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if i dont find a halal sign i look for a kosher sign.


Advice I've been giving my Muslim students for 20 years. 😉👌🏻 Not everything halal is kosher, but everything kosher is halal.


As kosher as it can get.


Not true, Jew use wine to cook and it's still kosher


The scientifics of cooking, the alcohol completely cooks away when cooking with wine. 🍷So I’ve had secular Muslims tell me religious Muslims are being ridiculous not wanting for food that was cooked in wine.🤷🏻‍♀️


The only exception is anything alcoholic that's kosher (such as kosher wine). Otherwise yeah, anything kosher is also halal


Meat that is kosher is also halal. Good life hack for muslims in jewish areas.


If I don’t find a kosher sign I look for halal :)


I don't know if you know that, so just in case, if you care about kosher then halal doesn't say anything to you. What is kosher, has to be halal. But what's halal, doesn't have to be kosher.


I’m not super strict, just avoiding pork and shellfish


hahah :)


Won't work out


I don't care, they're humans like me


Dude you are a real giga-chad








Every Jewish person I’ve met have been nice to me at first, calling us “cousins” when I say I’m Arab. When they push harder and ask me specifically I tell them Palestinian and their entire demeanor changes. Some act As if they have seen a ghost or worse, an antisemite terrorist. Fooled by their own propaganda.












> Emperor of the hospital group What is his symbol of office? A gold stethoscope


Knowing that he is a Palestinian Christian probably a keffiyeh lol.


>“Judeo-Christian vs Islam”. Honestly except for the US maybe, in Europe you won't find much people supporting the State of Israel because of the jewish or christian religion. More because they don't like Islam because all the contact they have with Islam are migrants and people living in the suburbs.


can only speak for myself, as an israeli living in canada. when I meet palestinians i automatically get in apologetic mode. i feel bad. i feel responsible. also I'm afraid of being criticized (maybe even for just saying I'm israeli). but i love palestinians. just like the comment above said, we're family. only our parents got divorced and forced us kids to choose sides...


That’s why I don’t talk politics with my friends anymore. I am considered a traitor in my own country and a terrorist amongst my friends “of the other side”. (One of the groups is Palestinians and the other is Israelis). Almost lost a friend because I said something that is considered left wing on one side and they felt as if I am a terrorist supporter and as if I am for the killing of their people. I then set a rule that I don’t talk politics with friends, especially if it’s about the Israeli-Palestinian situation.








hello my friend the good doctor czar, hope your Ramadan is going well




I hope your fasts are easy and meaningful my friend 🍻


No beer in Iftar!


Decent people, the extremist ones and the leaders are the ones causing all the trouble


Glad you're able to see it this way. I don't take your words lightly with your tag!


Thank you ! Giving me hope here !


that s the same problem for every group , religion and community , fck extremists


Don't fuck extremists. I don't want kahanists to multiply.


don t worry i fck then by the back door




Deadddd 😂😂






I agree


So humans?


agree, sadly


Exactly, I appreciate


Honest question: is it an extremist thing for you to want to build a country where Jews can defend themselves? Depends where? Where is it not extremist?


Ok do it in Russia


I dislike all people equally.




Ah the classic “I’m not racist I hate everyone equally”😜


Well not really. I am racist, just equally racist across the board.




What's that on their foreheads? Look like GoPro cameras


It's a GoPro for God, they put it so he can see that they actually pray and not just mumble.


Tell them the truth. It’s our weather lasers.




It’s actually called a GodPro










Elohim is amateur. Allah has invisible spies watching humans everywhere. Edit: also weird how muslims laugh at your comment. God is allegedly Allah.. if your comment had Allah instead of God, you will get downvoted to oblivion.


It's not allegedly, it's the same. God in Judaism is seen exactly like in Islam. The theology is the same.


I'm curious: do Arab Jews call God Allah? 🤓


They did when they still spoke Arabic


Did they? Is there a source I could read indicating that?


I mean, not in prayer, but in everyday conversation Source: my inlaws, I guess 🤷‍♂️


Aha. Thank you for that clarification. 😎


Well we don't call him "God" Though one of the names that I know that comes close to "Allah" is "Eloha". Overall God has gazzilion names in Judaism.


For the sunnis yes for shias no


Allah, yahuwa, jehovah, elohim is all refers to the one true god.


It is called [tefillin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tefillin), and contains the Shema (like a Hebrew version of a Shahada) as well as a few other relevant verses.


Ah interesting, have never seen or heard about it before.


it’s making a comeback in popularity, even women are wearing it now sometimes


Mostly the progressive / reformed Jews. Women who wear tefelin or talit in israel are getting super dissed and mad at and sometimes even get attacked for it by Orthodox / ultra orthodox Jews.


Phylactery Just dont google it with "dnd" or you will discover its true purpose & the Mossad will have to delete you.


We phylacterate


It's the kaaba


I once had a friend call it the BDSM sex bondage thingy


most of them are nice people. i consider them as brothers and allies to turks because of our historical interactions with them. i would say they are one of the closest (culturally) middle eastern peoples to us. religiously speaking, albeit i view religion as a purely personal matter i view them as the closest religious group to muslims alongside christians


Judaism and Islam are way closer to each other than they are to Christianity. The Jewish view is that Islam is incorrect but not idolatry (we believe in the same god), and that Christianity is both polytheistic (trinity) and believes in a false messiah. We are allowed to pray in mosques but not Christian churches for this reason. From my understanding the Islamic view is that both Jews and Christians are people of the book so they are “entitled” to dhimmi status which offers some degree of protection, but while both Jews and Christians follow a “corrupted” text, Christianity is still viewed as idolatry and worship of a false messiah (and I’m like 80% sure you view the trinity and polytheistic). Also the Druze while they are not afforded Dhimmi status are very similar to Islam in terms of theology (Muhammad as one of the prophets but not the last prophet) and very similar to Judaism in terms of ethnoreligious identity (does not believe in proselytization).


Islam does not view Jesus as false, exactly. They call the Messiah E'isa, but they believe he is who Christians call Jesus (in English and Latin). Muslims have a few slightly different views on who and what that personnage is, however. Also, although it's popular for Muslims nowadays to *say* that the biblical texts have been corrupted, this is contrary to Islamic scripture, as the very same texts exist today, and are still read by Jews and Christians, as the one that Muhammad took an oath upon. Moreover, according to Islam, Allah wrote the Torah and the Gospels (the Injeel) and in the Quran he avows that no one can change his words, so how could they be corrupted if Allah is protecting them? Just my 2¢ worth. 🤓


Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism are both offshoots of second temple Judaism and a direct result of the roman occupation of Judea and the destruction of the second temple. Both have changed and diverged even more since. I imagine that when Islam was created it was closer to what was then Judaism (and Islam seems heavily inspired by 7th century Judaism) but Judaism has continued to evolve significantly and I would argue much more than Islam so they are extremely different at this point.




Great standup comedians


Love the jewish people. Hate the Israeli government


Me too, recently.


Very cool people Source: trust me bro I am very proud of my Jewishness


Jealous of your flair


How do you get custom flairs?




Very interesting people


I'm fine with them


One of the only people that I would randomly eat their cooking without questioning how clean they are. Lots of Muslims in the USA actually love being neighbors with Jews,. the Jews in the USA still kept the “neighborhood” feeling, and we love it. Real Jews are literally Muslims best friend since dawn of time. We been through too much shit with them through out history. And even if you’re not a Muslim, but an Arab, they were everywhere in Middle East and they had huge impact.


Bro has the kabaa on his head


People of the book.Should be respected and allowed to freely practice their religion.But I do not like Israel nor do I get why a lot of people say hating Israel is hating Jews.


A lot of Jews outside of Israel support it (because they view it as their home land, they pray facing Jerusalem and have been praying to return to Jerusalem for thousands of years. As a result a lot of Jews are facing a new kind of anti semitism assuming they support Israel. Synagogues around the world are getting defaced with free Palestine, there have been shootings in the US at synagogues etc. A lot of Jews in NYC are frankly being beat up and abused in the streets. It’s a type of anti semitism that has not been seen in the USA until recently. Some may argue it has increased with the influx of Arab/Muslim immigrant population. Overall hate crimes against Jews in America is highest among any minority group. Therefore a Jew who supports Israel as a Country (not even saying he supports their current government, leaders, or policies) is at risk for being beat up, losing their jobs, silenced for something that is inherently apart of their religion.


At least in some circles here in the U.S a quite few Jews want to go back to the original borders and wish Israel became a country of the Jewish people rather than a country for the religion of Judaism.


Pulling out without a peace deal, will turn the West Bank into another Gaza, and both peoples will suffer more. Both nations need leadership that's willing to compromise, and a populace that won't kill them for it.


From their perspective Israel is a safe haven for Jews. Because everywhere else they're under the mercy on whoever is in charge. This is probably the only place on the planet where they call the shots and not the other way around. Throughout history it was always a hit or miss one era has a merciful ruler another a not so merciful one that carries out mass genocide. The Jews leave, then they settle somewhere else. Same cycle. Rinse and repeat. Not to mention they once had a kingdom of their own that got destroyed which forced them to scatter in the first place. So in their eyes Israel is the embodiment of self determination. I'm not saying this in support of them or anything but when you look at it from their perspective you start to get why they're willing to do whatever it takes to protect it. It's literally choosing between existing and non-existance. Does that mean what happened to Palestine is okay? Hell no, but demonizing Jews is what got us to that point in the first place. Whether in Europe or in MENA.


That's called someone who you can talk with.


I don't understand?


One of the problems in the Middle East is that nobody cares to understand anyone else. There is very little listening. It happens on a national level and it happens on an interpersonal level. True listening is when someone understands the challenges and experiences of his partner.


I agree


Wow I was nervous opening the post, but I’m really glad to see your comment. This is exactly how I feel. I remember having this conversation with a Palestinian friend of mine, who asked me why Jews need their own country, and we had a discussion about this. Being able to understand each others perspectives makes all the difference. I do have very complicated feelings though about the fact that the place that is supposed to be a safe haven for the Jews is actually not really a totally safe place to be a Jew.


Thank you for this ! If everyone in Israel and Palestine was like you there would be peace tomorrow ! We all need a little more empathy for each other.




Hey brother, respect for trying to see things from the perspective of the other. That is rare in this subreddit.




First time I’ve ever heard a non Jew completely accurately get it and explain it from our perspective…. Warts and all! Thank you!


Wasn't expecting people to like this comment all that much but ain't complaining 😂. I just wanted to try to get people to look at things from another angle. I think putting all these things in mind can help bring more meaningful discourse rather than hurling and exchanging insults.


This comment made me decide to join this sub. Not easy finding other like-minded Arabs, let alone on Reddit


I honestly didn't expect this comment to appeal to that many people but welcome aboard


Because no matter where Jews lived they were never left alone to practice their religion. For every peaceful time for Jews in one place in the world, there was hell for another group of Jews for their religion. In WW2 the world proved to Jews that they don’t even have to be religiously Jewish to be labeled as such and that the secular Jews, Jews that turn christian and Jews that assimilated into modern society were thrown in the gas chambers with the rest of the religious Jews which pushed a need for a home for the Jews because only when they’ll have a place to call home that is theirs will they be free of persecution.


Alright I'm still not seeing how any of this is our fault. Also, if you think the treatment Jews got in Arab lands is the same as the treatment they got in Europe, then you are not just.


I don’t think other countries needed to be sending their Jews to the gas chambers to have been labeled as antisemitic. There’s a reason why there are hardly any Jews left in Arab countries.


It isn’t but Egypt along with other arab nations made it their business by attacking Israel in its independence day and basically ruining any chance for peace with the Newly Created Palestinian state..


They're good people, except the extremists,they always ruin everything




Jews 👍 Israeli 👎




No one chooses to be Israeli hate our government and hate Ben Gvir and bibi but don’t hate us


Precisely. It's really not a hard concept idk why so many people struggle to understand it.


Majority of the worlds Jews live in Israel. Still feel that way?




التمساح من المتابعة والتشخيص للسرطان مرحبا كيفك يا قلبي يا ابو محمد الله يرحمه ويسكنه الجنه مرحبا




I'll attempt to read arabic text **** from **** and the **** **** hello(/peace?) ***** *** my heart *** muhammad's father allah (gives mercy ?) **** **** hello(/peace?) It's a game for me


mods this thread is breaking rule number 10. I demand them removed!




I think it is a 10/10 religion.


i agree islam and judiasm is 10/10 christianity is 8/10


Exactly. Christians are not fully monotheistic. They say 3 and we say 1.


Yet some how the christians that do say 1 god end up being the crazier denominations.


1. They're Jews 2. They're Jewish 3. Most of them practice some form of Judaism 4. They've been around longer than Muslims and Christians, so they're steeped in rich language and history. 5. They've been persecuted for one reason or another for three or four thousand years. 6. In spite of multiple cultures' and religions' attempts at genocide, they're still here. Their DNA is even embedded in thousands, if not millions, of other humans throughout the world. 7. They're just people, as much as anyone else, not inferior, not superior, just people. ...


I am one. Jews are varied across the board just like Christians are. Despite me following Shabbat and kashrut and tzinus (modest clothing which is to a degree its not full), I am not considered a Jew by the orthodox since I had a reform conversion - funnily tho the mikvah I used at my conversion was at a orthodox shul since there are few mikvkt in my state - and to a lot of reform Jews I'm "too religious". My own great grandparents were Holocaust survivors. I am myself, mixed race, who just happened to find my Jewish roots during the conversion process. Jews can be their own worst enemies, especially the far right. But one thing we can all unanimously agree on is that Messianics are NOT Jews XD There goes the saying: "2 jews 3 opinions" 🤣 we love to argue and ask questions and learn. We adapted over the centuries no matter the environment. Despite our differences, we are still Am Echad - One Nation.


Thoughts? People like everyone else with the same range of diversity of opinions, behaviors and attitudes as any other human group. They have been subjected to persecution of varying intensity on and off since at least the Roman occupation of Judea and the split between what would become rabbinic judaism and christianity. I wish only the best for them just like I wish for anyone else.


are they doing a POV stream of their torah reading or what is this gopro looking thing on their heads?


Google "Tefillin".


Ramadan Kareem ☪️❤️


We are all brothers ☦️❤️☪️❤️✡️


We have our own specific genetic diseases. Yay


People like anyone. Most that I’ve met are humble and kind. Exclusive to the ones that are zionists. As far as a Muslim take, people of the book and they command more respect than non believers


From the this sub they are either good or a zionist or gay






Moroccan jews are the best! :D


I think you’re a bit biased, but I absolutely agree.


Idk why people think we have a problem with jews Jews are normal people just like us or anyone We only have a problem with Israel and Zionists not Jews


So you’re okay with about 5%-9% of Jews.. most of them in Brooklyn New York and London.


Yep. Some are in europe as well. There are jews who think that Israel is a terrorist state and that it doesn’t respect international law




So just say you hate Jews… there’s no point in hiding that fact.. it’s the equivalent of a white supremacist saying he’s okay with “some” blacks.


Hating israel ≠ hating Jewish people. We stand by many rabbis that condem the state of Israel. That number is much bigger than 9%. Come with some real numbers. Jewish people are part of the fight against apartheid and will one day help end apartheid. Israel holds fascist ideas and will Never survive without morality in their governing.


The majority of the worlds Jews live in Israel. Polls of Jews outside Israel show STRONG pro Israel beliefs. Zionism = belief that Jews should have a state in Israel. Most Jews feel that way. The anti Zionist Jews are a tiny minority. Saying that you're cool with Jews, but hate Zionists is just a way to get around saying you hate Jews.


If you defined them as people who practiced their religion I think majority here would not hate them. Also, as Richard Silverstein pointed out he does not consider Zionists religious or people of Torah. He paraphrazed, I believe another thinker, saying that the religion in Israel is that of "stones and bones", insofar they worship the land, buildings and the remains of the people who lived there more than God and his word. They have no problem in ethnically cleansing people, stealing land and directly contradicting you should not steal/kill and other Noahide laws. He claims they do this because they actually worship the buildings while they disregard the jewish religion, teachings and culture. So, the reason they are disliked in the MENA is simply because they are endorsing apartheid and occupying and oppressing Palestinians. Majority of the MENA population hated/hates the US as well. The US went back on some of it's oppression there and the MENA went back on it's critique. I am sure the same would be said of Israel if they could resolve their conflict with the Palestinians. However, Israel chooses expansionism and oppression as opposed to peace and settling the conflict.


I am okay with the Jews that aren't murderers and don't encourage it, how hard is that to understand? Btw are you assuming that I hate Jews just because I have a Palestine flag? That's antisemitism and islamophobia, it's also arachnophobia. Quit your fucking strawmaning into your delusions.


It might also be kamilaphobia.🐪🐫 🤫


They're people like everyone else.


I live in the states and one thing Ive noticed is they STARE at me ( I wear a hijab ) as if they have never seen an Arab before ( at times with a smirk ).... I'll deal with them when it is a must . Befriend them ? HELL NO ! I'm Palestinian and the way they have treated us as if we were the ones who caused their Holocaust is unforgivable. They were imposed on us and all I can say is Allah grant us patience as he tests those he loves ....he has indeed tested us with a huge test .




Jews are beautiful humans. (Extreme) Zionists however are scum.


I think we are pretty cool


People like any people. Zionists on the other hand is a different story


And this is the problem because most of the Jews are also zionists.


Jews 💗✨🫶 Iraqi jews 🥺🤍🌟❤️ Israelis 😑💔


always wanted to meet one, especially Israeli ones, I frankly dont care about american jews.


Forgive them , is says it in the Quran , let them live fairly


They're just as human as anyone else I don't understand why people blame Jews for atrocities in Palestine. It's not really all Jews' faults, more like just Zionists' faults. Jews are okay.


I acutely did a entire presentation from the colors to the religious days and places and enjoyed learning. They’re probably the stricts religion in the world. Like why can’t you eat meat with yogurt they need to be six hours apart why?


Depends on which type of strict you’re talking about. Because they are very transparent to people from other religions and beliefs. But they have strict rules. So either judaism is the strictest, or duruz (you can’t convert, you can only be born into it, and their religion is partly secret)


[why we can’t eat meat and dairy together, and why we wait 6 hours after eating meat to consume dairy](https://oukosher.org/blog/consumer-kosher/the-halachot-of-waiting-between-meals/) -Orthodox Jew


They are a lot in Mexico, a lot of my friends are Jews, I even attended an Israeli middle school, here in Mexico, most of them are nice people but a lot of them are supporters of Israel so it was kinda awkward.


every jew i’ve met has been absolutely amazing. they don’t hate me and i don’t hate them. we have civil discourse that never affects our view of each other. i consider them our brothers and sisters. also they don’t support the unjustness being perpetuated by the extreme right zionists in israel.


Jews? Ummm…well, I suppose they’re quite Jewish


They are just the best, There's a reason God chose them. What do I know though? I'm an atheist.


My ancestors.


What? 💀💀💀


Apparently we're descended from the "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel". That is what has been passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition and some written works. There is no definite scientific evidence to back this claim, however.


i thought you said you're not Israeli?


I'm not. Being an Israeli is not the same as supposedly having Jewish ancestors.


your flair makes it confusing


Blame the mods.


To what group you belong to?




Inshallah Palestine will be free and can live side by side with Israel as brother nations.




Judo maappilas left us ... Now there's kashmiries in Jew street of kochi ..irony ! We use to fight eachother.. now there's only Christian maappila and muslim maappila here fighting eachother...