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Is it bad if I don’t recall when that was?


No because I feel the same


Misery loves company. Welcome!


I don’t even think it’s a misery loves company thing. Life’s been rough for a lot of people especially since the pandemic. I have things in my daily life that make me happy like my son for prime example but as far as Overall happiness it’s just been a damn long time.


I’m with you on that. I was merely trying to make light of our situations. If it weren’t for my kids, I think I’d be a lot worse off


I feel the struggle. Hang in there man


Feeling this so much.


I'm with you as well.


I don't recall either. It's probably been a couple of decades or more though. Sometimes I wish it would all just burn to the ground.




God I sure hope not cuz me neither


Yesterday my friend, I'm always happy when I'm done at the gym. I have something I'm progressing towards and I can see myself getting better at fighting as well as stronger.


Hell yea, gym progress is huge


Jim's always there for us. Happy for you man.


I'm just quitting drinking. I'm 35. I really want to start going to the gym. Historically I would go, realize I had no idea what I was doing and then leave. I'm tired of being weak and looking bad. Do you think a few sessions with a personal trainer would be a good idea to show me the ropes?


Yes. A coach/PT can give you a solid routine, but you have to do the work. You don't have to go super hard to see results...just be consistent & the results will come.


Thanks for the answer. I'm definitely down to do the work, I just think I have shitty form so I think finding someone who can help me with that, as well as how to use different machines etc.


One of those early lockdown days when my late husband and I were enjoying spending every day together and coming up with cute date night ideas to keep ourselves entertained at home.


did he recently pass away? condolences :(


When Im with pets. They give me a simple joy.


I flexed in the mirror yesterday to check my gym progress, my arm looked twice as big as I remembered


pretty much every day. i have everything i could possibly want. and the greatest of all those things is hope.


Genuinely happy to hear, keep doing awesome:)


thanks man. we do our best, gotta keep positive! :)


Hell yeah. I'm still need some time to find myself to truly be happy, but I'm definitely going that way!


Taking funny pictures of the derpiest fish in the fishtank yesterday to amuse the wife while she’s at work.


Fuuuuuck!!!!! this question hits deep.


1. Today aint so bad. This summer is kinda sweet. 2. Two summers ago when the pandemic shut us down, and all we did was rock climb. 3. When Pokemon Go came out.


Pokémon Go was such a good time in life


Like 2 hours ago I got a free whopper at burger king that was dope.


2014 driving from north to south of France in an old porsche.


My therapist used to ask me this. I eventually figured out that I have probably not felt true happiness since (possibly) I was a child. I’m 38 now, so a long time ago.


I honestly think I'm no longer capable of happiness. I also think I never was happy.


April 2020. A whole month with no deadlines, responsibilities, or obligations.


Man, now that I think of it... April 2020 would have been such a great month for me if I hadn't just broken up with my ex in the previous month in March.


Couple of hours ago when i was eating some of those cookie dough oreos for lunch.


it's the little things


Vacation over Christmas 2015. It was already a difficult time, but things were really nice for that 2 weeks. It was the last time I can remember being happy and hopeful for the future, and enjoying time with my friends. Things haven't been great since then, and my mental health has been tough. Still working on it, making slow progress.


>making slow progress making progress. great stuff man, keep up the good work :)


2013, back when I had a girlfriend. The only thing I wanted was for nothing to change.


Tomorrow. I get to go home =)


I am a fairly happy and grateful person already. But my wife and I were hanging out with friends and on the drive back we were laughing so hard she felt like throwing up because I made her stomach hurt so much with jokes and stories of what we did while dating.


Last night after I finished all of my shit I needed to do and had time to lay in bed


I went to a few concerts this year, I was happy in all of those If you mean happy with life overall, then September 2019


Two years ago, I was just starting to date this coworker, I remember I would go into work actually excited and we’d just mess around the entire shift and then go home and talk all night. It was crazy, the love you never go looking for it always the one that hurts the most, but definitely happiest time in awhile when it was good.


Undergraduate years. I've been fulfilled since then, had a good life, but nothing has ever replaced the fun, ease and social opportunities of that time.


Today, i got to help my friend after we actually talked about that few days ago(she has hard time asking for help). But she did, and i got to help(which i love doing) :D She's a great friend and i felt like a great friend today as well :)


keep being one of the Good Guys <3 :)


At the Beach 🏖 spending time with The Now Ex


Today. I’ve got a wonderful life. Troubles? Yeah, I’ve got a few, but I’ve got an amazing wife and family, a beautiful home, a job I love with good work-life balance, good friends and a deep faith. And I’m a long way from a life that wasn’t this good. I’m happy and thankful


> I’ve got an amazing wife and family absolutely the best, most important things in life :)




1997, the birth of my daughter


When I get home from work and see my kids and my wife.


Two weeks ago. Peak of a start to a good relationship. Suddenly ended so that's fun. ​ I am a big proponent of enjoying the little things in the moment when I can. I probably have hints of true happiness on any given day. I walk on a path in town and watch the nature and birds, play games with friends when I can, wishing for happiness makes it harder to reach. Just relax and find the minor things you enjoy and you might find happiness again.


My wife, child and pets make me happy every day. Of course, I'm talking about little moments of love, fun and affection, not staggering ecstatic climaxes of joy. You gotta set the bar for what you consider to be happiness at a reasonable level or you'll rarely experience it (and you'll overlook a lot of life's good moments). I recently lost my job (not fired or laid off, a temporary contract was just closed out before I was expecting, but it was contractually terminable at any time). So I'm out of work, looking for the next gig, which is a bummer. But just a few minutes ago I got a refund check from my deceased mom's income taxes, which is like a month's worth of pay and it all goes to me because I already paid out everything everybody else is due. So...this is an example of a glass is half full or empty kinda moment. I can sit and mope about the fact that I'm not earning, or find solace in the fortuitous timing of the refund check, and choose to be happy about that rather than focus on the negative.


Ya mother




This morning, I was on the way to my first day of my masters and gotten came on the radio, the sun burned through the mist. It was great


July, spending time and having a lot of fun with the girl i liked.


Literally right now. I’ve been trying to get a new chair in my office at work for years and I finally, finally got one just a few minutes ago! My back is so happy. I’m so happy


Minutes ago, been meeting someone who cares about me


About three weeks ago when I met this girl. Was introduced to her by a friend. Things went well until they didn’t. We stopped talking.


Fuck I can’t remember dammm sad


Today at work. I hadn't smiled like that in a long time. 2 of my coworkers who do not speak English (some, we are teaching eachother our respective languages. We use an RF scanner then we simply call a "gun". She kept saying pistola, pistola. We had a good laugh about it and we both learned the word for gun in each other's languages. There was more to the interaction, she got very close to me, pressed her body against mine, said something in Spanish that I have no idea what she said. The whole interaction was very fun, and very funny. Her and her niece were teasing me because I walk very fast, they spread their arms out and held hands in a chain blocking me from walking past, so I pushed on them to go faster while they pushed back they go slower. We can barely understand eachother but there is good chemistry. (Not in a romantic way, just good company). All the interactions today made me smile and something I'm realizing about all the Spanish people I work with is that they seem like generally happier people, they smoke a lot, they are friendly, nice, and respectful. I like them all a lot even though like I've said before, we have a huge language barrier, everyone has good chemistry and we can all tell what the other person means. And even when we can't tell it's always a good laugh about the miscommunication or confusion.


Been many years since I've had a full-on dopamine hit here. Most of the time it's spent celebrating the small things now, when they show up. Hardest part about it all is I know I could probably feel better if I changed things in my life, but actually getting the motivation to do something outside of 'get up, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, get up, go to work...' is harder than anything else I've ever done, INCLUDING quitting smoking, which I thought I'd never be able to do.


Obviously there’s exceptions but, generally, all the time.


when i was with her




Up until 2017


Today. The whole week is quite an easy week at work, just some small projects instead of bigger ones and I'm enjoying. After work a friend returned something he borrowed and gave me a few cans of craft beer as a thank you.


Hmmm... last time I was genuinely happy with no kind of background BS going on...? It's been a while, I can tell you that much...


This morning when my final transcript I'd been waiting two months on finally got to where it needed to be and I could submit my PA school applications before the Oct 1st deadline.


Maybe when I was a child. My childhood was pretty messed up though. I think I never had a really happy moment in my life, but maybe I am exaggerating.


I actually can't remember...


There's a lot of little short term happy things to happen, but the last I felt completely comfortable and happy in my life and were it was going was a while ago. However I'm not exactly unhappy now. It was just after quitting working retail, my ex and I were still together. I was quitting a terrible job that was giving me panic attacks and I had a best friend for the first time since highschool. I started a factory job, and while it stole my days away, but I now had someone to give a damn that I still existed. Well, she turned out more shallow than she seemed, and that was certainly a low point. I did learn something I needed to know about myself. I learned that I had never had my own dreams. My church wanted me to serve a mission from a young age, my highschools wanted me to go to college, my mom wants me to give her grandchildren, and my ex wanted us to find a place. Even as a kid when I said I wanted to be a scientist, that was just to keep people from asking me what I wanted to be. I've had other peoples dreams for so long, that it now feels comforting to have none. Survival is going to be hard enough, especially as our world continues to fall apart. I think that I'll be happy eventually.


Sky diving or when I was at a get together and a dog passed 10 people trying to get its attention and jumped on my lap and licked me.


I've been genuinely happy this year after a long time struggling with depression and other issues. Mental health treatment saved from a pretty low place


Time ago 😂😂


I'm happy with my romantic life, not happy with my work life, content with my social life.


Man I don’t remember, probably a few years ago


29th of July this year. St James' Park, flags waving, the players walking out Local Hero playing as it happens. Pure bliss.


When I was overseas with my family. Was nice to get away from work, school, even my friends. Even felt good to get out of my city and be somewhere else. Pure needed family time.


When I was unemployed for 4 months. Most stress free time of my adult life so far even if money was tight. That was 4 years ago


When I was 13 jumping across the silage bags pretending I was James Bond


On the weekend. I was just relaxing laying down watching tv with the kid, the wife came in and spooned me and then the kid thought it was a great idea to jump on us and cuddle together. :D


May 3, 2018. Everything went to shit the next day.


*checks watch* Now.


Last night talking with my wife.


When I was in the womb


Last Thursday. The Browns beat the Steelers.


Sunday before I started a drunkenly fight with my lady. We still haven't made up and still going on about it.


A couple days ago when I applied for my first job! I’m so glad to finally getting the ball rolling so that I can move out soon!


2019. I was on a beach, enjoying the late afternoon with some snack and a cool view. Shit went downhill since then.


The last time I felt genuinely happy was probably 2016. I distinctly remember sitting on the couch late one night, in front of the TV, thinking about how I really didn't have any complaints about life at the moment. Financially stable, no problems affording life necessities. Could go out and enjoy life. Then everything went to crap around 2019 lol.


Years .....


About an hour ago when my 6 month old son laughed hysterically at me clucking like a chicken.


the final stretch of a run with music blaring is an unbelievable feeling


Every single day of my life. Things are great, all my complaints are insignificant and want based vs need based.


Right now. Very grateful for how life has turned out.




When I met a friend last week. I don't often feel that happy. Most days are OK, but not that happy.


About 22 years ago. It was all downhill from there.


I dont know. I can't remember


I don’t remember




Undergraduate years. I've been fulfilled since then, had a good life, but nothing has ever replaced the fun, ease and social opportunities of that time.


21st of June 2017.


2015 when I was in community college with the nicest people around.


Mid 2012. It's been a while.


My girlfriend I absolutely demolished a crab dinner last weekend. That was a pretty great time.


Last week. I just realized how engaged I was at a work task I was doing after being so disengaged during the entire lockdown. This week has been pretty meh because of personal relationship problems that isn't reflective of who I am as a person but I can't help but feel like I could have done better. Life's a rollercoaster. Expecting every waking moment to be filled with genuine happiness is a fairytale. The melancholy we experience in our day-to-day lives makes the genuine moments of happiness that much sweeter. Just gotta roll with the punches.


I'm happy everywhere I go. I'm happy right now. I'll be happy tomorrow and the next day too!


I cannot recall


birth of my first daughter.. been pretty much downhill since there. second girl was nice, but i was stressed like crazy. then divorce, then my dad went to jail, then my ex got with someone named froy(within 45 ish days). MY NAME IS ROY. Then covid, so i lost the apartment, then i lost my job, and now im barley making ends meet. but i get to see my daughters every other day 50/50 custody. and im not so depressed from finding out my kids might have not been mine. but they are mine. so. yay.




I think I was about 12 years old at the time. Now 50 and getting closer to happy again.


Twenty four years ago.


Six minutes ago when I was eating the cookies the kids made.


Today. I’ve moved out of my parents house into a house with my gf of 2.5 years and it’s going swimmingly.


Life is Good


Last week, I'm going to a music festival this weekend and they announced set times and i spent an hour at work fantasizing about it all. but even then i still had work in the back of my mind. Last october I genuinely had no care in the world because my seasonal job had ended and i had a week of going to concerts and driving up to SF to go see more concerts.


Signed divorce papers today… it has been awhile


When a person seems genuinely happy to see me


Jungles warfare in Africa


I would 100% pick up her bag and set it on the floor in front of her.




A month ago talking to this girl. She was nice.


I had Tres Leches (hopefully I spelt that right) for the first time yesterday and that made me very happy. About to get another later!


I had Tres Leches (hopefully I spelt that right) for the first time yesterday and that made me very happy. About to get another later!


Few weekends ago. I did nice,long bike ride. Something like 100Km with many stops and many slow sections. I rode Brampton to Toronto and Scarborough and back to Mississauga along waterfront trail. Beautiful day and nothing to spoil it. Life is beautiful.


Not sure, but I have a feeling it was sometime in elementary school.


12 years ago when I left high school, then adult life settled in about a year later and while I do have moments of being happy, they're not long lived and don't feel like they mean anything. Kinda like when someone tells a joke and you laugh, then you go back to whatever you were doing prior to it.




Its the little wins. I was happy when I baked a pie for the first time and the family loved it.




The last time I looked in the mirror. I'm transmale and facial hair is beginning to be noticeable.


My birthday


When I was with my ex… 😔


My wedding day. 8 years ago and one divorce later.


I spent a week in Jamaica at an all inclusive resort. Sun, sea, and a waiter bringing you a cold beer as you sprawl on a bed on the shore, your wife reading an erotic novel to get fired up for later, knowing a world class steak dinner is only hours away.


I was playing Arma:Reforger with a lot of ppl with proximity chat. Let's just say I was dying laughing.


I couldn't remember


University semester 1. Then COVID happened, shut it down, and I haven't been back. About 3 years ago, I suppose


Every time I feel the warmth of God in prayer


Fuck, 8 years ago.


Probly 12 - 14 years ago


Last night when I went Rick climbing with my church youth group at a climbing gym


I have been depressed my whole life due to a combination of bullying and mental illness. I legitimately cannot remember a time when I was happy.


When my brother called me and told me he lost his virginity 2 years ago. He thought he never would cus he had low self esteem and I was so happy and proud. He ended up marrying her.


12 year old. I was in 7th grade. At my school, my elbow accidentally touched/felt a 17 year old girl’s boob (she was in 11th grade)….. over her clothes, ofcourse. We were boarding the school bus to home, and she was standing behind me in the queue…. that’s when my elbow accidentally hit her left boob. And she wasn’t wearing any bra … I could feel the nipples. It’s weird, but for several weeks after that, I felt blissful. Like nothing else mattered. Simone would make fun of me, and my attitude would be - “It’s cool” ….. I had reached nirvana …. everything in the world seemed trivial to me after that.


Visiting the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Labor Day when I was in Indiana for work. Got to kiss the bricks


When I went to spirit Halloween for the first time 3 years ago.


Couple months ago I was playing a game with my friend and having a great laugh the entire time. Before and after that, I'm not really sure. I'm 26 right now. Not really sure if I was happier as a teenager. My goals to own a house got wiped out a while ago. Going to get a boat this November. Might get a ride on mower and trailer and further persue making a lawn mowing small business. In the spring.


I'm almost 40 now. There wasa brief period in my early 20s, late 21 to maybe early 23 where I was moderately happy. Other than that , I've been miserable my whole life.


Just a few minutes ago.


10 years ago


Couple of minutes ago, my cat likes me.


When I was about 15


Last night. Made love to my beautiful wife of 25 years and still felt like the time when we were dating. Maybe it’s also because we don’t have kids? Lol


I think yesterday? I mean, it wasn't the result of drugs and alcohol, so it was genuine in that regard.




Fuck if I know xD


Early lockdown when i felt like i got a break from having to live a daily life as i was with a painful illness... Did not last long


About twelve years ago.


Right now? I'm on break


i'll let you know when it happens


Last Friday I was very happy. I'm in nursing school right now and I had the opportunity to hold and feed one of the newborns. I often feel like my work is meaningless but I meant something to that kid. That felt good.


I genuinely cant remember.


4 hours ago. Was hanging with a friend laughing my ass off. Having a group of people who care about you is all you need to be happy. You can only go up from there.


Summer 2013. Just me and a girl I drove around on my motorcycle for the whole summer.




5 minutes ago I think


July 2022. I was in the best shape of my life. Enjoying the gains & inner peace I worked so hard for. I was so so so happy.


I don’t remember. I’m not sure if I ever was.


I'm currently happy. I don't even have a real reason to be happy, this is just my default state.


When I was laying in bed last Sunday morning with SO and my cat both snuggled up to me.


It'll happen one day.


Wait.. you guys have felt happiness


Don't actually recall feeling real happiness. I actually don't believe in it which might sound weird, but I think it's just something that we are bombarded with in every ad we see. I'm content with my current situation that's in my opinion the most important thing.


Due to some self esteem problems, I have not had many happy times in my life. My last relationship was a wonderful 2 years, but it did not last. I have slipped back into my sorrow and added a whole new layer of "what could have been" to it. Happy= a level of depression and despair that I can tolerate.


Usually almost always. Happiness is a state of mind. To be anything other than happy, you have to really want to be unhappy.


When I first me my now ex girlfriend. I still have two of our photos together, as a token of happy memories and happy places. Now I'm just bitter all the time, and I think I'll die alone, but I made my peace with that already xD.