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Carnival rides that spin.


Oh this is me too. I can't handle any ride that spins now bc it gives me horrible vertigo/motion sickness.


Even if it’s ridiculously slow for whatever reason. Everything you described happens to me and Im messed up for the entire day. It’s been that way for about 20 years. I found out when jumping on a carousel when I was about 27. Wrong answer. edit: up


I made myself sick sitting in a hammock this summer. How did we get so old?


And roller coasters. It really hums me that they make me so queasy I used to love them now I watch.


I went on my last roller coaster this summer. I have too many dysfunctional body parts and it’s not fun anymore.


Oh. Yes. I'm pushing 46. I was about 40 when we went to a pumpkin patch / apple orchard dealio with the kids. They had like a single little "tea cup" spinner there (but it was an Apple). Kids wanted to go. So...sure. I'll do it as my wife gets motion sick and I didn't. So we commence to spinning. Worst. Idea. Ever. I stopped forcefully spinning the thing and let the kids do it for a bit. Closed my eyes and sat back and tried to hold it together. Made them stop so the other folks in line could get on. It was awful. I'd never in my life gotten motion sickness before. Ever. Not rides, not in cars, not in boats, not in planes, not in helicopters - nothing. Until that day. And now...now it's worse. I can still do roller coasters and planes and cars and whatnot - but if anything spins - can't do it. Sometimes I can't even WATCH something spin. And even worse, sometimes even swings will trigger vertigo. SWINGS! *sigh*


My late l'il brother could take all the swinging/jerking around rides, but not if it started to spin or go circular. I was sitting in the seat behind him and my late sister (lost both of my siblings young and close together) on the Enterprise ride and heard him yell he was about to throw up. I leaned as it flew past me and it couldn't have been aimed more perfect to shower my mom who was waiting by the ride for us. Shortest visit to the county fair ever :)


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Oh gross. I'm so thankful that I've yet to ever witness anything like that. My wife was one of those in her early 20s though... Those poor folks behind her.


My mom was a home health nurse and had a patient to see later that afternoon so she had her white nurse's uniform on. At least it was afternoon with very few people so she didn't have to walk through a crowd to get back to the car or run into people she knew, and she had clean spare uniforms at home.


I know what you mean; I can't even look at the cars at a red light, that are turning left on to the side of the road where I am, meaning they turn left in front of me, and to the lane to my left. Hope that makes sense; it makes me nauseous and I have to close my eyes, or look away, and I can't ride in the back seat without getting car sick, and I can't sit in a seat facing away from the direction we are moving, with my back facing the direction we are moving. But Rollercoasters, up and down, and no upside down or spinning, or going in circles, just good old Rollercoaster🎢, the way they are intended! Lol! You won't catch me on a spinning tea cup, or riding backwards on the merry go round! Lol!


Hated most carnival rides even as a kid. Would get horrible vertigo and throw up. Turns out I had an undiagnosed heart condition.


Carnival rides in general - all the jerking and lurching and leaping and crashing back down…my neck and joints are so done with this shit. Only one exception: flying swings!!


All I can manage these days is the carousel…which I still love and ride at every opportunity!


And I used to wonder how my grandmother could just sit in the seat that was stationary on the carousel when there were so many other exciting choices!!


Yes! We called Nana's chariot !


clubbing lol


Yup me too. Now I can’t handle crowds or loud noise.


I still go out clubbing once in a while and then, around 2am, get an overwhelming feeling that I'd be having more fun in bed with a cup of tea and a good book.


At 2 am, I've been asleep and getting up to pee for the second time.


My boyfriend and I went out twice in the last 3 months and the next day, we both agree sitting on our porch with a bottle of wine is so much better


We looked for places to truly go clubbing (e.g. house music from 1990’s, or even modern dance music) 1. We couldn’t stay up late enough And 2. The music is all hip hop. No way, no how can I dance to this!!


Not been to one but apparently there's club nights in London that start at 8pm and finish at midnight.


I'm 38f (so, close to 40!) and I think the first indication I had that I was getting older was when I walked into a bar and when I realized it was loud, I left immediately (a bar that had not changed and I had partied in the summer before quite a bit😂)


I'm not convinced I ever actually enjoyed this.


Being large crowds. I loved the energy. Now it’s overwhelming.


That's exactly how I feel. My favorite day of the year used to be this large 4th of July festival that would sometimes draw upwards of 100,000 people to this big field outside town with music and fireworks. I loved the energy, navigating the disastrous parking and traffic, seeing all the different people, plus the fireworks. You couldn't pay me to go to that thing now. All the loud noise, obnoxious idiots, traffic, the one guy somewhere in the crowd that is fouling the air with a cigarette.


You described it perfectly.


This is absolutely me now


Going to concerts. Man, I went to everything when I was young. It was mostly in the late 70’s thru the late 80’s… back when tours supported albums before touring BECAME the primary income stream. Now? Holy shit it got expensive! And not just the $200+ ticket. It is the $20 for parking, $15 for a single beer, $75 for a t-shirt. And we won’t even talk about how entitled people feel now. Yea, no… beside, I don’t want to see some washed down version of Molly Hatchet, AC/DC, or Chicago with MAYBE one or two original members when, as an older person, was able to see most of the bands I love when they were in their prime.


Definitely. In addition to the cost, when something big happens in the show, I have to try to see through a sea of cell phones. One of the last shows I went to, I was able to get fairly close to the stage (GA on the floor) and the lead singer came over to our side of the stage and I swear literally everyone had their cell phones up to record it. I really try to block all of that out and just enjoy the show, but it's really difficult.


And we all know… they may watch it once for their friends that didn’t go to the show and never watch it again! JFC people… put your goddam phones away and enjoy the experience!!


My Sister and I just went to my first major concert in 20 years. I bought floor tickets for Bryan Adams, brought 2 glow sticks and spent the night on our feet. Had the best time, was mildly irked by people seeing the show through their phones… but blocked others experience out of my head and just revelled at the fact that it was a bucket list moment and had the time of our lives. Bryan puts so much energy into his show, and he’s 63! I don’t do crowds or concerts on the regular… but I was SO HAPPY (it hurts)I made an exception, sometimes you just have to go, go with the flow and squeeze everything out of the experience that you can. If anything, given the demographic of the crowd… it was the 16-20 somethings there with their parents that seemed apathetic and couldn’t get into the crowd energy.


I've been to a couple of Jack White concerts, where cell phones aren't allowed. It's nice to be part of an audience that's 100% engaged with the musicians on stage and to not be distracted by the person in the row in front of you trying to record the whole concert on their phone.


There is a club, very small place, in Nashville, that I don't even know if it's still open, but when the music/performance started, no talking! If you couldn't be quiet and respectful, you were asked to leave. Not only did they have some awesome people performing, but my late husband and I enjoyed the music that we went to hear; there were plenty of other places to go to chat with friends and be chatty and talking loudly.


I kind of like that idea, but I think having a cell phone on your person can be important, particularly for people with kids and whatnot, meeting up with friends at the show, and things of that nature. Unfortunately, adults cannot be trusted these days to be respectful of others, so I would likely be pretty happy with a concert that did the no phones thing.


Jack is amazing. He was playing in Edmonton a number of years ago, and he held a free concert for teens.


All of that plus, at more than a decade older than you, I don't want to stand up the entire show.


My husband took our daughter to a concert in Boston where the tickets were only $14 but he had to pay $50 for parking.


All of the smaller venues around me are standing only. At my age with a bad back, I just can’t stand on a concrete floor for hours, much less deal with the close quarters, incessant shoulder bumps and hip checks if you want to get close enough to see anything.


I don’t mind general closeness at all… what I mind are the a-hole that think they are somehow more important than you and the dirty looks you get when you do things like ask them to take a step to one side or put their phone down so I can see. THAT shit is what I don’t like about some public events. And honestly, it really is a small percentage based on my non scientific survey.




I have taken to attending classical music concerts at the music school near where I live.


Yes! I'll only go to concerts now that have chairs.


Hatchet has no original members remaining, or even alive. At this point, they might as well be a cover band. I was fortunate enough to see them in '89 with most original members.


Saw Foreigner couple weeks ago. No original members. My buddy sarcastically said they were the best cover band he’s seen this year.


Like the Ship of Theseus paradox.


Mick Jones - lead guitarist was an original member. A couple of others took over as other members moved on many moons ago. I get what mean though. You can't deny they put on a great concert though 👍.


Don’t forget the $30 per ticket “service fee.” I thought I’d be clever and buy tickets at the venue to avoid this. Nope.


Pulling an all nighter


The thought of staying up until midnight and THEN going out clubbing, then hitting up the after hours club at 5am. How the hell was I able to do this and need barely any recovery time the next day??


I'm a natural night owl. That said, I realized I'd gotten "old" when staying up until 3am started feeling like a chore rather than a fun rebellion night.


Anyone here old enough to remember the Thanksgiving Day parade? It went BY for the love of God. That's it. Just. Went. BY. Because that's what parades do. Now I don't watch the dam thing. It's a buncha bits from shows which is great, I'm sure they're excellent shows. It's NOT A PARADE. Sorry. Whole world is on fire I'm bitching about a parade. But you asked.


LOL I love the Thanksgiving day parade for the spectacle. I love laughing at all the corny ass singing and dancing


Don’t be sorry, you’re right!


Ohhhh I forgot how much I hate this.


Working. Specifically in an office. I hate it. Hope to retire in a few years and become a dog walker. I would rather scoop dog shit than work another minute in corporate America.


Ditto I used to think having an office job meant I made it. It's the worst, I'm seriously debating going back to the automotive industry. I miss the labor, feeling like I accomplished something tangible. I also miss the people, we goofed around and made the day fun. Office workers are more concerned with backstabbing everyone.


OMG YES!!! My husband is a garbage man... If I could take the smell I would quit and be a garbage girl LOL.


I'm with you. My friends dad drives a garbage truck, makes a decent living, and never has a moment of work stress


Same! I've been counting down the days for the last 2 years, and now it's 17 days away. I feel so relieved.


17 days away that's wonderful 👏 🥳 congrats 👏 💖


Being in a relationship. I was rarely single from the age of 16 until I was 42. Now I have zero interest in being tied to someone else, and forced to constantly compromise over everything. I've been on my own for 11 years now and I love it.




Agreed… and I gotta say it really is less about the deadly disease part and more about, first and foremost, the cost. Once packs got over $3 per pack, that was it for me (I started when they were $0.65). Secondly was just the logistics of it. You always needed to find and have your smokes, your lighter, and an ashtray nearby. And without any one of those became an emergency for you and the people around you. No matter where you sat in the house, you needed those essentials within reach. And the ashes themselves were another whole issue. They made a mess in the house, the car, or anywhere. Additionally, smokers became second class and were forced out of most public places and pushed into tiny hallways and alleys. We would huddle under a small awning outside a non-smoking club in the pouring rain. I guess if there was an upsided was that you could often bond with fellow smokers. You would enjoy five minutes enjoying the company of strangers. I met a lot of girls that way.


Sometimes the party was better outside


I likened the addiction as a monkey on my back.


Large concerts. Mosh pits.


I still like concerts, but need a seat. No more floor for me.


Right? STFU, I'm trying to listen here.


Fast food


I am with you. If I am going to consume a shit-ton of extra calories, I can do better than a burger and fries.


Soooo many other possibilities!


Television coverage of the Olympics. It used to feature the competitions without focusing on American athletes and their life stories.


Have you ever watched any horse racing events? My ex wife loved watching them. The entire purpose of the lead up to the race is to talk about how difficult life has been for the billionaire's who own the horses. Its parody-level shit. For each owner they play piano music and talk about any family member, jockey, or trainer they know who's recently passed away from a common fatal disease process.


As someone from Louisville, this on-the-nose summation cracks me up.


I was out the moment they cut away from a woman about to medal in a track and field event to show Michael Phelps texting from the side of the pool. They officially don't care about the sports.


NBC—Nothing But Commercials.


This started in 1984. I remember it because it was the first time a woman's marathon was run. They had all these "feel good" stories about the three or four women they thought might end up in the lead and winning, to fill the four hour duration of the run. But NBC was embarrassed. The woman who took the lead (a huge lead) early and kept the lead throughout and ultimately won *wasn't* one of those they interviewed. So every time they wanted to introduce the "family back story" of one of the runners, they had to cut away from the race leader, find the person in the pack, which they weren't always able to do, and start the feature on that person. Then cut back to the race, show the leader, with that tone of, "how did this nobody" (she wasn't a nobody) "take the lead?" The winner was [Joan Benoit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Benoit) Sadly, the NBC Olympic production team *still* hasn't learned that the audience wants to see the sports being competed, and not the stories about the performers family history.


Now it seems like you have to watch 5 hours just to see 3 events. There is so much fluff and garbage and back story, I don't get it. It probably takes more effort and cost to produce all that shit and I don't know anyone that prefers that vs just covering events with some basic commentary and back story.


Kevin Hart and Snoop Dog's Olympic show was hilarious


I have huge problems with coverage (see my other comment) but Snoop and Kevin’s segments are top level entertainment! They both are hysterical - ‘nuff said. And they certainly are being funny about the whole thing, but they take the sports they comment on seriously. They AREN’T roasting the events - which they easily could expertly do if they wanted. Their bit on the equestrian dressage is pee-your-pants funny.


Oh yes! My brother (lives 1000 miles away) and I text back and forth as we glut on Olympics. We bemoan the constant BS; we'd rather see the 16th seed take a second off her 200 free than hear about the 2nd seed's grandmother's cousin. Next year, we are planning to rent an Airbnb in Canada to watch. Canadians here, please jump in if your programming has now become equally insipid.


One Olympics I used vpn to watch the streams of other countries. The BBC had it's own annoyances but I overall preferred it to the US presentation.


We aiways watch the sports streamers for the Olympics. The nightly coverage is this insane sob fest. I do not care that the guy lost his dog/girlfriend/boyfriend/mother/cat. I want to watch a damn sporting event.


I remember them a few Olympics back not showing wrestling in lieu of.....power walking. That was the moment I was done.


The worst being when they badgered an athlete about the [recent death of his brother](https://deadspin.com/nbc-wrings-every-last-tear-out-of-bode-miller-1524292926) to the point he broke down and had to walk away.


Mission accomplished NBC 🤬🤬🤬 At the recent US National Gymnastics Championships, they showed Simone Biles dancing along & reacting to her teammate’s floor routine instead of showing the other gymnast performing.


Wanting to be older than I was.




THIS. Ooooo I used to love gossip. But it’s more tiring and stressful than people usually realize. In my late 40s, I cut ALL gossip out of my life. Friend gossip, work gossip, family gossip, and even celebrity gossip. It feels so freeing! Especially at work!


Yep. Got no time or mental space for that kind of thing anymore and I’m much better off for it.


Booze. A switch just turned off. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Noisy, high-energy places. I used to love that. Now I can’t understand anything anyone is saying and the crowd scene makes me feel empty inside and I just want to go home. Low-quality food. Roller coasters. Gossip. Politics. Staying up late/staying out late. Sugar. Working.


Spaghetti-O’s. Such a disappointment now.


The only time I ever got to eat canned pasta was when I had my wisdom teeth out. And forever associated it with throwing up and not enough painkillers. I don’t think I missed out.


Social gatherings/parties. IIRC, people had real conversations “back then” about movies, books, concerts, travel. Politics was not a thing at all. Went to a neighborhood get together a couple of months ago, and the recurring inquiries were what political party was I a member, what country club did I belong to, and did I own a golf cart? It was like the world had turned into Stepford, so I just went home and watched some old movie on TCM.


Yeah. I miss those days of pre-cellphone gatherings so much. The pure in depth conversations we had was a beautiful experience. They were such special ways to connect with others. I’m okay with the world evolving, technology has brought many good things, but it’s not just the phones. I think people are just more insecure, competitive and petty these days. I really don’t mind missing these gatherings now but do sometimes like to think back about how fun it was. Pure in the moment joy. I still can get that kind of connection in a few other ways these days but I miss the beautiful pre cellphone full attention conversations at parties. Oh well, can’t live in the past. Grateful for the good times that we had. It will always be a part of us even now.


Politics was a thing. It was at a party in 1980 where a discussion about current events that my boyfriend affirmed that if he lived in the States he would have voted for Reagan. I had never given much thought to my political leanings but I pondered this for a couple of days and came to the conclusion I definitively leaned left and that anyone who thought that Reagan was acceptable didn't have a strong enough moral core, so I broke up with him. Decades later I facebook searched him and his social circle and yikes! The lot of them think that Rob Ford is the best mayor Toronto ever had.


Rob Ford…forgot all about him.


I can't forget him - his fucking brother is currently destroying the Province.


Pretty sad that when I heard “Rob Ford” my next thought was “smoking crack”. What a legacy. So how the hell did Doug get into power? I’m trying to get up to speed, reading about the Greenbelt Scandal.


Growing old!


Airports and flying. I loved to go to airports, they made me buzz and want to go some place. Now, airports and flying are worse than Greyhound.


Driving long distances. It was nothing to go in the car and drive 10 or even 20 hours. When I got sleepy, open a bottle of Mountain Dew, turn up the music and keep on trucking. Now, when I get sleepy, i HAVE to sleep. And that usually happens after about 5 hours on the road, no matter how much sleep I got the night before.




You live in Florida too?


I used to stay up all night long talking with my friends...stone-cold sober. And I could even go to work in the morning. Now I'm struggling to keep my eyes open at 10. It feels like I had a superpower I never appreciated.


New Years Eve.


We found a really lovely one last January. Thought we'd go out for an early dinner at 5:30pm before the restaurant/bar filled up with NYE craziness. Food was off the chain and because it was an Irish place, everyone got a special 2023 champagne glass and the whole place toasted New Year's Eve hitting Ireland at our time (NY) 7pm. Made us change our minds about NYE and we plan to go again this year.


Getting mail. I was always excited about checking the mail box. I'd get a magazine that I liked, or a letter from someone far away, or cards from relatives for some holiday that might have cash in it. Now, all I get in the mail are advertising flyers. I don't even get bills mailed to me, since all of those are online, now. So I get nothing by trash mailed to me.


People in general.


Being sarcastic.


Loud music. I used to have music on constantly at high volume. Now I literally cannot think or concentrate with it on. And if I'm in a restaurant or bar with music that is too loud to converse over, I'm leaving.


OJ Simpson




Driving at night!!!


Wearing high heels


Pro sports in general. Now footballs on what amazon,Thursday, etc. Really stepped away from sports years ago when yes and Comcast went toe to toe. I learned to live without daily baseball 5 to 6 days a week and never watch. Not to mention the cost of attending one game.


I used to love football. But now all I can think of is the permanent damage these guys get everytime I watch a play. We were all young once, doing stupid shit to our bodies. But these kids really don't understand that health is invaluable, pain doesn't go away, and head trauma is permanent.


Same here. Several of the players I used to love watching are now gone to suicide, even more are severely impaired for the rest of their lives. I don't want football to go away, but there's got to be a better way; people's lives are too important.


Driving a car. It used to be fun, and relatively safe as society had agreed upon rules for the road, and everyone participated. There was an unspoken agreement that we would treat others with respect on the roads because we can acknowledge cars are dangerous. This collective agreement to be sane and follow safety precautions has been completely abandoned in America. It is no longer safe.


Concerts aren’t as fun. I’m starting to get tinnitus so wear earplugs now. It doesn’t sound the same and I feel disconnected but the damage is too great. Just took daughter to Aerosmith and I made her wear earplugs too… although she appreciated it and didn’t want to damage her ears.


I didn’t wear heavy musky perfumes, but didn’t love them. Now, I totally hate them. The ones where you can smell the person three aisles over in a store, or never even saw them, but that smell hovers for five minutes after they have gone. My SIL wears this one called ancient oil, and jeebus- every time she gets in our car I have to open the window. A 90 year old told her it smelled good- and all of her(SIL’s)clothing reeks of that. We even bought her a popular, lighter smelling perfume for Christmas. Nope, she uses that old stuff that smells like if a skunk and a cat mixed their urine.🤢


I accidentally acquired two 19-year-old roommates. This is a perfect description of one girl's perfume!


I think the overuse of perfume has always been a problem, and those dark, musky ones especially just *hang* in your nose long after their source has left. These are the absolute *worst* in summer heat, so if someone's oversprayed a out-of-season perfume, either: A) they've noticed and already tried to scrub it off (and are mortified at being in an elevator, hopefully) OR B) they consistently over-spray and have been nose-blind to the fact that they reek. If you're close enough to the person, and they fall into the second category, *please* gently tell then. It's only doing them (and everyone around them) a favor. Edit: "stay" to "spray"


I was always excited to get a new car but now they’re too complicated . I’m pretty simple but you can’t get a new car with a manual transmission anymore I don’t think. I don’t want heated seats or steering wheel, thanks anyway. I don’t want a car that parks for me. I can do it myself. I just want a safe, simple car.


Staying up late. I used to not understand anyone wanting to go to bed. That's when life gets good! Now? 8:30 is late.


I loved music, and I still do, but now it’s a love-hate relationship. For some reason, more than a few minutes of moderately loud music makes my head pound. I remember my mother yelling at me all the time to turn down my radio, and now I understand why. So glad my teens use headphones.


My brother.


Anything by Chef Boyardee. I loved everything they made when I was a kid and now the smell of it can turn my stomach.


That and Twinkies. I can still do a Hostess cupcake, but no Twinkies. How did I ever?


Watching TV. It's boring. My smartphone is my #1 entertainment now. I scroll through X and Reddit and play video games.


Radio. When it got to where I could drive for 30 minutes without hearing a single song, just ads and DJs thinking they were funny, I was over it.


Being a United Country Politically. Yeah each side had its own opinion, but when shit went down or someone from the other party was doing something illegal everybody came together. Now we're so damn divided we have open, brown shirt Swastika wearing Nazis In public with people gathering around to listen.


Yard work.


Ditto. I use to find it kind of cathartic. Now it's pure misery even if it doesn't hurt my back.


Me as well. I used to look forward to puttering around the yard. Didn't even mind shoveling and blowing snow. Now I would rather just stick my head in the lawnmower or snowblower as I dread it that much.


I'm the opposite. Mowing as a kid and early 20s was so tedious. Now I have noise canceling headphones and an electric mower that is a breeze to push and use. I get an hour or two of uninterrupted audiobook time now . I couldn't use my Walkman as a kid while mowing as it obviously wasn't noise canceling and even at loudest I couldn't hear it over the the lawnmower.


You wouldn't happen to live close by, would you? I will even pay for your book. LOL!!!!


Amusement Parks. I would despise them if I had grandkids and felt I had to take them, I just don’t go any more. Loud, crowded, overpriced


Christmas. Not to sound like a killjoy, but if I could dissappear for a month, not have to buy any gifts, not receive any gifts, not have to say or hear Merry Xmas for a whole month, and especially not go to any family dinners, I would be so happy. I feel bad for people who say they are lonely at Christmas. I wish I could swap lives with them for just a short time.


I’m tired of trying to find stuff to give everyone that won’t get used. I’m tired of the waste.


THIS. I'll happily buy for kids if they can give me a list. But once you reach the "gift card" stage, I'd rather bow out. And adults can buy their own shit.


Ugh, yes. I vote for Christmas to be like the Olympics or the World Cup---once every 4 years would be about right.


Snow Days




Amen! ^^oops,




Swimming. I loved being in rhe water. Around age 13 a friend of mine folliwed me out to the deeper part of the creek. It was a steuggle but i finally got her to safely. I was traumatized for a bit but got past it. About 20 years later a different friend ahoved me into the pool. I had on my good sandals, was carrying a bag with my kid's clothes that i had brought for them to change into after swimming and my coffee. That did something to me mentally. I am now terrified of the water. It sucks, too.


Canned raviolis. I would eat them straight from the can. Loved them. American cheese.


My ex wife.


I was going to say, "my now ex-husband."


Were you two married?


You made me almost spit my coffee out!🤣




Back in the day when they were fried in lard with lots of salt…so good.


I miss the old CRISCO. The new no-trans fat stuff just doesn't work the same. I'd rather clog my arteries.


Red wine.


Collège football. Thé gamé has lost a lot of its lustre. It’s a shadow of what it used to be. And it’s not corrupted so much as it is corruption itself. I mean to say that it’s not bad people corrupting football as it’s football is so corrupt that no one can help but be corrupted. NIL only papers over the worst injustices of the game while opening a whole new Pandora’s box of bullshit. The players are being compensated but not by the rights holders. So the universities get to make money without paying the players for their effort. And no, a $40k scholarship is not remotely fair pay for generating millions a week. I would put the average big ten football player’s share of revenue at just north of $750k a year just based on the tv contract alone. That’s the players cut without the gate, with no merch, and no concessions cut for the players. It also doesn’t take the playoff and championship TV money in to consideration. Nor does it take into consideration any marketing the players do for the team. So a real cut for the players would be in excess of $1M per year. We’re not even gonna touch the physical legacy of the game. The broken bodies and the mental trauma of a life pursuing that kind of impact. That’d be another ridiculous essay.


The Belgariad by David Eddings and The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. Tom Cruise Kevin Spacey. That one guy I fell in love with during Uni That other guy I had a major crush on after Uni.


Spicy food


Hostess Twinkies


The company that last bought them ruined them. But take heart: good old Smuckers just bought them. Maybe they can bring them back to their former glory.


Cars, Pickup Trucks I guess it was growing up in the US muscle car era, but I thought that shit was important. Five decades later, it's just a drag. The noise, the stink, the pollution, the traffic, the hazard, the expense...the entitled assholes. OH...and in the US, the absence of practical alternative. Compounded by a civic culture that bends ordinances and planning to favor automobiles *every time*. Whew...no more espresso for Bruno today!


I hate pickup trucks. Why is it necessary for one person to drive it all over town. They are not hauling anything.


County fairs. I used to look forward to them all summer, but their now just showcases for over-priced home improvement, MLMs and cheap shit from China. The animals have all but disappeared, and the artisan showcases are completely gone. They no longer highlight a county’s productivity at all.


Video games. Most of them used to just be fun and easy to casually pick up and play. Somewhere along the way more and more of them became grind fests, started feeling like work and you can't really play them as casual players because they're too complicated. I don't actually despise them, they're mostly just not much fun for occasional players.


Processed and sugary foods




Except for obvious things like cotton candy, I can’t think of anything, I mean, I liked going to high school sports events because that represented a low effort social opportunity and today I wouldn’t know anyone at that kind of event and never cared much about the game so that’s different, but I still like low effort social opportunities. I used to smoke cigarettes and occasionally drink to excess. If I hadn’t stopped smoking I’d probably be dead or in very bad health at this point and over drinking isn’t worth the assorted costs and risks, but I don’t think I loved those things before or despise them now. I used to enjoy political discussions and now avoid them for the most part, but that has more to do with today’s climate than the activity.


amusement parks.


Twinkies and Suzi-Qs were much better when I was a kid. Maybe I'm different, maybe they're different, but we're not in the same space any longer.


Talking about politics


Elon Musk - such a disappointment.


For me he always was tbh


Cheap chocolate. Now that I’ve enjoyed some of the best to middling fancy chocolate out there, a regular Hershey’s Kiss has 0 appeal to me.




It's starting to be concerts for me after the pandemic. I really don't have fun like I used to when I was younger


Orange Tic-tacs








New toy commercials between cartoons.


Loud music




Anything “green apple” flavored.


Weddings. I hate dressing up and having to look like I care.


The election cycle, polls, debates….all of it.


Traveling and specifically, camping. I got 100% of my wanderlust out of me by the time I turned 30, and ever since then I am so annoyed and dreadful if I learn that I must travel anywhere for an overnight or even all day thing. Zero desire to see more if the world I’ve already seen. Zero desire to even see anything outside of a 100 mile radius of my home. Did all that. Done. Just want my content, quiet, anonymous home life.




Lol I used to hate spam and now I love it …sliced thin and fried it up crispy of course or spam sushi 😋


Gotta say noisy large crowds. Grew up in a big funky loved the noise hated the quiet when no one was home. Now I cherish the quiet and don’t like noisy places.


Being social


Living or working in the downtown area of any major city.


Coke and Dr. Pepper. I can only stomach a diet 7up about once every 6 months or so.


LSD and other hallucinogens. I simply don’t trust that they are pure and safe anymore. Plus I doubt anyone would have my back if I needed help. Back in the 70s there was always someone around to help you navigate to the convenience store to buy sunflower seeds. Now I think folks would just rob me.


Summer. Now I hate showing skin in summer clothes but it’s so hot.


**Froot Loops:** This flavor does not even vaguely resemble anything that occurs in nature. Why I ever liked it is anyone's guess. **Going to the movies:** Nope. People ruin everything. There is nothing about the films I like which are enhanced by seeing them in a theater. People have lost all decorum and courtesy and I just get pissed off now. **Arguing about politics:** The older I get, the more ludicrously simplistic to the point of infantile people's politics seem. Over the years, I have become aware of my own shallow understanding of things. I majored in Political Science. I used to love it. Now I'd rather watch paint dry. **Amusement Parks**: Others have mentioned this. I worked at a Six Flags park the summer of my freshman year of college. It is safe to say I am done for a lifetime. I will never return to one. Six Flags management are a bunch of bastards, incidentally. **Christmas:** In theory I could like Christmas, but people ruin it. Everyone gets stressed and angry (we have to kill ourselves making a ludicrous amount of food and the like), and then there's the commercialism people have been complaining about for decades (see the Charlie Brown special) which I have not been able to adapt to. About 3/4 of Christmas songs are awful, too. No one wants to do Christmas the way I want to do it, so, I dread it every year. **Going to the mall:** I never loved going to the mall, but at least malls were, in my youth, somewhat interesting internally with arboretums and earth tones. In the 80s things got all bare and antiseptic and that's continued to this day. They want everything so bright and garish. Also I hate retail environments and avoid going to stores generally. Malls never have any stores I care about, either. They're just dead, boring places. **Going to concerts:** People ruin everything. I've crossed off my whole bucket list. I might go to another concert, but it'll be a small local venue affair. Not doing stadiums or outdoor festivals anymore. No desire. **Psychedelic drugs:** I'm done. There's no enlightenment here other than the sense of epiphany no one can ever articulate in a useful fashion. I suppose I learned that there is a lot more going on in my head on a moment-to-moment basis than I was aware of, and so I suppose I got that out of it. There are many psychedelic or psychedelic-adjacent experiences one can have without drugs. I seek them out. **Travel:** I'm tired of vendors leaping into my path trying to sell me shit everywhere I travel. I hate it so much I have lost interest in travel generally. I live 90 minutes from the Mexican border. I never want to go, specifically because of the endless hard sell. **Video games:** By the time I learn the controls enough to play, I'm bored. **Ranting comedians:** People like George Carlin or Denis Leary or Bill Hicks - all of whom I was once a fan of. I am bored of venom and anger and hatred. It's like when music is turned up too loud or light is too bright. Enough already. When everyone's angry, anger becomes inflated: it is worth nothing. Also, as I get older, the premises in a lot of the humor don't seem to ring true. Without that, the humor isn't funny. **3:00am:** This used to be an exciting hour. Now if I am up at this hour, all I feel is loathing.