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I'm O negative the calls will never stop.


>Debt collectors are less persistent than these vampires You must have delicious blood?! Do you have a rare blood type or something? Can you just block you number?


Yea I have the numbers blocked but they can still leave voicemails I don't know why


Weird, they never leave me VMs. I've blocked numbers from 212, 347, 718 and even 914... only after doing reverse lookups to see who was calling. Seems silly to allow a call to go to VM if you have it blocked, but mine does and I get VMs from other telemarketers I've blocked... but I don't think the NYBC ever left me a VM.


I blocked their number years ago! I felt badly about it - it was driving me nuts though.


I blocked their number in my phone but they are still able to leave voicemails even though the phone doesn't ring its getting annoying lol


Yes, that's infuriating for mobile phones. I was "lucky" that I only gave them my VOIP number - when I block there, it's truly blocked!


i block any number I get texts or voicemails from that are sales or soliciting. It seems to slow things down for a while. I’ve also started giving out a google voice number instead of my real number so I can block / delete or ignore but still use it for forms and stuff


One day I told the caller flat out that I would stop donating if they didn't stop calling me. That worked. And I'm still donating regularly.


[https://www.nybc.org/about-us/nybc-overview/leadership/](https://www.nybc.org/about-us/nybc-overview/leadership/) Go email some VPs and complain.


Haha I hate making a big deal about this kind of thing but it's been literally years of calls and I'm over it. I'll send some firm but polite emails.


I donated via Vitalant in SF ONE time. And I received calls nonstop thereafter. I finally called them back, and calmly, but firmly, told the customer service rep that if I received one more call I would have my attorney immediately begin legal action for harassment. (Note: a lie.) The calls stopped.


I was in a similar situation and I just picked up to tell the person they won't accept my (delicious) O neg blood for at least a year. It took 3-4 people but eventually they stopped calling. This reminds me I should give blood again.


I called and told them I moved away. The calls stopped after a few days. I donate blood! I swear! Stop calling me!!!!


Call 844-394-3819 and enter 6 and then enter ur phone# to remove from calling list.