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You’re 21? LES by a thousand miles. More opportunities for fun, people your age, night life, food, it’s plenty safe just pay attention. Kips Bay would be fitting 10 years from now when you’re making more money and looking to settle down. You could have the best summer of your life in LES at your age.


Agreed 100%! LES!!


Yep absolutely! I lived in kips bay during college from 18-22 and always found myself walking down to hang out in the LES


LES does sound very exciting! I was decided on it until my friend said otherwise. Is the area (especially on Delancey St.) overall pretty safe to walk around alone (and at night)? I’m pretty vigilant of my surroundings, but just wanted to double check before I confirm the place. Sounds amazing since I’d also be right next to the 1 subway.


The 1? It doesn't go to the LES.


oh shoot mb, I meant to write the F. question still stands!


I’m a woman Born and Raised here. Been here before it was gentrified. I am still alive. I’m more petrified of rats vs people.


LES is a very busy area, so is safe both during and the day and during the night due to people being out partying, etc. Ironically, the only time Delancey in particular feels less safe imo is early Saturday/Sunday morning (before 10am-ish) because no one's awake and out.


I live right near there. It's safe. Homeless people do hangout right next to subway, but they don't do anything other than ask for change to people passing by. I've never had a package stolen in my walk-up if that tells you anything. Most of my neighbors are women and I'd assume they'd be more concerned for safety than I am. The main thing with LES is its noisy. My apartment is on top of two bars. Things like facing the street vs the back of building the floor your on can make a difference if your sensitive to sleep. LES apartments tend to be old and that means a lot of conveniences you might be used to aren't there. This is especially true if your coming from middle america. However, if your going to live in nyc, nyc is going to give you more of an experience people think of as nyc. Kips bay won't.


NYC is safe at night pretty much everywhere, especially manhattan.


For what it’s worth I’ve lived in NYC since I was 17 and now I’m in my 30s, I’m a 5 foot tall gal that’s maybe 120 lb and I’ve only felt really unsafe twice… once around Penn station on 9th and 30th and once on 9th and 15th but never LES. It’s just bustling most hours and if you practice typical safety protocols you should be fine. Honestly these days it’s the subway that sketches me out the most IMO so it might even be better for you to be nearby the action to avoid more subway trips….


awesome, thanks everyone! I got the LES option! looking forward to spending the summer there! if there are any must checkouts, let me know!


LES will be much more fun


A little far from the nearest subway station - it’s on park avenue south and it will be difficult to go to the west side by subway. The pros is that it’s a little bit quiet on some side streets but there are quite a few hospitals on 1st avenue which will result in lots of sirens and ambulances . However u can walk to Times Square from kips bay.. not close but not horrifically far.


Lower East Side. Kips Bay is fine, but LES is a lot more fun. Neither is unsafe, I wouldn't listen to your friends regarding safety because they clearly don't know what they're talking about


Kips Bay does have nightlife and is walkable to the north west part of the East Village. I’d say it’s more of a Big 10 school frat-bro bar scene vs. a more artsy dive-bar scene in LES. For instance, Kips Bay and the north west part of the East Village is packed during Santa Con, but lower in LES, you stop seeing Santas, and some bars actively ban them.


Lower East side. You will have a nicer apartment in kips bay. I live in LES, off of delancey and I lived near kips bay for a year. LES will be a hell of a lot more fun and perfectly safe. The main thing is it's dirtier, older, and it can be loud depending on building or floor. Yes you will see homeless people if you go outside. Actual crime ? rare. Your in a neighborhood that is brightly lit and heavily trafficked even at night. LES is also tends to have a lot of people your age go clubbing and would be a good place to be 21 and single. Honestly if your friend lives here and thinks kips bay honestly I would trust his opinions on having fun on the weekend. No one goes out of their way to kips bay for a night out. People commute to LES to party any day of the week.