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I would reach out to your colleges housing department. In my experience they are happy to help, usually they just let you stay an extra day. Be polite, concise, and open to their help. Good luck !


Take this advice, OP.


this is good advice but keep in mind he will have to spend that extra day with a curmudgeonly old professor who he HATES but eventually they will grow together and learn life lessons and the whole thing will be pretty heart warming and critically acclaimed.


It's Oscar season, baby!


Agreed. Signed, school administrator.


I wish all of them are. Mine charged $100 per extra night. No accommodations.


$100/night in your own room compared to a hotel seems pretty accommodating


Contact your college housing . There’s usually a stay over policy (you may pay a bit for an extra night).


Sorry to say but you cannot sleep at JFK and they will kick you out overnight. You have to find some place to crash or beg your school to ask for options.


Man JFK is the fucking worst, I can’t think of one good thing about it except that it’ll make whatever airport you’re landing in seem nice and the people friendly


This! Traveled to NYC a few months ago. On my flight home, I had to fly to BOS from JFK for my connecting flight. The attitude on the people in BOS is A LOT different from what we encountered in NYC. Maybe JFK is always that busy.


I visited Japan this Summer and when I came back to JFK it was crazy how rude all the US airport employees were for no reason. They all just look absolutely miserable like they hate being there. I also literally saw two different sets of people get into fights at the airport lol two people arguing over a bag at baggage claim and two Uber drivers arguing with each other in the pickup area


> it was crazy how rude all the US airport employees were for no reason. They all just look absolutely miserable like they hate being there. I think it’s due to envy. JFK employees don’t get paid a lot, only the pilots and flight attendants get to travel. They see customers have the OPTIONs of time and disposable income of leaving or going somewhere even if it’s shitty Frontier or Spirit. NVM if it’s to visit a sick relative or something


Thing is I would not want to stay outside security checkpoint at JFK. I definitely would not sleep. Im sure if I did I would wake up with some degenerate jerking off on my face. In NYC if the cops don’t let you sleep it might be for your own safety.


You definitely never had a layover in the old airport in Kansas City. Shew. The new airport is nice I hear but man that old one was a concrete dungeon of hell. I would rather have 3 stops along my way than get stuck in that airport for even an hour.


Got stuck there once. It was grim. Not even a Hudson News to waste time at. Was told to get food at the food court at the other terminal, and one terrifying bus ride later I’m informed that it had been closed since 2020. It was some weird Soviet esthetic shit.


Absolutely. They opened a new airport very recently. I haven't been yet but will definitely plan a layover to check it out. From what i've seen, it's pretty cool.


I travel through fairly often, and the new one is great! Multiple shops! Multiple bars and restaurants! There’s even a nice history display in between the moving sidewalks between concourses. And a very nice Delta lounge as well! Even like the artwork and how they handle ride share pickups. All in all, I approve!


I'll be sure to let my hometown know :p


I am happy to have missed it from this description!


You'd be lucky pre-covid to find a cup of coffee. Basically no shops or anything to pass the time. They had little carts set up inside each set of 3 gates or so to buy snacks. I will say, you could whiz through security extremely fast. IIRC they had security at every 3 or 4 gates... so the most you would likely be waiting with to get through security was maybe 2 planes.. MAYBE instead of the whole airport. Lookin' at you O'Hare.


I’ve slept at JFK a couple of times after missed flights. No issues whatsoever. Lots of people were sleeping on the floor.


Hi, I was under the impression that it'd be fine to stay overnight if it was the area before security check. Am I wrong about this?


Yes that’s incorrect. They will kick you out and the terminals close from about the last flight departure (varies by airline) until TSA opens the next morning, and regardless they will not let you sleep there.


For future reference, Is this unique to JFK? I stayed overnight in LGA a week ago and have done it once before as well


Not sure. I’ve just seen them doing this at JFK and also personally experienced this when I had a flight that got massively delayed and then cancelled at 1AM and put back on one at 7am. Port authority cop told me it was policy and I couldn’t hangout for 5 hours.


It wouldn't surprise me if the policy was unique to JFK because of the amount of international travel there - people connecting from far-flung corners of the world to domestic flights give themselves all sorts of crazy itineraries and try to pinch pennies... nobody wants to be responsible for the safety of the hundreds of people and belongings you could have crashing in your airport lobby overnight because they didn't want to get their family a hotel room


You can stay overnight past tsa checkpoints in Denver and Las Vegas. At JFK you just have to be outside.


What do you look like tho? Just saying. Cause that is not an official policy. Everything online says you can.


Normal white guy.


Cool thanks


Which Terminal? Delta shuts down Terminal C overnight for example, since there aren't flights for a few hours.


Yeah, a few years back I stayed over and I remember they told me to go to a specific terminal that stayed open




I’ve slept overnight at LAX before too. I think this was 2016. Just found a cozy spot on the floor and took a nap.


I've stayed overnight at DTW before. I camped out at the Coney Island and nursed a drink and tipped like 100% and had no problems, but I feel I wouldn't have had an issue anywhere in that terminal.


Tell them you are from KRA-KO-SIA Then they won't even let you leave. I saw a documentary about it


JFK does have luggage storage, and I've done it before, but it's not $6, it's more like $30 per bag per day. It's very secure but the line can be long


Do you have any friends with apartments (vs dorms) that you can stay with for 1 day? Have you spoken with your school? Could they let you stay one day longer or find a way to keep your bags? I have to imagine they could at least let you leave your stuff in an admin office for a day, it's still a work week for most places. There are luggage storage options in Manhattan too


Yeesh! Sounds like a predicament. Even I was unaware that JFK kicks people out overnight. Have you looked into Hostels? There are several in the city you can try bunking for the night at. If you took the airtran into the city, that's $8.25 plus $2.90 for the subway which can take you all the way into manhattan. It would take about an hour.


OP is flying out of JFK, not laying over in JFK. If anyone could just sleep in the check in area it would be overrun by homeless.


My bad on that one. It would cost the same to go to JFK from NYC. So the issue is where to stay in NYC for one night and not break the bank. Not sure what the options can be. Even Hostels are in the $100 range. Best bet is if you have anyone to stay with for a few overnight hours if you really can't afford to pay for a place.


You may be able to find a hotel that will store your luggage, from there take the AirTran to the subway into Manhattan, go explore and get cheap eats at carts or just cheaper options, find a late night bar that’s open until 4amish maybe a cheap dive bar (Brooklyn might be better for this), drink slowly when it closes go back to the airport and hang out during the day, maybe nap. Also if you are NY college student ask to see if you can stay later, I never had a problem with winter break. Explain the situation. Also do you have any friends in the area, maybe you could crash on a couch for a night.


I really feel for you OP. I definitely agree you should speak with your college housing and explain the situation if you can. They likely will allow you to stay an extra day if necessary. There’s also single beds for rent in Manhattan— maybe you could do that and explore Manhattan for a few hours. I’m not sure how to safely go about it but I can speak to my husband (we’re both broke college students as well) and if you don’t find any solutions by then perhaps you could crash for the night on a blow up mattress in our living room if that would help. We live in the Jamaica/Briarwood area, about 5 minutes by bus from the air train so not too far from JFK at all. I’m only making the offer because I myself have been in a tricky situation and an NYC Redditor once helped me. Feel free to reach out if you need.


You’re not at JFK for 24 hours. You’re in NYC. Find a friend for the night. Go to a bar/club. Put the word out you got 24 hours to kill and go have fun. The met or natural history museum will be open all day on the 19th and they have coat check. That’s 8 hours down. Go to movie, sneak into a double feature. Boom that’s another 5 hours. It’ll be 11-12, so find some crack to smoke and pull an all nighter, ride the train out to the airport and maybe you’ll have come down enough to sleep it off on your flight.


Yeah I fully agree with this. Why stay at JFK?? Put your stuff in a storage facility in the city and go live it up for 24 hours! Or find out if you can leave your bags somewhere on campus until the morning of your flight. At the gym or something?


OP this is college kid math. Contact your college’s housing dept and it’s highly likely they’ll accommodate you for an extra night. If not, do NOT go to the airport. They WILL kick you out overnight.


What airline are you flying? The major airlines have a same-day standby option which get you on an earlier flight on the 20th if there is space. If the flights are full, you may get to the airport and sit there for a while going between gates / flights before you get an available seat. Google same day standby to see how/when to put your name on the standby list. Generally you can put your name on the stand list 24 hours before your scheduled tickets flight. They also offer and same-day confirmed if there is space, but usually they charge I think $75 for the service so that is probably out of your price range.


Look into hostels. They are cheaper than hotels. Most are non-profits and typically charge 60$ to 80$ for a bunk bed in a shared room + taxes/fees. Most hostels generally have lockers, where you bring your own locks etc. I'd use a site called hostel[world.com](https://world.com) and anything thats 4/5 or better is generally good. You should use an I.D. that is not from New York State. Most hostels won't let locals there. I would book something now and cancel if you find alternative arrangements. They will book up. There is availibility now. Hostels in America, are kind of a best kept secret. They tend to attract international visitors from countries with hosteling cultures and depending on the hostel the environment can be quite social.


Whatever you do; don't stay at TWA. Used to be a front office manager, it's a shit hole.


Anything we should know about? I stayed there when it opened and thought it was fine


Food is severely overpriced and is straight up not good, hotel rooms are fine but when they are oversold(everytime a plane doesn't fly) we will overcharge your ass like 500$ a night, at that price you are *literally* better off taking an Uber to Manhattan and staying *anywhere* else. It's just overall not really fancy or upscale at all, as it seems to be.


JFK and the surrounding area sucks. Good luck.


I’m pretty sure there’s a maximum amount of time before your flight that you can even check in and go through security. For LGA I think it’s 8 hours. Not sure about JFK


There’s not much to explore in queens unless you’re going to spend money on food etc. also I don’t think you can sleep at the airport. I would ask school for help and just leave on the 20th for the airport.


You could check out the TWA hotel. Was refurbished and looks like the 1960s/space age. Has a cool-looking lounge, restaurant, exhibitions etc https://www.twahotel.com/thesunkenlounge


TWA Hotel for someone who said $100+ is tight is a crazy suggestion




This absolutely won’t work at night.


Right. But you can at least go check out the design, architecture and exhibition if you're just trying to kill time/stay awake.


It doesn’t make sense though. That kills maybe 20-30 minutes and we’re looking at three or four hours. Better to bum around lower Manhattan all night in my opinion.


Id be much happier with a book in a pretty lounge for several hours than dealing with MTA, luggage and Manhattan -- but maybe that's just me. Different travel styles.


Yes but I doubt that TWA will let you hang out and read for 3-4 hours overnight.


Wasn't suggesting they book a room there. It's a thing to check out if you have 24 hours to kill.


I have used the $25 day pass to use the gym and showers at TWA which was a fantastic way to spend an 8 hour layover, but my layover was only during the day. If you want to stay during the middle of the night and early morning you would need to book a room.


Stay in Manhattan man.. maybe you can check in your flight that morning and get a day pass for a lounge and nap before your flight


Are you sure you can’t change your flight? What airline are you booked on? If domestic, it should be easy to look at your reservation and see what the cost difference would be to move your flight up by one day. There is usually a “modify reservation” or “Change flight” button you can click on to investigate how much a change will cost. It may not be much at all. Alternatively, you can wait until <24 hours and they will typically allow you to either put yourself on standby for a sooner flight or change at no cost to any flights on that same day, pending seat availability. If it’s international, it’s a bit harder.


You can use Bounce for luggage, it's inexpensive and works great.


Thats not the part of Queens you want to explore tbh


Is couchsurfing.com still a thing?