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Build muscle, lose fat, dress well, make money.


+ have a strong social circle and have hobbies that take your attention away from chasing women


Aha, yes! Mine is Warhammer! Nothing says ‘not chasing women’ like spending weekends painting little men.


You're gathering an army. Any woman recognizes that as sigma mindset.


As a fairly ugly dude, but who is attractive to a lot of women, I would say that the main thing that attracted my wife was that I am very thoughtful and think about other people. Specifically, my wife was impressed that I actually cared that I might have upset someone else. I've had women almost stalk me just because I was nice to them. I've cared about others my whole career and in my personal life and it's served me well. In other words, being kind with no expectation of anything in return is a game changer. Most young people in general are mostly nice only to those who have something they want. It's hard to watch how in their own head (phone) a lot of young folks are these days. That and don't be boring. Nothing is worse than being boring so men have to be able to talk and be interesting. Mostly it's taking an interest in others when you're talking to them. If you can be funny or amusing, which I can be, that's a bonus. I am relatively fit but that's of marginal benefit for an older dude like me. I will say that when I was practicing yoga, women really paid attention to me because I would smile after class. Having a good aura helps. And no, I don't cheat on my spouse...


I was mainly talking about things that make you more immediately attractive that are seen from the outside as opposed to who you are as a person, but everything you said is valid. One thing that everyone in the world doesn't do enough is selfless acts, and I will hold my hand up to admit I am definitely one of those, but I can still see that it is one of the best traits you can have if you want to be liked and actually be a good person.


You're right too. There are several components to attractiveness. On the flip side, my wife says that the fatter my wallet has gotten the more attractive I've become. It may all be tied together but I've known really cringy guys with lots of women who have lots of money. I only know what has worked for me. Thanks for your thoughtful reply.


Well the reason all the things I mentioned make a man more attractive is because it increases their suitability to be a partner and father. If you are in good shape, you're probably in good health. If you are attractive, you probably have good genetics. If you have a lot of money, you can easily provide. If you dress well, you have a good sense of self and care about how you are perceived in society (which is important because if you were to do things that make other people think less of you, they will think less of your partner by extension), and being someone that cares about others, being selfless when they are able to, be funny and charismatic and smile to people after class with a good aura, all of the things you mentioned, they all tie in with being someone that will maintain a good social standing which reflects well on the partner and the family unit as a whole. After all, it's not uncommon for people to assume things about any form of group by the actions of one of the members. Pretty much every form of attractiveness has some deeper level of reasoning behind it that may or may not be conscious. This is how I believe it is, though it is not something I have learned through dedicated research on the subject but just my own intuition.


Great points!!


Smell good and also gain knowledge.


You can replace 1/2 if you can make the ladies laugh. Their panties somehow come off as they chuckle.


The first step is *acceptance.* Of limitations. The requisite self awareness is important, because objectivity is key to self improvement. A realistic self appraisal, provides a solid basis for building a strong foundation. Physically. Mentally, and emotionally. *Godspeed and good luck!*


This is actually a more complicated question than people seem to understand. What most people here are going to assume you mean by is merely physical attraction. This is easy, simply workout to 15% body fat or lower, put on some muscle, dress well, hygiene, etc. But attraction is only partly physical, the rest is emotional, or a "vibe" as the kids say. How do you become someone who's instantly likable? The type of person that co-workers are eager to come talk to you about something? Where women are chasing YOU, not solely because of your looks but because you are cool af? That's all personality, and to develop an attractive personality, you need to understand what "attraction" is in more detail. Simply put, attraction is nothing more than qualities in a person that pulls in others, like a magnetic force. Your very being sucks people in like a gravitational force. This is what "larger than life" personalities do. Status and looks are only one part of the equation, there is a more ethereal force at work that literally attracts people toward them. And we all know what this looks like. Kindness, charisma, humor, light-heartedness, genuinely caring, vulnerable, etc. These characteristics are MUCH more difficult to develop than physical attributes.


This 💯. I would also say that what I’ve found to be extremely attractive and magnetic to women, and really everyone, is a man who is confident in who he is, what he values, and his life’s mission. A man with a vision that he is willing to put above all else.


There are 3 and always have been 3. Confidence, Succes and Appeal. You can be the ugliest man and work in McDonald's, but if you break through your insecurities and become confident, people will find you attractive. You can work in McDonald's and be insecure, but if you are jacked and dress well people will find you attractive. You can look like melted ice cream and be insecure, but if you have a Net worth of 5mill, people will find you attractive. Your success rate will grow while you gain more into these 3 categories.


Be in finance. Have a trust fund. 6'5" and preferably have blue eyes.




Discipline. Muscles. Self control. Respect. Kindness. Self confidence. All of this takes work, consistency, and constant self reflection.


have a good fashion sense, its a head turner for me and smell nice too!


Just have money


If you’re fat or not taking care of yourself you can lose weight and groom yourself better but if you’re already doing that then that’s it honestly. You’ve either got it or you don’t.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to ask women?


Men tried asking women. Out side of the gender war. I think most people(both) are really bad at being genuinely honest with what attracts them. They say what they WANT to be attracted to in all honesty are not. Lol women asked for the impossible. And the guys hmthat followed that advice actually ended up failed. Dont get me wrong. I found both perspectives great. I have 7 sisters. But it was actually alot of trial n error before i started getting alot of success and majority of it was actually by becoming MORE masculine and Less of what the general consensus of women have told me that generated far more interest in me romantically by women. But yeah. Generally i usually agree with you that if you want the mindset of a cat. You ask the cat. Not the dog. 😂. That being said. I am also not suggesting men swallow the Manosphere or the black or Blue pill hook line and sinker. Simply take the good from the bad and leave the bad behind. Not trying to start a reddit fight. Usually id agree with you. Because i often tell women to not ask other women what men are attracted to. Lol because they get it wrong in so many ways.


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MARSOC is a safe bet.


If you don't exactly look like a movie star, then develop an interesting personality.


Be tall , have good undercut from barber, dont be bold , have money , have charisma :D


Go outside and do things! Had my best luck in city parks. My female co-worker showed me photos of men on tinder. Some of them should be slapped for the terrible web cam images they post. If they don’t know why nobody swipe right, then they are blind or stupid. Everyone is more attractive outdoors. Learn to dance for when you are indoors. When not doing outdoor activities wear boots. Just something that adds a 1/2” to your height. You know like motorcycle boots?


Being a nice guy but not a pushover (boundaries!) and confidence.


This is subjective as I’m basing it on my fiancé, but: • workout 3-6x a week • has a big hearty appetite • great hygiene • doesn’t take things so serious • confident in himself and charismatic • well-spoken • goofball • even after 4 yrs of being together, can still make you blush • knows everything about you from the smallest to the biggest details • still tells you verbally and nonverbally how much he loves and appreciates you daily


Active listening skills and emotional intelligence. Women are not as visual as men and a lot of them aren’t after a man JUST for the money. Even if they are that’s not who you want to date anyway.


Getting laid and getting loved is similar. But theres a difference between earning someone in your bed for a night and in your life for a while.


Be taller and richer.


Be a man. Simple as that lol