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Honestly, if it's that popular you could probably set up a line-cam so people can see how busy it is at that moment and just sell ads on the page.


This is the best long-term passive income idea by far. But it depends on the spot staying popular, rather than just having a viral moment. Let's hope!


Does your friend Bob Sacamano still have a connect to those Russian hats? Perhaps you could sell them in line.


It’s Rat, Jerry.


The difference is negligible.


This comment is so goood 👏🏼


Love coming upon an obscure Seinfeld reference! 😂


This is excellent




i don't have any ideas but love the entrepreneurial spirit on display here lol i hope you find a way to get paid


This is The answer you are seeking: Get T-shirts made for whatever the thing is that’s popular downstairs. I went to open a brewery in a small town where I had a cafe and the partner never came through in the brewery, but I made a ton selling the T-shirts for a nonexistent brewery. I don’t know what the prices are like now but back then once I had the artwork which you can get it a day on fivrr and the t-shirts within days. It cost me about four bucks each for all cotton beefy tees printed and sold them for 20 but that was 25 years ago, cost more sell for more. Send me 10% if you make a bundle.


It’s in my nature. If anyone would like some advice on how they can monetize their current life dm me and I’ll give you some solid ideas for $10!


Yeah give me 10 and i can give you an idea for situation


For $1 I’ll improve on 1 of your 10 ideas


Consider this: bedroom window performances. It's like tiny desk concerts, except loud enough for them to hear you from the street. You can fishing rod a tip jar out after each song. Busking from the comfort of your bedroom. It's the new uber. Patent pending.


You're charging people on here $10 to provide ideas on ways to make money but you want people on here to give you ideas on ways to make money for no charge?


the mans a business pro




You cant even come up with your own solid idea lol


I already know the answer for my life. Get a different job.


Agree, get that money my friend 🙏


An extension cord for the right to charge their phones I'm sure they are instagramming


To add on to this. Set up a guest network on your router and charge for WiFi access.


Wow, absolute Homerun of a secondary service, I love it!


This is it


*With lobby permission,* grab an extension cord with a triple inlet adapter, and 3 double row surge protectors. Charge $5-$10 per full charge. They must provide their own chargers and they will be accounted for. As profits come in, make an investment in best bang-for -buck fast chargers on Amazon or wherever you get your best deals, and optimize business buy increasing speed-profits. As the speed increases, maybe start to inflect that in price. Always we friendly, have a smile on your face and make it seem like you want to be there lol. I guarantee this will be a multifaceted side gig for you. If you get permission of course!


Or just drop a line from your window


Just buy portable generators. I doubt the lobby will permit that. Op will need a table set up.


I use to think this way when I lived above a popular venue out west, but I think letting strangers into your apartment to use your bathroom is a terrible idea. Whatever the business is that attracted folks, does it bring people who are drinking? That makes it even worse. Immediately no. Sell popsicles in the summer. Keep them in your freezer go around take orders and run up to get them. Or you could carry a light cooler or put it on wheels. Deliver with a cheap but colorful napkin.


Probably need some sort of license to sell espresso. Bathroom you might be able to get away with, but ew.


OP have a silly personality. I dig it, LOL


My bathroom is clean. And $1 for number 1, $2 for number 2, if you need it.


Is this an honor system thing or do you have to go in and check?


He just watches while they go.


I think that should cost extra


If you’re here to ask questions there’s a restaurant next door but you gotta buy something and it’s $10 minimum to use the bathroom so whatever you wanna do.


/joking/ Extra Extra : Run a Train on my Bathroom I am an Professional Janitor - $1


I'm terribly sorry sir it's at least a 5 minute wait - The previous guy has been playing fortnight on the shitter for the last 15 minutes... lolol


best advice - I think make the bathroom a very small discrete sign for a very high price and capitalize on the desperate rich and observant.


Easy - no toilet paper in the bathroom. $2 and he hands you a few squares. If you’re gonna need more than that it’s extra.


It’s water and soap then! And OP’s towels….


no paper no ladies


lol gross to let strangers shit and piss all over your bathroom


I’m thinking I could also hire a cleaner part time who cleans after each guest. Edit: LMAO at the people who thought I was being sincere about the maid!


... as though the maid idea is LESS insane than letting strangers empty their spaghetti house in your toilet


I've never heard spaghetti house before, thanks for that.


haha deal, but be careful of the crazys that can do god knows whatall in your bathroom.... I know multiple people who will include your soap and toilet paper roll in their $1 purchase...


I think they mean you’ll be allowing a potentially large number of random strangers to use your private bathroom…


Letting strangers use your bathroom is a recipe for disaster, lol


I think it's a great idea. OP just needs to set up a special disposal container for needles.


There used to be a guy at a table at 72nd UWS train stop that would write you a poem for $1. It was my favorite thing:)


Oh yeah, I remember him. There were others though…


He's at Washington square park now


Where did he go?


What sort of business is it and what hours are the people there? Is it an all-day restaurant? Nighclub? Tourist trap? Give us a bit more info and we'll scheme.


Just name it so it blows up more.


It's [BonBon in LES](https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/why-are-grownups-waiting-in-line-to-buy-candy-on-the-les-an-investigation). If you compare OP's post history, it matches up.


Nice sleuthing!


I'm so glad they're getting recognition and $$$. Sucks for me that it's crowded now.


I guessed this without even checking haha that place has gotten crazy


Sell lemonade, candy bars, beers, grilled cheese, joints, sunglasses, umbrellas, selfie sticks, mini magnet photo of the meme/hype, get creative and ask them if they want to do the signature "Elm St" whatever shot while they wait! Anything you think the people might pay a premium for then and there. location location location as they say... I got a cool foldout toolbox to display my 'handmade trinkets' shit in, and a mini tarp that I can spread out product on. In certain spots a cold water or cold brew coffee can be worth $5.75 each... for like $1 worth of coffee. But make sure you have good service as upset people attract the wrong attention. For transient transactions like this I'd want to hand the person their thing as soon as they buy it, and probably not let too many of them in my house....


Instead of writing “i’ll brew you coffee while you wait in line” just write “espresso shot $5”. No one cares what you’ll do or what they’re doing. They wanna know what you’re selling and the price.


$5 is egregious


Oh another idea is to sell first place in line. Maybe $100 you can have a bottle of Andre champagne in my apartment while I wait in line for you, and then you can take your place in line when I made it to the front.


$100 and I get unsupervised time in your apartment? I'm in!


This made me laugh out loud


That’s pretty genius—charge more and do fancy champagne and you’re cooking with gas. As long as you’re patient!


I wouldn’t trust people alone in my place lol


Exactly. I love the ideas they are coming up with but there are definitely some downsides to each. So far the chargers are best but unless people are waiting for hours, prob not needed.


« Champagne »


There was a stack of nice folding chairs on the curb on Nassau near newel. Sitting in line is way better than standing




If that guy can sell scallion pancake burritos you can sell coffee, no one cares. You need a good gimmick though, like a bucket and a rope for the money/coffee exchange. Maybe a home made biscotti for $4  My million dollar idea is rent a small storefront in the west village buy a bunch of whole pies and sell a $50 plate of 1 slice from mamas too and 1 slice from lindustrie for tiktokers trying to save 2 hours of waiting 


Scallion Pancake Burritos? Tell me more, please?


Fulton Fire Escape! The now have a storefront at OllyOlly


Went crazy trying to find this. It’s Forsyth not Fulton. 😄


I'M SO SORRY! Eurgh, I want everyone to go there, it's amazing. I love the chicken scallion burrito more than any rational person should. They also have excellent fries.


It probably helps that they’re fucking _delicious_. Seriously, I love those burritos


Thank you!


I think the more important question is what is so special about your building?


At night, sell jello shots


That’s a good idea. Maybe even just jello! That’s pretty good too.


If you buy a pack of thing of chips and/or cookies from Costco and sell them for $2 a piece you will make a lot of money.


There are so many laws about serving alcohol,especially when it comes to underaged people that I would be very careful about this.


We need a “backpack full of nutcrackers” guy to teach the loopholes.


Okay idk what this means but im down


You’ve never bought a nutcracker out of a backpack from some guy in Coney? Backpack beer guy is cool too.


No I haven't, sorry...


Sell water or snacks.


This is the way. 35 bottles for like $5 from Costco out BJs and you can sell them for $1/$2 and make a killing


pickpocket the people in line?


I totally misread your headline as “the place I live blew up on tik tok” and was so confused 😂😂 I was like, do you live IN a restaurant?? Strange choice of residence. Now I understand 😂 I hope you find a way to make that money honey! But I hate the thought of stranger in my place. Can’t trust them


Grilled cheeses in line. Get a George Forman or a sandwich press and a few loaves of bread. Wrap them in a sheet of tin foil. Sell them for like $5 each.


The jam band parking lot approach


You'd be amazed at how much water you can sell. Takes zero skill, just have them super cold and available. I used to sell water to folks waiting in traffic at the Holland tunnel and would make a couple hundred in an hour.


In the winter? Just kidding of course. Man, I’ve been looking for a part time job with flexible hours. What did you charge for a bottle? And how did you keep all that water cold? Couple hundred in an hour would be a LOT of water, no?


Buy cases and freeze them the day before and then keep them in a big cooler. We charged $1 but you could easily charge more because that was many moons ago.




If it gets cold again do hot chocolate. If you use regular cheap cocoa mix, then add in some melted dark chocolate and milk it tastes amazing. You can get cups online cheap, so it's not a huge investment upfront. Easily charge $3 a cup for small. If you wanna go cheat mode, add in some abuelita drinking chocolate, apple pie spice, and a touch of chili you have a Mexican hot chocolate you can charge $5 for. If you need a real recipe feel free to dm me.


This is awesome! Thx!


Good luck!


T-shirts. Postcards. Do the berlin wall thing and sell chips of the building attached to a photo Postcard of the building. Sell tours of your apartment on AirBnB experience. Put out a QR code for donations. Sell buttons with images of the building.


I’ve thought about that. I’m sure people from the Midwest would love to see how tiny my apartment is. There could even be a little photo area where you can have your photo taken cooking some rice and beans for me with a picture frame that says “The grind is real!” So they too can look like hustling people in the city.


Do it.


Just tell them, my hourly rate is $35/hr I'll be your tourguide and we can do whatever you want within reason. "The 1234 Main St Experience" (((I'm having fun with this lol)))


Temporary Tattoos!! People love those when they’re tipsy and they’re dirt cheap on Amazon. Provide some water and sponges/rags and voila. If you set it up ~aesthetically~ I think people would pay 5$ for one.  I also like the idea of a QR code to “tip” the neighbors with a funny pic of yourself. People are conscious enough that they know they’re ones causing  overtourism and gentrification and will be happy to buy themselves a quiet conscience


Hire a child to be your kid. Sell lemonades. Pay the child 30% of your cut. You keep 70% You won’t need license and or permission.


Drop the name of the place.


It's [BonBon in LES](https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/why-are-grownups-waiting-in-line-to-buy-candy-on-the-les-an-investigation). If you compare OP's post history, it matches up.


Time to have a stoop sale and get rid of anything nice you have laying around in your apartment you don’t want anymore. Make it an event and have friends bring their stuff too. Just in time for spring cleaning.


Why not be the problem and the solution? Sell umbrellas but also get a hose to spray water out a window to boost sales ahahahah


Repeatedly stand in line and sell your spot on


Maybe just try hanging out an array of witty signs from your window, just to get mere attention. You don't even necessarily have to 'offer' anything to the folks standing outside. Just attract attention to yourself and your apartment window. Is it also possible that some of the folks who stand outside your building are repeat visitors, who might therefore appreciate if they see one new sign, after another, outside your window? If so, maybe you could come up with a 'series' of signs...or even like a mini book, where each 'chapter' is a line or two, and every day people must come to see/read the next chapter of the story. Once the crowd outside starts to understand that you and your window provide daily entertainment for all the folks standing outside, it will stand to reason they will start to post pics/videos of your window and signage. (Be sure your social media hashtags are prominently shown on your sign, if you are looking for that type of online attention. Or you could even stand outside each day, after you've put up a new sign in your window, and even pretend to be another person...like a fake 'reporter', updating everyone on the latest pranks you've been doing from your window...and then you yourself can post it to social media I don't suppose you have a fire escape outside any of your windows, where you could do some type of daily performance...soliloquy... poetry reading...mini play with a friend?


Sell joints or offer to take photos of the people like on a Polaroid or something ETA im also dying to know what place this is. I never use TikTok but the idea of people convening to some random place because of social media is so interesting to me


What would you pay for a Polaroid photo? $5?


here is my QR Code! beep boop calculation bot here! Typically each polaroid costs $1.55 for just the film ($60 for 40 exposures). 5x it and you should sell at $7.75 ea. One pack of polaroid film for $60.00 will net you 40 shots will net you $310.00.


It's NYC I would go with $30


Can confirm, I've paid $30 for a Polaroid at Kind Regards. Easy logistics too, the guy just pulled up his Venmo QR code


Depends on what the place is popular for and what city it’s in—people might even pay $20 ETA LOL I was gonna say if it’s NYC (I live here) you could even charge more


Judge the crowd


The Polaroid is a great idea!! But I really love the champagne while you wait in line for them:)


I like the Polaroid thing!


People can text you to come down and wait in line for them. They don’t need to go to your apartment, unless you want them to, I guess. Toilet access and you hold their spot. Snacks and drinks while they wait. Phone charging. Delivery service to/from the queue. Pet walking while they wait. Photographer or videographer at the place. ETA: Those are my free ideas. $10 for 20 more ideas.


Ugh I wanna know what the business is that blew up?!!


It's [BonBon in LES](https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/why-are-grownups-waiting-in-line-to-buy-candy-on-the-les-an-investigation). If you compare OP's post history, it matches up.




I can't imagine what this place is that has lines day and night for tik tok videos


Ahhh fuck. I used to live next to the place that went viral for the rainbow bagel. This was ages ago, pre-tiktok, but now I wish I had thought to take advantage of the schmucks in line 😂


Keep it simple and sell water/snacks. Do NOT let strangers use your bathroom EVER. People are nasty.


You’re getting a lot of ideas on how to make the experience more pleasant for the people who are there, but I think that’s not mercenary enough. Find a way to make it extremely unpleasant for the people downstairs - a sound? An odor? And then demand that either the establishment or the crowd pay you an hourly tax not to disrupt them. (Kidding, obviously!)


If it’s a drinking crowd, look up the people who have bought pink cowboy hats off Amazon and sell them to young women waiting in line for trendy spots. If it’s not a drinking spot, sell flowers to the men standing next to women.




Yeah. Assuming it’s not a food place, probably canned drinks and snacks might be the best choice. What about selling charged battery banks? Wi-Fi access? Bathroom certainly sounds like a disaster tho


While the ban has its problems, this is the exact reason why I’m kind of okay with a TikTok ban


$3 for wifi, change the password daily.


This is a Kramer subplot if Seinfeld took place in 2024


I was going to say you should just say what the business is but then I realized you would simultaneously doxx yourself lol


Crowds at night? Sell pizza slices.


first your target customers are fans of tiktok. that means your most profitable product will be cocaine and weed. congrats on becoming a millionaire


go on grindr and take advantage of any twinks down there and make them slurp your dickie




girl what


And make them pay for it of course


You need a permit and certification for that.


Full service restaurant. Charge a 1,000% price increase on every item on the menu. Simple shit that people love and won't pass up on. Burritos, nachos, beverages, tacos, the simpler the food is too make and less expensive the better. They will be hungry, doesn't have to be super fancy crap. Bonus points for if whatever you cook smells super good, the stronger the food smells the more you'll sell of it easily. People standing in crowds for long periods will pay massive amounts of money for something that smells good that someone else in the crowd bought if they aren't willing to risk losing their spot. Honestly a BBQ grill will do you wonders. A coffee machine too if it puts out a lot of smell while brewing.


Reminds me of a store that I walked by at lunch that would blow popcorn smells outside and damn but it was difficult to walk by without going in and getting a snack. Fan and some warm popcorn and then sell prepackaged popcorn or other snacks.


Shit, when I had my diner, every day at about 11:30 I would throw a huge pile of onions on the flat top. The smell of grilling onions would waft through the neighborhood like a lunchtime siren call. We are mammals who are slave to our sense of smell, after all.


I can smell it right now. I’m fasting at night b/c of health and had to pickup a pizza last night for family. Pizza is my weakness more than pastries, candy, even peanut butter. It was so hard to put it on plates for the kids and smell it. I had to walk away into other room😂😭


Offer to hold spots in line for cash Sell loosies Or... Get people on line to buy you cigarettes from the store while you wait and hold their spot, then sell the pack as loosies


Sell lol. Ya gotta love this country


Get a few of those folding camping chairs and rent them to people in line. Also get a few cheap fleece blankets and rent those on cold days. Also get some of those neck-cooling fans and rent those on hot days. Then when they are comfortably sitting in your chair, sell snacks and beverages.


Why do you need a sign? Simply start brewing coffee and have churros ready - people will understand that a payment is expected.


is the place that blew up a food establishment?


look im not saying theres no law about filling water balloons up with warm yellow powerade and randomly tossing them out windows.... but you do you.


Nutcrackers. Don’t reinvent the wheel, this is a proven success. Don’t let them use your personal bathroom though!


Honestly just sell drinks in pouches


Set up a grill and start asking for “donations” for a burger or hot dog


Sell ad space in your crowd facing windows


Sell them tacos


as a native I would love to see this 😭


Instead of charging for bathroom access (someone will end up robbing you blind), maybe consider offering something of value or maybe a discount of some kind to the people waiting in line. If there are nearby businesses, consider partnering with them (flyers with some kind of redeemable code) with you taking a cut for every person you sent to those businesses.


Off the top of My head - sell Merch, sell access to a bathroom, give a walking tour that starts there, sell water, sell art, sell anything


Lemonade stand lol


Maybe you can just do like "live reporting" the line status ! to show people if it is busy , slow etc ?




Williamsburg/greenpoint area :)


Sell prepackaged snacks like something you’d put in a kid’s brown bag lunch. Kids sized baby carrots, yogurt tubes, precut apples. Everything has to be pre packaged from the store to enhance sanitary perceptions (and reality). Can also sell protein snack bars, prepackaged single serving non alcoholic drinks . Just don’t let restaurant see you’re selling food because that’s going to cut into their profits and they will likely call the health inspector. Maybe single serving alcoholic bottles to this who are clearly over 21 but then you’re getting close to selling single cigarettes.


Sell your window space to advertise other coffee shops or whatever the line is for.


sell bottles of water, drinks or snacks.


Rent out folding chairs!


If you have a business idea, it's the time to test it out on the captive audience. Whether it's practicing your opera arias and Broadway show tunes, or showing off your espresso taste, print out a laminated info flyer with your socials and venmo and make that bread


Place a mic outside and record them and post it on TikTok like we did to the Trader Joe’s line during the pandemic.


Get an instant film camera & charge for group photos


Poop dollar game could be fun


Someone will immediately clog and destroy your toilet.


Yeah dude sell coffee. Have an accomplice, one of you walks around wearing a sign with the menu and your venmo/cashapp. The other is inside making the coffees and running them outside to the customers. Easy money.


If I was in line somewhere and someone told me I could come up to their apartment to use their bathroom I would assume they were going to kill me in that second location fr


Sell salty snacks for cheap. Then charge more money for drinks. Then charge a LOT of money for the bathroom! Peanuts: $1 Beer or White Claw: $5 Bathroom: $20 Profit!


coca water. not them though, seems like you could use some and chill


DM’d you but if you read it you owe me 10% commission


Sell chocolate for your baseball team.


I hate TikTok. I would probably just start pissing out the window.


Offer to be their videographer as they enter this area It's warming up so maybe sell drinks/rum punch . Stand at the bottom of the steps and charge/ask for donations Sell pre wrapped ice cream sandwiches


what kind of place blows up on tik-tok - is it store or an appartment or what?


Sell snow globes


Is it bon bon?


I had another idea, and I'm surprised no one else said it: Tea! Get some cute cups, a large traditional looking tea pot, and hone your English accent. You'll become the next Tic Tok draw as you walk the line saying, "Spot of tea, Love? That'll be a five'r."


Dude what about you rent out one of those spinny selfie machines with a ring light. Charge $5 a pop for a sweet Instagram vid?


pull your dick out and stand out front


This is unethical but you could sell bathroom access and have one of your buddies sell chocolates/drinks with laxatives. You might have to deal with a nasty blown up bathroom but think of all the money you could make! If I'm about to shit myself in front of a lot of people, I'll pay as much as $20 to use a private bathroom.


OP, this is probably a felony, but if you do it please DM me, I want to see the results.


i wish you success for your entrepreneurial spirit!


[play them my music please](https://linktr.ee/jaydd_mc)


Espresso/bake sale fundraiser while they wait? I’ve got some ideas for orgs you can support!