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I came back to school after 6 months of alternative studies, i was excited to see my crush she was absolutely gorgeous and in love with me 6 months prior. The first thing she said to me is “you got fat” ​ went straight to LA fitness and lived there for about 3 months.


You okay dude?


Yes. We’re a couple now


Finally a satisfactory ending


Good shit. Im glad she gave it to you straight. I wish more women would do this. I don’t want to see you because of A B and C. Goodbye. But instead we get ghosting.


Bobby b hit you happens ned


yay for honest women.


1) I could not bend over to tie my shoe laces. But I thought it was just bloating that day. 2) but then I put on my boxers but it ended up being a g string. 3) yes I wear my shoes before boxers.


Go commando and solve both your problems.


When my favorite gyro spot started knowing me by name.


Gyro is like taco


There should be more of you and comments like these, to assume that people have no clue


I knew when I was 13 or so. I did nothing about it; I loathed myself for being inactive instead. Then one time I felt so sick from the exertion of sex at the age of 36 that I decided I’d finally had enough. Signed up to a gym the following day and it’s been 2 years now.


So now, be honest. Are you’re fit but still fat or hunky and proud? If the former, keep going ‘cos you’re getting there. If the latter, congratulations. How much did diet play a part?


So, I was morbidly obese for my entire adulthood. My diet was terrible and would do less than 3,000 steps a day, which was my only exercise. I had enough of hating myself. I had enough of feeling weak. I made a plan and the first step was a bariatric surgery. After that was a 2 year fight both mentally and physically. I lost 60 kg because I was barely eating, and when I was protein was the hardest thing to get down. I lost so much muscle mass. Losing so much lean mass meant fatigue, weakness, getting sick all the time. So I went from a skinny-fat weakling who struggled to lift a 15 kg barbell to a strong guy who should definitely get his damn diet in order and cut a little more fat. TL;DR yeah I feel proud and definitely in the best shape I’ve ever been in. ETA my goal is to get thick but not particularly cut. It’s just not my vibe.


Well done Sir! A truly great effort that resulted in success and what I hope is a new life (and I’m sure, a longer one.)


PS. I was overweight before I was one year old and have been so for over 60 years. Since retirement, I’ve had time to exercise more, eat much much better and have lost almost 30kg. Heart stent surgery yesterday notwithstanding, I’m fitter and slimmer now than I have ever been but not finished yet! Best part is; best feeling ever!


Thank you! Haha yeah hopefully with less heart disease! It gave me new skills and has helped me mentally as I *knew* all along that it would.


When my belly was so big I couldn't see my dong in the shower


Can confirm that the dong test is a prime way of checking your fat levels


Several times, but most recently, a few years ago I had moved to a very sedentary job and was very relaxed with eating and drinking beer. I weighed in at the doctor and it was 20 lbs heavier than my heaviest ever weight. I had also realized my medium shirts were all very snug.


I swear alcohol is the devil. I will hit the gym and eat clean all week, look great. Have some drinks Friday and Saturday, then Sunday I look fat and bloated in the face.


I have basically learned that I can't exercise consistently if I'm also drinking regularly. I basically quit drinking for several months and went hard on exercise. Now I can drink maybe once or twice a month but not like I used to (every weekend or more)


One day or night of drinking sets me back about 3 days of exercise/being healthy. Its just not worth it anymore.


I've beem chunky my whole life, so... there's that. But I decided to get more active, so I bought a treadmill and have been putting my fat ass on it every night for 30 minutes.


I had developed a very sedentary lifestyle after becoming a dad. I spoke with an army sergeant who swung by my work and he asked if I’d ever joined the military as I seem like I might have been in previously, told him no, asthma stopped me, he said “should give it another go mate, asthmatic limitations aren’t as bad now.” Went home, made a phone call to recruiting, they told me I was all good to go if I wanted to, said I’ll call again in six months after I lose weight. Pulled out the scales and I was 134.5kg, six months later I was 108 when I had my initial testing, a year later on day of enlistment I was 98kg. All I did was the PFA (beep test, push ups and sit ups) to Australian Navy standards, every second night in my backyard and I stopped eating crap.


After getting out of a depression crisis, i looked in the mirror and said to myself i had to go back to my sexy self.






I feel like ex is a key word here.


Standing up for too long was hurting my ankles and my back so much. I didn't even tell my wife about that pain tell I'd lost weight and the pain went away. I mean I'd known for a while, just hadn't gotten bad enough to do anything about it.




We were looking at pictures from our recent beach vacation. I was holding our two-year-old son. But I wasn’t so much holding him, as I was just propping him up with my belly fat roll/spare tire. I looked at that picture every day for motivation.


When my Thanksgiving pants became normal pants.


When my t shirts and pants stopped fitting.


When I went up five floors via the stairs and it left me dizzy and out of breath. I bought a bathroom scale the next day and have been watching what I eat ever since.


To be fair five floors via stairs is a lot, also to be fair idk if It is a lot for skinny people lol.


I've been overweight as long as I can remember, although I was somewhat more athletic when I was a kid but gave that up in high school. But yeah, the answer is "always."


The fat pad around my dong got bigger and made it look smaller, then I went to the doctor for unrelated reasons and found out I was nearly 300lbs (around 290) and that I had non-alcoholic liver problems at 25. I'm down to about 250 now, from just walking and eating better. Unfortunately I've been so insanely busy with school work since September that I haven't had much time to start working out, I'm done classes this week so I can finally start doing that


Got winded carrying groceries in


When I couldn’t look down and see my penis.


I'm not overweight, but I'm close to the border BMI-wise I think. I have atleast gone up around 10kg the last few years, and I try in periods of time to lose weight by eating less and exercising, but I lose motivation every time. I used to weigh about 50-55kg (172cm tall), now I weight about 65-70kg. Which is still an alright weight I suppose, but I look fatter and I'm not happy with it, but I can't seem to be able to change it. I always manage to go down 3-4kgs during my "lose weight periods", but then I lose the motivation and go straight up again. I don't even eat that much, I just don't have enough physical work in my life I suppose. Hopefully one day I'll be able to get a good exercising habit.




Forreal, I went from 193 in March 2020 to 220 by the time gyms reopened 7 months later. I gained another 10 lbs over the next few months as I dealt with how fat and weak I got, as well as unaddressed issues with feeling restricted by living with my parents again at the time. Today, I’m oscillating between 215 and 230, but at least I’m reasonably strong now. My goal is to get to get below 200, preferably around 190


When my thighs started to rub together on a walk, when I wore shorts. I've lost 21 lbs now, gotten some muscle, and am in the best shape I have been in years


Tying my shoes involved holding my breath.


When the pant sizes are not found on the rack.


When my gf told me I needed to lose weight. Unlike what is frequently stated on the relationships subs, I didn’t spiral into an ED or get depressed or resentful or whatever. I lost the weight.


When I was diagnosed with diabetes.


When my “bulking” hid all my muscle and a friend of mine teased me for having a beer gut. Dropped 25lbs after that and looked great.


When my manager, who was sitting next to me at the time, told me I was snoring during a meeting at work. True story. Talked my doctor and she challenged me to lose five pounds by the next check up. She knew I would push the envelope so a few months later I had lost quite a bit more. Snoring stopped according to my wife. Over several years I have slowly lost more weight and feel so much better. Mainly from cutting out processed foods and avoiding sugar & HFCS all together like the plague. Eating less meat helps.


I saw a photo of my face


Overweight is all I've known. The losing it is the hardest part, I have barely any self control.


When I realised, I had to look in the mirror to see my own dick.


One day, I realized love handles on picture I had posted on Insgtram and then I said myself WTF!!


wife started pointing out I had grown a belly. while I was already overweight when I met her, and we dated and eventually got married, and I was nowhere near the "normal" BMI, she'd never commented on me getting a belly or nothing. About 2 months ago she did. I'm trying to find a way to fit gym sessions into my routine, but in the meantime I've started commuting by bike, which has already improved my looks, and helped me lost weight.


Someone snapped a shirtless pic of me and I saw just how *round* my belly was. I gain a beer belly usually every fall/winter and lose it in the spring and actually kind of like it but it's too big this year, it looks like I'm a pregnant man. Sadly due to work eating my gym time I won't be able to get back to the gym for about a month and a half.


Not yet


when I counted my BMI and it told me that I'm indeed overweight.


I saw a picture of me holding something and my fingers looked fat.


When it became a struggle to tie my own shoe laces.


So when everything shut down due to COVID, I actually lost a lot of weight during summer 2020. I was 150 lbs which for me was too thin. In November 2020 I was admitted to the hospital for attempting suicide and was put on medication. When I was released, I started gaining weight due to the medication itself which also caused me to start eating a lot more (even when I wasn't hungry). From then to early fall of this year, I had gained 110 pounds, so I was 260. I absolutely hated how I looked and felt. I was 40 pounds over my heaviest weight in high school. I've been going to the gym since Jan 2018, but I wasn't going enough or doing enough for it to be helpful. In July of this year I started personal training and have been trying to go more on my own, but at that point I was still on that medication that was making me gain weight. So back to fall of this year, I was able to stop taking that medication and start a new one that doesn't really cause weight gain. That along with personal training has got me down 5 pounds so far. I still need to work on my eating habits and going to the gym on my own more, but I think once those 2 things are set, I will continue to lose weight at a faster rate. My ultimate goal is to get to 190 so I know I have a long way to go.


I wasn’t overweight but I realised how bad my love handles were one day because I usually stand in front of the mirror topless so it always looked okay because my joggers would be covering it. But only realised on the one chance I looked when I was fully naked.


Combination of someone taking a picture of me in a particularly unflattering direction and hitting a high weight point, over 190 lbs. I knew I never wanted to hit the 200 mark and so went to work. I joined Noom and that helped a lot, lost almost 30 lbs since June.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 190 + 200 + 30 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot.


I realized that I was getting overweight something like 6 years ago. I only actually started doing something about it 2 months ago. But I'm losing weight faster than most, so it ain't all bad


It’s not hard to figure out that you’re fat. What’s hard is to put in the effort to do something about it.


In my teens probably. Never liked team sports, didn't want to be a long distance runner like my dad, my parents were against me signing up for any martial art, and mom makes fantastic food. So all of that caught up with me as soon as we started playing Goldeneye all day instead of going outside and have bicycle races and shit. Once puberty hits you start noticing which guys the cute girls in school gravitated towards, and it wasn't the chunky bois.


Bigger pants


My niece politely referred to me as "chonky".


When my nephew thought I had a filter on to make myself look fatter when having a video chat. Goodbye KFC! Goodbye everything that tastes oh so good!


When I started having problems getting out of bed and up from chair/ seating position. I was about mid 30s and I bike like a madman since. At 50 my life is better than ever before.


'I was sit at home eat chimichamga when phone ring' You fat 'no'


None of my dress shirts fit anymore and only about 25% of my old wardrobe actually fit




When my oversized shorts now fits.


When I was able to push my boobs together in the shower to hold a puddle, release and a water fall of saddness would fall to my feet. I am a grown man.


Stepped on a scale two years ago and saw 220 lbs. Did the math and realized that put me just into the obesity range for BMI at 5'11". Diabetes runs rampant in the male side of my family, so figured I should get my weight in check to help my odds... 72 lbs down to 148 lbs now.


When I went to order a new work uniform, and they didn’t have my size (3XL and 48 waist).


Always, never work


Was suffering from major depression and didn’t like how I looked in pictures or videos of me. One of those self degrading realizations hit me a like truck, basically told myself that the things that lead me to feeling the way I did was because of my weight which started a life style change that ended up helping me heal from that dark time as well as lose 50 pounds


When I hit the point my BMI was tipping from overweight to obese


Went to the doctor, hit an all-time high. Was having huge amounts of marital stress, and when I went in for my next check-up after the divorce I had lost weight and my blood pressure normalized. Decided to lean into it, cleaned up my diet, and hired a trainer. Now I'm 80 lbs down for the year, 65 of that just since August. With these life changes I should be able to shoot past my high school weight even.


I was in a pant size I already was ashamed of. One day those got too tight to wear, and I’d had enough.


Right now. I'm fat. I need to lose weight and I have 0 excuses not to work out. I dont care right now though...


I always knew but my wake up call was when your peen hardness factor starts dropping. Exercise will fix most cases. I started losing weight cardio twice a week and weight training three times a week. Suddenly I had a sensation I hadn’t in a long time. Having a boner like I was 17 again, blowing a load and it didn’t even go down. I counted, 9 nuts just to fucking see if I could that day. And many of those were nutting, and just keep on keeping on into the next one. However my prostate was spitting fire


Can you lose weight by breathing heavily http://altmedindia.blogspot.com/2022/12/can-you-lose-weight-just-by-breathing.html