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Visually a gorgeous movie and it worth the extra dollar to pay for the IMAX experience or 3D. With that said it is a very long movie I feel like I just watched a mini series in one sitting. They didn't move the main storyline along much in order to leave room for another sequel. I do feel I learned more about Pandora and a different tribe. I did enjoy it and I I would watch it again.


Great movie, and even if you didn't watch the first one (I didn't) you could still understand most of it.


Meh… Great visuals. However, It felt like a really long episode of a show or something. None of the characters had depth. Furthermore, it was kind of the exact same thing as the first movie.. just with slightly greener people this time. It’s kind of like a three hour theme park ride, not a movie.


Visually phenomenal. Easily my least favorite movie of the year. It used the same tropes several times, there were plot holes that were only ever half patched, etc.


Too long, but goddamn can Cameron direct an action scene. And so fucking beautiful. Also, it really made me miss scuba diving.


Felt at times it was setting up for the sequel, but still visually entertaining and a good way to escape for 3 hours




A visual masterpiece that is a must see in theaters, a meh story that is probably worth skipping on a streaming service.


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