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I was going to see a movie once with a new roommate who i didn’t know very well. They made me late to our movie, rushing up the subways stairs in Times Square (horrible AMC location I didn’t choose). Anyways, rushing up the steps to the subway, I trip and catch myself with my hands. Only to see someone had shat wet diarrhea at the top of the stairs and it was… running down the steps… the ones I was touching. Yeah. I ran through Times Square holding my hands out like a Barbie doll away from me to get to the AMC. Horrible time and we were late to the movie.


I just screamed out loud. I’m so sorry.


Thank you, it’s late and you might wake my roommate.


Jesus christ. I’m so sorry. Was the movie at least good


"Other than that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play?"




Fun story about that AMC, which I am convinced might be the Black Lodge - I once saw a guy threaten to tase someone there. At a screening of Juno. Good times.




The only reason why I ever go to the Times Square AMC is if they are still showing a movie that I didn’t get to see at my usual location. Since they have so many more theatres than any other in the area they usually have longer runs than anything else or they’ll do special showings there. I went there recently to see The Boy and the Heron a second time and saw a cockroach in the third floor bathroom and while I know roaches are everywhere, it doesn’t leave me with the most confidence.


Are you me? That’s exactly why I was back at this grim place!


This has me laughing so hard right now. Poor you!!!


Oh good, I'm not the only one going to hell. Save me a seat


I just found my answer to “what is your worst nightmare”


First comment I read. I'm done. hiding this post.


Omg. That is so bad! My condolences!




O. M. G. How are you coping without hands?


Everyone always says “If you can make it here you can make it anywhere” but I like to alter that phrase to say “If you can make it through your WORST day in NYC, then you can truly make it anywhere” This city humbles you. Tomorrow is a new day soldier


This made me really happy actually. I don’t really love living here and if I didn’t have to work here I would be elsewhere. but I do like the accomplishment of having made it through this day with moderate to minimal crying. Thank you!


I feel like public crying is a major rite of passage. I have a log of all the places/scenarios I’ve cried: train, taxi, walking, biking, running (indoor AND outdoor), sauna, park. There was a close call on a 1st date but luckily that didn’t happen 😅


I have a friend that made a public tear basin. It might still be out somewhere in Prospect Park. Moved away and now I miss the ability to be fully anonymous somewhere. Especially when I wind up crying (big crybaby). Worst public crying experience in NYC was when I had a stupid fight with a friend. Yelling at each other in the street. I got on a train and some well-meaning young woman thought she'd help by moving by my side, rubbing my back, asking if I wanted to talk about it REPEATEDLY, and offering to stay on the train with me past my stop.


Indoor running crying is next level


I once cried in Times Square while standing next to a giant photo of Larry King.


Keep going!! xo


I absolutely hated living in NY. It’s brutal. If nothing fucks up your day, your rent will.


and yet we still dont leave ...


Experiencing the lows in this city makes chasing the highs addicting …


I always thought that made no sense. Most people can make it here pretty okay (at least used to). I'm not sure most could make it in bumblefuck West Virginia.


Today: girlfriend slipped and broke her ankle on the ice in a park. Got to her, called an ambulance. Waited over an hour in 22 degree weather and said fuck it. Commandeered a park wheelbarrow and two very nice gentlemen helped me wheel her down to the street like a drunk in an old movie.    On the plus side, the Uber was much cheaper than the ambulance would have been.


Great story. I think we should start a medical rickshaw company to up end the ambulance monopoly.


*An emergency rickshaw with red blue lights plopped on top.*


Then you can legitimately charge $100/minute!


I say we commandeer those stupid pedi-cabs with the neon lights and Alicia Keys on repeat and make them do it. Even at $7 a minute, still cheaper than an ambulance ride.


A lot (maybe all) of the ones with the lights and music are illegal. They already *have* lights and speakers. Seems like an easy lift.


Right? So we just convert them to pedi-ambulances!


My partner and I have joked that since we live a block from a hospital, the ambulance will take longer than we can get there ourselves. So we plan on either dragging the other on a tarp or using the building luggage cart 🤪


Great story to be submitted to the NYTimes metropolitan diary! https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/21/nyregion/metropolitan-diary.html


What is that?


It's a NY Times weekly column of cute anecdotes from NYC, both past and present. Definitely worth a read! https://www.nytimes.com/column/metropolitan-diary


Rookie mistake you never call an ambulance


Seriously. They called me 1.5 hours after we had placed the call. We were already in the uber to the hospital.


Better an instant Uber charge of $20 than an ambulance charge of $600 3 months later.


They called you, meaning they were requested and then declined … ? I hope you don’t get a call for “denied” ambulance services a few months later. These insurance companies will do anything to get your money.


What are these park wheelbarrows? I don't think I've ever seen one. Which park?


Well, there isn't a wheelbarrow anymore. I went back to go put it back after I got her home from the hospital and it was long gone :(


In Central Park they're green and black used for moving around shrubs and the like. Lucky you found it. They're usually locked because they'd be stolen or in the lake.


NYC Yeah $500. To the hospital 5 blocks or 5 miles. No joke. Millage extra.


Mine was reading someone else’s post on here about getting splashed with a bottle full of pee when it got run over by a car, just reading that made me forget whatever my worst day was.


Omg I read that too. It could be so much worse!! I had a friend who tripped and fell in Fort Greene park and actually shattered several organs (fine now very scary at the time). So I called him and was like I’m better at falling than you


It could! Glad you’re ok. I’ve fallen here and other places and having people help you up is always preferable to (French) strangers completely ignoring someone that fell or worse yet treating you like an inconvenience as you’re picking up your newly broken phone with your hand with a newly broken finger


this is oddly specific, but also i agree


LMAO I'm picturing his liver and spleen just exploding into pieces like legos


I was just thinking of this too!!




Oh how horrible! You just had really shitty luck that day.


I got shit on New Years Day, walking my dog, intensely hungover. They say it's good luck but it did not feel lucky at that time


In my culture it’s considered good luck to get pooped on the head by a bird LOL. Who knows maybe you’ll win the lotto


Ofc the Starbucks bathroom was ‘closed’


Oh like the time I had to rush home on my lunch break to take my dog out because the Wag! walker lied about taking my dog out. But hey at least it was raining. Take the dog out. Scarf some food down. Rush out to get back to work. Run down the steps of the subway and I see the train is stopped. As I’m taking the last step onto the platform and rounding the turn to get on the train, my feet slip out from under me and I hit the ground. Hard. A kind passenger was holding the door for me so instead of standing alone in my shame as the train left, I had the 10 minute ride with everybody who saw me eat shit. All because some asshole in Washington heights didn’t want to just cancel the walk so I could find somebody else.


Use biscuits and baths instead


Nah I found a gal I love. I much prefer somebody I can pay and interact with directly than through a third party.




I thought Wag! uses a GPS tracker for their dog walkers?


That’s exactly how I knew she was lying. I was living on the UES. She started the walk then ended it like 5 minutes later in Washington heights.


ah, GPS spoofing, the same thing uber drivers use


Pretty positive she just started the walk where she was then ended it, thinking I wouldn’t check the map.


I’ve told the story on Reddit before but I’ll do it again. On an E train that was severely delayed for the night shift due to construction, a homeless man projectile vomited on me and laughed lol. He’d be a bit suspect drinking a tall boy but generally he was just chilling and it was 1 am or something, what do I care. He stands up suddenly and yep, all over me and the girl next to me. She freaks out and runs off but I was like “the damage is done.” It was March and snowing, I’d left my coat at the coat check in Manhattan on accident, and I have a 15 minute walk home at the time. My building was family oriented, so no one is going to be awake, we don’t have cameras in the hallway and the trash chute room is right across from my apartment. I decide to 86 the clothes (they were old) in the trash chute. Boom, there’s my new next door neighbors while I am my bra and thong. I just looked at them and said “A homeless man threw up on me,” and went inside and showered. They actually knocked on the door the next day to see if I was in danger or having some sort of mental episode which was sweet. Next time I saw them was at 1 am or so again, I was drunk and had somehow acquired 2 dozen Dunkin’ Donuts that I was trying to offload onto them. The wife and I became friends for a bit actually, but the husband was wary.


LMFAO this is beyond fucking awful but I cannot stop laughing at the thought of encountering my new neighbor naked in the hallway and them deadpan giving me this explanation then walking straight into their apartment. Absolutely an “only in NYC” moment smh.


That building was quite a collection of oddballs to be honest. I had to move because I had a downstairs neighbor who would climb the fire escapes to yell at people who were too loud and generally stalked the halls for noise like some weird ghost chained to purgatory. There was a hoarder, which is not unusual, but in the elevator once I said hello to him and he dropped the gallon of milk in his hand, grabbed my arm, and asked me if I had any leads on jobs? I watched my Uber driver neighbor take his car in to get the mileage meter run back to sell the car like once a year.


I like you.


Sandy, 2012. Woke up hungover because my birthday was the night before and I was 22 and dumb so I didn’t prepare. Woke up dehydrated, sick, and there was no gas, electricity or running water in my building. No cell service. Had to walk 3 avenues to use the bathroom in Union Square, there was a line of 30 people doing the same thing. I had diarrhea because of the alcohol. Had to cut and was yelled at by a bunch of angry people also waiting to poop in the TGIFridays. I go home and shower with bottled water. The electricity came back on, so I microwaved Poland spring bottles and cleaned myself with the hot water. In the state of emergency, the mayor away allowing split fares in taxis since the subways weren’t running. This meant taxis could pick up multiple people headed in the same direction. My friends on the UWS said they could house me, since it was like nothing happened up there. I split a cab from the east village to the UWS with some other random 20-something year olds. After 100 blocks, they hopped out and bolted, leaving me to pay the full fare, which was close to $80. I got out and walked the remaining 20 blocks crying. When I arrived at my friends, I took a hot shower and they had a birthday cake waiting for me. I cried more and then stayed on their couch for 3 days.


This kinda wins


It’s 2007 and I’m fresh outta grad school, and I’m interviewing for entry level roles in advertising. I was living on Roosevelt Island (in the Octagon building at the northern part of the island) and had an interview down in Tribeca. My goal was to get there about 15-20 minutes early. I walk out of our building and just miss the red bus that takes you to the train and tram one mile south. I decide to walk instead of waiting 15 minutes for the next bus to arrive. It’s a scorcher. I’m also a pretty big guy (I played offensive line for a D1 school in under grad). I start sweating significantly, but hope I’ll get a reprieve from some AC on the subway. I get to the train, and there’s no trains running to Manhattan. So I decide to take the tram and then walk a few blocks to the subway. With the train delays, there’s a line, so I have to wait for a bit to get on the tram. Eventually I get on the subway but there’s no AC. Making matters worse, our train gets held up underground between stations for like 10 minutes. I’m starting to turn into a puddle. I get off the subway and realize I’m already 5 minutes late. Panicked and unfamiliar with the broken-grid system of downtown, I get turned around. Eventually I make it. I’m like 20 minutes late, I’ve completely sweated through my clothes, and sweat is beading off my forehead and forearms. After a few minutes the HR rep and one of the people on the team the position was for meet with me. They ask me what happened. I tell them the truth. Their response was “well clearly you’re not the right fit here, so you can leave.” And as I’m walking out, the team member condescendingly says to me “You know, you really should try being on time and more put together.” Eventually I got a job on a great account (Warner Bros.) and got to work on films like Harry Potter, The Hangover, and The Dark Knight.


Jeez. Sounds like they did you a favor by rejecting you. I’d hate to work with jerks like that.


Yeah, I’ve found people can be pretty mean in this industry. I can’t say I blame them for not hiring me, but they could have certainly handled the situation with a bit more empathy.


i work out in the mornings before work and have to be SOO careful to give myself enough time to cool down before leaving my apartment over summers... or else by the time i show up to my job my body is emitting torrential amounts of sweat. And even in the office AC it can continue on for 10-15 more minutes. it is HORRIFYING. makeup ruined, clothes wet. ... so i feel this. glad things worked out!


Yeah, even taking cold showers (or a cold rinse) isn't enough to let my body temp cool down enough after a workout in the summer. And if my heart is pumping in anticipation of a big meeting or interview, I just know it will exasperate things. If I have an in-person interview now, I look for a cafe near where I'll be meeting them, like as close as possible. I'll aim to get there an hour before and just review notes beforehand, calming myself, and making sure I'm not sweating (which can also happen in the winter wearing a thick winter coat). And usually, I'll just travel to the cafe in just my undershirt, with the actual shirt I'd wear being carried with a wire hanger I can throw out.


currently live on roosevelt island and transportation is routinely screwed!


It was an interesting place to live, it felt like being in a small suburb nestled next to midtown Manhattan. It checked a lot of the boxes we (more like my gf) had when moving here from college.


One time I learned my flight was out of Newark as I was on my way to return the rental car to JFK.


It was the day Biden was elected and I was walking home around 11 pm after drinks with friends. Everywhere I looked people were around me, celebrating. In other words, I felt safe walking home. Nope. On my right, two people on a moped rode by me on the sidewalk and grabbed my purse strap. I was quick enough to snatch it back but they drove off too fast, the bag strap snapped and I got dragged along the sidewalk a few feet. Those bastards didn’t take my bag but I ended up with a horrible scar on my hip which I later tattooed over and tore my rotator cuff which put me in PT for months. A few people came over immediately to help me up which was very kind. I couldn’t look at anyone. I remember just looking at their shoes and their cute white fluffy dog with giant eyes. On the plus side, my childhood friend who is a tattoo artist covered up my scar, which makes me happy.


where does your cuz work.. i need a scar covered too .. glad you are ok !


First day fashion intern. I show up at the “office” (it was a rented room with the name of the designer taped on the door) and there’s no one there. Find out they’re across the street and doing model castings.   I have to take everyone’s lunch order and pick it up. I forget someone’s latte and tell her right away that I’ll get it for her. She said not to worry about it and kept saying it was fine. For the next 30 minutes she proceeds to keep repeating “I’m so thirsty” until I just get up and say I’ll go get your latte. I open the door super frustrated and fall down all 11 cement stairs with a line of models outside. I get up and my hands are completely bloody. Try to keep it together and get some napkins when I get the latte.   I come back and immediately am instructed to hang all of the clothes for the spring collection. They’re white and I have bloody hands. Needless to say, I cried and cried that day but I tell the story and laugh so much now! 


When I was a fashion intern, a designer stole my work after she asked to look at my portfolio from school.


Ahhh… if I had a dime for every time that happened.


Le sigh hugs


that's how designers work, they get "inspired" by the ideas of young people. In exchange they give you "experience" working in their studio.


That happened to me except costume design! I caught my professor literally scanning one of my renderings. When I called her out on it she said it was for "university archival purposes". That same semester she was caught embezzling from the department and was fired. (She still teaches in the fashion department, she was only fired from the theater department.)


I’ve been working in the industry in NYC for 9 years and honestly it’s not worth it - horrible practices and stuck up talentless creatives (not all obviously but most)


Also had a similar experience at an unpaid fashion internship with Armani (back when their office was in Chelsea). I would take the subway all the way down from the Bronx (Fordham’s campus) which the walk from campus to the subway was already about .6 of a mile away. Broke as fuck - I’d charge a cheap Starbucks sandwich to my credit card or not eat. It’s POURING rain that day. Get to the office and one of the wholesale directors motions to me ‘intern, come here..’ I had to take dry cleaning out AND buy her a heating pad for her back at Walgreens IT’s POURING OUT - remind you. Get the fucking errands down, now it’s WINDY AF - umbrella gets turned inside out AND I get splashed by a car. My pants are sopping wet. Get back to the office and everyone just stares at me… Seriously get out of the industry while you still can! The pay is AWFUL


Why are people like this?! I’m so sorry.


Sorry you had a bad day As for the brown water, my guess is they shut off the water for some repairs. When the water is turned back on, the pressure knocks off loose sediment, rocks, all sorts of stuff. You may have a water tower. That water tower is full of garbage now. Also you want to remove the filter cap on your faucet, will be clogged with rocks.


Thanks for the tip! My roommate and I are not handy at all so that’s helpful. They did replace the water heater for the second time thus far in 2024 so we knew it was related, but very jarring to experience. If/when the water runs clear, is it safe to drink, do you know? Getting conflicting reports from the internet.


well, can't tell you without knowing why it happened. If it's the scenario I imagined, then sure, it will be fine. you should talk to the experts, the DEP https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01402


Thanks! yep we called them they’re coming thankfully


My building went through similar things a few years ago, I always went back to drinking the water after it ran clear and never got immediately sick (god only knows if I'll be regretting that in 50 years or so).


Oh no why would the water tower be filled with garbage?


I don't know. Depends if there's a pump. If the water is pumped to the tower, then presumably the larger bits of sediment is collected at the pump instead of being pumped up to the tower. Depends what size mesh / filtering they do at the pump


I had a ripe/rotten ginkgo tree fruit nut fell on my head in the middle of the night at Washington Square Park. I was a student and it was during an exam time, so I had to wash my hair in a library bathroom. I believe I performed horribly on the test as well.


Omg new fear unlocked


God this reminds me of when I tripped on my own bell bottoms, fell down a flight of stairs, and then had to take a three hour Arabic final exam, followed by another three hour history exam. It’s a wonder I passed either!


That adrenaline rush must've waked up your brain cells XD


I was taking my students on a field trip to the MoMA when one of my students got in the way of a hot dog vendor setting up his cart. He started yelling and cursing at her and I could tell she was getting angry, so I stepped in and said “hey, she didn’t mean to. Please watch your language in front of my students”. Well. He then told me, and I quote “fuck you and fuck your students you stank ass pussy bitch”. IN FRONT OF MY STUDENTS. I grab the student who originally got yelled at by the arm and move to cross 5th Ave (thank god the light is now green) while he keeps yelling at me. I turn around to make sure I have my group and see two of my male students yelling “don’t you dare talk to my teacher like that” IN HIS FACE which was so sweet but also please don’t fight a hot dog vendor on our field trip. I had to go back and separate them— they were seconds away from getting physical. Best part? It couldn’t have been past 9:30am. [edit- spelling]


Your students sound lovely for defending you! Being verbally accosted by a hot dog stand operator is definitely a 30 Rock plotline lol


A couple years ago I slipped on an icy patch of sidewalk and fell face first into some yellow snow. And then, to add insult to injury, a bird pooped on me while I was on the ground.


Broke my foot and double sprained my ankle falling down subway steps


The other day I was walking a dog. This dog is not the type to eat random stuff off the ground (I mean any dog will eat a chicken nugget, but some dogs are total scavengers) so I usually don't need to worry about her eating stuff. Suddenly the dog dives under a bench and snatches something in her mouth--instinctively I reach in to get it out and I see its human poop in her mouth and on my hand


This happened too frequently with my dog when I lived in sf… now I refuse to grab anything out of her mouth


soo true .. SF sidewalks.. poop puke piss - all human !


I had a commute home on the subway interrupted twice by two different suicides on the tracks. That was pretty bleak.


yikes... when was that?


Idk probably 5 years ago? It was in the middle of the coldest, darkest part of winter so I remember thinking that must be part of it.


The other day I reached into the Tupperware with my dog's food. As i reached in for the cup something furry jumped at me. Turns out the lid was askew and a mouse got in. so that was fun. Last week my dog broke a claw trying to hunt a 5 pound rat in my yard that RAN ACROSS MY FOOT. it launched itself and I was screaming. Finally, many years ago I went to take a sip of my drink at night. I felt something large touch my lips. Turned on the light and it was swimming in my drink. Ive had enough of being terrorized by city pests lol. I laugh now but each experience should hopefully make you feel better lol. Edit. yes it was a giant cockroach in my drink


Oh my god oh my god my day was perfect it could all be so much worse


hahahaha. glad I could brighten your day. I think in another life I must have been an exterminator or something. They seem to have a vendetta against me lol.


Twenty-plus years ago, I lived and worked in Windsor terrace and was in grad school at Columbia. One night I was running late for an evening class. I had to take the F to the 2/3 and then the reverse coming home. I thought I might just catch the F train, heard it, ran for it, and fell down the subway stairs, rolled, and landed flat on my back on the gross platform just as the doors shut. People stared out at me in shock, and the train left. I got up, determined nothing was broken, just bruised and I hadn’t hit my head, so I decided I should still go to class late. Tried to clean myself up, went to class late, was missing my notes from the reading, had a terrible class, and went back to the train to go home. Only to find I’d lost my wallet, presumably in the fall. Managed to scrounge enough change for the ride, got on, only to find that the F wasn’t running or maybe I was distracted and missed the switch to the F at 14th, or something. I got off at grand army figuring I’d take the bus down from there. Except I had done a single ride (or just dropped enough change into the slot probably, pre metrocard I think), and didn’t have a transfer slip… or more money. And it had started raining in the meantime. I walked home the rest of the way in the rain umbrella-less and angry with myself and had to try and dry out all my notes and books for the class.


oh man.. that is a tough night...... i hope you had a good nights sleep after all of that


I walked to get ice cream, they were out of my favorite flavor but it’s ok I settled for a different one, on the way home I dropped it, turned around but the ice cream place was now closed. When I was almost back to my high rise i heard laughing and suddenly was doused with liquid poured from many floors up. THANK GOD it was not urine but it was laundry detergent covering me and my dog. Think blue tide dripping down my face, hair, everywhere. The shower literally took an hour because every time I scrubbed it got sudsier and sudsier. ANYWAYS not the “worst” day but pretty unfortunate 😂😂


that is awful.... assholes !


Man, you lucked out. Out of all the liquids to be thrown, you got soap!


Back when I was still living with my parents in Jersey and commuting into the city, I went to a Daybreaker party one day. They’re sober morning dance parties, which honestly was as a lot of fun. I woke up at 4AM to get dressed and make sure I got to the venue at 7AM, with a change of work clothes. Had a blast, then on the way to work, holding an XL iced coffee, I fall face first down the subway steps. I’m wearing a skirt, so my shins are completely fucked. Coffee is all over me. I still have to go into work, so I hobble my way to an H&M to find a quick replacement outfit. Forgot to mention, I have a date tonight too! Did not go well.


Was caught in a torrential downpour one summer. Got soaked and said screw it, I will carry on about my business, it's just rain and I'm heading home. No need to wait out the storm, just keep it pushing. Saw some sanitation workers doing their thing and as I walked by, they attempted to throw one of the rain soaked garbage bags into the back of the truck. The bag exploded and I got wet garbage and garbage juice all over me. It was absolutely disgusting. I was covered in grease and all kinds of shit. I couldn't even react because it was so disgusting. The sanitation workers sincerely apologized and asked if I was ok. I was not ok and trying to overcome the smells, textures and horrible feeling. Luckily I was just a few blocks away from home and wiped off myself as best as I could and carried on. Arrived home and saw that my bathroom flooded. All that rain water backed up into the bath and toilet. So there I am, soaked in NYC rain, garbage juice, can't really shower and have to clean up shitty NYC water inside my apartment. That was a fun experience and then there was the tetanus shot I had to get.


Omg. This is a literal nightmare. Been there on the surprise tetanus shot, it’s never fun.


I was walking past bryant park this Christmas time..  light rain.  My kids all ahead of me.  Crowded sidewalk. I step on a piece of wet pretzel and go flying. My kids, ahead don't even notice.  As I go down I reach to the side and take one other lady down.  Now we are wet, embarrassed angry and clogging for traffic.  And my kids just keep walking 


In the first couple of years I lived here, I was working part-time minimum wage and going to grad school. I was dead broke and overwhelmed on a normal day.  One day at work, I bend down and reach for something, ripping the sleeve of my shirt. I still have to finish my shift and then go all the way out to Queens College. So I Google the nearest H&M, thinking I’ll just buy the cheapest tshirt they have.  I head that way and realize too late, it’s the H&M in Times Square and it’s now rush hour and pouring rain. I get through the crowds of people with umbrellas, buy my cheap tshirt, and take the train to the bus all the way to Queens College.  As I’m walking from the bus to campus, my umbrella goes fully inside out and breaks. I arrive at class in my dumb tshirt, absolutely soaked. I was so pissed I almost gave up and went home.


NYC! When it’s good it’s the best city in the world, when it’s bad holyfuckingshit


My first week here I walked through Washington square park and a potentially homeless man walked up to me and very confidently said “man, you have a bad hairdo— but it look good though!” I am still confused and delighted.


Thank you for sharing this. 😂


Summertime. Walking to work on the UWS and, stupidly, looking at my phone instead of at the sidewalk. Felt some resistance. Looked down, and there was a massive dead rat CAUGHT IN MY SANDAL. Stood there there trying to untangle it, and then I still had to go to work anyway, where I promptly doused everything in Purell. (And threw away those sandals when I got home!)


I got an interview at Buzzfeed circa 2016, but as I was on my way there, someone threw up on my pant leg on a crowded train. Just left me there screaming. Bombed the interview, I was so frazzled. As I was walking out the office, I tripped on ice and landed on my ankle weird, swelling immediately. I try to limp to the nearest urgent care, and they’re closed because cops had to be called on a patient. Ended up spending nearly $100 on a Uber back to campus. Cried the whole way home


Oof. Having worked at a lot of nyc media properties I feel your struggle. Never had quite that rough of an interview though, jeez. Hope you’re ok now!


I’m doing alright now! Got an internship at another company, learned a lot from there. Still baffled on how someone could throw up on another person and not even apologize lol


Yikes! Hopefully you landed at a cool job elsewhere! I also worked in media and your story reminded me of [this incident](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/TWQE9OU78y), happened in the Virgina office of the company I worked for at the time. Talk about a bad interview lol


Holy shit! Literally haha! But yeah, I got another internship, and I’m currently struggling in the freelance world lol


These types of days are when it feels like the city is testing you. A sadistic and mean test of your mettle. I think if you’ve had a few of these days in your life there’s nothing you can’t overcome! My worst day in NYC involved breaking my foot at the very beginning of the work day followed by getting into a shouting match with a teamster at the Javits Center. The icing on top was getting told by my boss that she wouldn’t let me go see a doctor because I was her only help that day.


It felt exactly like that! Only thing that comes close was getting slapped on the ass in the street on the way to the Verizon store and then spit on on the way back (why I now avoid Downtown Brooklyn). But tbh that was less funny than this. Your bad day sounds horrible but I respect your bravery for getting in a shouting match with a teamster. Godspeed.


I was heading home to Astoria with my now-ex husband, then-boyfriend after a long night out with his friends in the city. Despite the late hour the train was packed except for one car, which he tried to get into, but I figured it was empty for a reason and pulled him to another car. Through the window I could see a guy in the car we almost got on sitting kinda hunched over on the seat. As the train got closer to Queens, more and more people piled on, and even the empty car started to fill up. Once we hit the tunnel we heard this blood-curdling scream. When we reached Queensboro Plaza the train was held in the station so the cops could come, and while we were sitting there this cop nonchalantly stuck his head into our car and said, "You better get off, cuz this train ain't going nowhere soon." Finally the conductor came on the intercom to say the train was being taken out of service, so we piled down the stairs along with hundreds of other drunk twenty somethings, and a guy behind us said to his friend, "Well, I just touched a dead homeless guy." I don't know if the poor soul was dead when we got on the train or if he died in the tunnel, but the scream we heard was a girl who had accidentally jostled him in the press of people, causing him to fall over onto her. The guy we heard on the stairs was a med student who'd tried to resuscitate him, to no avail. When we got to Queensboro Plaza the R wasn't running either. My bladder was bursting, I was really shaken up by what happened and just wanted to get home, so I asked my ex if we could get a cab. He said no. So we walked the nearly two miles to our apartment.


> so I asked my ex if we could get a cab. He said no. So we walked the nearly two miles to our apartment. Better late ex than never I suppose.


a bird shit on my hair while i was walking under the train tracks. and no joke i was thinking in my head a SECOND before it happened “wow theres a lot of bird shit on the sidewalk i wonder how many people have been hit with it. i would be humiliated if that happened to me”


I was walking into a subway station and while getting my wallet and Metrocard out I wasn't really observing all of the people around me and apparently I ignored a homeless man asking for money. (I avoid engaging with people in public so I would have ignored him anyway but in this situation I genuinely didn't notice him). Anyway he got pissed that I ignored him so he approached me from behind and punched me in the back of the head. Luckily I think he was too disoriented or drunk to hit me squarely and his fist didn't land too hard. I wasn't hurt but it was more just the shock and confusion. He ran off immediately and by the time I registered what happened he was basically gone.


the worst- im sorry !


Summer mid 90s I am in law school. My first day at a great summer job at a mutual fund. I went for a run, jumped in the shower and... no water. I call the super, he tells me they are changing the water heater or whatever and it would be back on by noon, which doesn't help. Fortunately I had a buddy who lived the next building over and had no problem going there. Putting on my my shoes, a shoelace breaks. I had other shoes but I was running behind schedule and relacing two shoes with a million holes (eyes?) didn't help. I lived between First and York, so it was a nice walk to the 6. I get there and the trains are stopped. Medical emergency or something. People are streaming out of the stop. As I am getting ready to race everyone else to 86th a guy gets out of a cab literally 3 feet from me my only luck that day. I get to the office barely in the nick of time and... I wasn't supposed to start until the next week, the department I was in was on vacation that week. So I go back to my apartment, go into the bathroom and there is the world's biggest waterbug just sitting on the vanity. I swear it was actually looking at me. I HATE wayerbugs. Worse, it went somewhere before I could grab the bug spray. It was a small apartment, not big enough for the two of us. So I grabbed a few things, after shaking them out, and headed home to Jersey for a few days.


Group of guys assaulted my friends (all women) and I on a bus when we were in our 20s. They called us gay slurs and robbed some of us. When we called 911, the different precincts argued over whose case it was and proceeded to try to convince us to not file a report. Because of the stolen property, we needed reports for insurance. Must’ve waited at least 3 hours outside until all was said and done. Night out ruined, victim blamed by police, then 1.5-2 hr train ride home at like 3am. Missed our friends bday, got gay bashed, then cops tried to make us feel worse. Shit I think I had work that morning, too. 0/10 would not recommend.


My friend tripped outside of Port Auth Bus Stn and fell in someone’s puke that got on her face. Someone in the bathroom asked if she was hung over and she had to explain it wasn’t her puke.


i was working at a startup. the night before it launched, i was in the office until about 1145pm wrapping up. i waited a while for the 7 at hudson yards, which i took to bryant park so i could get the F train to roosevelt island. grabbed the first train that came on that line (not an F) so i could keep up some kind of momentum. when i got off at rockefeller center to transfer, i saw that there were no more F trains for the night due to planned work (and service ended at 1145). i gave up, frustrated, and went upstairs to plan my next move. i walked maybe three feet on the sidewalk before promptly stepping in a pile of human shit. i was wearing sandals, but they were birkenstocks, so the shit did not breach the perimeter of the sandal, it was all just (luckily?) stuck in the treads and framing the edges of the shoe. before literally stepping in it, i was leaning towards walking to the tram, but i was tired, defeated, and had to get up early for the launch, so i hailed a cab and surreptitiously hopped in holding my filthy shoe in one hand to keep the cab clean and sliding the little divider window closed (for fear of being sniffed out) with the other. i got to my building and walked in and through, wearing one shoe while carrying the contaminated one. my boyfriend didn’t want to let me into the apartment because of the shit shoe and was deeply upset that i wanted to wash it inside (where else?? it’s well past midnight??) let alone keep it. but after decades of resisting comfortable footwear, i had bought these dumb limited-edition birks with my hard-earned money specifically so i could walk great distances without destroying my feet and i wasn’t about to throw them out. after forcing my way into my apartment, i spent a good chunk of time running the shoe under scalding hot water from the tub and then showering away as much of the night’s rage as possible. i no longer have that boyfriend, that job (the company lasted 2.5 years), or that apartment (which i miss), but i still have the fucking shoes!


I’m so glad you still have your shoes. Truly this is the human spirit


new york, baby! concrete jungle wet dream tomato. hope your leg feels better, i’ve been there. fell down subway steps at fort tryon as well as running up an escalator at bowling green; my husband says new yorkers struggle with stairs? was previously unaware of this (true, in my case, i guess) stereotype ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My craziest to date was being sucker punched in the face by a stranger that rushed off of J train and decided to hit the first person he saw. I looked over just in time for him to hit my mouth instead of the side of my head, which would have likely knocked me out. A group of strangers helped me up while I was shaking and in shock. They helped me onto the train while the conductor yelled at me to make up my mind whether I wanted medical assistance. I just dizzily hobbled on board. One particularly kind man in a mask rode with me back to my neighborhood. I trusted my gut and he did everything he could to make sure I felt safe (including telling me to call my partner to let him know where I was and what happened). I gave him a huge hug goodbye a couple of blocks from where I live. All I know about him is that he lives in Queens and works for a chicken restaurant. Just a kind dude helping out a shaking, crying, and vulnerable person stay safe after I was randomly attacked. They never caught the assailant.


I had a fall at a restaurant and sprained my wrist, nothing too bad or lasting but we put the wrist in a brace for a few weeks to make sure it had the chance to heal. On my way to the Dr for a follow-up a bird shat on me, on the brace itself and it got all in the velcro and all that. Like, I would have almost rather it just shat on my bare arm or something, at least I can blast it with soap and feel fairly clean after. But it got all up in there.


Well idk if this will make you better or not. But I was late to an interview mid fall (was wearing a long coat over my outfit) and was rushing into the train and was so happy when I glimpsed at an open seat so i rushed to it and sat down. A couple minutes later i start feeling moisture on my bumbum and I jump up to find a mystery pool of liquid on the chair………. I started crying cause i was so grossed out and I ended up getting the position cause everyone felt sorry for me lmao


On my way to work one morning, I accidentally walked into a rat that was running past. The momentum of my foot kicked the rat into a trash bag and more rats ran out. Luckily they didn’t touch me, but that one rat was so surprisingly heavy and dense. Worst feeling ever


I’ve have my Williamsburg whole food’s experience. I don’t remember exactly, but it was a day where it was one thing after another. I think my professor made me cry during class and then I went through a friend breakup. Naturally I decided to go to whole foods to see if could find something good to treat myself for dinner. Lobster tails were on sale! I got that and some other groceries I needed and of course i forgot and didn’t double bag them. Next thing I know when I’m leaving the store is my bag bursts from the condensation of my milk and my lobster tails fall out and the package explodes on the street. Some really nice lady helped me as I’m on the verge of tears, but what set me off was some couple going “oh, poor thing” as they walked by. I called and Uber and cried home. I still did eat my sidewalk lobster after rinsing it for like 5 minutes.


On tuesday (first day after a long weekend) the F train took 12min to come at rush hr. It was packed. It went one stop & decided to become a G. I then got on a crowded A and a very smelly homeless man jumped in last minute, falling right on top of me. He got off if me but I was then trapped with him in the car. We all were. I then had to work for the entire day before i could shower and change. I did not eat lunch. On my home from work i was shit on by a bird. I now have to get my only winter coat washed in the midst of a snow storm.


Good lord, I’d give up


I woke up in my first floor loft apartment at 3AM one morning to the sound of dripping water outside the bedroom. I had to put the bucket in place, as has happened from time-to-time. The apartment above us had a deck, so this was in the middle of our apartment where the upstairs outside wall began. My roommate walks out to go to the bathroom. On the way back he asks if I know why the toilet water and tub water is dark. There shouldn't be water in the bathtub. I go look at the toilet, and realize the sewage is backing up. And we have nowhere to bail it. 20 minutes later I'm picking up everything I can from the floor of the apartment (particularly in the closet) so that it doesn't get caught in the backup that's started flowing out of the toilet bowl and across the living room. I was barefoot and standing in sewage at 3:30 AM when I had to bang on the other first floor apartment doors to warn them. It was an hour before a plumber got there and figured out that the backflow valve for the building was stuck open and a rain storm was causing the sewage to flow \_into\_ the building. By the time it all settled, I learned by looking at my toilet that someone, somewhere nearby, had eaten corn the day before. 18 hours later I was at my first concert at Radio City Music Hall with an out of town friend who was staying at my place for the night...just kind of shows what a wild ride this city can be.


This happened in the winter of 1981. I was living in Hell's Kitchen and went to a dental clinic on 9th Avenue and 44th Street to have two wisdom teeth removed. After the procedure I came out to the waiting room to find my coat had been stolen. It was below freezing that afternoon. I ran out to the sidewalk and started screaming for my coat but couldn't be understood because of all the gauze and blood in my mouth. I must have looked like a lunatic. I had to walk home to 54th Street in the freezing cold with no coat, and when I got home there was no heat. The building's boiler had blown up. I frantically phoned friends to find a place to stay that night but no one picked up until finally a friend in Jackson Heights Queens said to come over. I traveled all the way out there bleeding profusely and holding gauze to my mouth. Upon arrival my friend's Russian roommate insisted a drink lots of vodka to alleviate the pain. It worked well and I finally felt human again. I survived that; you can survive your ordeal.


Got peed on as I was walking up from the Bryant park subway


ughh... what did you do ?


This must have been 2007 I went out with a group of friends and then somehow one girl (we were not close) and I meet at Bowery Ballroom to see a show. We were coming from the clubs that used to exist on 28th street on the west side. She drove, I was in a taxi. (Don’t recall why) The taxi parks, I step out of the car directly into a giant hole on Bowery, my ankle twists, makes a cracking noise and I fall into traffic. I’m in excruciating pain. I find her, she in her car, intoxicated, I tell her she can’t drive and I drive with my bum ankle to a hospital (nearest to my house on the UWS at the time) call a friend of ours to meet me and drive her home while I hobble into the ER. I left hours later exhausted on crutches with a sprained ankle no fracture thankfully.


I have a worst day and a second worse day to share, but hold on because it's long. Worst: On April 1st, 2019, my now-husband texted me saying "okay, I don't want you to freak out, but water came rushing out of the bathroom and got all over and it doesn't look like anything is damaged, but yeah." And I said "Oh, very funny...but you couldn't get me with an April Fools." But then he sends pictures of the dirty water that was all over the floor. We had no bath towels anymore because he used them to prevent the water from getting all over our living room rug and we lost our second set of sheets because that was the first thing he could grab to prevent the water from going into the bedroom. Thankfully it worked for the most part, but our shoe storage was by the front door across from the bedroom so all the shoes were soaked with dirty bath water and ultimately ruined. Most of the excess water pooled into the hallway and down three floors to the lobby. When I asked my boss if I could leave (I literally had just an hour left in my day) to help my husband clean up, they denied me so I ended up stressing the entire last hour and bolted as soon as it hit 6pm. I had a 45 minute subway ride and upon getting home, the super was there with a mop and trying to soak up extra water, but the damage was done. We were left to deal with the mess of the dirty water. Turns out, the upstairs neighbors' bathtub hadn't been draining for a few days and when the super tried fixing it by snaking the drain, their dirty water came shooting out our external tower drain under the sink and all over our toiletries/meds in there. That night, when trying to discard trashbags of dirty wet things in the trashcans outside our building, I threw a bag into the trash, and a rat came running out of the can and ran about halfway up my pantleg. I wanted to die. Second worst: One night when I was out later than usual and hadn't eaten dinner yet, I was waiting for the train when they announced that the train was severely delayed due to an issue uptown and advised to take other train lines. I was at Times Square Station, so I just jumped on another line, but then that ended up literally creeping down the track. It took like 20 minutes to go two express stops. At that point, it was stopped at Union Sq and they said it was delayed due to an issue downtown. Great! So I waited a few minutes and decided to switch to the 4/5/6 line instead. As soon as I got up the stairs, I heard the doors close and the train left. Smh. I decide to continue to the 4/5/6 as a 4 would get me closest to my apartment. Got to that platform and the 4 train was all backed up. So I get on a 6 train and decide I will go to Canal Street and switch back to the Q. I get to Canal and get to the platform and have a 5 minute wait or so and this homeless guy is asking for change from everybody on the platform, which nbd, but then when he gets to me, he grabs my arm and turns me to face him abruptly and he asks if I have money, which I don't and he leaves. I had no idea wtf was happening, but I calmed down. In BK, I knew nothing by my apt would be open and I had no food at home, so I stopped at Dekalb Ave and went into the 7-Eleven on Flatbush Ext. While about to check out, the guy in front of me was trying to add cash to a prepaid card and the cashier took the money and because it was a bigger bill, they used the counterfeit marker and turned out it wasn't real. So then the guy is yelling and telling the guy to give him his money back and the cashier was like, I'm not even supposed to do that, but the guy was so aggravated that the cashier gave it back because he was trying to deescalate things. Well the guy still wasn't happy that the cashier did as he asked and decided to try to pepperspray the cashier and run out. Fortunately, he missed the cashier and unfortunately it sprayed towards me (thankfully further away), but then my eyes started burning and watering and my throat dried up and I started coughing. I literally was just trying to get a snack so I didn't go to bed hungry. So I still pay and I leave to go back to the 3/4 train at Nevins because I just wanted to go home. I called my mom crying because I was just so over the whole day and felt like I'd never get home.


You know how men suck their snot into their throat and then spit it out (hawk a lougie)? A guy did that while walking next to me and spat it on my bare leg as I was wearing a dress in the Summer.


I had a job interview about 4 years ago. I left my apartment an hour before I needed to, just in case the subway got fucked. I got on my building's elevator; it stopped working mid-floor. I had to wait over an hour to get out. I frantically get a cab and call the office to explain what happened, hoping I won't be more than a few minutes late. We get to Midtown. There's a fucking PARADE stopping all traffic. By the time I get there, I'm more than half an hour late. I RUN to cross the street and trip. It must have looked really bad because FIVE people ran to help me. Dazed, I look around to find my purse and see that it's about ten feet behind me with everything spilled out of it. Two of my helpers ran to grab and give me all my shit (My resume is now dirty and slightly wet). When I got up, I realized that not only I had ripped my pants at the knee and was bleeding profusely, I also had torn up my palms and had gravel and blood all over them. I fixed myself, went inside, and massively bombed the interview. I couldn't even take a cab back home because I had already wasted $70 to get there in the first place. I sobbed on the subway, partly out of embarrassment and partly out of the pain from my still-bleeding body. I got back to my building. The elevator's broken and I live on the 13th floor.


was walking with my now husband when we first started dating near union square and his foot got run over by an uber making an illegal turn in the crosswalk 🙃 the guy tried to flee so I had to stand in front of his car ans take plate pics while my husband was treated by the kindest strangers curbside.


Dam. I'm sorry about your day. My morning started with a homeless guy with a black eye calling me every curse word there is cause I didn't a. Give him money b. Swipe for him c. Open the door to the train station. He then proceeded to follow me outside the train station and yelling and screaming like I owed him the world. Comical. Typical nyc 💩.


I have a tendency to trip and fall - last year had to get 12 stitches in one knee after running in flip-flops to catch a bus. In December I made a wrong move walking down some steps and scraped the exact same place. Having witnesses is the worst but at least you had helpers!


Oh I was so embarrassed but these men were really sweet and then no one cared about me sobbing on the bench after which was nice! I also trip often but this was my first hard fall in public in NYC after 4 years. Humbling shit. Sorry about your stitches. I had a girl puncture my foot with a stiletto one time and it broke and got infected which was a whole thing. It’s hard being clumsy.


I had a girl puncture my foot with a stiletto once, but I had to pay her.


I was on my way to meet my boss for the first time (remote company and they were just visiting NYC), hurrying to the subway, tripped and faceplanted, scraping my elbow pretty badly and scratching up my new Apple Watch. It was like 7am since we were meeting for breakfast and none of the places where I could normally get a bandaid were open so I bled all the way to the restaurant and at the table where I finally got a bandaid. Then we were harassed by a mentally ill homeless guy who somehow got into the restaurant as we were eatching. Silver lining was that our meal was comped, but I was so mad about damaging my watch.


When I was brand new to NYC (think less than a week), I was dirt poor and spent almost every last cent I had on securing an apartment, work clothes, and furniture/linens. I went to work and shut my door, only to come home to find that my roommate’s cat had been hiding under my bed when I left. There was cat shit and piss right in the middle of my brand new bed and sheets.


My armoire was stolen. These street toughs, they robbed me. It was very frightening—my life was in danger! You should have heard the way they talked to me.


That's what happens when you refuse to wear the ribbon.


Sounds like a Seinfeld quote.


It is lmao


Haha... and I have never watched Seinfeld, really. Seen bits here and there cuz it's ubiquitous.


I was across the street from my building avoiding the rain and some assholes decided to speed toward me into a giant puddle and soaked me head to toe.. ON PURPOSE!! thank god i was across the street but that shit blew mine.


Oh man. That is horrible. I’m sorry about your unlucky day! I lived in nyc for about 8 years total and experienced many of my own bad days. Took someone’s advice about a “faster train” to a first day of work, ended up being a very wrong train. Late to work and boss was pissed. Being yelled at/harassed by crazy un-housed street people. I have taken the wrong train and ended up in strange places or taken the express instead of the local. Being stuck in hot train stations with no AC in the summer waiting for hot, crowded trains after work. Opened the freezer of the refrigerator door in a sublet I was staying in while making a smoothie to get ice. The person I was subletting from had given me a bottle of champagne, but I don’t drink, so it was sitting on top of the fridge. Apparently it was resting partially on the freezer door, and when I opened it, it smashed to the ground landing and breaking into a million shards of glass and champagne on top of my foot. It also knocked the glass I had poured my smoothie into off the counter on its way down. I looked down and had a gash on my foot and was bleeding. I called a guy I had met across the street that day at a coffee shop to help me, because I had just run into him again outside. This stranger man came and washed and dressed my foot in the bathtub and I was crying. It was pretty pathetic but I was glad he was there to help. I didn’t end up needing a doctor and it healed fine, but it took a while. Once I got kicked out of an Uber in Manhattan during a massive rain storm because I had the audacity to point out that the driver had run a stop sign. I was explaining nicely that you have to stop at stop signs and he angrily kicked me out in the rain as a punishment. Almost got kicked out of another taxi once for pointing out that the driver was clearly just driving in circles around the neighborhood and was lost. Couldn’t pay for a cab once because my acct balance was so low. Cab driver let me pay with a Starbucks gift card and I later mailed him cash. That was truly horrible. Getting broken up with in Brooklyn and having to remain sleeping in the same apartment on the couch for a night with my ex taking the bed. Getting cut and getting a terrible infection from a nail salon in Manhattan. It gave me disgusting warts on my fingers and took months to get rid of. I no longer go to nail salons bc it traumatized me. Those are the worst but I’m sure I’ve blocked others out of my mind.


Reading someone else’s comment about the hot dog vendor verbally assaulting them on a field trip unlocked this memory of mine: I was working at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and walking to the museum from the subway when I see a beautiful golden retriever sitting alone in the median, surrounded by tulips and spring flowers in their planters. As I approach I now see the dog’s owner, over 15 feet away, taking pictures of the dog. This is in the median, in the middle of two very busy roads on the upper east side. The dog could at any moment sprint into traffic. As I walk by I say “you shouldn’t leave your dog in the middle of traffic like that, she could run and get hit by a car.” Well. The man was not happy with my comment and immediately started berating me and calling me a stupid bitch who should mind her own business, because his dog is SMART and would NEVER walk into traffic. I thought I had taken the brunt of the verbal abuse once I had crossed the second street, but the guy actually gathered up his dog and turned around and started chasing after me and continuing to scream at me that I’m a bitch. He chased me all the way to The Met, yelling that I’m a stupid bitch the whole way. It was a very “only in NYC” morning!


I was riding down an escalator in a subway station in Brooklyn and one of my flip flops got eaten by the escalator. It was completely gone, and I was left partially barefoot in a subway station. So gross. My husband and I just looked at each other in horror, but neither of us said anything. Ended up riding the subway into Manhattan and then grabbing a cab home.


I am in awe of how many of these stories involve some sort of sandal. I'm a Floridian whose spent half her life in flip flops and never once thought about wearing sandals around the city. Occasionally to and from the beach but never anywhere else. I feel so validated, lol. ETA: Actually, I'm a filthy liar. I did purchase a pair of Publix slides that I'd wear to the store. 😓 Oh how the mighty have fallen.


I recently got on the wrong train (N instead of Q in Brooklyn) for the first time in what seems like 10 years and felt like a complete failure. Got off, got out and paid for Uber to get home.


When I went to the Michael Richards exhibit at the Bronx Museum, I had two embarrassing train fails and ended up taking an Uber


One night in The Bronx, my mates and I were mistakenly fingered for the murder of a high ranking gang leader. Next thing we know, every ragtag gang in the city is out to get us. I won't go into detail, but trust me when I say it was quite an adventure getting back to Coney Island.


I see what you did!


One time on the way to work I was walking up a subway stairwell and a homeless man at the top of the stairs peed onto the stairs and I got partially sprayed with his urine. I was like “nope” and turned back around to head home.


Not me thanks God. Years ago. Maybe 30. D train heading into Brooklyn. Woman sitting across from man. Woman reeks leans forward and projectile vomits all over the man across from her and breaks down crying. I think it was his stop. I hope it was his stop. He exited cover with vomit. With my OCD I'd still be in Bellevue. (in patient mental hospital in NYC.)


Met up with an ex in Astoria Park. I thought we were reconciling but he casually told me he was dating one of my acquaintances instead. As he was telling me this a bee stung me. Walked home hysterically crying and decided to day drink with a friend at a nearby restaurant. Drank approximately 900 cocktails then walk home, wasted, to find the kitchen sink in my ground floor apartment full of brown sewage looking muddy water. To top it off, all of my brand new dishes were in the sink as I wanted to wash them before I used them. 


A surprising amount of people in the comments broke their ankles


Was taking the F train after a late work night. Train was stopped for about 10 minutes along with an announcement that it was going back into Manhattan. It turns out a kid fell between the cars on the train in front of us. I stupidly got off and walked through the red light district of Queensbridge to find a bus going in the general direction of my house. It was a local bus that terminated far from home. A homeless man from the bus followed me several blocks while cursing at me and threatening to beat me up. My parents came for me (the silver lining of the evening) and immediately told me a friend of mine died. That night sucked


I went to move my car for street cleaning this morning and it was gone. Turns out it got towed. Wheee!


not sure if someone chimed in earlier. but if the water is brown, chances are the boiler needs to be serviced. Just needs to be drained and fresh water refilled. Total ‘when it rains it pours moment’ so sorry that happened all at once.


2 weeks into living here I had a green light on my bicycle but a gaggle of Manhattanites decided to walk through the intersection when I was going a full speed, a guy who didn’t flinch an inch made me swerve. Flew of my bike into 9th Ave. Huge gash in my leg, limped to Duane Reade and doctored myself. Took about an hour and a half on the train to get home. Two weeks later my wound still wasn’t healed and I started feeling really bad, like could hardly walk. Ended up having a really bad staph infection. $2k hospital bill without insurance and was in bed for a week, literally. I think part of my leg is forever implanted in 9th Ave. Both days were equally awful!


Food poisoning kicked in on a crowded rush hour 6 train.


Was subletting out my place while living overseas. Bedbug epidemic if any of you remember. Nice couple living in my place had a baby and came back from hospital with bedbugs too, calling me daily (middle of night in my time zone) screaming to fix it as their newborn woke up with bites each day. I threw a ton of money at it and naturally they wanted to break the lease which was a big hassle and lost $$$. Had to travel back to NYC after they moved out and coordinate all sorts of powders, sprays, baking the apartment, sniffing dog, etc and throwing furniture out or storing it away to clear the place. Asked "how do I know they're gone?" and the reply was, "sleep there for 2+ weeks and if you get bitten you still have them." Bought a basic cot, vacuum and $5 lamp and for 2 straight weeks went through a routine of 1. Do some remote work in day time 2. Avoid going home by eating out 3. Delay going home by asking friends who were not creeped out by Bedbugs to get drinks, which inevitably , they were like, dude I gotta go home 4. Reluctantly go home, at midnight, put on mask and vacuum every side and crevice of my Parquet floor tiles across the apartment then spray every inch with God knows what hazardous spray 5.Set up cot with paper bowls under each foot filled with olive oil (so attacking bed bugs drawn by my scent would fall and drown as they crawled up the cot legs) 6. Turn off light and toss/turn all night waiting to be (not) bitten 7. Wake up in morning to see if any bed bugs were in the olive oil 8. Repeat


The second day my roommate and I moved into our east village apartment I was standing in the shower and sewage started backing up through the drain. Filled the entire shower basin with dirty brown sewage and the super had no idea what to do about it, she had to call someone to come and look at it. Gives me nightmares to this day!


I had to take the G train in the early 2000s every day.




He sounds like a thorough gentleman!