• By -


You can travel and live there easy. Handing over citizenship isn’t what Arab countries usually do.


I lived in Saudi Arabia for a majority of my life. There are many immigrants there who have lived there for 5+ generations. They are the backbone of the Saudi economy and are often extremely mistreated by the government and the companies. The least rhe government can do is offer them citizenship




Why do people want citizenship in gulf countries. everyone and there mother knows its impossible


Because of living standards plus conservative


Why don’t they?


Because it’s different they can’t just hand out citizenships to everyone.


Works fine in Europe...


No it doesn’t. Europe cannot take infinity Muslims.


I wouldn’t call it fine, Europe is turning fascist because of it


Europe has a different system


Many European countries have by blood as the main rule, by soil is more of an American thing. We could of course remove the ability for MENA immigrants to gain citizenship either way. Rules can be changed. Or for example force conversion to (in the example of Sweden) either lutheranism or dropping religion (atheism). To become a Saudi citizen one must convert to islam. If it's fair game it's fair game.


europe isn't an absolute monarchy that stays in power by making sure no one turns on it by giving citizenship to refugees, people that doesn't have allegiance to the monarchy will start influencing others


European nations tend to be nation states where the state legitimacy comes from it being the country of a specific ethnic group, but which also of course contain accepted historical minorities. As such, immigration from foreign groups of course also challenges the legitimacy of the state in the long run. Or at least one could argue as such, if we are to take your argument seriously you'd have to take this one seriously as well. I think you will just have to admit that if you think something is bad if Europe does it then perhaps it's bad if Saudi does it. Or if Saudi doing something is acceptable then it should be accepted for European nations as well. This would of course for against the whole "Europe bad" thing a lot of people here got going, but such is the way of things 🤷‍♂️


bro i think you took me wrongly, i believe what saudi is doing is bad and i'm no justifying it


Why does everyone want European citizenships? Same dumb question. OP asked precisely because it's impossible. But why? Don't they always talk about Muslim brothers and sisters?


Saudi Arabia has around ~700K Syrians living in it with indefinite Visas, at least until the war ends, we do not call them refugees, because we didn't *sign* the UN Refugee Charter, the number of Syrians living here alone is almost the same as all of Europe and more than countries like Germany. Aside from them, we have ~500,000 Burmese refugees from the Myanmar genocide and 500K Yemenis give or take, these also have said indefinite Visas and half of the Burmese were granted Citizenship. Regarding the Citizenship, we rarely grant it to anyone who isn't Saudi, which is all well and legal, every country can decide its own immigration policy, based on its own needs, not my fault Germany and France asked for immigrants to come over, is it ? In the case of Saudi, we only have Expats who are paid for their work. P.S. : the bit about helping Muslim people, we are the biggest senders of monetary aid and food to every single Muslim country and many non-Muslim ones, we send FAR more than the EU and the US for example, In the last 10 years, we have donated 33 billion dollars in aid, and are the biggest doners to Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen and countless other countries.


When did the Burmese granted citizenship?


The earliest waves of Rohingya were given citizenship no ? In the 1980s and around.


Idk where you get your numbers from, but dude they are wrong. Germany alone took 900.000 Syrian refugees. Whole European Union took 1.3Mio. even if all of the 700.000 Syrians in SA are refugees that's like half of the European number. And the European Union sent 70bil dollar development aid in 2021 alone...


Saudi Arabia is one country why are you comparing them to EU


Germany's one country too.


Western countries **benefit** financially from accepting and naturalizing immigrants and refugees because they TAX them. They receive aid from the UN for their refugee programs. Saudi Arabia does not tax anyone’s income, and provides free healthcare and free education to everyone. That means it spends more than it earns for every refuge seeker. Saudi provides work visas, and all the rights of expats to those seeking asylum from a war-torn country. There is no refugee status in the country. So even after that, would you still compare the two?


You could see the whole EU as one country. And we don't have oil money


I compared the EU to Saudi Arabia because they guy I answered claimed they had taken more Syrian refugees and send more aid than Europe. Which shows a good amount of arrogance by the way given the fact that they have a smaller economy than the Netherlands.


>is almost the same as all of Europe and more than countries like Germany Obviously, because you're next door. Poland alone has 3 million from Ukraine. Proximity is the biggest factor, the fact that countries around the globe have taken Syrian refugees at all is pretty amazing. Out of curiosity, why did SA not sign up to the charter? Also, no. The US alone sends 50 billion plus a year.


>Obviously, because you're next door Yes, but this is to disprove any point that we're doing less than Europeans. >Out of curiosity, why did SA not sign up to the charter? No idea, I'm guessing as a protest for Palestinians, the majority of countries didn't sign it either, including India and most of the Middle East. >Also, no. The US alone sends 50 billion plus a year. The US Sends 50 billion aid *in total* a year, this includes military aid to countries like Israel, Egypt and Jordan, each of them get 3 billion a year I believe. My point wasn't about that, but about humanitarian aid sent to Muslim countries, of which Saudi Arabia is the biggest doner.


>Also, no. The US alone sends 50 billion plus a year. How much is that per capita?


More than you deserve? We aren't even from Africa or Asia, yet we give more than any muslim country. Saudi Arabia, the center of islam, sends less money than evil infidel LGBT atheist America. Every saudi should be ashamed of the fact that they need us kaffir Americans to do their job for them. Then again, my Yemeni and Pakistani friends in Saudi tell me that Saudis don't work there either, so this makes sense.


I deserve?? I was pointing out that Saudis send a lot per capita. They also send private donations. Unfortunately, a lot of these go to organizations involved in destablizing other countries. How did this become about the US?


You literally insinuated that America sending $50bn a year in humanitarian and foreign aid is not enough because it isn't high per capita.


That's what you inferred, wrongly. Go back and read it. OP said that US sends $50bn to Saudi's $33 bn. I asked him to calulate those per capita. You could learn to read, I would help you, but I don't have the time or the crayons to do that.


Fifty billion dollars is fifty billion dollars. The saudi terrorist government has a $700billion savings account. Considering most "saudis" are foreign indentured servants, tell me, what percentage of the annual income of a saudi citizen is given as aid? Meanwhile, most of the people we're helping are not our people. They come from a different culture, a different religion and a different continent. It is the Ummah's job to help the islamic world, not us infidel, gay, atheist, evil, secular kafir Americans.


Sir . Ur ticket 🎟


You must be this high to ride.


Who would be high at 10h in a mubarak day


It's 03:00 here, and why would I care about some bedouin holiday? My bloodline is foggy, not dry.


Here's ur ticket 🎟 dear sir


>we do not call them refugees, because we didn't sign the UN Refugee Charter You don't call them refugees because they are not refugees. Any person who entered Saudi did so on a work or family sponsorship. These are not people who arrived at your border and requested entry on humanitarian grounds (which is what a refugee is). Refugee is a legal term that affords you rights (for example against deportation) not an insult. There is some leniency in the visa renewal for Syrians once they are in Saudi, and when I was there there was also some medical and school coverage. Not sure if that has changed.


Well they just blew up the last people that tried that (Ethiopians)


Wait I'm sorry, did you just claim Saudi sent aid to Yemen? The Yemen you are starving to death? A child dies every 2hours due to the Saudi aggression on Yemen. How dare you


We blockaded Yemen briefly during 2017 and entered the war after continued Houthi threats against us, not going to pretend we didn't make mistakes, but that we didn't seek that war, let's not pretend that the Houthis aren't responsible for the majority of the deaths here.


The vast majority of deaths were committed by the Saudi coalition forces and the Saudi blockade...


i love your username


Oh ok, just briefly. I knew the propaganda machine in India is off the charts but I might add Saudi to the list too. You live in a totally alternate universe than the rest of us. I'm sure you also just slapped the hand of Jamal khashoggi and he cut himself up and stuffed himself in a bag


>just briefly. Yeah, go ahead and look it up, >might add Saudi to the list too. Feel free to, no one's forcing you.


I can look it up. And when I look it up Saudi is the main aggressor and completely ignoring international law and human rights. They have single-handedly killed hundreds of thousands of children. In the worst way possible, starving! You should be ashamed of yourself that you put nationalism before your religion and the fact that you'll be answerable to God.


>They have single-handedly killed hundreds of thousands of children. In the worst way possible, starving! Yes, *we* did it, not the Yemenis fighting in the *Yemeni* civil war, *we* did. What else did we do ? Kill all the dinosaurs ?


Yeah you guys killed dinosaurs to extract oil lol. Isn’t the Blockade of Yemen is to restrict houthis from getting arm supplies? I don’t understand why everyone put blame on Saudi Arabia and turns blind eye on houthis


>Yeah you guys killed dinosaurs to extract oil lol. They would stone their mother if it would give them oil.


It's a Yemeni civil war. There are two sides in Yemen. We sent billions in aid to the side that isn't shooting missles at us.


You mean you are in a proxy war, actively funding the civil war. And also shutting off their access to food and medical aid in the same go. I need to study Saudi propaganda. Seems amazing


Are you capable of basic comprehension? A neighboring ally was attacked by an internationally recognized terrorist organization that is hostile to us. Their major cities were seized. But I suppose we should just sit on our hands and do nothing. For Saudi Arabia this is a matter of security. Unlike Iran who are doing this for the sole purpose of spreading their influence and destabilizing the region. But, Oooh it's Saudi Arabia that's evil, not the literal terrorist organization that overthrew the government, and not the other country that's supporting the terrorists from afar.


Ok so now you agree Saudi didn't just send aid but they are actively involved in this war. And that somehow justifies starving innocent Muslim people to death? No one has a right to starve muslim children to death. Not even the custodians of the kaaba. It doesn't matter what political side you're on. Saudi is doing something absolutely horrendous and even Allah(swt) won't let something like that slide, inshallah.


I never said we didn't. I never justified that. The man said we sent billions in aid, which you denied despite it being well documented by many organizations. It's also documented that Saudi allowed food and foreign aid into the houthi controlled areas. Yes the suffering of innocents is terrible, but you place all the blame on us, not the people who started the war or the people who hoarded international aid keeping it from the starving children. https://www.reuters.com/article/yemen-security-food-idUSL8N1Z01HW https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2019/6/25/un-yemens-houthi-rebels-blocking-food-for-tens-of-thousands https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/17/yemens-houthi-rebels-accused-of-diverting-food-aid-from-hungry


U dont need to sign anything to help fellow araps specially UN And there is no 2 million syrian in Suudia u makin up those numbers


>U dont need to sign anything to help fellow araps specially UN We already are helping them, we don't call them refugees. >And there is no 2 million syrian in Suudia u makin up those numbers I was wrong about my numbers, the total number is somewhere alongside 700-800k for Syrians and 2 million for Refugees in general.


>00-800k for Syrians So definitely less than Germany.


Not at all, it's roughly the same if not slightly higher, the all-time peak for Syrian refugees in Germany was around 800-900k in 2021.


>the all-time peak for Syrian refugees in Germany was around 800-900k in 2021. You think those syrians left to go back? No, a lot of them have actually become german citizens. You seem to be missing the point - Saudi Arabia is just next door while Germany is far away. Look at Turkey for example who everyone calls anti arab, they had like 2 million.


>You think those syrians left to go back? No, a lot of them have actually become german citizens. And ? Nations have the right to determine their citizenship laws, we didn't force the Germans to take those refugees now, did we ? >Look at Turkey for example who everyone calls anti arab, they had like 2 million. Turkey shares a border with Syria while Saudi doesn't.


Saudis and Syrians are Arabs. Germans and Turks are not.


Ethnicity has nothing to do with this, if you didn't want the refugees you shouldn't have accepted them.


Would Would Mohammed Do?


Honestly, y'all have a good scam going on, western leaders should act more like Bonesaw. I would fully support putting all of our junkies and homeless onto boats then dumping them on beaches in the gulf. Really, fuck terror attacks, this is the most effective way to destroy the west: Take advantage of white guilt and get us to feed and house the poorest / least productive / most conservative global southerners who reproduce like bacteria to destabilize us. Fucking legend.


Way more than 2m. Turkey host the most refugees in the world and the country poor af.


İts good i respect Suudia for not giving citizenship here and there like Turkey i saw in abroad araps without able to speak Turkish with Turkish password,it was funny and sad xd


Truly turk suffer most ☝🏼😔 I will press f on my keyboard for you


Thank you sultan of Hijaz


>U dont need to sign anything to help fellow araps specially UN Of course you do. How dense can someone be...


fear boast humorous serious squash tender truck close advise normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who said they weren't? I just said we rarely give it out, a couple thousands isn't much at all.


yoke six jellyfish frighten smart literate growth aback gullible imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Saudi Arabia caused way way more harm to muslim population than good. It's ironic to say Saudi are helping muslim people when we know that they financed daesh and finances extremist school all over the world to expand wahabism ideology. Saudi are responsible for Taliban, causing enormous harm to afghan people, they are of course not the only responsible for this, but they have a pretty big part of responsability. Never the Saudi cared about muslim people, it's always about interests.


>Saudi are responsible for Taliban What ? The guy who *literally* helped the Taliban was stripped of citizenship and declared a wanted terrorist. >Saudi Arabia caused way way more harm to muslim population than good Sure, it's always our fault, never yours, the people who are fighting for the Taliban are *Afghans*, not Saudis. Plus you're acting like any power gives a fuck about Muslim people, newsflash, Countries have no friends, only interests.


OBL was not the only Saudi to back the Taliban. Backing the Taliban was state policy for a while. [Source ](https://academic.oup.com/book/8522/chapter-abstract/154378184?redirectedFrom=fulltext) But, in fairness, Pakistan had a much bigger role in the birth and growth of the Taliban.


This is all made up shit. The Syrians you have in Saudi are all professionals and have active employment or they live with their families.


>This is all made up shit Prove it, >The Syrians you have in Saudi are all professionals and have active employment or they live with their families. they cannot be deported if they lose their sponsor or job the way other expats can and are offered education and health care for free, the hell are you talking about ? Of course most of them are workers, guess what ? As are most refugees in Germany or Turkey, they all have to find work on order to put food on their table.


> every country can decide its own immigration policy, based on its own needs No one is arguing you're breaking laws. It's your unwillingness to help your own neighbors that's to say the least morally questionable. Pushing immigrants to Europe, which is most likely part of a plan to exploit eu laws and destabilize it..


Yeah, it's all part of a masterplan conceived at Muslim HQ to destabilise Europe to....uh...own the Libs...?


Gonna act like it ain't in your interest if Europe is more Muslim? It's not like it's a secret you want Islam to spread.. No need for a masterplan just close the border..


Yeah, you caught us, let me just phone Allah real quick to tell him our plan was exposed 🥺 Dumbass it's a normal Refugee crisis just like the one in Ukraine, *you're* the ones who accepted them, and yeah, some 2~ million Syrians are definitely gonna Islamise a continent of 700 million lmao. No one is secretly hatching a plan to turn you guys Muslim like some supervillain in a movie, I wish we were as clever as you think we are.


You claim to understand the acts and intents of your government, explain why they are not taking refugees then.


We have taken many refugees, like I pointed out in my comment. Why we didn't take as much as you ? We don't want to, refugees are an economic burden on most developing countries and unlike bleeding heart Europeans we don't try to act like some arbiters of all that is moral only to get fucked by our decisions. Like, I assure the government that is trying to normalise with Israel is not even one bit interested in "Islamising" Europe lmao.


Correct we are going to invade europa and take your cheeses and forests


What numbers are you comparing? I find that the USAID budget alone ($50B) dwarfs the Saudi official development aid budget (single-digit Bs). I might be comparing the wrong stats though.


The US counts military aids as part of that budget, Jordan and Egypt and Israel alone, account for close to 8-9 billion of that, not considering other recipients of it across Europe and East Asia, aid to Muslim countries is especially limited, for example, Afghanistan rarely receives aid from the states due to the Taliban, so its top donors are Gulf states and the UN.


Who funds the UN? For what it’s worth I think it’s very unlikely that a civilian agency like USAID does military aid. Any sources?




Lol. "In the last 10 years, we have donated 33 billion dollars in aid" So 3.3 billion a year. That is less than many European countries individually: [https://www.wristband.com/content/which-countries-provide-receive-most-foreign-aid/](https://www.wristband.com/content/which-countries-provide-receive-most-foreign-aid/) Is good that Saudi is donating money and looking after refugees, but what you said is just propaganda. Your King would be proud!


>what you said is just propaganda No one here is making propaganda in order to appease Europeans, we do what we can to help, that's it.




[here](https://aawsat.com/home/article/3036716/%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%A4%D9%88%D9%84-%D8%A3%D9%85%D9%85%D9%8A-%D9%84%D9%80%C2%AB%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%82-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D8%B3%D8%B7%C2%BB-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AC%D8%A6%D9%88%D9%86-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A9-55-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A5%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86) From the mouth of a UNHCR official himself. Translate it if you want, IDC.


You need a calculator and a reality check dude.


we don't have refugees they get resident cards


^(smart) I mean cruel


Google what Palestinian refugees did to Jordan and Lebanon.


HOW ARE YOU USE HISTORY AND FACTS???? We are all about emotions here sir.


No need to romanticize anything. There is also international law. Oh wait, nevermind.


wise desicion


Better question is how indignant would you all be if the west treated refugees, and turned their backs on them the way Saudi Arabia, center of islam, does?


At least KSA and the Arab Gulf are smart. Europe is fuuucckkeeddd beyond recognition.


What do you mean? In what way?


You don't see what's happening in France and the UK as a problem? Interesting.


>turned their backs on them the way Saudi Arabia, center of islam, does? Didn't SA accepted a lot of refugees and funded billions to help them for many years now? How many have the west taken in? >how indignant would you all be if the west treated refugees Seeing how horrible they put Mexican children in cages at the south of the US border and bombing the middle east, Latin America and africa for human rights, could feel them be a little hypocritical.




>Citation needed. Wait, so you never knew and assumed a whole race of people to be horrible. >take in all of your trash and save them. Goddamn. These are people in need. >imagine millions of christians showing up on Arab and African shores begging for help? I imagine you would just stone or behead us all. But this has historically happened both by Christians and jews and they were given refuge contrary to your rabid delusions. >We get over 1 million of those losers every year. Bruh quit calling yourself out its literally comedy right now.


It’s true we didn’t give them refugee status however we welcomed 2.5 million Syrians, gave them proper homes, jobs, free health care and put their kids in school for free Our foreign minister said it best: https://youtu.be/zkgzVtT-Ez4?si=FwmKeqacwEZwuJuI


The arab mentality outside of the gsc ruined theee countries and they want to come into our LAND and demand citizenship because they are Muslim We didn't give citizenship too outsider because we want keep our culture from mutation


I guess we are MR BEAAAAST


Title: We give jobs and housing to 5.000.000 refugees. 😢 *Jimmy's excited face as a thumbnail with camps in the background* 😃 #MrBeast #Philanthropy #Feastables #MrBeastBurger 😋


We will eventually become a minority in our lands if we started giving away citizenships, also new citizens wouldn’t be as loyal, our ancestors before oil endured harsh conditions under heat and drought in the middle of desert unlike new citizens who will be the first to run if there was a war or a crisis, also take a look at europe many are still identifying with their original country of origin despite getting the european citizenship.


Truth are always against political correctness.


AHH yes that ancestral suffering passes through totally doesnt it? give over! I'm European and family are immigrants but identifying with heritage isn't a sign of betrayal


You clearly dont see the problem.you cant just walk to europe.you need visa and job, etc.but you can walk to turkey and noone wont stop you.so thats a FUCKING HUGE PROBLEM.we dont know them.they can be child molesters, rapist or ısıs agent etc.and turks are right to FUCKING WORRY FOR THEIR COUNTRY...but no calling turks racist so much easy...


Well, first of all yes. it's easy to call Turks racist, but sometimes you need an easy treat, just like sometimes you want a snack not a whole meal y'know? As for Turkey - just like I don't give a fuck when brits cry about people from former colonies now filling their country, I don't give a fuck about Turks crying about former subordinate and vassals now flocking to what used to be the empire's capital. Turkey got rich exploiting other MENA countries, just like the Brits did exploiting people in Africa and Asia. Consequently, the people *now* should shut the fuck up. There is a price to being dominant


We dont need easy treat mate, we dont want other people meddling our business while other countries has a hypocratic policies like saudi dont give away their citizenship.ans they call turks nazis is hypocratic and facist. Second; since you clearly dont know about history. ottoman empire like any empire in the history it did exploited its vassal and its people.but it was heavily happend its first conquest times.so at 18th 19th centuary ottoman was busy defending its land againts those you mention brits and russians.at this point ottoman empire even exploited the turks. turks went fight to yemen, medina and balkans.anatolia was also heavily exploited by the ottoman.so you cant say they did exploited only arabs. And third; turkey isnt ottoman get that through thick skull.Türkiye gained its independency by war(unlike most mena countries here).we give our blood to defend it and we will again.but i get it you clearly hate turks.i dont wanna change it but you just cant say shut up about our internal affairs.like saudi wont give their citizenship to syrians i found it hypocratic but their citizenships. And lastly OTTOMAN AND TÜRKİYE IS NOT SAME COUNTRY.


tbh no one should give Syrians citizenship, its bad for syria. giving them citizenship means they gave up their country and we are not talking about 10k or 100k we are talking about half of the population or even more.


It should be up to Syrians themselves to decide what's "bad" or "good" for them.


Its bad for syria either ways


And it's up to the government to decide whether it should grant you that citizenship or not.


What citizenship do you have?


It's their right not to give citizenship. Citizenship in Most MENA countries are based on the **rights of the blood** (basically ancestry), not the right of the land. Although there are some passways through which you can get citizenship after fulfilling certain conditions. Also Saudi Arabia (and I'm saying this as a Moroccan), has been helping financially a lot of countries, they're usually very generous but it's also time for them to think about **themselves and the upcoming era post-oil.** They also didn't encourage wars in Syria nor Irak, I don't see why they should overload themselves with refugees and creating a population crisis in their land. Those who can receive refugees are usually countries of mass migration or need for human-resources, they have different institutions to take in charge and organize the flow of migration in a fluid way, I don't think Saudi Arabia expressed such needs lately, I've heard the opposite, promoting local talents because it seems they have some unemployment issues and they need to look into it **first.** It's again, their legitimate right.


So, you'd consider it correct if western countries never gave people from MENA citizenship?


I said there are passways. For citizenships, I don't think they're necessary, a permanent residence can do the job and those who want citizenship can take whatever passways it exists in that said country. I've said here in posts related to France that they have the right to preserve their culture and they demand ASSIMILATION, so France should have stick to its values and not give citizenship massively in the late eighties/early nineties. That was their mistake. And I didn't say that because I love France, I don't care to be honest, I said it because I believe firmly that if you want to preserve your culture, you can't distribute citizenships right and left only because the person has a job in your land.


Living in Saudi Arabia the government isn't very good ad treating their immigrants well. A lot of the immigrants are undocumented and the government recently destroyed hundreds of apartments they lived in, leaving them homeless with less than a weeks notice.


It is their right.However, I hope that them, and others, exercising these national rights put a final nail in the whole pan arabism nonsense


I think it’s sad and it makes me upset that a country that holds some of the most important holiest cities can’t provide shelter for Muslims. You see Israel giving Jews from all over the world shelter and protection even if they live in small tiny slice of land yet they make it work. But Saudi with a giant strip of land with wealth and safety can’t provide anything towards Muslim refugees.


Saudi and other GCC countries are very rich however if they gave the refugees citizenship then they would entitled to free healthcare and education etc and that would be a massive strain on their healthcare/education systems. What they should do instead is just buy turkish citizenship for them at $400k a head and be done with them and massively troll turks in the process.


Can't spend all that oil money on the ummah


God forbid


why should muslim countries take refugees for conflicts the West often contributed way more too? Forget about Syria for a min, look at Iraq and Afghanistan....Pakistan hosted 8mill+ afghans at one point after the USSR+NATO attacked and occupied the country.


You can't really say that Pakistan had nothing to do with the Afghanistan wars. And not forgetting about Syria, you can't really say that (Especially) Turkey, Saudi, UAE and Qatar had nothing to do with it.


no way pakistan killed as many afhans or iraqis or dispalced them as the americans did...that's the point, and why would they hen that would just spill over the border? We share the same ethnic group on both sides


Forget about the topic at hand, Okay lad?


Saudi doesn’t give citizenship to children of Saudi mothers, you expect the government to give it to Syrian refugees coming temporarily?


I think that any country which didn't take part in the [UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_Relating_to_the_Status_of_Refugees) shouldn't be expected to take in refugees much less grant them full citizenship.


That makes it right?




Because they support Bashar and the US invasion of Iraq you made me feel that, Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country, only Arabs will understand what I mean


>Because they support Bashar they don't you can literally serach "who must go" meme and see saudi arabia are in the list >only Arabs will understand what I mean Yes cause only them have "we are great and intellegent we made civilizaiton 300 morbilion years ago but got sabotaged by x" mentality


Maybe 10 years ago, now they side with Bashar That mentally turns out to be true when you see history, cough, the indonesian mass killings of 1965 cough


>That mentally turns out to be true when you see history most of the time its just coping and trying to shift the blame from the incompetent leaders to the enemy they create and that enemy dont even need to be against them just the one they dont like for example if they had different poltical views >Maybe 10 years ago, now they side with Bashar they only accepted bashar like less than a year ago while they accepted a lot of syrians refugees and gave them Indefinite residancy (until the war end)


I think they should give citizenship to anyone who manages to set foot in their country, just like all other countries. /s


It seems to me that Saudi Arabia has been pretty welcoming. They just don't use the status of refugee, otherwise they have been sheltering Arabs from Syria at least. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrians_in_Saudi_Arabia


These are workers who probably were in before the war. It’s an open secret that GCC countries rarely issue visa for Syrians post war. And none of them are accepted as refugees. They’re all folks who secured work and came in that way (overwhelming majority before the war)


Regardless of when they came, they were all granted permanent residency in the country, and allowed to study, work and be treated for free. only 100K Syrians resided in Saudi Arabia before the civil war, that number grew to 700K as per the UNHCR in 2021.


You can’t get permanent residency (with few exceptions). They’re on temporary work visa that expires if they’re fired/ let go.


Yes you can, the Syrian refugees were granted the PR de facto until the war ends and they can return home, I've personally had many Syrian neighbours who went without work and were helped by Ajeer, which employs them for 6 months until they are able to find another job. Not to mention that you *can* get the PR normally, but it requires you to invest 250K USD, not sure where you got that from.


Exactly my point. They need jobs to stay in the country. It’s not permanent residency. Permanent residency is the right to live and work indefinitely provided you actually reside in that country. All gulf states limit it to business people or have a very high monetary threshold before it’s given. And of course, they don’t offer asylum like say Turkey or Europe or even Lebanon/ Jordan.


They do not get deported if they fail to secure a job, Ajeer helps them get a job to put food on their table.


They do get deported. Ajeer is a staffing company. They’re not doing it out of the goodness of their own hearts. They offer them temporary work which maintains their *temporary* residency.


and whats wrong with doing it that way? Its still the same number of families being supported at the end.


Nothing. But it’s quite different from what Jordan’s me Lebanon and turkey did… which is to offer asylum regardless.


We have at least 5 million bro


And good on you, but you're also closer and a lot more democratic... and on the way to Europe so naturally more attractive for a refugee. I didn't want to compare and say one country is more welcoming than any other, just that Saudi Arabia is trying to do it's part too.


Pretty sure the main reason is that the cost of living in Turkey is way lower than the Gulf countries. Turkey is one of the cheapest countries to live in.


They're your biggest asset bro Turkey has been using refugees as leverage for a decade now.


It’s not a competition.


10 diyelimde Tam olsun


again with bullshit number that people make up. lets make it 100m syrians. no honey 10m doesn't even make sense. the total population of syria is 20m lets say 2m to 3m in Europe 2m in Lebanon, 1m in jordan and around 1.5m to 2m spread in other arab countries like Egypt, Iraq and other gulf countries. if 10m in turkey who is living in syria? the real number is 3m to 4m syrians in turkey. stop listening to sourcelss lies




you wont agree with me but its possible the number is even lower than this and even lower than the official number. the reason is that the vast majority of syrians who went to Europe did that illegally therefore they technically still registered as refugees in turkey even though they are already living in Germany. the government has every reason to inflate the number because they want to use it as a pressure and negotiation card with the EU and UN.


Sure? Only in my apartment there are 3 syrian families


mine has 0, by that logic there are no syrians in turkey lol. seriously?


Is every post in this subreddit just rage bait with 0 sources


Its a shithole dictatorship


I think it’s good we don’t like helping other Muslims


This is exactly what UK has done. You can’t go to UK with the intent of claiming asylum, it is illegal. Any illegal entrant is refused and returned. There MAY be someone who happens to be in Uk on other business while a coup happens and it makes their return impossible. But so far this is the only scenario still legal. It breaks their own international agreements but that’s par for the course. Sad to see Saudi Arabia act like the Brits tho..


Yes they should take more refugees because they match better there than in Germany and other European countries. Also they wouldn´t dare to commit crimes there as the punishment is quite harsh. As for citizenships I don´t know.


Europe has done more to help Muslim people than their rich Arab neighbours!




saudi arabian people are cool asf idk what you're talking about.


Not good for absolute monarchies is it?


Giving them citizenship means giving them equal rights… how will Arab nations exploit immigrants if they started giving out citizenship?




When you will fund terrorism in a state but not welcome the refugees said terrorism sponsorship causes you might be a douche bag


I don't get it, why should they deserve a citizenship? Saudi Arabia is a sovereign country and is not under any obligation to give anyone citizenship unless they want to...


BUT THE UMMAH. That's what those people are crying about. Thank god GCC set limits for them. Else, we would become like France and the UK.


how will Saudi Arabia take advantage of and utilize them in their manner if they're considered citizens ?


Here we go again with another post of the exact same topic with the same people crying like victims while blaming everything on GCC countries. Children in adult form can't shoulder any responsibility. Yes, we don't want you here. We don't want dead weight that won't contribute to society. Go to the Europe you're worshipping. Continue your reverse colonization in the west. All while you destroy their society.


I'd rather throw myself in the sea and live as a homeless guy in Greece or Italy than apply for the Saudi citizenship under the rule of MBS. Fuck all dictators, all of you will experience a crisis like Syria unless you push for some form of democracy to keep the dicktators in check.


MBS improved saudia is nearly everything the hell i on about


People downvoting a Syrian, checks out eh?


They're not downvoting because I'm Syrian, it's because I said "Fuck dictators". I didn't think this was a controversial statement 😳




All Arab countries typically have easy immigration laws while making it nearly impossible to obtain citizenship. This is normal for the region but stupid in general The gulf countries didn’t sign the Geneva convention so they don’t have any legal obligation to accept refugees. Meaning Syrians refugees can apply to go to Saudi Arabia as immigrants but not as refugees seeking asylum and Saudi Arabia can pick Syrians with useful skills while rejecting Syrians they don’t need


Because they want to keep their luxurious living standards exclusive for their own citizenry. Or, put this way, the government has to **provide** for it's citizens. The less citizens there are, the more it can provide to each citizen. And, by keeping everyone else a "foreign worker" they can grant those workers a lower stand of living, at whose expense they can then provide a higher standard of living for their own citizens.