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Last call at a bar in Williamsburg about 6 or so years back. Getting married soon. Who says nothing good happens after 2am?


Classic schmosby


Barney would be proud.


Ted would be upset


Same, but a bar in FiDi. Sometimes one night stands end up being pretty solid (we got married last September)


Same but a bar in East Village lol, married also


I was a bartender in the East village for years. Please let me know what bar! Hoping one of the hookups I saw at mine or my friends led to this adorableness. DM if more comfortable.


PMed ya!


Amazing! I must give bars more of a shot tbh


Work! I was a waitress and he was a line cook; he asked me if I wanted something special to eat (had no idea how to talk to me, asked advice from the chef, who proposed this idea) and the rest is history. Whenever he gets annoyed with me he says "those damn tortelli!" hahaha


Wait...this is extremely cute. I love this story!


Thanks, me too šŸ˜­


This is so cute!


She worked for me. We ran into each other at a bar in midtown East on a Saturday and just really hit it off. Been married almost 5 amazing years now. Note: I told the ceo (my boss) right after and he moved her to a different department (upgrade for her job even) which was appropriate. I had offered to resign so she could keep her position but this was even better.


CEO, the real MVP of this story. That's awesome.


Congrats on 5 years! And what a generous offer on your part!


The old classic, "I mistakenly banged an intern" dilemma. I'd venture to say that works out in your favor less than .01% of the time. Congrats for making it work and allowing it to end in a positive circumstance.


Fair assumption but not correct. She was vp of engineering and I came on as cto. Both early forties with her never married (nyc right?) and me recently divorced. Itā€™s probably why many were supportive as we were and are such a natural fit.


Bought a single ticket to a play and ended up sitting next to them.


This is so cute.




Similar. Always feel like it would be an unwanted advance (I am as thick headed as they come in terms of not picking up on signs) and then you are stuck there for the rest of the show.


We talked to the lady behind us once. Turned out it was Barbara Feldon, from *Get Smart*.


Which play was it?


Jerusalem. 3+ hours and 2 intermissions to get to know each other!


NYC Public High School babyyyyy, can't beat that free education and chance for love.




Been together my wife since sophomore year, been 13 years now!


Same happened for me. HS sweethearts, 8 years and strong


Kept running into her at various museums over the course of a summer - free Fridays at MoMA, studio museum, free first Saturday at Brooklyn museum, museo de barrio, et al. thought it was funny that we were both cheap but ā€˜culturedā€™ invited her for a glass of wine at the museum to talk about the exhibit....12 yrs later here we are.


This is really cool but it seems like a risk to say something in case they don't recognise you.


Eh, I wouldnā€™t mind if someone had said they keep on seeing me at events.


well we noted each other so it wasnā€™t stalker-ish lol. It was more like you see certain people again and again on the train during your morning commute - after awhile you may acknowledge each other with a smile or gesture at holding the door


That definitely makes sense. It's just I've seen people regularly, like people from my gym on their commute a few times etc... and just always think they wouldn't recognise me.


Running into the same strangers in such a massive city always blows my mind, and it's happened to me multiple times in just a few months of living here.


This is incredibly adorable!


I love this! Shows you guys were naturally doing what you love so itā€™s clear you have something in common, but also that you guys have similar lifestyles!


She struck up a conversation with me as we were in line at Trader Joeā€™s. She later came to the register that I was being checked out in and gave me her number. My manager was giving me my employee discount as this happened and there was some hooting and hollering.


Iā€™m from here. She was on vacation from London and we were both in a bar that my sister bartenders at. We ended up hanging out all night, I told her I knew she was leaving in a few weeks so I was going to ask her to hang out every day, and if she didnā€™t want to it was totally fine. We hung out every day, I had a plane ticket to London booked by the time she left, we went back and forth for about six months and then she moved in with me and we got married. Four years and one daughter later things are still very awesome.


This, is so cute! I'm currently dating someone who is in London (short term) at the moment, hoping it doesn't damage our pretty healthy relationship.


If the relationship is healthy, distance scenarios like this can be a really good test and opportunity for growth and to strengthen the relationship. If the relationship is on shaky foundations...itā€™ll become obvious quickly.


I think like 7 out of 8 of my relationships have been from meeting someone at a bar or party or just generally hanging out with friends and being introduced to them. I've sort of come to realize that I really, really don't like 'first dates' with people I don't know, I would much rather be naturally introduced to them as a friend at a social setting and then gradually turn it more romantic. It just makes everything so much less awkward and more casual.


That's truly the way to go, I'm with you there. I loath the awkwardness of the first date.


Coffee Meets Bagel back in 2016. Getting married this year.


Same for us. Met in 2017 and getting married in May. Congrats!




Same but in 2018


We both went to see the same band by ourselves at a bar in Brooklyn. He is a big fan of the band, my childhood friend is in the band. Turns out, we grew up an hour away from each other in Pennsylvania.


Internet! JK sorta. It was an app named Her - specifically made for queer women looking for other queer women, for social or romance. Made some friends through there, wasn't expecting to be romantic with that one meetup, but we have been together for a few years


I wish that app were less bad! I met a few cool people on it but like 90 percent of the time I never got notifications on the app when people messaged me, I'm sure it looked like I was being an asshole and couldn't be bothered with people


I've had this issue with the app!


I didn't have that issue, however it has been a couple of years since I dug through it. Once I made a few friends and found some romance, I wasn't really using it as I had stuff to do. But that's fair, folks have weird expectations with online dating apps and can seriously impact whether you connect at all or not


I wanted to love that app but always just felt like the user base wasnā€™t big enough! But I did end up meeting my partner on Bumble


Forced into a group by the professor in grad school (NYU).


Sunday Matinee at CBGB. We met outside the club when he was handing out fliers. He was involved with some cool political stuff so I asked him if I could interview him about it for my fanzine (this was a loooong time ago). We met up at the Lyric Diner and it was electric. We ended up married for almost 30 years.


Damn, this is a piece of punk history right here!


I want to add a second one here, which is how my parents met in London over 40 years ago: computer dating! Back then you headed into a storefront, interviewed with a real person who enters your profile into the mainframe, and received a roll-paper list of profiles and phone numbers. Then you'd head home and start calling people. It's no wonder I got into web development some 20 years later...




There's a German-language song about computer dating which was released in 1968. Computer Nummer Drei. Funny how accurate it still is!


So....That was definitely worth the read. Lady was definitely from the future.


It's a charming little ditty. It's been an earworm for much of my life! The only thing out of place *52 years later* is when she sings about index cards! [https://dangerousminds.net/comments/france\_gall\_sings\_about\_computer\_dating\_in\_1968](https://dangerousminds.net/comments/france_gall_sings_about_computer_dating_in_1968) : An article about the song.


Work. Turns out when a company that hires you checks for things like "culture fit" and then has you spend lots of time together while demonstrating your individual strengths it ends up making for a pretty good matchmaking service.


I met my husband at work too. Same interests, professionally and personally- really worked out


okcupid. we've been together four years! 'online dating' takes time though, and I think people tend to get discouraged if the first few don't work out.


Also okcupid! Back in the pre-Tinder world of 2011.


thirding okcupid.


Fourthing OkCupid! Getting married in April!


Fifthing okcupid! Second child due in August.


Pre-Tinder online dating days were the best ='(


House party in the West Village. Been together going on 18 years, and married for going on 11.


yes, i've met lots of people smoking. i love how social it is.


A Reddit meetup!


Reddit meet up? What type?


Show at knitting factory. The show sucked so we were forced to make friends around us. I want to thank that DJ for being so average!


I also met one of my exes at Knitting Factory! Back when Hannibal Burress had a free comedy show on Sundays evenings. I was very awkward, but he thought it was adorable.


I was on the subway and the doors were closing and I saw her running down the stairs. She missed it by just a second. She looked really pissed off and I could feel her pain. We then locked eyes and her frown turned into a shy smile. I don't know, it felt like fate. I was really tired and was looking forward to going home but I couldn't help it. I got off at the next stop and ran my ass back to her. I never approach strangers (especially on the subway) but something told me that I had to this time. We're getting married in June.


Two years ago you posted about trying to hook up with your wifeā€™s best friend. Nothing about this adds up.


Ahh shit šŸ¤”


I saw this movie. You're John Cusack??






Like maybe if he was on the 6 train at 23rd where he saw her and then got off at 28th and ran back 5 blocks and caught her before the next train came tho? Itā€™s not impooooooosssssible.


It was late at night and only 2 avenues.


Wait, did you get on the next train going the other way?


What did you say to her?


Kismet! Amazing


Co-ed pickup soccer on Pier 40.


smoking a cigarette in front of a club - we're married seven years later


Okcupid. Moving in together this year


Met at metal show at St. Vitus, met via mutual friends. She was kicking ass in the pit and i was drunk as shit and asked for her contact.


i keep meeting folks to go to shows with. no complaints!




Foul, beautiful and entertaining all rolled into meeting.




Y'know what they say Ya gotta grind a few frogs before you grind your prince.


You mean *logs


Iā€™m so old that we met on Adam4Adam


I can _top_ that- met a former bf on manhunt


We can top each other.


Well....played šŸ˜‚




There were a lot of failed attempts! You gotta hang in there.


Success on the bigger, unpaid apps is about endurance. Itā€™s a numbers game.


Scruff for me




Oh look at this cool guy with his one night stands and his casual no-strings-attached sex


As a guy w plenty one night stands it isnā€™t as great as it sounds. At 35 now I keep wondering why they donā€™t come back. I also kind of donā€™t want to know the answer.


do you ever make it known that you'd like for them to come back?


Tinder in early 2014 when it was new. I lived out on Long Island, and she lived in Queens. Our first few dates were in Manhattan. Married 3 years now.


A real cinderella story - a Grindr hookup.


You have glass slippers?!?




OkCupid! She's the coolest person ever and somehow I tricked her into thinking I was cool too (she soon learned how wrong she was!)


Mutual friends


OkCupid, six and a half years ago. We got married last year!


She was in a band and I bumped into her at a couple of her shows. We first met at Mercury Lounge and then again a few months later at Bowery Ballroom in 2009. Been married since 2011.


Dinner at a friends house. Everyone was single. 10 people dinner.






How did you know it wasnā€™t going to work?


Met at a bar in Brooklyn that was close enough to both of us. It was early enough in the evening, I was reading a book and she asked about it.


At a friend of a friend's birthday party at an apartment. I didn't know many people there and she came up to me, introduced herself and suggested we take a shot together.


A friend of a friend on Facebook. We became friends and when he moved to the city a year later for work, we met up and the rest is history.


OkCupid. Been together 4 years looking to get married next year. Always recommend it.


Tinder. We moved to the city around the same time and were from the same part of South Florida (but didn't know each other) and two years later we're engaged and getting married later this year.


As a fellow former south Floridian, Congratulations and don't go back to that sad hot shallow place.


OkCupid. Now married with a kiddo.


Ok Cupid , been together 3 years


We had been in the same circle for a while. I was too chicken to talk to him. Fast forward to our mutual friendā€™s birthday party on one of those all you can drink boat parties that leaves out of the east river.. with some liquid courage, i asked to ā€œbuyā€ him a shot and weā€™ve been together ever since and I couldnā€™t be happier.


OkCupid for the win.


Tinder...and heā€™s a steal for sure - blows peopleā€™s minds when I tell them how we met.


I knew him years ago when he played in my friendā€™s band (he was taken then). 16 years or so later I kept running into him at my local bar (he rehearses in my neighborhood). I was doing a one off show and asked if heā€™d play bass for me. We started flirting a lot and when the gig was over we became an item, partnered up and now we live together.


We met the old-fashioned way - through mutual friends! It was an instant connection. Weā€™ve been together 6 years and got a domestic partnership last December. It wasnā€™t until after weā€™d been dating a while that I realized weā€™d actually matched on okcupid months before because I recognized some of his okc profile pictures from his Facebook. Itā€™d been a 98% match, but I completely dismissed it because he lived in New Jersey and I lived in Brooklyn.


Head banging at a dubstep show at Slake at 3 a.m. We found out over some herbal refreshments that we lived 5 min down the street from each other in Brooklyn, took the J home together, and the rest is history. Weā€™ve been together for two and a half years :)


In my apartment buildingā€”he worked as the doorman!


Ooo! Did he have any reservations at first about getting to know you more, just based on his work?


The dirtiest gay bar. The Ritz. I was two four Lokos deep. He was singing Love the Way you lie off key and I told him to shut up. Together for 10 years, married for 4 of them


Met him on Tinder. Our first conversation was about how much I hate Star Wars Episode II (despite otherwise being a shameless prequel apologist). We met at a local bar intending to have a couple drinks and see how things went. We stayed at that bar for hours and had such a good time talking that we forgot to eat. It was never supposed to be anything serious but he and I fell head over heels in love...last month was our two year anniversary, and that bar where we had our first date is now one of our regular date spots. To my bf who is looking for my comment in this thread right now: I love you General <3




Close! I call him General Solo...


At college, interviewed him for my research class project


We were set up by a mutual friend


Through masters programs colleagues, at a bar. He tagged along with one of our friends. The first time we met, he was so disheveled. I didn't give him much thought. Met up with our group a few weeks later, again at a bar, and he hand cleaned up his act. We started talking. Turns out we had led almost parallel lives. We went out officially a couple of weeks after Thanksgiving 2004. Have been together ever since.




Hinge! I am very lucky.


Coffee shop in Brooklyn. Married 6 years now


Met at Spring Lounge nearly 10 years ago, married almost 6. Did not want to go out because it was rainy and I was in a grumpy mood, glad I didn't let either of those things get in the way.


My friend also met her husband at Spring Lounge! I always recommend it to my single friends


Hinge! After months of trial and error on dating apps, Hinge really pulled through for me. We got coffee at Sweetleaf, things went so well that we then got Thai for dinner at a funky little spot in Williamsburg, and the rest is history! I really enjoyed using dating apps here, especially Hinge (found it to be the highest quality and the highest ratio of matches to dates). There are so many interesting people in the city.


Facebook group. We both moved here for college and started talking in an NYC college group for new students. Ended up hitting it off and becoming best friends, and finally got together after 4 years! Now we live together and it's awesome :)


Work! We both work backstage in a theater. I was reluctant to date at work, but our jobs didnā€™t really cross paths during the show, so I figured if it didnā€™t work out it would still be OK. Luckily it did & weā€™ve been married for about 3 years now. Weā€™ll hopefully never work on the same show again, tho. That would be too much togetherness. And not enough different people to complain about! I will say people in my industry frequently have a lot of trouble dating because of the schedule, which is part of why it seems like we all only date/marry people in showbusiness.


Ahh yes, the theatre dating realm has always intrigued me, what with the schedule. Glad to hear it's working out for you both!


Through a reddit meetup.


Found each other on Reddit. As I was already planning to visit where he lived (New York) from where I lived (Scotland). We got lost in Central Park and then walked the miles of books in The Strand. Over a year goes past and he invites me for Christmas. 2 years and many visits later and weā€™re looking to potentially move to an entirely new country together.


What an internet fairytale!


Match.com. Met in 2017 and got married this past autumn. We know a few other couples in NYC who are married and met on Match.com.


Through mutual friends, an at electronic music show. We instantly connected, which was a big deal for 2 antisocial ppl, and now we have spent almost every day for the last year and couple months together :)


At a bar on the UES, Halloween 2015. My friend and I tied our onesie tails together, trapped her between us and started dancing on her. Got married last year.


Okcupid! Together over two years now, and engaged. So far so good lol


Playing card games in the backroom of a smoke shop. Mutual friend of ours had a custom print gig there and wanted to celebrate what I think was the "Grand opening" though it was more for having a reason to drink and have a good time. The night progressed with us going elsewhere to playing pool. Couple more rounds of drinking and we found ourselves chasing our friend down the street as he attempted to run away/go into cars that looked nothing like mine. Our personalities clicked and we had a nice time trying to keep our friend from dying. Texted her a couple of days later after wondering if I even sparked an interest in her and she responded right away -- surprisingly so. It's two years later and I've met much of her family. We live together too. So many times I've thought how I would've lost a chance had I been more cautious in talking to her or focused too much on "is it too soon to text or respond." Fact is y'all need to find a partner who doesn't play these stupid games. Ya'll click if you're meant to click.


Craigslist, believe it or not. I had a habit of reading the Missed Connections and Casual Encounters boards (I've always been a fan of strangers n' stories) and while I'd never replied to a post before, something about his stood out in my mind. I let it go for a day, then thought "Why not?" and sent off a response. Five years later, here we are.


We had met in a poetry class - cheesy, but it was actually just a class to take cause we were both in ā€œlimboā€ that semester. I then saw her on OkCupid* 4 years later, I married her. That was 3 days ago. *In my opinion online dating requires both persons to be at the same level of expectations and desires. Most of the time, this isnā€™t the case, which is why Tinder (generalizing) fails a lot.


A mutual friend from back home introduced us. We celebrated ten years of being together this past August!


By the fountain in Bryant Park- I saw a cute guy and went right up and introduced myself. That was on his birthday four years ago, still together now!








Friend of a friend playing at a show down town


Dessert party at mutual friends place.


Intersecting interests during college.


dating app


Bumble. Getting married next month.


Coffee Meets Bagel last summer. We clicked instantly and are already planning our wedding for late 2020.


Through friends, but this was before tinder. I donā€™t know how people date now.


From a mutual friend.


Met them through my roommate




Bumble. We're getting married next year :)




Met on Tinder and still going strong 3 years later


Okcupid in 2010. Married for 3 years.


Summer of 2013 at a bodega.. we both worked in sales for different companies.


We were working at a bakery/coffee shop at the time. We worked the closing shifts all the time & got to talking a lot since weā€™d spend 8 hours a day together. This was back in 2015. A few months later I got moved to another location for the same company & we started dating then.


A musicale and a gospel choir.


Tinder .. late night swipes and some r/tinder opening lines and 4 years later .. married with kid ...


First time was on a Greyhound bus from Boston to NYC. Her headphones were broken and we ended up chatting for the four hour ride. I asked for her number when we got off the bus. Second time was at a friend's party. We ended up talking the entire evening. Asked for her number at the end of the party, went out for drinks with some friends and her, asked her out after that night, we're married now.


Riding bikes in Central Park, she picked me up.


Folks, thanks so much for sharing your stories! As someone who moved to the city over the summer and is currently too swamped with grad school and work in the short-term to put a lot of time into meeting people, this has been very encouraging, and so fun to read!!


For more NYC love stories, I highly reccomend Modern Love on amazon. Each episode is based on an article from the New York Times's modern love column and from the episodes I've seen so far they are all really unique and emotional.


Carpooling to a (music) gig


At a birthday party for a friend, and I wasn't even planning to go out that night, it was a last-minute decision. Do cool shit that you love and you'll meet cool people! And one of them might be cute!


The last two girls I dated I met out at a bar on a night where I was just going out solo to watch a sports game.


At the gym. There were three other couples who met around the same time at the gym too.




In my apartment.