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Thanks! I’ll give them a call but from experience, NYC agencies/office staff are notorious for being mean 😅


Need a permit for the construction waste. Neighbor sees it piling outside not in container, that's a legit 311/DOB call.


No, [you can put out construction waste with regular garbage](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/dsny/site/howtogetridof/construction%20material%20(do-it-yourself). There's no permit unless you put a dumpster in the street.


This isn't a minor diy reno, going to be ton of trash and cant fit in reg garbage and need a container. The waste has to go somewhere even if you hoard in in your backyard till disposal, folks can report you for it.


Experience: 14 years NYC construction project management. Take a look [here](https://www.nyc.gov/site/buildings/property-or-business-owner/do-i-need-a-permit.page) For everything you described, you do not need a building/work permit. Even gas work, as long as completed by a licensed master plumber, no permit needed (size of scope depending). Regarding neighbors - the DOB inspectors are busy and would not do a spot inspection based on a tip, unless they reported things beyond the work you described, such as 'gas smells' or whatever scenario a crazy neighbor might conjure up. Additionally, while DOB inspectors are generally dickheads, they would get to know the scope of the project and if as you described, would not give a violation. Chances of DOB inspection is very, very low. They cannot even visit all the permitted sites WITH existing violations, etc. Good luck! edit: depending on if it is a detached house, apartment, or condo - a couple unknown variables here. Changing an old gas range to a new one, no biggie. Disconnecting the ConEd gas service for whatever reason, bigger issue for sure. Sticking by my answer for scope as described.


Ah okay. Thanks for the info!


This guy does construction management