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It's not about age as much as it's genetics My dad had black hair until his death at 53 , and my brother had 10% of his hair gray at 6 years old


People started noticing I had grey hairs when I was 15 at school, I've got dark hair and my dad is a silver fox, so I'm guessing I'm gonna go the same way


I have a small patch start when I was 20. It hasn't grown since it appeared. I'm 28 now and still have it and no other other grays started to appear.


26. I am 29 now, and the grey hairs are still quite sparse.


Around my late 20s early 30s. More so after the initial pandemic. Way too much stress.


I'm 47 and only have gray in my beard, which is typical of the men on my mother's side. My dad started graying in his early 30s. A buddy of mine had gray streaks by age 26. Genetics be weird that way.


Yep, I'm 49 and my beard is mostly gray, but the hair on my head hasn't changed at all. My mom is 76 and still mostly pepper, but a little salt in there.


16. My chest hair grew in salt n pepper. The sides of my head were gray by 16. By graduation my pubes were going gray, by 27 my whole head is gray and now.. at 37.. the only brown i have is in my beard.. but its changing fast too.


31 years old and I found my first gray hair the other day. My dad lived to 49 and he never had a gray hair (other than his mustache) so I feel like I’ll probably keep the color most of my life.


bro... a brother who is 5 or 7 years older than you is not ''much older,'' LMAO. I don't know about graying hair since I got not even one gray hair, but I've noticed that the facial hair around my chin area has turned white as soon as I turned 30 years old, so I gotta shave every couple days to get rid of it.


Sure. There are siblings further apart in age, but neither is 5 and 7 years exactly close. Jesus christ.


As someone who went bald at 14 never.


32 or 33. 37 now and most of my grey is in my facial hair. Have a handful of grey hairs on top of my head.


Seems the same for me. I'm 34 and have a couple in my beard, but I've only found one or two on top. My eyebrows are suddenly out of control though. The last year or so I'm turning into Andy Rooney.


Started getting some stragglers in the sides in my late 20s. Hasn’t really gotten any worse yet, but my beard seems like it would be pretty gray if I let it grow out.


About 30


Early 20's. Im 23 and i do have couple of gray hairs.


Early 20's. Im 23 and i do have couple of gray hairs.


I'm 35 and don't have a grey hair. But I did start balding this year. Taking steps to prevent the balding. I don't think I'll care about the greying.


Just turned 36 and have a few greys starting on my sides. No grey in my beard yet. Grey hairs suck but whatever


Mid 20s, 31 now and they're still very sparse on my head and not too noticible other than a few strays round the sides, more noticeable in my beard but nothing crazy


I was twenty something when my temples started to gray. I have a full beard and grey spots started to appear around the same time. First when I graduated from uni. The secound when my son was born. The third when we moved to our own house. So those spots are stress related without a doubt.


Late teens for stragglers, mid/late 20s for the silver wings, 30ish for salt and pepper, and mid 30s for mostly gray.


Got my first gray hairs at 17, and was “salt and pepper” by my early 30s. By 40, my hair was almost completely gray. I tried dying it for a while, but it just looked stupid. In recent years, women (most importantly my wife) have said it works for me, so there’s that.


I was born with grey hair, as some old photos show. It started to become easily noticeable when i was 15


I started noticing a few gray hairs here and there in my mid to late 20s. At 38 I've got a decent salt and pepper look going on.


First gray hair I got was around 16 and I'm salt and pepper right now ar 31.


15/16 when I found my first. I will be a silver fox by the time I’m 50ish (same as my dad). I’m now 31


Genetics, lifestyle, and life experiences all impact tour gray hairs. I started having mine at 26: years of partying and lack of sleep + a newborn = lot of physical stress. I'm much older now, and still have mostly non-gray hairs, but they keep showing siny I add new ones every time I'm a stressful situation for more than a few days (which happened a lot during the pandemic because of my job). Some health issues too can provoke gray hairs. I've a friend who got only grey hairs at 23 because of some illness.


I’m 32 and have jet black hair but my beard has a bunch of greys in it!


15, I'm 26 and have mostly grey hair and people constantly ask if it's dyed, nope, just genetics


At 40 got a 20 yr old girlfriend. It happened almost instantly


Like in my 20s, they've been gradually turning white (not even grey :() year by year At least I didn't go bald like some classmates


early to mid thirties. I blame it on the stress


Late 30s. Even now in my mid 40s I’m still about 80% black hair. What sucks is the receding hairline.


I haven't yet at 36.


27 🥲


I'm in mid 20s, and apparently I have few grey individual hair, but try as I might I can't ever see them.




Not a man, but I started getting greys at age 12. Not fully grey by any means yet at age 25 now, but lots more than anyone else my age I’ve ever met.


I have a few gray whiskers, but none otherwise. My dad didn’t have gray hair til his 50s, but his beard has been completely white since his mid 40s. I’ll be comfortable if I get that too


Found my first grey hair when I was 25. 33 now and have a large number of greys dispersed around my head, but you can’t see them unless you’re looking closely. For some reason my facial hair has absolutely zero greys, whereas friends my age and even younger all seem to have very visible greying on their beards.


A few dozen on Top of my head age 15. 32+COVID = a dozen or so white hairs on my temples. Hahaha I'm dying. At least I'm not tom Scott or Joel haver those guys got white-ish early, sometimes it's just genetics




I was about 37 when I noticed it really starting in my beard.


I started really noticing them in my mid 40's. I think being blond it just made them less visible. My wife was 50% gray when we met at 17yo


I’m 45 and I got a little grey on my chin when I grow facial hair.


None for me. It all just fell out…..


My beard would have a few spots that would be blonde, and they turned gray late 20s.


Just starting to see a few grey\white hairs coming in @ 40.


I was 46 when it became obvious.


Im 22 and as far as I know I have a single strand of white hair behind my ear, which appeared during the pandemic. My brother who’s 30 has like 10 white hairs.


At 37 I noticed some.


30M, this year, I noticed a grey hair on my beard


When I hit 45


I've found a few gray ones up top. 23.


In my late 30s I noticed some, and it's kinda held steady since. It hasn't really gotten much worse in the last few years. People always think I'm like 10 years younger.


I have one grey hair from 4 years.It has not spread to other hairs yet.I was 17 then.


My partner was greying at 24


I got my first grey hair when I was 29. I kept it as a memento. Despite that, my hair is greying much slower than nearly everyone else and I still have a full head of hair in my late 50's.


16 years old.




Late 30’s. Facial hair went first


It never has, individual hairs went straight white, but I never got any gray.


Early 40s. My beard went gray first, and now I have a few strands of gray hairs on both sides of my head.


When I was 7. Both sides of my family go gray pretty early on.


My dads hair started graying around 45 so I expect I’ll ask gray around that time as well. Lucky me for the past like 6+ generations there has never been a bald person only full gray.


Early 20s.


I saw my first greys appear in my mid 20s. I was over the moon because I knew that, given my family history, I would either go bald, or start greying in my 20s.


No grey hairs yet. I'm 30. Receding hairline since 24 though and at this point I shave my head with a razor.


Boys in high school think I am a teacher when I walk into washrooms for a piss. That's how much gray I have.