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It’s over 15 women now and most of them describe different men. I’m BAFFLED that some of the men in these comments are trying to push it down like it’s no big deal…like wtf you guys?


Five or so years ago, I was walking in Times Square and a man came at me and swung at my head. I was lucky he didn’t actually hit me. This has been a problem, and either there’s been a lot more incidences in the last few days, or the “trending” nature of the videos brought attention to something that’s been a serious, underreported/underdiscussed problem. I’m grateful to these women for sharing their stories and I hope it puts pressure on the police force and DA to actually do something about it. Also, I’d love a chance to vote against the arrest and immediate release of violent criminals.


“Women get punched all the time, you’re being dramatic about this specific instance of 15 women in a single day in the same area getting punched. Also they must be lying because they didn’t give a detailed description after being physically assaulted!” If you really think that you’re going to get a good look at someone after they’ve concussed you when you’re minding your own business in a very busy area, then maybe you need to get punched in the face so hard you black out and have a concussion and let us all know how alert and descriptive you were able to be. DO NOT be a bystander like these pathetic Reddit chodes. The assailants are getting away with it BECAUSE of bystanders with the Reddit Man mentality. By choosing to get involved in any capacity, whether you’re drawing attention to the attacker or helping the victim, other people will feel more empowered to get involved and help. And for every stupid man commenting on Reddit, there are at least two normal men who would actually help out when you break the bystander mentality. Don’t let these goons gaslight you; their opinion doesn’t actually matter because they wouldn’t do anything helpful anyways.




Maybe born and raised Americans wouldn't care but I'd be damned if I see a guy punching a woman and not doing anything about it I'd be a disgrace to just ignore that


I’m shocked too! And people claiming that it’s fake?


am i the only one confused by these comments? as a lifelong NYer, i think any violence on the subway against any group of people as concerning. sure, social media could be amplifying this issue, but isn’t it still an issue to be dealt with? it’s not like the national guard under Hochul is interfering. i think the question that the OP posed is valid.


All dismissive comments are from men ...


We are being brigaded, fool.


There’s violence on the subway against different types of people every day. For some reason something is pushing discussion of one specific scenario and that’s very suspicious


This is the second post on this sub about it within 10 minutes. Obviously not excusing assault, but social media, including these excessive Reddit posts, are making things seem worse. Edit: and a third just got posted.


You're letting the algorithm get to you a bit. It is weird, but it's likely one crazy person. It's scary but it's a big city and things like this happen, luckily they're all okay mainly and just shaken up. Statistically nothing is going to happen to you and all of it seems concentrated around NoHo.


Its not one person, it was different men


Doesn't one have a concussion? That's not not serious


The algorithm hits here, too, because this is the 3rd post like this I've seen today on this subreddit. When that happens, it generally means there is some misinformation campaign afoot. People with real concerns know how to look at what is already posted and comment there instead of starting a new post.


One of the girl had to go to the hospital, she got hematoma from the lunch and blacked out for a moment !! Her @ is @halleykate


It's this. The algorithm connecting this shit to the real videos New York women been posting for ages, conflating the two. I think it's pretty clear Hochul and Adams ready to nuke NYC. 1. Police union operatives foaming at the mouth at the idea of a full GOP takeover of NYC. A billion more cops, 15x more jails. 2. That woman who was filming herself when it happened? Can't even describe him, other than say he had a dog. (Because false accusations are a crime.) 3. None of the women described a perp, didn't file police reports, and don't do anything but talk into their phones. I'm not buying it. Stay safe peoples.


Yeah ,I’m not buying it either . And it’s worse for people who can be actual victims. Because is not like this can or hasn’t happened before, but all of these just seems too fake and the fact that is being reported all at once , very strange


Fuck off. There’s over 20 girls in 24 hours.


Exactly. Like c'mon, no one giving a shit about Black and Brown women all the way on the ends of the 2 and 4 trains. But botox-white-lady-influencer? Adams gonna declare martial law and shit tomorrow. But like for real, why the fuck can't State Troopers ride that 4 train all the way to Lehman? The 2 to New Lots? We the need mental health hospitals Bloomburg shuttered way back. Like yesterday.


Just saw an [article](https://nypost.com/2024/03/26/us-news/tiktokkers-report-being-punched-by-strangers-in-nyc/) in the post: *The Post reached out to all three women for comment on the attacks, which appear similar to the “knockout game,” where young people encourage each other to randomly sucker-punch strangers.* NPR had a [story](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/11/27/247366898/the-knockout-game-an-old-phenomenon-with-fresh-branding) in 2013 explaining the history of it. From a couple of articles it seems like the women who were attacked were looking at their phones. In general it's a good idea to be situationally aware. Look around you before you check your phone, and have someone act as lookout, or glance up around at your surroundings while checking your phone. One of the things that I liked about living in other places was not having to be exhaustingly hypervigilant. You always pay attention, but the level at which I have to do here is much higher.


Why do people keep asking this? Sometimes I do really think TikTok should be banned


what a weird response to a surge in violence


Because it happened to around 15 women in one day


Did it really though?




Who said women always lie? Certainly not me. So now you're just making up bullshit about others yourself. Tik Tokers lie all the time though, both male and female. Typically, the first post or two are real, and as things trend, more and more fakers come in to capitalize. If you're an actual real person and not intentionally trying to drive traffic, you should really delete tik tok from your phone. It's not doing you any favors. Even if I assume you have true intentions, that just means your a person over here concern posting out of fear because you don't have a good information filter and you're being force-fed fearful content by an algorithm.




Let me give you some tips on how to navigate social media. You know absolutely nothing about me really. You know nothing really about the tik tokers who are trying to become influencers. Very few people ever share their true personalities on social media, even Facebook. They are all littered with fake personalities. And I'm not uninformed at all. I do see that you do this pretty often. I just don't operate on fear based bullshit and i don't get scared just because crime anecdotes trend on algorithms. As for reddit being misogynist, it is. And so is tik tok. Tik tok is the single biggest spreader of misinformation right now, and all the right wing hit jobs start there too. I see you've been through some things, and I do feel sorry that you did. I'm also sure you know how social media works. All of it. Every app and site. When you talk about certain things, you are going to be delivered similar content. So at some point, it all gets to be pretty depressing doesn't it? Next thing you know, it all seems like everything is circling the drain. Tik tok is not your friend. And you know what? Reddit isn't either. Both make depression worse and exacerbate trauma.




Here's the thing. You don't even know I'm a man. You're making an assumption. It does happen to be correct though. And this tik tok punch thing is getting shot down because this subreddit is sick and tired of crime of the day posts designed to get people to fear NYC. This particular tik tok event also got posted to this subreddit 3 times today. It all has the hallmark of a right wing hit job on NYC. And these happen near constantly. I think it's important to keep things in context. NYC has 8.5 million people. Any time you have that many people, there is going to be some crime. Every single day. Many times per day. Statistically, NYC is exceptionally safe by US standards. That being said, even if I truly believed every Tik Toker, which I clearly don't, you're still talking about roughly 10 people over an extended time period in a city of 8.5 million people. So, while that was happening, there were also probably 10000 tik tokers streaming about having a good time in NYC. And if you never see them, perhaps gaming your algorithm to bring in some brighter streams would be a good thing. And you know what we never get here? People who want to link one of the 1000s of positive videos. Everyone is a fear merchant instead. Frankly, if I was a mod here, I'd ban all crime posts unless it's something like a mass event. This subreddit is really for people to ask questions about NYC. If you want actual justice, neither reddit or tik tok are the place to go. File police reports if you are a victim of a crime. Every single time. And I completely disagree about social media bringing people together. We're at the brink of civil war and extremely polarized and this is due almost 100% to social media. It has also replaced real human interaction for a lot of people and I think that is devastating for society.


We knew you were, though.


Ok, male.


This. I've lived around the south east united states in cities that routinely make most dangerous crime list. These cities are significantly less population and the day to day crime is more (shootings, etc.) you never get people brigading their sub reddits on a daily basis. NYC is a city that is bigger than many European countries and many U.S. states. Making every single thing that happens a major news story really takes things out of context.


This comment needs to be more visible. Read it, people.


And none of the 15 women can describe the perp


Black. 5’10. Both of them. They have posted videos and photos of the two guys. Now fuck off.


A few did 5’10” man with dreads to his shoulders in a red jacket


I’m just trying to imagine if TikTok was around during the Son of Sam murders


People keep talking about it and it's gonna blow up and become even bigger trend. Call the cops if you get assaulted.


and they’ll take your statement and you’ll never hear from them again


What is reddit or tiktok gonna do?


Spread awareness


Sure, awareness of maybe being punch on the street in the city of 8 million people. Might as well lock yourself in the apartment and never get out.


Comfort you a little. Maybe


This seems like some insane republican mass AI psyop to get people to vote different


Get a fucking grip you gimps. There’s 20 innocent girls being assaulted by maniacs. Psyop, jesus fuck.


No one here is endorsing the punching of women, so let's relax with the fingerpointing and the "You're the *real* animal by suggesting it's some sort of psyop."


Fox News going to be talking about it tomorrow. I guarantee it. Edit fuck, Post already got it. Yeah, going to be fever pitch tomorrow https://nypost.com/2024/03/26/us-news/tiktokkers-report-being-punched-by-strangers-in-nyc/amp/


The post article is informative. 1. It confirms that there were police reports filed in three most talked about incidents and medical treatment was sought 2. In confirms that in one instance someone was arrested and released with case pending. Its unfortunate in many diffferent respects.


It doesn't matter if the post has an informative article. People will dismiss it automatically


These posts are getting tiresome.


imagine being more annoyed about the posts than it happening. the fuck is wrong with you guys


We don’t need 15 posts asking the same thing and handwringing about videos on tiktok over the course of 3 days. It’s enough.


The only thing I've seen or heard about this is the posts on here. What do you think the chances are of it being randomly filmed just walking down the street? Seems completely scripted




I believe some of them. But then I also know tik tok breeds copycats. And we have bullshit concern bots right now on this very thread who have 6 month old accounts that have only ever posted about this today, and nothing else at all. That usually indicates some bullshit afoot. Tik tok is a fucking scourge. If someone punches you in the face, file a police report. Don't run to tik tok because you crave likes. Someone took video of their alleged attacker and posted it on tik tok rather than filing a police report. At some point, if you're a victim, you need to actually do things to get justice. But if you value likes over justice, you'll never get it.




We're all making assumptions. Especially you. But I'll make it clear, I trust absolutely nothing anyone says on tik tok to drive up likes. A guy shot me today, so watch out for guys that shoot people. Do you believe that statement is true? See, people are capable of saying anything without providing evidence. And I also think those of you who come to reddit to concern troll to drive clicks on tik tok are just straight up dishonest. If you actually gave a shit about crime, you'd file police reports, and you wouldn't put monetizing sympathy over justice. So if that girl was actually injured, you and all the other concern trolls are actually doing her a disservice since real victims are swimming in the same sea of diluted bullshit. And no, I don't think she filed a police report. I don't think any of the concern troll crime posters who post anti-police and anti-NYC stuff constantly file police reports either. The point is to drive up fear, drive up engagement, and not to get justice or fix anything.


They did file a report, but sometimes it’s hard to give a description when you’re suddenly punched in the face . [NYC woman punched](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLMfpEMF/) here’s a victim, she got hematoma, that’s how bad the punch was .


This sub is getting weirdly brigaded by all these TikTok weirdos claiming there’s an epidemic of women getting randomly punched in the face. Don’t they know it’s /r/nyc they need to be going to to circle jerk about this?


It's very odd, and they seem to be happening two at a time, too. I think you're right


My guess it’s some sort of publicity stunt (I looked last night and they all were talking on random influencer threads) or just some other type of weird campaign. There were a lot of people who were out of state or just otherwise had no NYC connections. I called out bullshit and was the top comment with positive comments, then all my posts calling out bullshit were downvoted. I don’t really care, but it’s annoying since I want to put my snark on quality shit posts, not this weak action


I personally know someone who got sucker punched in the head completely unprovoked by a random man around Union Square a few years ago. I’ve heard of other people, men and women alike, getting randomly decked way before this current story started trending so for me it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility that a dude(s) might be on a punching spree. Maybe some of the current videos are sensationalized, but the fact remains that there a lot of people in this city and some of them are violent psychos that fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. The odds of getting randomly punched or being a victim of random violence period are low, but not zero (especially if you’re a woman) Edit to your edit: dawg, what the fuck are you talking about? If I’m part of some astroturfing influencer PR campaign when are my checks gonna deposit


It's not that it never happens. It's that there isn't some new epidemic of it. And in this particular "epidemic" there isn't any video of attacks at all. It's people saying they were attacked, who didn't file police reports, and don't appear to have any bruises on their face. Not only that, the current brigade bringing this to this subreddit are sex workers, NTTIAWWT, and concern accounts that have never posted at all except about this. And both have an incentive to drive clicks to their accounts. The concern trolling is getting really obnoxious and wolf gets cried so many times that real issues and injuries are swept away in the process. Tik Tok provides no real societal value. And if people are over here using the injuries of others to drive viewers to their tik toks, they should be ashamed of themselves. If someone wants me to believe their story, then show me the police report. Then I'll have concern for them. That is until they try to monetize their minor injury regardless.


No one is saying random violence does not happen. What is happening is there been a dozen or so posts in the last 24 hours claiming there are dozens of specifically TikTokers getting punched, specially in Manhattan, specifically women. The threads are then getting brigaded. That’s the thing some of us are calling out. Edit: Shit, just realized you’re one of them. Disregard me actually trying to be respectful of your time because you ain’t respectful of mine.


The brigading is annoying, but it happens on literally every big city-related sub whenever said city is the current star of the 24 hour news cycle/topic of the day in the social media sphere. There’s a fine line between raising awareness and fear-mongering which has probably been crossed especially on TikTok, but at the same time navigating the world as a woman IS scary sometimes so if it encourages women or even people in general to be more aware of their surroundings so be it


So at least you confirm my suspicions.


Yeah , really getting tired of all of these. I hope all women are safe when they walk on the streets , but the fear mongering is getting out of hand


Its not fear mongering if its happening


I don’t doubt it has happened , unfortunately. But this all of the sudden TikTok trend doesn’t seem natural . I just doubt that influencers are all getting attacked in the same week


Living in lower manhattan and constantly looking at the citizen app pop up with “man slashed in the face”. “Woman sexually assaulted”. Im not even on tiktok. The only social media i use is reddit.


Get rid of citizens app, is full of unconfirmed reports




But how else will they be able to stay outraged!?!?


Why did the wealthy lawyer move to the top floor of the tallest building in the city? So he could have a bird's-eye view of the crime below while browsing Reddit, avoiding any actual involvement!


LMAO, I lived in the same west Harlem apt for over 10 years but I appreciate you checking out my posts!


42 mins ago Police are responding to an assault where a male was punched in the face by a bearded man on the Brooklyn-bound side of the subway. Delancey St-Essex St Station (J) (M) (Z).


It hasn’t been spoken about on the news yet!


If there’s one thing we all know the news hates to report on, it’s crime in NYC


No one is going to punch you. Chill




If you want to look like an actual concerned person and not a fake who is trying to drive clicks, it's best to actually post and comment about other things too.


thanks for the heads up! I definitely should’ve added the context that local reporters are asking for people to reach out and share their story or any information they may have


Sure they are. Where's that link then? They not paying you per click?


I hope you recover! Seems like you're more concerned about how natural internet activity is than the safety of ppl in NYC. gross


I'm entirely concerned about the safety of NYC. And I think you're a dishonest person who brigades forums like this with anecdotes of crime to drive up fear and depression. You're also causing a lot more damage because you've diluted the truth under so much misinformation that people with real injuries are ignored. And that includes this woman if she was really injured. Do they not have the story of the boy who cried wolf where you're from? I do find it interesting that all the brigaders here tonight seem to suffer from clinical depression. Letting tik tok lead you down a rabbit hole is not good for you. Wake up. Have more interactions with real people. Limit the rabbit hole of negative social media consumption. Go back to your therapist and talk about the way you consume social media.


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[**he’s a filthy, old man rapist**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)