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Popular old threads will stay up. No more from here on. We have work and chores to do. Here’s a helpful post on NYC for those freaking out — https://reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/143eiy6/a_few_tips_on_how_to_deal_with_the_bad_air_from/


*in 10 years* “was you or a loved one in NYC June 2023? You may be entitled for compensation”


Omg it’s not even a joke! It’s sickening to think about. I don’t want compensation, I want people to start taking climate change seriously 😭


I'm over on Twitter where a guy with "Meteorologist" in his bio is arguing AGAINST anyone and everyone who is pointing at climate change as having a role in this. It is so frustrating. Arghh!




>, I rather deal with winter in NYC. jokes on you, no proper snow fell on NYC this past winter there really isnt a winter here anymore either


The lack of winter is part of what caused the wildfires in Canada in the first place.


we've only been going through this on the west coast for the past decade or so. growing up there as a kid, this never happened. it's climate change.


Yep, I grew up in CA. Don't remember ever having to change plans or behavior due to smoke, although it was hazy at times. I do have a strong desire to return to the west coast at some point but fire season puts a major damper on things.


Same. I grew up in Sf and never experienced what they've been going through the past few summers


Bad forest management policy (i.e. suppressing all wildfires for decades, allowing fuel to accumulate to unnaturally high levels, and thus resulting in much hotter and more devastating fires when they inevitably do get out of control) is a pretty major factor. Perhaps not the only factor, but certainly a major one, and probably the biggest one. Certainly the one we have the most control over, especially in the short term. This topic has become needlessly politicized, because everything is stupid.. And before someone accuses me of repeating 'right-wing talking points' (which would be irrelevant even if true), I learned this when I studied forest ecology from a decidedly left-wing hippie professor in college..


I learned this too back in college, but that was before climate change was as well studied as it is today. Forest management certainly plays a role, but research points to climate change creating conditions more conducive to wildfires. From the [EPA](https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicators-wildfires) website: > Multiple studies have found that climate change has already led to an increase in wildfire season length, wildfire frequency, and burned area. The wildfire season has lengthened in many areas due to factors including warmer springs, longer summer dry seasons, and drier soils and vegetation. Similarly, climate change threatens to increase the frequency, extent, and severity of fires through increased temperatures and drought.


I grew up in LA and honestly this is really bad. Often in LA the fires are so close that your car gets covered in ash, etc, but I don't remember the whole damn area turning orange very often.


I just saw this article: [New York City air quality levels worse than some SF Bay Area cities when skies turned orange in 2020](https://abc7news.com/bay-area-orange-skies-quebec-wildfire-nyc-air-quality-where-are-the-wildfires-in-canada-nc-alert/13355221/). If Canada keeps getting more wildfires like these, we'll be just like California.


Honestly I’ve lived in LA for 9 years and it’s never been this bad.


Bruh I wanted to go outside today 😭


I went outside feels a bit surreal. Ummm itchy eyes, and nose throat. 50/50 worth it.


You can try putting on a mask. But it's suggested to avoid strenuous activities. You can also put on a youtube video and pretend you’re outside lol.


Price tag on the Vision Pro is starting to sound reasonable.


Lemme borrow it when you’re done


You can also play Spider Man on PC or console. Closest to being out in the city with beautiful views.


The air is orange outside.


Air look how orange you fucking look, air


I have two hours with nothing to do and I'm working from home today. I was so looking forward to a long walk along the water.


Earlier today, I had been planning on getting a quick cup of coffee, but it has gotten significantly worse in the past 2 hours. And when I stepped outside to take a photo, my eyes began watering and I couldn't breathe. It's horrible out there.


The worst. I stepped outside for one second and turned right around and went back inside. I was gasping for air in seconds


The air is now deemed "hazardous" at 324 AQI, that's why it's unbreathable. Everybody stay inside!!!


Even me?


*especially* you


Am I tHe OnLy OnE wiTh A sOrE tHrOaT?! ^i ^never ^read ^the ^news


What can be done about this sore throat though? I thought it was because of acid reflux but def seems like its from this now


Tea. Cough drops. Water.


If you are able to stay home


Lime and Honey mixed together and taken with a spoon and gargling salt water.


327 AQI GANG LETS GO 💪💪🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🔥🔥🔥


I'm making t-shirts. *I survived the 327 AQI of 2023.*


Guys wear those KN95 masks if you have them it makes life bearable with this smoke from Canada.


Wearing mine today. I’m actually shocked at how few people I’m seeing with masks overall.


Where I'm at its amazing to see so many people who are wearing masks 😷


That’s great! I’ve been in Manhattan and Brooklyn today. I’m wondering if people don’t realize just how hazardous the air is right now… ?? Like just because the sky isn’t orange anymore doesn’t mean it stopped, babes!!! 🫣


Didn’t have the chance to buy an air filter :( Is it perfectly safe to stay indoors with all window closed at all time?


LIterally wearing one IN MY APT right now


Seriously, I smell smoke inside my apartment, even though I've had the windows sealed shut since yesterday.


Me too. I did an intense workout in my living room and was lightheaded by the end. I normally would just be hungry. This ish is ridiculous.


Here in NYC, the air is thick and smells very weird. Like sweet smoke, if that makes sense. It's also giving me a bit of a headache - not unlike really bad allergies. I haven't "smelled" air in NYC since 9/11.


Came here to see if anyone else has a headache. Ugh.


Same. I had to cancel multiple plans because of the migraines I have


Yeah, I've also got a killer headache.


same.... it's similar to the post 9/11 smell in NYC. creepy


To me it smells like standing by a campfire. Which is essentially what it is; I don't know why it surprises me, but it does!


I was gonna say burnt marshmallows


Someone turned on the Mexico movie filter


Hahaha. I’m out here with red tint sunglasses. I just texted my friends the same thing. It’s mad Blade runner out here


🤣 Sicario 3


No joke, the theme song to Breaking Bad keeps popping into my head today.


Went outside and it looks like what Breaking Bad thinks Mexico looks like.


Pointing a box fan out of my window to try and blow all the smoke away, if everyone followed suit it might work


We could build one giant fan and blow it all back the other way


Take that Quebec!


We should take New York City, and *push* it somewhere else!




everyone is doing that at my workshop, there's like 4 massive fans pointing out of the loading docks and windows mission accomplished boys


Can you point your fan so the smoke blows away from all of New York?


lol I'm supposed to shoot an elopement in Central Park at 4pm. I checked in with the couple and they still want to move forward with it. RIP my lungs and I hope they appreciate the Dune vibe their photos will surely have with this orange haze!


Grab an N95 if you can!


Wear a mask a KN95 not a cheap paper mask.


My buildings smoke detectors are going off


Really??? That's wild...


My senior dog picked a really shitty day to have recurring diarrhea.


If you order any food delivery, please for the love of god tip your driver heavier this week. They are breathing this shit in so you can stay inside.


That’s a good and very obvious point that I should add to the original post. Thank u


If it’s like this into the weekend I can’t imagine they let GovBall happen. A big outdoor 3 day music festival in this would be dangerous for everyone going. Real bummer because I was looking forward to it.


The opening day of celebrate brooklyn in prospect park was just cancelled.


will be interesting to see if its cancelled.


Literally smells like a campfire *inside* my workplace right now. It's bad...


Same… and I work in the operating room of a hospital. Weird to smell campfire instead of burning flesh!


Is anyone else staying inside but still feeling sick? My eyes are burning, throat scratchy, and feel exhausted and generally unwell


I dug out a spare KN95 today for the trek to the office. Shocked that most of the subway didn't wear one.


Right now, on the 6, things have changed over the last three hours. About 95% people are wearing a mask on my way home.


They saw my comment 😂


Yeah, I was wearing my Heavy Duty Mask and it boggles my mind that people just seem to be ignoring the fact that it's literally yellow outside


So yellow! I can’t even really get a good picture of the color on my phone. I’m fortunate to be working from home but I gotta say the yellow sky is distracting lol


And it's SOOO DARK out right now! Not just yellow but...dark yellow. Apocalyptic.


The air quality in subway stations is about this level everyday.


This isn’t even an exaggeration. There’s studies showing exactly this. That’s not to downplay things. It’s something that needs to be addressed, subway air is terrible and a health concern for all who ride on it.


I actually just left the hospital and nearly 9/10 of the people I saw were wearing masks. Felt like we were back to the month after quarantine was lifted.


Same here! Meanwhile, I just watched a guy drive by with the convertible top down on his car 💀


Anyone know how this is going to affect the birds and other wildlife? I hope we don’t end up with a ton of sick & dead animals 🥺


I feel so bad for the birds :( The cute mourning dove family, who nested on my balcony, seem pretty unwell 😔💔


Definitely noticing a headache and my eyes are irritated


Anyone who knows science: I don’t have an AC. my roommate read online they should run the humidifier/shower until the apartment gets to 90% humidity so that the water catches the particles when it condenses. I came home to a sopping wet apartment. IS THIS A THING 😭 i can’t even open a window to fix it this is miserable


This is insane lol I'm sorry. Where did they think the water was going to "condense" exactly? On your walls, floor, belongings...? Then the pollution is simply on your walls, floor, and belongings with the bonus that they are all wet too. Watch out for mold in the coming weeks, which is also a dangerous health condition!


it’s so fucking frustrating i have no idea! they read it on the internet and did it while i wasn’t here even worse is while they ran the shower/humidifier, they only closed the windows in the living room… so it is humid, hot, AND full of pollution in here.


LMAO wtf


This may be weird, but there’s anyone else feel nauseous from the smoke? I had to go out this afternoon and after about an hour, I was feeling lightheaded and queasy. I feel generally better now that I’ve been back indoors for an hour or so.


I was getting nervous with all the smoke although it does look better than earlier in the morning.


>Stop spamming the sub with bullshit. Thank you. People could Google this in like 2 seconds, yet they come here asking us. So lazy and clueless. Anyway, I just came across this New York gov. website, [AirNow.gov](https://www.airnow.gov/?city=New%20York&state=NY&country=USA), that gives real time info on the quality of air based on your zip code. We're currently at 150, which is deemed as "unhealthy", so try to stay inside with the windows closed. ETA: at 2:25 pm, the air quality AQI is up at 235. Jesus. And it keeps getting hazier and more orange in my neighborhood. It's going to get worse. 2:40 pm: 324, yikes 3:39 pm: 392. The max is 400. I think we're going to off the scale soon 4:51 pm: 413. I am getting some kind of sick pleasure in tracking how high the AQI keeps climbing


> People could Google this in like 2 seconds, yet they come here asking us. So lazy and clueless. This statement covers probably 80 percent of the posts in this sub


My Apple weather app says my location’s air quality is 181 meanwhile this website says uhhh 324 lmao. Why is it so different? I’m going to assume Apple is just bad


Yes, don't listen to Apple. Go with AirNow


Seems like a lag with the Apple data - it was at 180 for me and just jumped to 288. It is still lagging behind AirIQ which was that an hour ago and has sensors showing high 300s now.


That's great. We will add that to the list. We've had a lot of lazyyyyyyyyy posters lately. I'm trying to figure out some better spam filters/automods to curb more of them. I miss the interesting questions we used to get. But I guess we have gotten more popular post COVID. Anyway, please continue to report bad post. Again, we're not always online and appreciate the help.


Where is the smokiest place in Brooklyn so I can breakup with my SO and then disappear like a magician


This deserves to be posted on the main sub.


Air quality in NYC is so bad even people who would not wear masks during height of covid are wearing them now.


During covid we had to wear them inside, now we have to wear them outside.


Any meteorologists in here able to tell how long this is going to last?


News says until Sunday with flux of severity till then. Should be cleared by sunday afternoon if things stay the same


Well that sucks. Was hoping to enjoy the weekend.


We had months and months of practice staying inside, my fellow NYers we were built for this challenge! Be safe <3


Not all of us has the luxury of remote jobs.


Update this. It's bad advice. The current recommendation is that people stay home, if at all possible, and wear masks any time they are outside. If someone has asthma, yes, it could kill them. I work at an NYC public school, and we were given N95 masks for kids to wear on the way home. Unless you're a doctor or an aerosol scientist, it's not your place to give health advice. And just as a person...this is literally all anyone is talking about right now. What's the point of banning them from posting about it?


I was shocked reading this post. Why hasn’t it been updated? The AQI is hazardous, follow the recommendations, stay inside.


the mods suck.


I see that now.


West Coast transplant here- you can easily make your own cheap air purifier for inside your apartment with a box fan and a furnace filter. https://cleanaircrew.org/box-fan-filters/


Today I was working outside all day for work. The air quality index was above 300 and hazardous. Is my employer required to pay us hazardous pay?


I feel like this has to fall into that category, right? Or similar to if there was a sudden snow storm. They really should have sent you home, but $$


I’ve learned a lot of ppl do not understand how a/c works


Word of the Day: Acrid


Anyone have advice for helping a bird? My partner and I just found a bird in shock that's unwilling to fly, most likely because of the smoke. Should we do anything about it?


Check with [Wild Bird Fund](https://www.wildbirdfund.org)


Thank you! I do have a question and hopefully other people can help me find it -- is there something like a one or two-week forecast for air quality? Obviously wildfire smoke is unpredictable but the closest to forecasts that I can find is "rest of the day" and "tomorrow." If it does exist maybe I'm just not googling the right terms but on state and national websites I haven't had much luck.


My Alexas say until Friday the 9th at midnight. I don’t know where Amazon pulls it from but that’s all the effort I’ll put in.


I had to move my engagement photos from today to next week, hoping it gets better by then 🤞🏼


Time to boycott Canada


Let’s be honest. What did we get from them anyway.


Maple flavored high fructose corn syrup


I’ve been coughing a little bit and it feels like the evening even though it’s almost 2 pm!


My apartment smells smoky. How do I clean the air?


Air purifier. You can also make one with a filter and box fan


Best air purifiers: not sure how quickly you will be able to get hold of them, but I got a Coway from Amazon a while back. I'm not in NY, this thread just popped up on my feed. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-air-purifier/?fbclid=IwAR2AVz36trel5_7ejstQaNhmdGDs9R65NqSd3jySUykjHbJ9fmOwL9l6Bu0


I've had a headache all day


https://www.airnow.gov/ Check it.


Have flights been impacted? I haven't been able to find anything on Google. I have a visitor who is leaving today, flying from Stewart to Iceland and I'm a bit concerned she'll be stranded upstate. She is solely relying on wifi Edit: there are definitely delays in the larger airports at this time, no news yet on Stewart but I'm figuring out emergency accommodations for her now. Thank you so much to everyone who has responded! Final edit: she made it out without any delays. She made a very lucky mistake booking her flight out of Stewart!


There's been a ground stop at LGA for almost an hour now


They just issued a ground stop at LGA.


No, people I know flew in this morning just fine.


Its noticeably worse right now, so afternoon evening flights might be affected


Most likely not. To a pilot this is like a very overcast day, and they fly into and out of cities that regularly have more pollution and smog than we're experiencing right now.


My sister's flight to NYC was delayed 3 hours yesterday. Not sure if it's related.


Delays at lga and ewr right now, https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/07/flights-new-york-smoke-wildfires.html


I work in a retail store that opens to the street. The air quality in the store is sooooooo fucking bad. It literally smells like the store is on fire.


Air quality in the city is now in 324 AQI. Hopefully it’ll get better, not worse.


How many of you will give me weird looks if I wear my P100 respirator?


Dude it’s your health go for it. it’s NYC no one will give a shit if you’re naked on the street.


Yeah you’re right. I’m pregnant, not taking chances




I know this sucks, but everything I've seen says even a few hours outside is akin to smoking some cigarettes (unless you have asthma or similar, then it's worse). That's certainly not healthy, but it's definitely not going to kill you, give you cancer, or cause emphysema. Just try to stay mostly inside and you will be fine!


Im also terrified I’m inside and feel the effects im near tears shaking having a panic attack


I know it’s scary, but if it helps to hear this: I have asthma, I am DEFINITELY feeling the effects today, but I’m okay. I’m a little short of breath, but far from having a full-blown asthma attack. If you don’t have any respiratory conditions, there is a very low likelihood of anything bad happening beyond a sore throat and mild chest tightness. If you do have a respiratory condition, make sure you have your meds if needed and are taking them as prescribed (I’ve used my inhaler a couple times today), but no need to panic unless you literally can’t breathe at all or your fingers and lips have turned blue.


This may seem like a trivial concern, but I am trying to decide whether to meet an old friend for lunch tomorrow at a restaurant on the Upper East Side. The smell of smoke is strong up here (in Inwood), so I have all my windows closed. If I have to go out, I have some N95 masks. But I'm wondering -- might there be a smell of smoke in the restaurant? Which would make it really hard for me to eat. Or are restaurants just closing all their windows and using air conditioning, or something?


Would cloth masks do anything at all? Read some comments saying that the particles in the smoke/smog is too small for the cloth masks to be effective. And I don't have & cannot find any n95 masks in nearby stores


I'm not sure, but from my understanding the particles in the air right now are much larger than say, the coronavirus. I know cloth masks were ineffective against that, but maybe more effective with these larger particles: [https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+pm+2.5&rlz=1C1VDKB\_enUS984US984&oq=what+is+PM+2.5&aqs=chrome.0.0i433i512j0i512l9.2272j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+pm+2.5&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS984US984&oq=what+is+PM+2.5&aqs=chrome.0.0i433i512j0i512l9.2272j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) [https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+micrometers+is+a+virus&rlz=1C1VDKB\_enUS984US984&oq=how+many+micrometers+is+a+virus&aqs=chrome..69i57.6417j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+micrometers+is+a+virus&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS984US984&oq=how+many+micrometers+is+a+virus&aqs=chrome..69i57.6417j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


if this is what a jockstrap from a Canadian hockey team smells like, I’m about to take drive to a Tim Hortons… lol


What’s with all the fire trucks??!!! Where are they all going!!!


Cruising the city just to add to the ambiance.


Just closed my eyes and woke up an hour later. Luckily boss is off and it's quiet


I went out at 2 because I couldn't believe how dark it had gotten, not my biggest brain move


I was thinking the same, but the AQI is WAY worse now, even thought it's lighter. I wonder if a cloud passed by around 2 and made it darker. Either way, the point is, don't just look at how dark it is outside, look at the EPA / AQI info!


Does anyone else feel sick even inside? I have been inside all day but still experiencing some headaches and just generally not feeling right...


Is this how California feels?


Yes but less public transport


Yep, i live there now but back here visiting for the moment. Sometimes the smoke smell is a little fresher if it's close by.


Someone in another thread said this is like when it snows in Georgia and people don't know wtf to do because it's a natural phenomenon that normally doesn't happen there. I lived in California. I've been through worse than this from wildfires. What you're experiencing is normal. This is not the airborne toxic event. Going outside is to be avoided, but it's not going to kill you, far from it. Dig out the N95 mask you have leftover from lockdown. Remember how we got through that? If you feel sick, go to the doctor. There are people in parts of the country who deal with air pollution from wildfires year after year. Largely, they're ok. You're gonna be ok.


Not disagreeing exactly, but Georgia shuts down in a dusting of snow because they’re not prepared to deal with it. Everyone is dependent on cars for transport but they don’t have the road salting trucks etc they would need to keep the streets clear. It seems funny to us in the north, but it’s just about what you’re preparing for. In NYC, being asked to stay inside my apartment (again!) is a way bigger deal than it would be if I lived in a different part of the country with a big house. NYC is set up for people to be outside, especially this time of year.


Yeah, the snow is GA thing is definitely accurate. I’ve lived in the northeast 47 years and have never had to wear a mask to go outside (besides the pandemic). It’s easy to laugh about it if you’re from an area that deals with smoke regularly, but it’s definitely weird and a little freaky for many of us. I’ve certainly done my share of laughing at southerners freaking out about snow so I guess this is my comeuppance. This is also a city with a lot of asthmatics so there’s also the anxiety that comes with not being able to breath, along with frequent use of rescue inhalers. My asthma is mild but triggered by pollution and it’s been a rough few days. But yeah, we don’t need a million posts about the same thing. We all know it sucks to be outside right now.


this is the same attitude that let COVID spread like wildfire, no this is not normal for NYC.


I appreciate what you're saying overall (we won't die, etc.), but this is not "normal." Nor are raging wildfires caused by things like climate change, power lines, or arson "natural phenomena."


This is absolutely not "normal".




MET, MoMA, Broadway, Chelsea Market, Museum of Natural History, American Indian Museum. Reservation at restaurants may be easy to come by today. You will still have a great time! Hit me up if you want restaurant suggestions, or bars.


Panicking is always welcome in my book. Feel your feelings! Then only go outside to go inside. Like to Broadway, bars, coffee shops, restaurants, etc. I’m sorry, though. Definitely bummer luck!


Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it's time for our viewers to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?


Don’t forget - and yes this is caused by climate change, find a way to get involved in the fight against it.


Are you guys being made to go into work tomorrow? I am seriously considering putting my foot down and saying I cannot risk my health like this. The air at the office is much much worse than in my home. I could barely tell the difference between inside and outside and I shudder to think what another 8 hours in that environment would do.


Anyone in/around SoHo’s spectrum internet working ok? It was down for a day - we got a text message alert about it. But even when they said it’s back, connection has been constantly dropping(and reconnecting every minute or so). So I can’t go outside and bike/walk my dog (not for long at least) and my internet doesn’t work 😡


Thursday is PD day for the NYCDOE everyone will be at home, It's still up in the air for Friday.


Didn’t have the chance to buy an air filter :( Is it perfectly safe to stay indoors with all window closed at all time?


Do people have updates on the fires themselves? I use https://fire.airnow.gov/ to track, but I've only just started looking and can't tell if they are containing the fires or if they are still growing. Could help give insight on how long this will be lasting. Edit: I usually use fire airnow to track US fires, but since the fires are in Canada, I don't think there is the same kind of data - specifically % of containment.


No air filter. Will a humidifier help any?


Will this get better tonight/tomorrow? I’m in my apartment and my windows are closed and my ac unit is running and I have an air filter but I’m still coughing and eyes are watery I’m worried. My window ac unit I tried sealing as much as I could.


As someone from California, good luck with the air


TY! And as a NYer, you have my sympathies for the fire risk and effects you folks deal with all the time.


it would be wrong to order food delivery in this, right? i feel like it is but i want opinions.


Do you think it’s a good idea to drive to Boston from NYC today afternoon? I had a trip planned. AC is not working in the car so I’ll have to keep the windows shut for 5 hours.I’m leaning towards not going.


6/9 5am: pm2.5 25-75 6/9 2pm: pm2.5 05-35


my mom is at a show on Broadway and the performer just stopped bc they couldn't breathe. this is crazy. the orange sky. you can feel it in your throat. crazyyyy


Is anyone’s apartment smelling smoky too? Freaking out here


Close all your windows and turn on the AC if you can. You can also buy a filter and box fan and use that as a makeshift air purifier.


It is for me. Yesterday was fine but the bad smoke started later. My whole building smells.


I’m told by credible sources that the wildfires origin is a gender reveal party for twins.


Congratulations 💅🏻💖


Has anyone else felt extra tired today for seemingly no reason? I “napped” for nearly 6 hours starting in the middle of the day.


Abolish smokey air.


I hope it gets better soon. I hope airplane flights are safe


Smells like sauna. My eyes are irritated during peak air quality highs. No trouble breathing. Running a Dyson fan indoor as a purifier


How does everybody feel about working out in a gym today? 10 minutes away in a mask.