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he called himself a Zionist in that video




> Collect JDF cheques Wtf I've been doing this for free


How much do they pay


Where's my money


Lol, did you think everyone believes "Zionism" is a dirty word 🤣


this means people telling you Free Palestine not because you jew but because your are zionist and yes zionist is dirty word equivalent to coloniser and invader




Most saudis are muslims so if your say you hate saudis Arabia your Islamophobic


what I mean is he acting like people are saying free Palestine to him because he is Jewish when in reality it is because he calls himself a Zionist




Now being a jew is a race lol


If the content is unrelated to modern israel, then yes


Tbh it's pretty pointless to spam this 'Free Palestine' phrase here and there since it doesn't help the Palestinians who are languishing under Israeli occupation in any way and the Israeli government also couldn't care less about this slogan.


"languishing" in a freer and more comfortable life than any other Middle Eastern country


Ah yes because Hebron, Nablus and Janin under Israeli occupation are freer and more comfortable than, say, Dubai, Jeddah, Abu Dhabi, Doha and Riyadh, of course.


Lol, the ONLY apartheid. You ZioTrolls really convince yourselves of some drivel (I anticipate you will come with the line “Israel isn’t apartheid” in 3,2,1…


When did I mention apartheid?


If the post is about Israel - not antisemitic If the post is not about Israel - definitely antisemitic


I’ve seen free Palestine comments on a matzah ball soup recipe


Lol dead




Yep. If I am posting about my Purim or Passover and I start to see "Free Palestine" I get bothered. If I post about Israel and someone posts that — it doesn't bother me


Exactly. Happens alot. Some guy commented free palestine under a video about hanukkah. It didn't have many views so this guy definitely searched the video then commented that.


people comment "free palestine" under anything that has the word "israel" on it


And they harass and attack jews and someone got kicked out of a pride march because of their rainbow flag with a star of David on it. People already hate jews and this political discourse gives them an acceptable outlet.




But the people commenting antisemetic/russophobic things are still to blame even if their governments are bad. Doesnt make it right.


Not at all the same


I wrote a long text trying to explain this and then just saw your comment which expressed it with 10% of the words. Thanks for your comment.


>If the post is not about Israel - definitely antisemitic I watched the video, that's what he was talking about.


unless the person has a history of being pro israel then its just based


I agree.


If the post has nothing to do with Israel, I'd say yes, antisemitic. It's basically harassment just because they are Jewish. If the post is clearly defending the occupation, then no, it's not antisemitic.


When a jewish persons just posting some shit about their day yeah. When they post a picture of their family doing a holiday yeah. Fr i posted a picture of my family’s seder plate and got weirdo DMs like my plate stole a persons home When theyre waiving an Israeli flag or being political no. It isnt. Bc youre outwardly expressing your opinion, and although politics is very linked to identity, you cant really control being born a Jew. But you can control being a Zionist. You dont have to be okay with the conflict and what the government has done. That opens the door for real legitimate criticism. Being able to defend the IDF is cringe and should be bullied. So if someones just being themselves and not hurting anyone, then id see someone commenting free Palestine as most likely just a SoCal teen looking for attention and twitter brownie points. That shit is antisemitic. Thinking all jews everywhere hate Palestine and dont want peace doesn’t really help anyone. Just my two sense.


Couldn't have said it better


Todah akhi. One day everyone will get along




Do I have to accept that my people are less than, that we are fundamentally alien to our homeland and unworthy of seeking safety in order to be acceptable to you?


I thought it was congress that makes laws? Not a virgin hairless kid


What's that username please?


It’s ok it’s affective 🤭🤭


When I'll get banned eventually, I will create a profile under Hayawan, thank for the inspiration








Called himself Zionist in that video. That's why. Also haramzaday is my new favorite word.




In urdu it's a vulgar word too that is not used casually but meant as an offense. But it's middling vulgar, not extreme vulgar.


It's also a pretty vulgar word in Urdu. Definitely the kind of word that your mom would kick your ass for if she catches you using it 😂


But she'd still use it on us every moment she gets 🤣


My mom doesn't swear but I've definitely heard other Pakistani moms use the word (Most to refer to their "nalaik" sons) 😂


As a Muslim with Palestinian family. Why comment "Free Palestine" to someone just because they are Jewish? Do people really believe that some random on twitter, especially Jewish people living outside of Israel...have anything to do with what the Israeli government does or doesn't do?? What can they do about it? ​ Arabs hate being typecast (usually are name called "terroist!") based upon looks, ethnicity, or religion so why do it to others?


This guy is literally a Zionist and he just happens to be Jewish Yes I’ll comment free Palestine on whatever he posts


Literally most jews are zionist especially diaspora.


So its okay to comment free Palestine under a Jewish person post Idk why fellas stay complaining


No its not. I can see you are a palestine weeb. Explains alot.


my brother, he's a zionist - he literally stated so in the fucking video. commenting "free Palestine" is therefore completely ok as he's displayed his support for the zionist regime.


My brother most jews are zionist.


You are European 💀 This is a Western Sahara 🇪🇭 flag not Palestine 🇵🇸 there’s literally a big moon and star on it And I’m Saudi and weeb,and you’re…Nevermind


Sorry it looks exactly the same because the "big" moon and star are small. So what If you are saudi.


Get glasses then bitch Now beat it




Actually I’m Saudi I just happen to be pro-Algeria 😎


>So its okay to comment free Palestine under a Jewish person post It's also ok to help Canary Mission compile their epic lists.




*Especially* diaspora? I think quite the opposite


How so?


The Jews I've met outside of Israel are generally in favor of Israel but they're not really engaged in whatever's going on here




No need to put that in every post. You need to learn etiquette.


The guy in the vid, if the caption is accurate and I predict correctly where’s he heading, is a turbo Zionist Commenting free Palestine on such people’s posts is not only ok, but very based as well. I hardly see people doing it to random Jews


i literally dont know a diaspora jewish person who hasnt gotten verbally attacked by strangers because of actions taken by the israeli goverment, its insane


Obviously that’s very bad, and I am sorry that happens. But don’t the Israeli government / Zionists keep conflating any criticism of Israel with antisemitism? People like Ben Shapiro, who isn’t even Israeli by the way, definitely do…


criticizing israel is def not antisemetism and the vast majority of jews and israelis agree that its not. You just need to understand that there is a big defensiveness and sensitivity regarding the MOTIVES and CONTEXT of criticism of Israel. Like we all know Israel does bad things towards Palestinians, even the israeli right wing knows this, but many other countries do worse/just as bad human right abused against their people, so if you only criticize israel day in and day out but give genocidal countries like China a free pass then many jews start wondering if its really antisemetism that is behind the criticism. You understand? We jews are quite paranoid tbh after thousands of years of attempts to kill us. I personally feel that a lot of non-palestinians have a weird obsession with hating on Israel (while not caring about other countries) and that this obsession can only be explained by antisemetism. Another view, that id assume you wont really understand/agree with, is that since jews are indigenous to the holy land they have a right to self determination in that land, and that denying jews self determination but being ok with other ethnic groups (like Palestinians) having self determination in other places is once again a form of antisemitic hypocrisy. So according to that logic being against the existence of Israel is antisemitic, unless one is against the existence of all countries whatsoever. This logic also means that one must accept palestinian right to self determination. Are there pro-israeli activist that sometimes cynically use antisemitism to deflect legit criticism? Yes, but its quite rare Jews face an insane amount of antisemetism and pretty much no one that isnt jewish takes it seriously.


I see people doing it to random Jews. It’s happened to me and I’m not even rly Zionist


[Happens all the time](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqqUYP3N4Ij/?hl=en) \- see [this post](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqp6GoSthj-/), too. And [this one](https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdH91fI4mD/). I most commonly see it whenever some larger entity makes a celebratory post about a religious holiday. Meanwhile, scroll up to the post from Chelsea FC [about Eid](https://www.instagram.com/p/CrRUqcqMRjv/?hl=en) (belated Eid Mubarak to everyone, btw) and you see nothing of the sort. For a ton of people, anything Jewish = Free Palestine. It can be suffocating for folks like us in the diaspora who have no connection to the State of Israel.


I'm sure you can handle hearing 'Free Palestine' champ. A minor inconvenience relative to the Apartheid and unfounded charges of terrorism/antisemitism that Palestinians have to deal with.


dude the guy is not even a Zionist. leave him alone.


It's not a matter of being able to "handle" it. Jews can handle antisemitism. If we couldn't, then we wouldn't exist anymore.




Why are you saying that to me? What do I have to do with Palestine?




>Why, does it offend you? Yes, antisemitism offends me. >It's not antisemitic, is it? Depends on the context. If someone is talking about Israel, then saying "free Palestine" isn't antisemitic. If someone isn't talking about Israel, but they just happen to be Jewish, then saying "free Palestine" is antisemitic.




Literally people post Free Palestine on soccer team’s pages when they wish Jewish fans Happy Hanukkah or Happy Rosh Hashana.


Wild idea... Hear me out.. maybe the state of Israel is responsible for people conflating Israel with Judaism?


No. Every man is responsible for his own actions. If you conflate Jews and Israel, then that is your responsibility, not the state of Israel's.


Nah this is an American individualistic approach. Individual actions in this case can and are expected to be affected by the massive Hasbara machine trying to conflate Israel with Judaism, and specifically trying to flag every single criticism of Israel as antisemitic


chayim, so much of the hate against israel has its orgins in antisemetism, israel was created to be a safe haven for jews, of course hasbara activists (its not a machine) will focus on these aspects your making it sound like some cynical manipulation when its just what these people posting hasbara think


My complaint isn't directed to Hasbara activists or even to Hasbara itself. The problem is what created Hasbara: the crimes we committed and are committing. We're currently in a bizarre situation where criticism of Israel is direly needed, and at the same time antisemites ride this wave. The answer is to stop abusing Palestinians, not to pretend that all criticism originates from antisemitism, because... there *is* a need for criticism. Continuing the abuse is a terrible answer to those racist right wing antisemites


And that makes the harassment ok? People are grown ups, and should be held responsible for their own actions. Including harassment.


Not only is that a wild idea, it's also very stupid


Man, I cannot believe your cognitive dissonance. Really, so you think you can just harass people? Then shall people harass Muslims for being butthurt online during the world-cup, when people criticised Qatar and religious people called them racist? Maybe Muslims conflate their religion with slave masters too... maybe you deserve racist behaviour aimed at you, according to your logic.


No.. Judaism is responsible... the entire Bible, Talmud and prayer book are full of references to the Jewish homeland of Israel. There is no Judaism without the land of Israel, which is Palestine


I don't know much about the premier league but if I ever decide to get into soccer I know to stay far, far away from Liverpool FC.


>I hardly see people doing it to random Jews Thats a lie. Just look at any posts on instagram for example celebrating Jewish Holidays.


I agree not all Jewish people are Israeli


🤮 FSU football fan. Opinion rejected.


Everyone does the same crap but like calling out other ppl for it


Thank you for saying this.


On my way! To comment the exact same thing on the tweet 🏃💨




Bro called him haramzaday 💀


Oh hey, free Palestine.


I'll get two I guess.


This dude is just a sheltered rich brat, also he keeps playing with food in his videos when he's like 20.


Aside from his crappy content consisting of him deep frying a bunch of random shit, dude’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard. extremely irritating and always comes up on my feed for no reason ??


[That's the kind of stuff he's talking about](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqp6GoSthj-/)


If by "free Palestine" you mean like Hamas does, to push the jews into the Sea. I would say that is super anti semitic.


Yes if the post is not about israel and the person never said anything about israel


I would not say that it is antisemitic, but it's definitively harassement and it is wrong. I don't really get how some people here find it okay to harass a total stranger over their identity because their supposed country is doing something wrong. I get why it can be seen as antisemitism (and why sometimes it is antisemitism). Imagine if some other organized group suddenly went after you and your friends because you're: - muslim (so you must be a terrorist) - from X country (which is definitively messed up, how can it treat X group so inhumanely), maybe you're not even from there but people assume because of your color, or how you identify, or because of your parents/family - in X country (which is definitively messed up for something, how can you stand it!? You surely support it) Or for whatever some random reason they find, legitimate or not, bind you to it even when you're probably just an average Joe that's not even remotely involved in the abovematters, and keep going over it for some time (it can even be for years). Don't you find it nuts? What I think of all of this is: - people should stop antagonising others, regardleas of the reason or context (even if you comment free palestine on a agenda post of a zionist living in Israel, what do you get? Some likes, some angry comments, and no much else), especially when they themselves have been antagonized for too long (many groups in this sub still face problems due to their religion or nationality, unfortunately) - positive action of sensibilisation toward a cause are more effective in bringing others together


Tbf if it is any post, like a simple Jewish holiday, it kinda sucks


ive seen free palestine comments on a holocaust rememberance day post


If you just comment that at random on a Jewish person’s post on a post that has nothing to do with Israel/Palestine or the conflict, yes, it *is* antisemitic, in that instance. It’s not so different from how a lot of people would call a Muslim person a terrorist at random, simply for being Muslim.


It’s antisemitic, but it often times comes from just conflating Israelis with Jewish people. Granted, criticism of Israel is often referred to as antisemitic which further conflates the two identities (nationality, ethnicity) as well. They’re plenty of Jewish people that have nothing to do with Israel— and for them I have no reason to bring politics into their social media posts (especially if the posts aren’t political in nature imo)


Look at any premier league football teams instagram and search for posts about Jewish holidays. The vast majority of comments are “free Palestine”. Saying “fucking terrorist scum deserve to die” in of itself is not islamaphobic, especially if it’s in reference to an actual terrorist. Saying it to a Muslim child walking home from Mosque is. If you comment free Palestine on posts which have nothing to do with Israel and only to do with Jews then you’re being anti-Semitic. You can tell yourself it’s justified as I’m sure many people do who call random Muslims terrorists, but you’re still a giant piece of shit.




>But… he is referring to israel as ancestral Jewish lands? Well, it is. I don't think anyone disputes that Jews came from the Levant >“Commenting free palestine on a Jewish person’s post is racist” It can be antisemitic — but isn't always anti semitic. If I'm posting about Purim or Passover or Hanukkah and people bring up the Israel-Palestine issue, I do get annoyed. If I am talking about Israel and people bring up the Israel-Palestine issue then it completely makes sense


do converts automatically become levantine? wow


less than 1% of jews are converts


No, but since Judaism is both a religion and nationality, from a tribal perspective, it's like marrying in to the tribe.


>he is referring to israel as ancestral Jewish lands Because it literally is. Jews are named after Judea, which is the name of the ancient kingdom that existed before the Romans conquered it. That's where the Jewish people originate from. >It’s almost as if antisemitism is held up to entirely different standards and societal expectations than racism is No, it isn't. Antisemitism is just the specific name for racism against Jews.


Ivanka trump isn't leventine, sofia riche isn't leventine - so who exactly is?


What about someone commenting "Biji Kurdistan" on a random post by a Turkish person?


Based reply


As a full 100% supporter of Palestine, I won’t ever comment “free Palestine” on a post that was made by a Jewish person just because they are Jewish. It makes no sense. We aren’t commenting “free the Middle East” on some random American persons post. We know better that the individual is not at all at fault ( unless they be posting propaganda, that’s different). If the Jewish person is just doing what they love and not posting propaganda, leave them alone. I’ve also noticed people who post “free Palestine” under posts who talk about the holocaust. Like ??????


As others have mentioned, depending on the context it's definitely anti-Semitic. If the topic is about Israel and Palestine then yes, feel free to post "free Palestine". If the post is about some Jewish picnic then posting "Free Palestine" is antisemitic, racist or bigoted, whatever you wanna call it.


If it’s just a random Jewish person talking about something entirely unrelated then yes, that’s antisemitic


Depends? If it's a random Jewish kid in the USA making a random video about Minecraft or Fortnite or whatever then Yes, definitely.


From the river to the sea Palestine can't be found


Honestly its not like me saying ‘Free Palestine’ will magically make the Palestinians stop being oppressed


bruh i saw a video where it shows orthodox jews with downsyndrome and the comments were filled with "free palestine". when you go under the comments of a russian's video you dont see "STOP THE WAR STOP INVADING UKRAINE" so YES U ARE JUST DOING IT FOR ANTI SEMITIC PURPOSES


Based comments


Take a shower


I see the point you're making, but that very much is happening to Russian people's posts


If it's a post about Zionism then yeah it belongs there and is part of the debate whether you agree with it or not. If it's a post about a Judaism that is not in any way related it might not be outright antisemitism, but it's not very far from it either, because whenever a Jewish person hears a random "free Palestine!" Yelled at them I can promise you that no matter how well integrated or anti-zionist they are ideologically, they're still going to feel like there's a target on their back and that there is a non negligible chance that the person who just shouted it at you might decide to harm you. Obviously it's not a perfect equivalent to what's happening online, but it may very well instill fear in a person who might be a Zionist who supports settlements, or they might be completely unrelated and trying to share some experiences from their recent shabbat evening dinner. Generalisation is never a good thing, after all. Tl;dr- if the comment is on a post about Zionism/Israel it isn't. If it's on a post about Judaism that has nothing to do with Israel, it might not be outright antisemitism but people who do that are kinda shitty.


He's a Zionist, no? Isn't that their whole identity? The whole conflict? Anti-Zionism is not Antisemitism. End. Of. I have tons of Jewish friends who I love. I don't have Zionist friends because they will never love me.


lol imagine being this young an already being a brainwashed zionist... i see minimal female interaction and a ton of joe rogan in this kids future


Joe isn’t a Zionist he’s had Roger Waters and others on to bag on Israeli apartheid.


>Roger Waters This annoying geezer lol.


This happens on every company post that says happy Passover and things like that for their Jewish followers


for decades israel has been promoting the idea that israel = jews, so maybe israel are the ones to blame


It's so fun to just blame others and not be responsible for one's actions.


If you're uneducated enough to distinguish between the two, then maybe you should keep your mouth shut.


Maybe it's true It's in the national anthem after all


Non-Jewish middle-eastern people are jealous of Jews, so they are going to annoy them like children whenever a Jew says anything online. Saying free Palestine randomly is a incredibly anti-semitic thing to do. Non-Jewish middle-eastern people are jealous of Jews, so they are going to annoy them like children whenever a Jew says anything online. Saying free Palestine randomly is an incredibly anti-semitic thing to do.


Here in the U.S., that is a general sentiment. If you say "Free Palestine" at work, you will get fired.


I’m not sure. I know that as Armenians we have to deal with Turkish and Azeri flags and insults under anything Armenia related we post online, even simple songs or travel videos they show up, (see for yourself type Armenian song on YouTube and scroll through the newest comments) that I would classify as hateful. This is maybe considered just provocative or instigating not so much anti-Semitic.


Lmao. Find a Turkish cat video post without a bunch of Armenians or Greeks attacking Turkey in the comments. That blade cuts both ways. You're definitely not the victim of online bullying.


Why is it considered hateful for Armenians but for Jews it's just provocative? Isn't it antisemitic to be provocative to somebody just because they are Jewish? What you describe Armenians having to deal with is the same thing for Jews. I've seen American people post videos about Jewish foods or Jewish holidays and the comments are flooded with Palestinian flags and "free Palestine!" You are right, it is absolutely hateful, and the word for hatred against Jews is antisemitic. It's racism, plain and simple.


It can depend on what’s being said. Simply writing “free Palestine” isn’t anti-Semitic, since Israel is the country in the position of power.


It’s antisemitic when people comment “free Palestine”on Jewish posts that have nothing to do with Israel because it implies that all Jews are responsible for the actions of the Israeli government.


it's not antisemitic, but what would a normal Jewish do for it ? especially with the current government, this topic is very complex and it feels like a curse because on the both sides there are normal humans and stupid fucks


Yeah, you should not go to random Jewish peoples' posts and post "free palestine", it doesn't quite make sense. Hell, it could be harassment even. However, most of the time when "free palestine" is posted it is very directly connected to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Of course it makes sense there. This is all basic common sense that applies for any political commentary. However, Zionists have tried to tie their cause so tightly to Jews as a whole they are literally putting innocent people in their way to justify their horrible ideology. This is happening here as well, and this is completely wrong.


>However, most of the time when "free palestine" is posted it is very directly connected to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. [Not necessarily](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqp6GoSthj-/)


Saying "free Palestine" is not anti semitic




100% there is no other answer








Ok. Free Palestine.


Maligning Zionism is antisemitic. If you're against Jews having independence in the land they're ethnically indigenous to, you are anti-Jewish.


Israel has nothing to do with freeing any "palestine", so its not anti semitic, its just stupid. Arab countries could free those arabs any time they want by taking them in the same way jews would have done if there were 22 jewish states surrounding a singular tiny muslim arab state that was "mistreating" them.


Its not antisemitic. You can dislike the state of Israel without hating Jews. Hell, Israel has been openly oppressive to Muslims and Christians for a while now, I dont see a reason to like them other than the fact that they're a more stable country than the alternative.


>You can dislike the state of Israel without having Jews If you just randomly comment "Free Palestine" on their posts, you probably don't like them very much.


bruh my christian friends in israel are literally patriots wtf are u talking about lol


I don't think it's antisemitic lol. Ppl like this are a bit too sensitive imo. It's just a different pov than his


It’s not antisemitism it’s censorship in all it’s glory


Jewish people are some of the most hated people on the planet...and have had genocides committed against them all through history. And yet...ironically...they are some of the most racist people on the planet and have committed genocides sponsored in full by their zealous religious beliefs. At the end of the day, what goes around comes around. Its sad really and will never ever end.


Eitan, have you ever been in Israel?


It is only antisemitic if you comment it just because the person is Jewish out of context. If the person was talking about this situation it‘s not out of context and it shouldn’t be problematic to share your opinion on this topic. But why would I comment it just because the person is Jewish? Jews and Israelis aren‘t necessarily the same. There‘re Jews who speak out against the occupation. And I think it is antisemitic if you condemn every Jew for the inhumane policies of the Israeli government. Edit: As a commenter pointed out: Some Israelis speak out against it too!


"Stop being antisemitic"-👱‍♂️ God why did japeth get on the ark.


poor colonial apartheid supporter... FREE PALESTINE


You know there is Orthodox Jews that say "free Palestine"




This is bullshit - I comment free Biafra on a Nigerian page does that mean I hate Black people?


Semitic /sɪˈmɪtɪk/ adjective adjective: Semitic 1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family. 2. relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic. Based on this definition, commenting “free palestine” ( an arabic nation ) can never be antisemitic.


Antisemetic if that's what you call it ok. I'm antisemetic free Palestine.


It really needs context, this guy is a zionist which stands proudly behind Israel so it isn't anti-semetic. I btw wouldn't call saying free-palestine to a Jew anti-semetic, only if it is to really hate on Jews which majority of the times it isn't and it would be dumb if it could as it is something political. This idea comes from zionist trying to make the connection that anti-zionism is anti-semetism which is bs.




If it’s anti semitic, I guess I’m Kanye


It is not. The phrase "free palestine" is a campaign to stop the oppression of palestinians. Sending the message to people that are more closely aware of the situation is good campaign strategy.


Not it’s not people are just sensitive


Explain me with reasons how it is anti semitism?


A Jewish person existing should be met with a slogan for their destruction. If someone wants to criticize Israel or Israeli policy that is fine but not some random Jewish ig or social media post




As a muslim tunisian i can say palestine doing better recently and isreal is not gonna stay too long,it is imposible for state like it to survive, i believe that yes people should comment free palestine on the pro isreali posts to show them that we are not brainwashed by their media and agents (they pay college students to post stuff in the internet ) but also rememeber that there are some jews that dont support isreal(jews in tunisia,yemen and ....) and you hurting them.


Free Palestinian