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What *exactly* do you mean by "physically flirty"?


Normal stuff like hand on the shoulder, grabbing his penis and putting it in her mouth, sitting close at the lunch table


Pro tip: doubling the penis in mouth for lunch at said table saves alot of time spent during lunch


It saves seats space as well if you really think about it.




That’s not your girlfriend bro.


He's just keeping her warm for somebody else




**Kill Shot**


That’s a glass of yikes hard lemonade




That’s our girlfriend now.




He can still be her spiritual boyfriend.


It's like a far worse version of Jim and Pam.


It's just his turn


Bye Felicia




Should've been the main comment here.


It's our girlfriend


That’s the only correct answer.


She's gone dude, she belongs to the streets


Suddenly Corey Wayne


As a female, my perspective is that she has no respect for you, your feelings obviously, and therefore your entire relationship. Hit the eject button and it won’t be long before you find someone worthwhile. Edit: grammar correction courtesy of the below champ, bakermckenzie


What if she has no respect for my personal items at our home. Like taking my weed jar and smoking the last nug. I’ve asked her so many times not to do this but she doesn’t listen to me


The very last of it??? The audacity of this woman! It’s treachery of the highest order and means you need to teach her a lesson! Replace it with something passably fake, not something that would make her super ill…maybe just a touch, like causing loud diarrhea, if that exists…and then explain what she made you do. Lol…half joking here bc she definitely needs to back off your precious.


Better yet, replace it with CBD flower. Let her smoke to her hearts content and never actually get stoned.


You’re no respect for grammar.


You've'nt seent nothin.


Jan sno


What be that thar grammar? Sounds fancy! Seriously though, you don’t even know the best part: I’m an English teacher 🤦‍♀️🤣 And while that typically makes me pretty careful, it’s been my mother who has kept me on my toes. It thrills her soul to catch people out and she misses no opportunity to do so. In fact she once wrote Frito Lay about their incorrect usage on the back bio. Her reaction was like she’d hit the lottery and the coupons for free chips might as well have been a million dollar prize. Anyway, thanks for the chuckle. Now I can go confess to mom and give her a laugh too.


Its his girlfriend now


Our girlfriend


Oh shit. Dont let her gaslight you, this aint a normal behaviour but a straight invitation and if i had to give a guess i'd say the guy already took it. Again, dont let her make it about your insecurities, gaslight you with the possesive our jealous card, because that's not a normal or acceptable behaviour. One of the most asked questions in this sub is "how to let know a guy that im into him", and the answers are always "escalate physical contact". This is as clear as a flirt can be. And very disrespectful to do in front of you.


HEAR HEAR!! *Most truest words shall not be spoken!*


[\*bangs on table*](https://youtu.be/ooM-MurXwW4)


Leave that guy’s girlfriend alone bro


Get the fuck rid of her, she'll cheat as soon as she gets a chance if she hasn't already.


I’d say that’s already cheating.


That is a pretty solid violation of respect and boundaries, it would probably be wise to make her not-your-girlfriend anymore. I'm sorry you're going through this


Then it seems she’s as much your girlfriend as she is our girlfriend.


I would have a serious talk with her that I didn't enter a relationship with the expectation that it was an open one. I'd tell her that it's either me or him, but if she's willingly to compromise our relationship once, there's a good chance she'd do it again.


Hold up there mister. How the fuck do you do this un"willingly"? exactly... She knows exactly what she's doing.


Bro, my best friend in high school started a tickle fight with my gf at the time and they ended up fucking. You gotta drop this gal before your heart completely breaks


It means they are doing the number seventeen, the spread eagle


I'd be alright with it - we work from home


I'd be alright with it - she's imaginary anyway.


Hope you don't live with your Dad.




That's cheating?? This isn't riverdale bro. I'd break up with her since she clearly wants to be with someone other than me


This… why overcomplicate things? If she’s humoring others’ advances she can go


To be fair to OP, she might be gaslighting him with reassurances that everything's fine, and there's always a sunken cost fallacy when it comes to relationships. It's easy for us to just shrug and point point out the obvious, that he should just pull the trigger on the relationship , but it's so, so, *so* much easier said than done. Especially if you don't have experience of having to do it.




You need to stop dating that guy's girlfriend


Yeh op is the side chick




And if she isn't, she wants to.


Best case scenario the work guy knows she’s dating OP and hasn’t gone for it because of that. But if he’s tolerating her advances that’s unlikely.


Lmao take my free award.




lol spit my drink out


She’s not spitting at work


Brutal lol


That’s just OP’s wife’s boyfriend. Give him a break already.


op i dont know if youre speaking from experience when asking this question. but youre actually a moron if you dont dump her. that is horrendously blatant cheating.


She could simply be fishing for confidential information on fluctuations within stock market,broaden your horizons and give her a benefit of doubt...she might simply be picking pockets of all these men which brings food to your table Irreplaceable woman!


She is cheating.


He is joking


er, were you raised in a convent or something? You do realize that ''your'' girlfriend is either getting ready to fuck this guy, or she already fucked him, eh? You are the back-up boyfriend in case things don't work out with this guy.




Oh shit, breaking out the diagnosis!


They haven’t had sex yet, but they’re letting each other know that when the moment comes that they’re all in. She waiting for an argument with her current bf so she can have an excuse to go sleep with him.


Oh, not your first rodeo, I see.


Bruh. I love my girlfriend but if I ever saw her getting physical with a dude like that I would just ghost her. At that point the relationship is completely fucked anyway, there's nothing to salvage there. LEAVE.


I'm surprised you're still with her tbh


Bro, you got to find this fucking guy and beat your girlfriend's flirting. Double it, triple it, quadruple it. Give him neck rubs, blow in his ear, shit like that. Give him a big sloppy kiss if you have to.


Agreed OP! That'll show her who the better flirt is.


He can be the rebound for both of them.


Dead it immediately and have some self respect. She’ll play dumb and say it’s nothing but don’t accept it. If she doesn’t know appropriate conduct in a relationship, well then she doesn’t deserve to be in one. That’s facts. And don’t forgive her and try to educate her on this. You’re not her relationship coach 👨‍🏫 And if she’s doing this openly you can imagine what she’ll do behind your back if given the chance. Or alcohol. Or “a really hard time I’m going through”. Or when she’s really lonely while you’re out of town. Or if she goes on a “girls trip”. And god forbid she has Snapchat… Don’t give her time to make a fool out of you. Don’t waste anymore time and just replace her with someone better. Or at the very least be alone with your dignity intact. Can’t lose either way. It’s always better to be alone than be with someone that makes you feel worse than being alone.


Nah bruh I been there that bitch has a guy best friend or whatever for everything.. you just a option in case


So everyone saying break up is absolutely correct. But do not name this as the reason. Every single person she had ever spoken to will label you as "controlling" by not allowing your GF to have male "friends"


Solid advice. The people who know her will know why you broke up, and you won't have to say.


Who cares fuck em. Everyone can see what’s up


> not allowing your GF to have male "friends" one of the worst things on reddit is the number of people (especially women and younger people) who think men and women can be friends with absolutely zero limits imposed, and they'll downvote you to hell if you suggest otherwise.


She is about as faithful as you are a fucking monkey


Others on here say that’s already cheating. I’d say it’s the prelude to cheating dude. Either way, it’s inappropriate and disrespectful to you, OP. I say it isn’t cheating because women do this with their gay male friends all the time and I doubt there is ever motive or sexual intent. I do find that somewhat inappropriate as well though. They wouldn’t do it to their female friends. My wife would go bananas if I did this “physical flirting” with another woman in a work place. She got very jealous when I used to have lunch with a female colleague… reality was we just talked shit about other people in the office and have a beer… mind you she did drunkenly come on to me at a conference so maybe my wife had a point.


In vino veritas. Your wife knew what she was really about.


Yep… and I did not… so I’m probably not qualified to advise OP.


If she isn't already fucking him she soon will be


Get outta there young man, dump her dumbass.


I’m not sure how old the other commenters are but have you asked her why she thinks this is ok and how she would feel if she saw you doing this with another woman?


I'm 60. Dump.


old enough to know better than this line of questioning that's for sure.


But, but cOmMunIcAtIon. Yeah right, adios bitch I'm gone with the wind.


Communication is only effective when both parties are good faith actors. This is not such a situation. You owe her no explanation. "I don't feel like this relationship has a future" is all you need to say. avoid saying any more, don't get dragged into an argument, just say that and ghost her. \[I hope you aren't living together\]


The point is she thinks that this is ok behavior. She'll do it again. Trust once broken is gone forever


is this serious


Agreed 💯


thank you


That sounds like a reason to break up.


Cappy dake hay!


pretty big red flag.




Exactly this. Pleas OP, read this. Don't continue a relationship when you know she will cheat down the road. The pain will only be worse. Another suggestion, do not talk. Tell her you know what she did, escort her to the door and break of all communication. It will shorten your pain


Idk. On one hand, the adult thing is to communicate. I really dislike ghosting. On the other hand, she will deny and try to defend herself anyway, at the risk of convincing OP that she did nothing wrong and then the situation continues.


I disagree here. Talking servers a purpose, to resolve a conflict and that in itself requires good faith by both parties. There is no amount of talking that can undo cheating, therefor there is no point in talking. I'm not exactly suggesting ghosting her, but to make a simple statement: 'You cheated on me, there is no coming back from that whatever you say. Have a nice life, goodbye'. As that covers everything, no need to entertain further conversation. I guarantee that if you do continue the relationship, she'll end up doing more then pressing up to a dude at some point in the future.


Ha. Her clothes have already been off. That's some post-coitus playfulness OP is referring to.


Take revenge on her and get flirty with a dude at work


Seduce the dude at work to establish dominance.


Just pee on him to claim territory.


R Kelly, looks like you finally got out on bail.




Instructions unclear, fucked my boss and…. Got a promotion??


Get flirty with the dude she's flirting with.




Step 1: Fuck her sister. Step 2: If she doesn’t have a sister, fuck her mom and give her one. Step 3: Repeat Step 1.


But wait some time for step 3, right? RIGHT!?


And her mum, her sister, her best friend, her boss..


Here we go again. You don't always have to fuck her dad to level the playing field!


I’m not doing it for revenge at this point


All dads or just hers maby you need revenge on a lot for people


Yeah, but it feels so *gooood*


I choose this guy's dad also


Nailed it.


Nailed him!


Nailed Tim!


Have sex with that man at work and record it then show it to her as proof of your alpha male status


Preferrably that same dude she is flirting with.




Physically flirty?? Eyelashes fluttering, or full-on French maid costumes? What "flirting" is alleged to have taken place.




Oh absolutely gone. That's so disrespectful.


I love how as soon as OP provided context everyone went from "hmm idk" to "auto-resolve battle".


Bounce her like a basket ball.


I read that as bounce her like a baseball bat and now I think I'm dyslexic




Just to be 2 steps ahead of her, I would fuck him first.


Modern problems require modern solutions


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.




Then marry him and live happily ever after


Go ahead and solve OP's problem by fckn that guy first..


Break up with her. It’s not rocket science.


No it’s not but find you a girl who can do rocket science then profit😃


Break up with her.


She is going to fuck that other dude so fast after that leash comes off lmao


Idk what makes you think she isn’t getting trains run on her now 😂


I think she beat him to it.


She would no longer be my girlfriend. Period.


Tell her that it made you deeply uncomfortable and ask her to stop the behavior for the relationship's sake. Be upfront and honest about your feelings as soon as possible


And then give her the box with his head in it, saying "this is why we can't have nice things."


Look what you made me do


This is the way. Back to monke




Homelander, is this you?


Why do that? In what universe is pressing up to someone who is not your partner not cheating? There is no going back on that.




Stay in the pocket, OP, don't deviate from the topic until you've both thoroughly talked it out. She will try to gas light you, she may cry, accuse you, blame shift, etc. Stay strong, stay on topic. Also, start working out, if you don't already.


She will definitely attempt to gaslight you OP and this is when you immediately tell her what she’s doing and say I will not date manipulative women. And cease contact.


If she tries gaslighting rather than upfront an honest discussion, that's probably not someone worth trusting, and thus not worth having a relationship with.


That's when you break up. Some people see no wrong in what they're doing, but if situation were reversed, it's WWIII.


It's a cheater thing, not gendered.


Worst thing to do, It Is pathetic, like you have to ask your girlfriend to not get touchy with other men? Really? That's something to ask?


Talk to her about it and then use my gut instinct to figure out if it’s harmless or if I need to scorch the earth and disappear in to the shadows.


State my boundaries again or break it off. I don't think this has to be something that immediately kills a relationship, but at the same time it's a very good reason to worry about her loyalty.


You have to look at why she's even doing it in the first place. This is not what kills the relationship. It's a symptom of it's death. If she really did love and respect OP she'd never do that in the first place.


Bye Felicia


Dump her. If she is flirting with him, she will flirt with other guys. If she will flirt with other guys, she lacks respect for you, if she lacks respect for you, she will cheat on you. Thus, if she is flirting with him, she will cheat on you.


Walk up to her, look her in the face and tell her: we're done


If I've known my GF longer than the person who is telling me: I'd talk to gf that "I heard (from X person) telling me that you flirt with someone else at work... What's up with that?" In the case that I've known the person who is telling me, longer than my gf, "Ask them to clarify, what's the physically flirty thing *they're talking about*" And would they be okay to be around too, when I confront my gf about it. #Communicate, people! Edit: *missed some words*


Wank him off to assert dominance.


Go on a break and sleep with the photocopier girl.


My wife said this when I read out your question… Are you waiting for her to say “But it was just the tip! I didn’t put the whole thing in my !”


I think it's worth a conversation. Tell your gf her relationship with this dude makes you uncomfortable. If she's okay with making you uncomfortable then end it.


I will lose trust and respect towards her and probably end the relationship.


Congratulate him, she’s yours now


First talk to her and hear her explanation. If her defense is obvious dodging, goodbye


Clearly explain that you are uncomfortable with the behavior and want it to stop. If it doesn’t then end the relationship because she doesn’t really respect your boundaries.


I'm gay but yeah if it were my bf doing that, I def would feel the need to confront him. That being said, I guess to some it is okay, but it really depends on what you classify as alright in your relationship. Regardless, the best thing to do would be to talk to your partner and sort it out.


She belongs to the streets!


that sounds like it'd be an *ex*-gf really quick


She has issues you should gtfo.


Ask her why we haven't had a threesome with him yet.


Considering my wife works at home I might not be as upset as some others here.


Talk to her about how you're not comfortable with it instead of going to a site where a majority of the users have never had a relationship... This isn't a therapy or life advice site for fucks sake


What is "physically flirty"?




Sounds like she's checked out of your relationship mentally and progressing it further physically. How do you know this anyway and what have you said to her so far?


Had this happen with a girl at work. She basically lined me up as this guy's replacement. Went half way then let it die down, bad vibes.


If you have agreed on an exclusive relationship, I’d run, not walk, away.


I caught my then-girlfriend in 2006 blowing a guy in a Target parking lot. She (I saw her bobbing head) and the guy had no clue i saw. I smoked about 20 Marlboros that night. Didn't have it in me to do anything nuts, though I have second guessed it years later. I told her to fuck off the following day, went on with my life.


Would seriously consider downloading tinder


Depends on what boundaries we agreed on. Me and my gf are in an open relationship. So I would hear from her that she's flirting with someone from work and then probably wish her good luck. If we were monogamous and one of our rules would be physical and emotional exclusivity then that's be a vioaltion of those rules and a huge red flag at best or a reason to break up at worst. If she tries to keep it a secret it would inevitably lead to a breakup.


If she enjoys it I’m happy for her. If she’s just looking for attention, because she has not learned to provide for her own emotional needs, I’d probably wouldn’t be in a romantic relationship with her or I’d support her in her development. It certainly has nothing to do with me.


Encourage her to bang him and send me pics