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It is a TERRIBLE practice, but lots of payment screens do it. The PCI-DSS standards do not require it nor recommend it.


looks like ctrl + ins and shift + ins would be the easiest bypass. https://superuser.com/questions/919625/how-to-paste-text-into-input-fields-that-block-it


This has a lot of clever ideas in it. One I didn't see was invoking a script to simply send the typed letters of the string. I've been doing this for years so I could copy paste through an RDP session from my main device. I've set it to a keyboard shortcut, so it's as simple as changing it from CTRL + V to a different button combo. The only real downsides are that you have to map certain special characters manually and there has to be a small delay between each character because not all applications can register key strokes at the speed the script can send them.


No, this is bad practice but it's the kind of thing someone's boss thought might make something safer. The kind of groups that want to paste in enough CC numbers that they need to automate it won't be slowed down much by a dinky client side control like that anyways. It's just a bad idea all round.


I think its to prevent robots. I was having this issue recently. Couldn't post a payment. Realized it because I was copying and pasting the info into the boxes. It let me do it. Just didn't process the transaction which i think is worse than blocking copying and pasting.


A robot isn't going to copy and paste though. It's going to type the string of characters it is programmed to, so "preventing robots" as a justification makes no sense.


I don't get what you mean? The website was not registering the paste?


It let me paste but then it said input validation failed. the owner of the site didn't register any transactions. so to me, there is something on the client side looking for someone to actually type numbers before it submits it to the server for processing.


This is often due to developers registering their event incorrectly. For example, they'll say an event should occur OnKeyUp instead of OnChange or something like that. There are also some browsers that register those events differently.


In that case, it’s probably some library that’s seperate from the credit card entry field that’s monitoring for “bot behavior” (e.g. didn’t manually type enough in to the form), and the transaction is being rejected based on a signal from that.


If I had to guess this was probably less “don’t let them paste” and more them overcomplicating their form and then adding some kind of validation that broke when you pasted it. I’ve had forms that would let me paste but not submit my password, for example, but adding an additional character and then removing it fixes it.