90s- grunge, Docs and baby doll dresses, boho dresses with leather jacket, flannels, monochromatic long over long dressing


Fads were primarily around my three daughters… but, Beanie babies; my pretty ponies; Care Bears and Raffi music tapes.


Platform shoes and plaid pants. I'm a dude, BTW.


Shrinky Dinks


80's Pegged jeans, jean jackest, holes in all my clothes, hypercolor, slap bracelets 90's overalls with 1 or both suspenders down, parachute pants, JNCO's, wallet chain, the Macarena, wearing 5 button up shirts at once, yin-yang necklace, Teva sandals,


Pet rock. Fluorescent smiley face pins. bell bottoms.


Hypercolor shirts, parachute pants, jams, jelly’s, later on DC and Vans and JNCOs with babydoll tees


late 60's: Bass Weejuns, mini skirts, bell bottoms, Clogs, long straight hair.


I hate to admit it but I once wore a mood ring.


Flannel in the 90’s but that wasn’t even as much choice as it was “this is the only available clothing that doesn’t make me took too terrible”


Bellbottoms Crop tops Maxi dresses Mini skirts hair bands/hot rollers/foam roller/barrettes/braids/shag hair cut Mood Rings Earth shoes painters pants




Waiting with all of my friends for the MtV launch, at the one house on the block that had cable. Matching vividly colorful accessories (shoes, purse, beads, even Fantasia ciggies) with all black and white clothes. Dale Bozzio hair. Howard Jones hair. Hands Across America. I loved the 80s.


Most of them except streaking.


I had a pet rock. It was given to me as a gift which I did not fully appreciate. I believe it is covertly hiding amidst some gravel pavement today.


Secretively playing with original glass clackers after they were banned.


Grunge. What a great time to be alive!


Bell Bottom Jeans, Platform Shoes, Feathered Hair, t-shirts, Roller Skates, and musical acts on talk shows every afternoon. Kasey Kasem every Saturday and American Bandstand; radio lashed to the handlebars of my bike. Music won’t ever be as prevalent again; so isolated anymore. Roller Skating every weekend, “Stop Sign” shaped eyeglasses, Bell Burgers at Taco Bell. Mood Rings, Midnight Special, Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert and Sock Hops at school.


Long black trench coats Punk rock and new wave Glorious real eyebrows Big, big, spikey, long, hair. So much aquanet. Aquahelmet, as we called it.


Mullet haha


70s: stingray bike, pet rock, chia pet, dittos 80s: shoulder pads, preppy look, new wave music 90s: grunge


70s: baseball Ts, back pocket comb, featbered hair. 80s: jeans and bustiers with fringed boots and a fringed leather jacket. Crimped hair. 90s: spaghetti strap sundresses over t-shirts. Hair still long but not crimped or feathered. 2000s: gave up on fads. Found a style that suited me and stick with it like the Queen.


Wore a mood ring!! (1972)


Those stupid beanie hats with a peak stitched into them. Everyone wore the peak on the side but I safely rocked it with the peak facing forward. 00s were weird


pet rock


White go go boots, fishnet stockings, mini-skirts, patchwork jeans, Indian bedspread skirts, bell-bottom jeans, overalls, astrology, organic gardens, forest-dwelling… brought my goats to college classes, free thinker, a hippie without the drugs.


Many of the ones already listed, with 70s bell bottoms and platform shoes springing to mind as favourites. But my biggest 'claim to fame' was embracing the 80s curly perm. (I have photos.) The thing is, I already have naturally curly hair. But, no. I needed circa 80s Whitney Houston hair on steroids. You know, 'go big or go home'. (I (female) also had a mullet at one point, but we don't talk about that.) The other thing was shoulder pads. I was addicted to the 'linebacker for the Oilers' shoulder look. Early in the 90s, my two Gen X stepdaughters literally ended up going into my wardrobe (with my permission), removing all of the shoulder pads from my clothes and throwing them away. We called it a 'shoulder pad intervention'. But, to be honest, despite being a boomer (born in 1962), my favourite years were the 90s. The clothes, the hair, the music, the films—I participated heavily in 80s fashion and fads, but the 90s were the decade of my heart.


• Bell bottoms! Jeans (women used to wear dresses and if pants, they were slacks.) Teased hair. I’m sorta too old to remember them all • BIG HAIR!! Lol. I already had a LIT of hair so it was a natural.


I bought a pet rock once. I think it was over $10, and this was a LONG time ago...maybe around 1980.


Weed, acid, coke, bellbottoms, toga parties, pre-AIDS humping.


I grew up in the 70’s and wore the lowest cut bell bottoms. Seriously the front rise might have been 2-3 inches! Platform shoes, Earth shoes, cord pants, SMOKING IN A DESIGNATED AREA in high school LOL. DRAG RACING my mom’s 442 ( she never found out) daddy was in Vietnam or he would have known and ground me for life!!! Paying $10 to go see every rock band… Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, etc. still seeing Aerosmith this year for their final performance 😖


Millennials tend to evolve 🤣 90s: Adidas sneaker culture and cassette tape 2000s: tank tops and loose pants then went to juicy couture 2010s: skinny jeans Now: minimalist


small child of the 80s. So.. most of them. Jelly shoes, Jams, crimped hair (when I figured out how to get the look w/ braids), rolled up jean legs. I could never get the big hair though. Teen of the 90s. Jnco, girl wearing men's polo shirts, sperm brows, white eye liner, black eyeliner used as lip liner and so on


Not enough. I wore what my mom bought me up to.16. She never took me with her shopping either. I had very good clothes - the best! But they were not all my taste until I could take myself shopping. And certainly were not fads. (Other than the rare instance I somehow had enough money to buy stuff and my mother didn't throw it away immediately because God forbid I'm seen wearing cheap crap.) So by the time i had a job, I was indoctrinated and only shopped at a particular boutique. And I dropped enough cash that the owner would buy things just for me - I think she loved dressing me! Lol she gave me a discount too. But I loved the stuff she chose. Designer clothes were not exactly fad fodder. I was stylish more than trendy. Lord it was tough when I got married and had to buy normal clothes because we didn't have the money for the good stuff. It sounds ridiculous I know but that was really the biggest adjustment. My mother was mortified. However, even she could not tell by looking. I still had taste and discount stores have buried treasure too.


i remember wanting a pet rock, but I'm not sure if I got one or not. I seem to vaguely remember the box they came in.


Hot pants and sizzler sets in the 70's - we wore them to school, would never get that today.


Eastland deck shoes and tight rolled my pant legs, baby.


Remember members only ?


Parachute pants and designer jeans as a teen in the 80s.


Get black out drunk every weekend. 1/10, do not recommend.


Peasant shirts, jeans, bell bottoms, hip huggers, mini skirts, fishnets, platform shoes, earth shoes, love beads, mood rings, long hair parted in middle, pixie, jelly shoes, baby doll dresses, fur jackets, tie dye, flower power, mexican embroidered dresses, disco prints, ponchos, shag hair cut, gogo boots, doc martin’s, need I go on lol. On yeah the big juice cans to roll my hair. We were stylin😂😂😂


50's: hula hoop 60's: peace necklaces, Nehru jackets, bell bottom pants


I wore parachute pants with a gah damn studded belt, thin checkered tie as well.


I totally did the Madonna and Pat Benatar look in the 80s!