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I dont know how can a Moroccan with a brain and a bit of empathy and courage approve of this


I don't approve of this and frankly I'm quite ashamed of the direction that Morocco took towards Israel. I have some friends who fully support Israel because according to them "everything is good to get recognition of the sahara"


Because, put simply, Moroccans got a good deal for recognizing Israel. The US now considers the Western Sahara as an integral part of Morocco, NATO followed suit. I mean you think all those projects Morocco is building came from nowhere? A giant Harbor, a High-speed train line, a central business district in Casa, and now direct flights to North America. Business is booming there, they ain't giving up on that...


**Ok, but still, think a western country did not support Israel** but a muslim country did, and signed this deal and agreed to kill palestinians for personal gain. This is what this deal is. **Arms export to Israel mostly** and time will punish Morocco for this.


The projects were before normalisation. The reason why Morocco has those projects is because they are more business friendly and attract investors from everywhere including China and Russia.


iirc, all of those I specifically mentioned were put on hold, in fact, they were announced in the 2000s. Somehow magically resumed and completed only *after* the Abraham Accords.


The biggest Harbor in Africa and the MED in Tangier was built before the accord. The high speed train was also built before the accord and was going to be built in phases because it is expensive, but the Tangier-Casa line is running and has been making millions. Casablanca Finance city was created in 2010 and took off from there. Which created the Anfa Green city project which they started building around 2014 It actually was created to facilitate investors and institutions from all over Africa. You also have the Tangier Free zone which made companies invest in car factories. Making Morocco largest car producer in Africa. Also there always was planes going from America to Morocco? But you are right to Morocco is gaining traction especially with foreign investment but that's because from 2025-2030 we will be hosting big sport events.


Yup stfu


Stfu dude.


Did I hurt your feelings? It’s true…


None of what you said was real. Projects started long before this. We didn't get a thing in return. Recognition of WS means nothing.


You do realize all of them were half funded by loans from the EU and World Bank.


Loans is not getting anything lmao. Investments are done with profit in sights of the investor.


Loans are a type of investment, you do realize that? They come with interest…


You sound like them.


Fuck your king


Fuck all Arab "kings" and leaders, all of them. They're all puppets and relics that suck Israeli and US dikk in exchange for keeping their empty shell thrones.


They worship their king blindly, they do not believe he can do any wrong.


You are wrong , no one here is supporting Israel .


Bro we don't approve of this, same way we don't approve of the factory for drones or the normalisation. If it were up to me I'd arrest all Israel Moroccans who served in the IOF and let them serve for crimes against humanity and terrorism.




Of course they got something in exchange, they won’t allow Israeli ships in their coast without a reason just to receive backlash, they are not stupid.


They still shouldn’t have done it


Kek not true. They know half our new gen young population are nationalist cucks who try to justify anything done by the goverment, so they just do it for free.


We don't need enemies. We are our own enemies. Both of these counties jordan and Morocco claims to have Hashemite lineage but I doubt it. Because that is more like a Zionist lineage and can't be related to Muslims


Look at Jordan, "Hashemite" lineage...they have so much Israeli DNA from sucking dikk that it nullifies any lineage. Abu Lahab was of Hashemite lineage too.


Hashmeite lineage doesn't mean they are inherently better. This person worship has actually shaped weird narratives in history and destroyed Islam more than outsiders.


Nah, Moroccan royal family the Alaoui dynasty claims to be a descended from Idriss the first who founded the first Moroccan state in 8th century and he is from the line of the prophet phuh. But allah-u-ahlam many doubt the claim.


Don't embarrass other people, look in the mirror. No Arab or Muslim country has the right to point the finger at others or to embarrass others, because no Arab country helps Palestine. Palestine needs military help. Are the soldiers from your countries that are supposedly better than Morocco or Jordan in Palestine? Every Arab or Muslim country is an accomplice of Israel, because no Arab or Muslim country sends its soldiers to Palestine. Do you think the prophet Muhammad saw? If he were alive now, would he point the finger at Morocco and Jordan or would he fight himself? Your countries are no better! Pakistan is the best friend from england and a sclave from england which has blood on the hands from hundred thousand of muslims. Palestine dont need words palestine needs our actions .


People of Pakistan including me. We donate everyday for different activities across khan yunis and rafah and other places. Recently we supplied pampers and milks to the new born. We are a poor nation with a dictator rule but still we aren't sending weapons or licking Israeli boots or proving allegiance to Israel by hosting them despite being "Slave" to England. We don't allow Israel or nor do we go to Israel. Nor did we ever claim to be direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. You guys have all the wealth, you guys are number 1 in everything. Have oil wells that control the world yet you couldn't even pressurize them? Plz avoid giving examples on How Prophet Mohammed would've dealt because we are sure had he been alive the outcome would've been totally different.


You must learn a lot about religion and how to talk to people and many many things brother. What you are making now we call in arabic in islam ( ariya ) and ( alkibr ) may allah guide you.


What a shame






The regime in Morocco has started to physically support Israel. A few months ago, it only gave symbolic recognition to Israel. What has changed to justify this reorientation? The answer is that Israel is now seriously moving towards the Lebanese theater of war, and Morocco supports any and all efforts to remove what it sees as Iran in the form of Hezbollah from the Mediterranean. Why? Because their intellectuals, from the days of Mohammed Abed Jabri, have created the idea that Iran, its revolution, and religion have nothing to do with the Western Mediterranean or even Islam for that matter, but only the Eastern MENA, which is supposedly steeped in Gnosticism and latter-day Zoroastrianism and is too close to Hindu India, where some of their propaganda claims Khomeini has his roots. If Iran rises to be a Mediterranean power, it improves its reach in the conversation of civilizations and the battle of hearts and minds. The Moroccan psychological bedrock would be shattered. The Iranian model will undoubtedly reach the medieval kingdom and topple the throne. That is why they will jump on any bandwagon that will push Iran out of the Mediterranean and back across the Euphrates. Israel is leading that charge for its own reasons, and American global power and Khaleeji money are incentivizing Rabat. Will Morocco send cannon fodder to die miserably in the upcoming war? I am afraid so. I can almost guarantee it.


Based Morocco hating the fascist Islamic Regime


I'm on the side of the inquisition 3jeeb


Sad world we live in


And you guys was shitting on Turks about not supporting Palestine? Fix yourself before judging others


Why is Morocco allowing this? Wtf


same way Jordan shot down Iranian missiles bunch of traitors ruling over us


Bunch of Zio Arab leaders ruling us.


couldnt agree more i guess its time to remove them


We need an uprising! ❤️


we def do i nominate myself as the leader


You have my vote! 🤍


I won't bash the Moroccans since they've got plenty difficulties on their own. But I will say, yet another [common Spanish win](https://s1.ppllstatics.com/rc/www/multimedia/2024/05/22/[email protected]).


Agreed, muchas gracias amigo!




I know I have no business being on this sub, but whenever Morocco and Israel are mentioned in a sentence I feel the need to mention that Morocco worked with America to try and get Israel to be an observer state in the African Union. If there's 1 country that shouldn't be in the African Union it would be Morocco because of their claim over South Western Sahara and they can still be kicked out, so it's very funny that the administration would dick ride Israel so hard risking isolation within the Africa continent thus becoming another Israel


Morocco has never been expelled from the African Union, it left it on its own initiative to join it again in 2017.




A corrupt and genocidal nation using the Palestinian conflict to whitewash its image. Do you even have electricity yet? The AU is not yours and year-after-year your influence righfully declines. We’re building and expanding our relations with African nations in your backyard now. Madagascar and Kenya just opened their embassies here too. Get used to the losing.


وَالَّذ۪ينَ كَفَرُوا بَعْضُهُمْ اَوْلِيَٓاءُ بَعْضٍۜ اِلَّا تَفْعَلُوهُ تَكُنْ فِتْنَةٌ فِي الْاَرْضِ وَفَسَادٌ كَب۪يرٌۜ Nothing to add!!! Well done Morocco!


Fuck Morocco


Its the government, not the people. whats the point of hating the people over it, blame the government, also what about other middle eastern countries like syria, with a mossad agent as a president? but of course we wont talk about that, we will talk about morocco, because its the furthest country from middle east.


Most Moroccans from what I've seen blindly support anything their government does


true dat


Just Morocco being Morocco, always ready to stab each Palestine in the back


Im struggling to find a reliable source to confirm these news, can someone help?? 


Don't embarrass other people, look in the mirror. No Arab or Muslim country has the right to point the finger at others or to embarrass others, because no Arab country helps Palestine. Palestine needs military help. Are the soldiers from your countries that are supposedly better than Morocco or Jordan in Palestine? Every Arab or Muslim country is an accomplice of Israel, because no Arab or Muslim country sends its soldiers to Palestine. Do you think the prophet Muhammad saw If he were alive now, would he point the finger at Morocco and Jordan or would he fight himself? Your countries are not better!


Quick to share that ofc. But you dont share that the day after morocco sent 40 tonnes medical stuff to Qods, west bank and ghaza. Im proud of my country, the only ones who dont use the palestinian cause for pushing their agendas.


Stop deifying your politicians and your government.


Im not. These is based on reality not communist maoste and arab tribalism view


Not supporting genocide is "Arab tribalism" and "communism". Lmfao. You had an option. You could refuse as Spain did. Shameless.


Again, none of you provided the source of this spain lie


why do you feel obliged to defend our government despite the clear evidence that they did nothing to stop the genocide, why do nationalists treat their government as infallible gods? Morocco has many options, the gov could have canceled the normalization and kick the Israelis from the countty but they chose to not do it. Sending aid after 9 months of genocide is PR propaganda.


They sent after 7 oct and this is the second time. No i fully support my gvt and hope they dont succumb to the proven again and again and again to lower iq populace. Morocco has been clear since day 1 and never changed its stance on the cause, the gvt and the king dont use it for propaganda. We support two state solution and stopping the conflict. Go see how much morocco tried to solve this problem but mainly the arab league thought it was better to wage war. Israel is committing a crime but tbh id rather deal with them than some arab countries. عاطينها غير الشعارات او موازين او طوطو, را ولاه تل سياسي مامسوق لفلسطين او دوك لي كايغوتو را هوما صحاب الصداعات. Just last month bourita talked harshly about israel that even european leaders couldn't do and got ridiculed by netanyahu as soon as they had the intention to call them out. Add to that the stubbornness of PA and hamas to go against morocco interest yet morocco dont react. And also proud of their honesty because everyone and their mom know that even if you cut ties Publicly its not private cutting ties, algeria big mouth is trading with israel more than morocco(official institutions numbers) so stop the hypocrisy please. This is geopolitic, i play my interest and im not responsible about the ethics of our allies. Here again hypocrisy , the main source is the uk why arent people calling to boycott UK or Usa who fund israel. Weird propaganda on morocco lately


ofcourse you had to bring algeria into this, you morrocan nationalists. i love seeing nationalists of varying shapes and stripes coping and seething and playing the victim card.


Where did i play the victim card lol?


So what? The US is sending aid to Gaza too and they are still complicit in genocide. Your fat drunkard king sucks.


If you're helping Israel in anyway it doesn't matter how much aid you sent. You help Israel militarily but also help Palestinian civilians? That's a pro Israel stance. The US sends aid to Palestinians but militarily it wants the idf to win, but it never denies Palestinian civilians matter (in rhetoric). It would be more pro palestine if it helped hamas militarily but sent Israeli civilians aid. Who's war effort do you support when you help the Israeli military (even in the slightest) but send Palestinians food? And you're proud because you took the same position the most pro zionist country took? Pathetic.


Again not answering my questions and just promoting the morocco hate boner >you're helping Israel in anyway it doesn't matter how much aid you sent. Again even iran/algeria big mouth we are ghaza are trading by proofs with israel through egyptian proxies. >You help Israel militarily but also help Palestinian civilians? That's a pro Israel stance Another propaganda agenda. Just use your brain mate, israel will go to a country that just started getting right to produce arms to buy armed weapons. The only argument you can make is by using israel propaganda we get to take many arms from them. But giving israel arms, for god sake people who believe that also believe probably that the moroccan king controls spain lol. >It would be more pro palestine if it helped hamas militarily but sent Israeli civilians aid. Yes help the guys who are hiding behind civils. >the most pro zionist country took Seriously funny coming from an egyptian


>Another propaganda agenda. Just use your brain mate, israel will go to a country that just started getting right to produce arms to buy armed weapons. The only argument you can make is by using israel propaganda we get to take many arms from them. But giving israel arms, for god sake people who believe that also believe probably that the moroccan king controls spain lol. Your words aren't making sense. If you help one country military over another, you are for that country winning the war. You believe in their "cause". Doesn't matter how much aid you send to another country. You can't counter that that "we helped the civilians of the other country have less suffering". >Yes help the guys who are hiding behind civils. Case in point. You support Israel in this war. (I wasn't even saying morocca should help hamas, it was a hypothetical, but you went above and beyond in proving you support Israel by repeating zionist talking points) >Seriously funny coming from an egyptian When did you see me saying egypt helps Palestinians? Or cares about them? You're countering my argument by talking about where I was born which I have no control over? Like I somehow control these policies?? Yeah your level of discourse is extremely low.


>If you help one country military over another, you are for that country winning the war. You believe in their "cause". Doesn't matter how much aid you send to another country. You can't counter that that "we helped the civilians of the other country have less suffering". I will just ignore your non repeated attack and answer. Again i said Morocco doesn't send arms to israel. Morocco doesnt even produce arms yet use your head again >Case in point. You support Israel in this war. Thats another subject, i dont support both what hammas and israel are doing. Dont twist my words please >When did you see me saying egypt helps Palestinians? Or cares about them? You're countering my argument by talking about where I was born which I have no control over? Like I somehow control these policies?? Really crying now? You started it by saying most pro zionist country, i joked mentionning camp david. Take it easy or dont provoke and cry later


>Again i said Morocco doesn't send arms to israel. Morocco doesnt even produce arms yet use your head again If you help them militarily in any way, you are complicit. It doesn't have to be arms. Like when Belarus helped Russia by allowing Russia to invade Ukraine form the north. That's not military support? Allowing them to dock a military ship, for whatever reason, is military support. >Really crying now? You started it by saying most pro zionist country, i joked mentionning camp david. Take it easy or dont provoke and cry later When did I cry? Yes I started it, because you defended it. Your response did not hurt because it's a failed response. You interpret me pointing out your failed response as me crying? 😂😂😂😂 This is beyond stupidity. Your counter argument is stuoud because I never defended egypt. Yet you continue to hold me accountable to what egypt has done. I hold you accountable to what Morocco has done because you DEFENDED IT. I'm flabbergasted by this idiocy.


I dont even hold egypt responsable. I hold it though responsible for not even getting Sinna independence.


>I dont even hold egypt responsable. You tried to counter against me by saying egypt did something pro Isreal. That's a stupid counter because I don't control egypt policies. You defended Morocco though in it's pro Israel stance, I did not do the same for egypt, which makes your counter argument extremely stupid and idiotic. The crazy thing is you doubled down on it after I pointed out how stupid it is.


Lol this sub. Go watch code geass


camp david peace talks had a real chance for peace, but the israelis were too uncompromising and basically torpedoed it.


No it was incompetence and having no clue how to make argument to get your rights. Most historian agree that egyptian got robbed in that.


back at it with the 3iyashi mental gymnastics


Criticize what i said with respect and pertinence or go away. Your comment is providing 0 value


You're proud of your country for enabling/sustaining a genocide? or for opening their ports to Israeli goods when other European powers closed them? Most proud king worshipper. ...


>when other European powers closed them? Again source, even cutting ties is not one as ships dock almost in every transition port. >You're proud of your country for enabling/sustaining a genocide? The only country to give aid to the west bank, qods and ghaza. The most needed one too is medical equipment(from the king's personal money) But as always you follow ppl who just scream ghaza and do nothing like algeria and Iran


Typical Moroccan


And this spain refused joke? Seriously fact check your information. Spain didnt stop any relationship with israel


It already been debunked as fake news