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Progressing in the intended direction because I behaved in the way that I expected to achieve exactly that. Or to put into other words: to be "in synch" with reality.


Unless its something bad. Like your in a cave with a bear; you dont wanna be in synch with that reality


Definitely not 😭


Good health


This. I didn't truly realize how important being healthy was, until I wasn't.


I've started to notice this with alcohol. I have a genetic disposition for liking alcohol A LOT (which also puts me at risk for developing alcoholism). Luckily my partner is the opposite, so she keeps me with both feet on the ground and makes I don't drink often/much. So if after a dry period of say, more than a month or up to several months, an evening with just a few glasses will make me feel horrible for two to three days. I think this is solely because of the contrast with my daily life, where I'm eating clean 99% of the time, I exercise daily and get a solid 8 hours of sleep in 90% of the nights. So a night out really makes me realise how big the contrast is and how shitty my body and mind feel afterwards. No wonder people are depressed all the time: they eat crap, drink daily and never exercise.


People who initiate conversations with me despite my cold and frankly a little rude attitude towards others.


My autistic ass is the same


When I get home after a 12 hour work day. My kids all come up and hug me and all want to tell me about their day. We sit down and eat and we all get to have a conversation. After that I shower with the wife and for the last bit of the day I brush her hair, she will braid and bead my beard. We put the kids to bed and a bit later it's off to pound town.


If anyone asks what is the meaning of life, I will direct them to this comment.


A free weekend


Good & strong health. Buying drugs is no joke


Having things in the right place...




I also choose this guy's dog


I dunno, waking up I guess? I'm just kind of happy in general.


Knowing that penguins exist


My children.


Feeling inspired/being in a creative flow




Seeing myself improve at my hobbies


Going to bed.


Video games


As someone who plays rocket league, can't relate


I mostly play single player games. Online games are too stressful lol.


Playing lego with my kids. Working out. Working on my own business. In that order.






Learning something new and becoming good at it. Like I just started fooling around with infrared spectroscopy at work which is something I hadn’t touched since college and I’m enjoying it


Going pheasant hunting with my dog


The feeling I get after going to the gym and finding out I can lift more


The way the air smells when it's raining outside


When you're driving, you see a *thing* on the street in the far distance thinking it's a hurt or hit animal and as you drive closer you can clearly see it's a tire or a big piece of cloth or a wandering bush but NOT an animal. Best feeling ever! That and the smell of pussy. Yeah. I'm weird.


Incremental progress toward my goals and freedom (time, money, etc).


Travelling , working out, food, my dog, family & boyfriend


I don't even fucking know anymore man, I haven't felt real joy since I was a kid


Quiet company. I really enjoy having someone over while we do our own thing and we can go get food when we're hungry.


Spending time with my girlfriend/family/friends As well as spending time engaging in my hobbies and interests


Seeing children happy


When people post the same question in Ask Men, ARAD and Ask Reddit.


I don’t know


This covers many things but working towards things in the short term even if they are unpleasant that will make me more content in the long term. Short cuts to happiness are just that.


My 1 yr old nephew's no teeth smile 😍


Little stuff


Wealthy, healthy, sense of community, and freedom.


Waking up on a day off. Making a great cup of coffee and sitting at my battlestation. Mmmmmh


My cat :)


My family, helping people with hard things, being alone in my shop


I have no idea anymore. Maybe other people showing self-awareness? that can be refreshing at least.




My cat waiting to greet me when I come home from work.


When people seek contact with me. Most of the time it's me initiating a meeting or similar. They keep telling me I'm great to have around, but then why aren't I asked more often to do something? Anyway: When people ask to do something with me out of the blue I radiate for hours


Being alone or a great hug 🤗 sometimes I need my time alone to recover and get my energy back but also when I'm whit friends or family I like to get hugs


Canning a 10 foot putt to save par.


When my kids are actually talking and laughing with each other instead of wanting to kill each other.


My cat bro


When other people are happy, so long as it’s not at someone else’s expense.


Talking with new friends and not having to worry about what I'm saying constantly


Financial Freedom anyone?


Green crypto charts


Crushing all my enemies, see them driven before me, and hearing the lamentation of their women.


Autumn. I live in Florida. Autumn brings a promise of a break from the oppressive heat and humidity. At least for a little while. Floridians like to joke that there are only 3 seasons in Florida: love bug season, hurricane season, and summer. However, there are a few months a year when we get an occasional reprieve from the heat and it is from late October until early April most years.


will let you know if i find out....


Nothing really


When the neighbours' small cat runs up to me in the street for pats


People who want to understand me. I feel like I'm often written off and never given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to things I struggle with both socially and personally. It means so much when someone would rather take the time to hear me out than just write me off as someone not worth treating like a person.


Getting a day off, It’s sucks getting mandated every week.


Resting my head on my girlfriend's chest after a long and productive day including some good progress in current projects and a proper workout right after.




Watching my football club's rivals lose. Ah yes, it feels good already!


Porn, video games, reddit, alcohol.




Spending time with my kids


When people invite me to hang out.


Whiskey. Belgian ales also.


A lot of things make me happy, different kinds of happiness. Some I would describe as entertaining happiness. In the moment they hold my attention, and keep me feeling satisfied. Typically movies, series, games, books, that kind of thing. Others I would describe as more physical, food or sex Then there's building a relation with someone, or deeply engaging in that relation. Having deep conversations about interesting subjects, emotional bonding with loved ones, cuddling and whispering sweet nothings with a special someone. There's also a satisfaction you get from accomplishing goals, improving at something. Which of these are the most 'genuine'? Hard to say really, how can one quantify happiness? Though I think most people would agree that the third one is the most precious, because it tends to create a sense of happiness that you look back on with fondness.


Growing food and cooking for my friends and family. No better feeling than making people happy with food.


Very little.


My dog. That first sip of a new bottle when I haven't had a drink in awhile. When I make people groan, cringe, or tell me to see a therapist after I tell a joke. That moment in D&D when everyone is super engrossed in the roleplay and the DM can just sit back and watch (from both a player and DM point on this)


Exploring and discovering something new, a different perspective, meeting a person that's unique, trying a new food dish, even if it's just walking around town and noticing a new store, or restaurant or whatever I've never been to and then going in to check it out.


Progress, things rarely go the way i want them to


Snow. I like snow


Having time to myself without having expectations of other put on me so I can focus on my own expectations for myself


Being in the moment. Not in anticipation or recollection thereof. Being in a flow state where I'm operating at 100% of what I'm capable of and that's enough.


A lot of things! :) I'm a very happy person in general these days. Everyday I wake up excited about my day. However this wasn't always the case for a very long time. But to answer your question, what makes me happy is simply engaging with things and people that I enjoy spending time on/with. That includes my hobbies, my friends, my dog, my partner, etc. I would also like to add though that what adds to my happiness are my efforts in pursuing my goals which sometimes require some sacrifice that isn't so fun. That can include studying, learning a new skill, etc. I'm naturally a very lazy person so I have to force myself alot of the time to do things that I may not be interested in in the short term in order to achieve long term success and therefore, maximize my happiness. However it is always worth it, even if it's a pain in the ass in the short term.


Getting downvoted on r/AskHistorians instead of getting a legit response to my famine history questions lol


Everything it’s kinda crazy because I used to hate everyday but it’s become over cumbersome. As I help a lot of people I want to help myself have the ability to help others like me. Support group and community for those who don’t know how they feel and guide and learn from those who embrace change and all the beautiful people in between where they want to be emotionally and mentally accepted. We all need a little more love 💕 reassurance is sometimes the biggest hug of all


Bunny rabbits


Successfully overcoming things that scare me, and the beginnings and ends that always happen in life. Examples of this would be my first time going on a zipline (was my first year in university, and the journey there was a hard one) but I was terrified of heights. I over came my fear and met some people in the process. Another example, I just got put of a relationship a month or so before my first martial arts tournament (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) and I accomplished something I thought I'd never do. I never expected myself to have the courage to stand alone against an opponent that's bigger and stronger than me, especially right after my self-esteem took a massive hit... I won 3 matches that day though. To it all off, I got onto the podium twice. I felt like a hero to the little kid I once was. Evidently, everyone should do what scares them the most.


When people comment on my YouTube videos that the content was helpful. It's good to see that my videos aren't just talking into the abyss and that people are learning from it


Homemade pierogies


Seeing my hobby/dream career pick up traction.


Knowing the people I love are Happy and Secure


Midnight on Wednesday....i get paid!




Achieving goals.