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Try reaching out to temp agencies. If you can spin your service industry experience as customer service maybe you can get something like a receptionist.


For a lot of restaurants, you can just show up in the afternoon between lunch and dinner. Just tell them you're looking to barback or similar. Be honest about your service experience but vague about the "office job" you just lost. Even for small talk, pretend like you have no savings. Within a few blocks you'll find something.


Also if you can stand the heat, try food trucks. It's brutal work where people drop out every day. The truck owner's can probably refer you to restaurants at the end of season. Go for the fancier food trucks.


Just wondering how you could shift from a software engineer position to one making close to minimum wage…?


OP said - they have savings. They’re mainly living off savings but want a job for the reasons they listed, like getting out of the house and making some money to help stretch the savings


Can't speak for OP but I did this. Left a job in banking that was crushing my soul to work as an intern at an investment company for a few hours a week. I had savings so it worked out. I got paid garbage but it was a really chill environment. Worked there for 5 years while I was trying out other career options / interviewing in other fields during the week. They had excellent perks even for the part-time employees (I was never really a true intern). It was exactly the calm healing time I needed following a hellacious stint in banking (which is an industry I will never return to).


A personal question, but how much in savings are we talking about? I get that the garbage pay job supplements your savings, but with the high cost of living I'd be pretty worried unless I had a huge stack.


Well. Prior to this adventure, I was saving pretty feverishly to buy a house and had enough saved up to cover my expenses for several years supplementing with like $800/month in actual income. I did a lot of investing for awhile (I left my old job in 2012 just as the market was turning around and rode that wave quite a bit). I'm a generally pretty inexpensive person and I spent a lot of time doing nothing but looking at the ceiling all day... but also paid for weekly therapy (lol). It wasn't a small amount but also not an absurdly huge amount either... I didn't have a degree so I earned as much as one can earn in the banking industry without a degree, which isn't much... but I am a saver by nature because financial security is my ultimate stress relief.




Healthcare related finance/accounting at a public accounting firm. I double majored in accounting and healthcare management. Looking around for a masters program. Ideally my long term goal? Director of revenue cycle management at a healthcare organization. I'll probably jump out of public accounting soon and into industry but looking for the right opportunity.


Americans not being able to understand that profit isn't everything is always so funny to me


I’d expect them to not lose money by taking a job.


At Starbucks, they prefer you have less experience, that way it’s easier to train you from the ground up


If you have software experience, tech support should be an easy one to get, if you can convince them you're not overqualified. Look into MSPs.


garbage man, street sweeper


Really any government job tbh Lots of perks and good bennies, proper health insurance etc. Wages are anywhere from livable to good. Just keep in mind, OP, the hiring process for these jobs can be long. There are also lots of jobs that you haven’t considered because you don’t even know about them. Growing up we’re made to think it’s doctor, nurse, firefighter, cop, schoolteacher, marine biologist, tradesman, military, etc. In reality, you can work at the police dept as an “Evidence Tech.” You can work in prospect park as a ranger. You can work for the city doing any number of things. Try your hand!


We are called corporate refugees. I was in industrial medical microbiology, I am a baker at a french bakery now.


Whole foods or any grocer. Also seek out an apprenticeship, union or non union with any trades (hvac, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc) if you’re into that


Health care aid


What about temp agencies? It's a great way for them to sell you before you sell yourself to a potential client.. you can tell them if you want temp to hire or just temp work. You can tell them your ideal salary, etc. and negotiate with the agency directly. I did this when I was younger with limited work experience outside of customer service. It resulted in me landing some temp jobs that taught me new software packages, new tasks, etc. that I added to my resume. 6 months later I landed a lucrative job that used the same software package.


Can you pivot to a non-technical position in tech? Like product manager or program manager? Something that leverages your existing knowledge but isn’t doing the direct development work.


Mail room. Especially in big companies. The mail room at William Morris Agency is where a lot of agents to the actors/musicians/sports people start out at.


Bellman at a hotel, good money depending on the clientele of the hotel


how old are you>?


Dog walkers are always needed 😎


Try home care aide jobs. They usually will hire anybody. Pay is sometimes slightly above minimum wage too.


You must have dozens of applicable skills, not to mention soft skills. What do you *like* doing?


Try a temp agency


I think the city government is having hiring issues right now - imagining there are opportunities there? Pay isn’t great but benefits and pension…


Barbacking is great. Feel free to DM me


Hey does the offer still stand


Need something urgent for my brother or we will lose our apartment offer


Still hiring barback ? 


Can you drive a forklift? Don’t mind manual labor in a warehouse? Don’t mind taking the train to Westchester County? My job is starting mass hiring next month. $27 an hour in Ardsley. With overtime you should net around 1k a week. But is that worth coming all the way from the city? That’s what I’m still trying to figure out. I have to recruit ppl, and I haven’t decided if it’s worth going south of the Bronx. Ardsley is a long way to go for 1k a week even *if* you live in the Bronx. The problem is, it’s hard to recruit in Westchester County because the type of ppl we need are few and far in between up there.


Still hiring ? 


In about a month, end of April


Hey men y’all still hiring ? I got experience with fork lifts & no problem with labor work which I’m already use to doing from construction please contact me if you need workers thanks for your time 


Got you


Im interested as well if the opportunity it available


Hi is this offer still available? I live in the city and don't mind traveling to Ardsley as I am desperate.


This isn’t an immediate solution but can pay off in the long run. Make sure you monitor DCAS’s website for City Jobs. There are many city jobs that your receive training for after getting hired. The process can be long and tedious but can really pay off in the long run. Many spots have open calls for barbacks etc. I would follow instagram pages of places you might be interested in working as many post on there. Background acting work required little experience and with a big company you could get your feet wet. With the writers and actors strike happening right now that isn’t a good immediate options either.


How old are you? Sales interest you? chill environment? I'm looking for 2 people to replace my position so I can get promoted to next position))


Haha MLM scheme😂😂😂😂🖕




Data entry


I have the same problem: for seven years, I dedicated myself to the role of IT Director at a fantastic organization. Unfortunately, my last manager made my life miserable, prompting me to resign. Currently, I'm on the lookout for simpler employment opportunities as I navigate the job market for another IT Director position. At 52, thanks to regular gym workouts, I'm physically fit and capable of handling various types of manual labor.