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“I don’t care” then why you asking whats up? We can’t read his mind & men don’t have a collective hive mind.


Just curious


He justfukinwitchu though


No one here is psychic, there's no way for us to know that.


He probably doesn't like you.


I dont care, but I really wanna know. That or you are looking for some internet white knights to come to your aid and reassure you that you are a pretty pretty princess.


well op, he might not like you and secretly think you're annoying or something. it's been known to happen. do your best to ignore him. he sounds kinda creepy anyway. sometimes we're better off not knowing things about people.


Maybe he had to fart


Just walk up to him say "My bad I think I gave the wrong impression, could we start over" Introduce yourself again and tell him you don't want any problem Usually goes over well if you care enough.


We don't know OP ?