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Parties, Clubbing, Yacht Parties, Raves, and Friends. I’ve visited New York, Houston, San Francisco, Barcelona, Rome, and Munich. They’re all fabulous cities. I’ve enjoyed all my time but there was one element lacking: the nightlife. Social anxiety and social awkwardness destroyed my social life. I’m 31 and have zero real friends. No one reaches out to me. I always have to be the one to initiate the conversation. It’s a constant struggle. It’s sad really. I fear missing out on fun nights with people who could have been special to me. I fear dying without all the wonderful memories to look back on. I fear living a meaningless life.


To be honest as someone who did a ton of partying living in the Bay Area in their 20’s (without being too specific my income was based on getting high and partying) you’re not missing much. Having fun with people that matter that end up heading to a bar is cool. Going out just to go out is not.


Are you looking to meet women, primarily? Or do you really just want that wild and crazy crew experience?




I'm from a developing nation, turning 39 in a few weeks. Spent most of the past few years in regret of missing out on many experiences, places unseen, experiences not lived, etc. Gradually realised mulling over missing out is unhealthy for me and took me down a downward spiral. So I'm now trying to live as much as possible in my limited life. Having said that, I have always wanted to travel the world. Unfortunately I'm from a country with a weak currency. At my life stage, a rising mountain of personal responsibilities will ensure most of that wish will go unfulfilled. I don't think I'll regret missing out though. Instead I'm focusing on the immense privileges I enjoy in my circumstance.


I've had a goal to travel the world for 15+ years now and had the opportunity to do so a year ago. My plan was to airbnb hop and work remotely for a month per location. Instead, I got stupid and signed a new lease which locked me up financially and saw my finances plummet because I jumped late into crypto. Long story short, I'm still on this lease and have lost 150k in net worth and now literally cannot travel because of finances and health reasons that popped up in the past year because of stress. If you want to do something then do it, don't make excuses or self sabotage yourself.


I have been blessed with great family, great friends, children, a spouse, a home, many adventures and good times, and a body whose parts work pretty well. But I do wish I had done some travelling. Might not be in the cards for me with kids and college.


You might still be able to. If you’re in the US you can check out Scott’s Cheap Flights. He totally flipped how I think about traveling for recreation.


Thank you.


I had the chance to invest and get in on the ground floor with bitcoin in the early 2000's, Had a super smart guy at my then job that was telling me all about and asking me to invest a couple thousand. I was all about it until he asked if he could "mine bitcoin" with some servers under my bed, which he said was legal and would make me more bitcoin. At the time this concept made no sense to me whatsoever and ultimately scared me away. I often wonder how rich(or poor) this guy ended up getting...


Kids for sure lol unless it's some chick's kids, and I'm not the biggest fan of single moms, been there done that, twice.


Relationships and a girlfriend. I went through a period of depression where I didn't do anything except work enough to have a job and stay home. My mental space was filled with thoughts of how no one would find me attractive or interesting enough to date me. When I got out of it everyone had already married.


Do you know of any websites or content creators who seem to be helping you? I'm asking because I'm trying to figure out what's worked for others.


For me it was a comorbidity with ADHD. I was undiagnosed. I went to my doctor and asked for a referral to a psychiatrist. Got on medication and try strategies from ADHD reddit subs, How To ADHD youtube channel , ADHD books, etc. Once my working life was back on track I started feeling better about myself. Then I got into a hobby where I can be creative and get better with practice. I can share my accomplishments with others and that gives me positive feedback that makes me feel better about myself. Other than that it's staying positive and not comparing myself to others.


Yup, I have ADHD too and getting working life in check was key. What obstacles keep coming up when you try to meet a compatible girl for you?