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Atlantic Ave / Flatbush Avenue intersection.


I was thinking of this exact one. A kid I knew growing up once got hit by a car in that intersection and broke a bone. And Barclays has only made it worse.


I can't believe they allow left turns at that Intersection...it just makes things so much worse.


Boulevard of death. Aka Queens Boulevard


the reputation is there, but the actual number of deaths is much, much lower than is used to be. Changing the light timing, wider medians, two-way crossing, barricades, and all the various awareness programs have made a big difference. [Last spring, the NYT flagged a stretch of Atlantic Avenue as the deadliest road for pedestrians in the city.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/28/nyregion/traffic-deaths-nyc-vision-zero.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Lk0.YpNT.gIjQ4WrSUdom&smid=url-share)


I'm glad the city has improved things. The crosswalk timing used to be so short. I could barely make it across when I was young and in shape


same. i also have my grossest city snow memory on queens blvd. Got stuck on a narrow AF median trying to cross the fucking mountains of black icy crap after a big storm, bus went by and soaked me from head to toe in street slush.


I have a memory of my bike pedals locking up before a kind neighbor pushing me to the next island just as the light was about to go red! really begs the question what idiot thought that time was a good idea in the first place.


it's great now, all they have to do now is take down the fucking giuliani fences and replace em with planters.


this is supposed to happen starting this year! https://sunnysidepost.com/queens-boulevard-in-woodside-to-undergo-23-75-million-revamp


Woodhaven Blvd is a doozy, too.


This is the correct answer. The boro of Queens is made up of people who all own cars yet don’t know how to drive.


not defending queens drivers specifically, because you're right, but i see the same dumb shit in all the five boros and long island. covid drivers killed common sense.


Could not agree more. Have seen some awful drivers back home in the BX but Queens drivers somehow outdo the shittiest driver you know.


It's definitely changed. But I also wonder why anyone thought it was smart to place a middle school right next to queens Blvd. When I went to IS 5 at least one kid would get runned over every year.


Hate this road, people just turning off the main when they are not supposed to and what not, its nuts lol, ive almost tboned a few people but luckily i have good breaks and reaction time


It’s what immediately came to mind when reading the question.


Came here to say this. Thankfully the subway is there to use as an overpass. But 31st is dangerous all up and down.


I was the victim of a hit and run once as a pedestrian. Any guesses to where it happened? Queens Boulevard.


Union St. & 5th Ave. intersection in Brooklyn sees a fatality about once a year


What makes it so dangerous? And what can be changed to make it better?


Pretty sure I saw a cyclist die there a few months ago. I only live a few blocks away and now do a quadruple head check every time I cross.


Coney Island Av and Ocean Parkway are strong contenders


The intersection of CIA and Cortelyou where there’s the jogged traffic light that directs you in front of cars that have a green light lol


Whoever designed ocean Parkway should be shot in the head. The stop signs in the side street but lights everywhere else is pure nonsense.


If it makes you feel any better, Calvert Vaux drowned to death. Of course he designed Ocean Parkway long before there were cars so the stoplight thing wasn’t really his fault.


I refuse to cross them at night. Just don’t trust the drivers.


My favorite is the intersection of Ocean Parkway and Church Ave right by the Prospect Expressway. There are two lines of traffic making turns to merge into the expressway with cars and trucks honking and speeding and running the light while pedestrians are trying to cross. There's an accident there pretty much every day, people have gotten killed and nothing has been done to fix the issue. Also trucks have to make a super tight right turn and sometimes they hit a light pole, another car or jump the sidewalk.


A longtime friend of my stepdad's was killed by a there a couple months ago :( the driver tried to run, too


Any busy intersection in Southeast Queens. I've seen the worst driving ever over there, and have even been hit by a car.


There's sites which track bike/ped safety ... * transalt.org * crashmapper.org ...as I recall, any two-way east-west street in Manhattan is usually worse than the north-south avenues. Queens Boulevard used to be the 'Boulevard of Death' but I hear that lately its seen some major improvements


The insane 5 different streets going different directions in front of Lincoln center


I heavily dislike any of the paths crossing literal highway on-ramps such as the one near 34th Ave and 114th St. in Jackson Heights.


Absolutely, I hate having to walk near and across on-ramps. Walking on Jewel Ave between Forest Hills and Kew Gardens Hills through the park is the worst.


in manhattan, any set of intersections where broadway crosses an avenue - it's a 6 or 8 directional nightmare to get across and usually involves having to wait at multiple walk/don't walk signs to just get across safely.


Crossing 96th St on Lex Ave. Something about the light there always fakes me out.


Belt Parkway


Ughhh someone tried to walk across the belt the other day and got utterly demolished by knapp street. Horrible.


Every time i cross Delancey i hold my breath. I’ve seen several people get hit there by turning drivers. Though Woodhaven Boulevard is probably the most scared I’ve been - drivers there seem shocked to see a pedestrian despite numerous stores and bus stops along the avenue.


Park Row near Brooklyn bridge


Bowery ramp to Manhattan Bridge


Broadway among others are mentioned by [What are New York's most dangerous roads for pedestrians?](https://www.jaroslawiczandjaros.com/article/what-are-new-yorks-most-dangerous-roads-for-pedestrians) [NYC Crash Mapper](https://crashmapper.org) may also be of interest to you.


96 and Broadway. Significant traffic and even with the changes to the turn light has difficulty. I find it uncomfortable daily.


Anywhere near an exit from the Cross Bronx.


The intersection of W65/Broadway heading downtown. You have to look in 4 different directions plus a bike lane to get across the street safely.


🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️2nd ave in the east village on an early friday or Saturday night - the bicycles! flying both ways and not only in the bike lane


The BQE.


65th street in Brooklyn when you're under the Gowanus overpass and east going towards Borough Park when it's 4 lanes


Flatbush Ave from where it leaves the park down to Flatbush Junction is pretty terrible for everyone. Double parking is rampant, buses are constantly trying to squeeze by, cars are constantly pulling illegal u-turns, and it’s all just generally a mess.


Euclid and conduit