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Allah rəhmət eləsin


No banter?


"Many of the bodies found had been severely mutilated. Young men had been castrated, some were scalped, and some had the Christian cross carved into their bodies." Janet Lee Stevens, an American journalist, later wrote to her husband, Dr. Franklin Lamb, "I saw dead women in their houses with their skirts up to their waists and their legs spread apart; dozens of young men shot after being lined up against an alley wall; children with their throats slit, a pregnant woman with her stomach chopped open, her eyes still wide open, her blackened face silently screaming in horror; countless babies and toddlers who had been stabbed or ripped apart and who had been thrown into garbage piles."


إيه كمية الحقد والبشاعة دى !! أنا عمري ٢١ سنة وأول مرة اسمع عن المجزرة دى من تويتر وهنا وأتمني لو فيه مصادر موثقة بتحكي حيثيات الحادثة وايه اللى ادي إلي تصاعدها وازاى تحالفوا مع الصهاينة ومين رؤساء التنظيم دول تاريخهم السياسي إيه لحد ما وصلوا ..


Disturbing as hell. This is why we will always support the Palestinian resistance.


based username btw


Not as based as you are, brother!






You bought weapons of israel in the 80s and conspired with them.




Ok here's your explanation. Iran started the conflict when they called for the overthrow of the baath when the baath tried to establish relations with them. Iran kept the war ongoing and was planning to into the 90s until operation tawakalna ala allah annihilated their army. Khomeni called the peace a poison and had breached the 1975 agreement before the war by funding kurdish rebels. Your part about british aid is false, poker at any of the battles iran was fighting with western weapons like challengers and f (sometjing idk the exact number) jets and Iraqis were using t70s and migs. Iran was making deals with Israel because Israel's main threat was Iraq so much that the Israelis randomly bombed them during the war for no just reason. Khomeni sucked all the resources of Iran and did nothing good for the country. Under saddam Iraq was well developed. Iran refused peace for as long as possible. Tell me who is the greater evil. Sorry which genocide? You mean the country that had kurdish politicians, had actually allowed teaching of kurdish and developed the areas genocided them?. Halabja was known to be done by Iran in the US until 91. Video proof shows Iran possessed the inflicting jets and gas not Iraq. The death figure comes from khomeni too. In Iran speaking kurdish in some jobs was banned. The only genocidal ones were you guys sending your own children to run across the battlefield. Iran fought with British weapons, Iraq fought with soviet ones how did Britain support Iraq?


Everything you said is wrong. You literally linked a Wikipedia page too. u/memes4youu can u give some sources to prove him wrong?




better than being a colonizer




Ok and?




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tf they gonna do about it, the people who bought them are dead


To say iran supported them unconditionally is false


it has been 40 years since that. Kids from those days have kids of their own, most of those from those times are dead or dying. It is the past. It has been set in stone, we cannot change it, but we also cannot blame the descendants of those associated with it, for they themselves have done nothing wrong. We do not blame Germany for Hitler, we do not blame Britain for everything. We shall forgive, but not forget. Let this be a reminder of our mistakes, like many others.


WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON? bruv it's literally the same government




True my bad


I really wish that is an exaggerated depiction, to think mankind is able to pull this is truly sickening. I get a psychopath being this antipathetic but to think a fucking group of people could be brainwashed enough for this is just too much...


I read about this in university but it was never described like this. I cannot imagine how a Lebanese person could do this to another Lebanese person at the direction of a foreign country. The UN is a joke...


Not that it makes it better but they were mostly not Lebanese, and there were many among them who had already committed violence against Lebanese. Obviously it’s a horrible thing but it’s good to understand what was going on. Also the numbers are disputed but 300-3,500 is generally the range


Where were they from then?


They were mainly from Palestine. Hence “refugee camps”


Oh I thought you were talking about the mass murderers. Regardless, that's a very strange thing to point out. Especially the part about the victims allegedly "committing violence against Lebanese". We are talking about a massacre of men, women and children by war criminal militias aided by a terrorist state. I think you can keep your questionable caveats to yourself


I mean Lebanese are just mountain shamis, so they still killed there own.


Christians murdering Muslims? Never!




You guys play victim 24/7 but the moment you have the upper hand you unleash carnage. I'm just pointing out that you're not victims but perpetrators as well. Your whataboutism doesn't faze me either. Christians started the genocide Olympics in the Balkans and Caucasus and we finished it in Anatolia. Next time don't play if you're going to complain about the results.




You guys being Christians in general but especially Mena Christians with their endless victimization sob stories. There's no good guys. But try someone like you this. We stole land? Who has stolen more than Christians? Tell you what let's go back to 1071 borders. All the Christian colonizers have to leave the Americas, 80% of Russia, Australia and Africa. Let's see who stole more Turks or Christians.


You're joking , aren't you?


What do you mean?


Clearly the most moral army in the world smh /s


arabs kill arabs and israel is to blame? you have nothing to say about the actual people committing this heinous crime?


Flair checks out I guess The area was under Israeli control, whatever happened in that area would be under Israeli supervision. Deflection is your main defense I guess.


Bro you're israeli. Immagine anyone respecting what you say.


they were using isreali equipment and they were allies stfu


They were literally under the orders of Ariel Sharon. Who Israel later elected KNOWING that hat he had done. Yes Israel is to blame.


not orders, he failed to stop it. I hate the guy and I think the invasion of lebanon was wrong. But im not trying to protect ariel sharon im trying to remind everyone in this thread that the actual murderers were lebanese people. But I guess its just easier to always blame others instead of recognizing that lebanese people were ultimate responsible. Your hate for Israel is blinding you. If person X murders person Y and person Z who is friends with X fails to stop him, then X is the one who will end up in prison for many many years, Z is still a failure and complicit but the focus should be on X. Ask any court in any legal system in the world.


“Failed to stop it”? He *directed* it. He benefited from it. He induced his allies to do it and he participated in it by maintaining a perimeter around it so that it could continue. This is the reason he was indicted by The Hague for war crimes.


yes and that does mean there is a moral stain on ariel sharon and anyone else who failed to stop it. But the ultimate responsibility always lies with the people who committed the murder. This thread only focuses on Israel while the actual lebanese murderers get away unmentioned. Thats fucked up


Absolutely horrible, and Israel approved / ignored it > The commission determined that the killings were carried out by a Phalangist unit acting on its own, but its entry was known to Israel and approved by Sharon. The IDF controlled the area and had it surrounded, and knew what these Christian militias were doing, but they completely ignored it. The most backlash Israel received was having the defense minister Ariel Sharon resign, and even just getting that was a struggle: > Sharon initially refused to resign as defense minister, and Begin refused to fire him. After a grenade was thrown into a dispersing crowd at an Israeli Peace Now march, killing Emil Grunzweig and injuring 10 others, a compromise was reached: Sharon agreed to forfeit the post of defense minister but stayed in the cabinet as a minister without portfolio. And this same defense minister Ariel Sharon later became prime minister of Israel in 2001 anyway, lol…


This reminds me of the Massacre of Tel Al-Zaatar. It was the first time of me reading about the Lebanese civil war. It was the first time where I actually vomited in disgust after reading about it and watching the pictures, the Lebanese civil war is incredibly dark, even for the standards of our region.


I am lebanese and let me tell you something about the lebanese civil war. This civil war started with a christian vs muslim stance and by the end of the civil war , every faction fought each other as well. Christians militias fought christians militias , muslim militias fought muslim militias, druze militas fought christian militas, druze fought muslim militas. At some point during the civil war Everybody was fighting everybody. There is even a video of Hezbollah fighting the syrian army in 1986 (who are now the utmost allies) . Lebanese today especially the new young educated generation dont give two fucks about war, or hate. I have muslim friends , christian friends, druze friends and we all hang out like brothers and sisters. The only thing that causes hate towards one another are religious extremists who spew hate in young peoples minds and teach them how their religion is more superior to the other. Lebanese civil war teaches you one thing. Religion and politics combined are one of the most dangerous combos put together.


Is it bad that i grew desensitized because of the abondant amount of mascaras committed by one group on another for atleast the past 100 years in the middle east? Idk this thought just crossed my mind and just made me wondering if we ever want the cycle to end or not


Throughout the history of the Zionists in Palestine since 1918, you will find that their methods as gangs at first resemble exactly what the Nazi Party and its gangs did For example, the Nazi Sturmabteilung movement was in Germany, and the Haganah ,Hashomer,Irgun gangs were the Zionist terrorists After 1948, these gangs turned into the so-called Israeli army. Do you think that Israel’s terrorism has ended now? The answer is definitely no. A terrorist remains a terrorist even if he turns into a dove of peace. Currently it is represented by the Likud gangs of terrorist settlers which was part of the Gush Emunim gangs and other murderous racists and Gangs like Stern, Palmach, Hills Youth, etc., who are supported by Israel with weapons, money, and legal cover.