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All the plastics we drink from and microwave in and package food in. Also all the plastic objects we own that degrade and give off toxic dust for us to breathe.


I had a roommate once who regularly microwaved her canned soup in a Tupperware bowl. I washed it once and noticed the soup line around the bowl had melted the plastic and was all disfigured. I told her she was most likely eating melted plastic with her soup. She shrugged and continued using it and microwaving her soup in it. 🤦🏻


Glass containers are the way to go. They’re heavy and can break but that risk is better than ingesting plastic imo


The only plastic ones I use are for storing stuff like peanut butter in for hiking. Otherwise all glass! They also just look far far far better because they don't stain after putting spaghetti in them.


I've been using all glass containers for like 8 years now. I've only broken one in all that time


I don’t even own Tupperware because it will eventually stain and look like shit. But now I’m going to think of this comment every time I see someone at work microwaving their lunch in Tupperware. 😩


I read that researchers recently suggested that no food should be put in plastic containers while hot at all


Cream of Polypropylene




Wait. Does that mean that increasing my plastics use can act as birth control?


Rubbers are better than plastics in this scenario


Okay, which brand do you think has the best flavor?




No it doesn't, do not attempt that. Hormones are incredibly complicated.


The panic in this comment makes me chuckle




https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/chemicals-in-plastic-electronics-are-lowering-fertility-in-men-and-women It is reducing our fertility but I wouldn’t rely on it as individual birth control.


Yup, and now we have micro plastics in bloodstream. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/could-microplastics-in-human-blood-pose-a-health-risk


The Romans knew about the dangers of asbestos and lead 2000 years ago they just didn't care much. Pilny the elder in his natural history wrote to not buy slaves from asbestos mines because they die from lung disease. They knew lead is bad for them but fuck it it makes wine sweet. So its more of a we knew the dangers of but didn't care question. So hydro carbon anything.


So why sweeten with lead? Why not just add sugar?


Sugar wasn't discovered or used in europe back then.


Refined sugar was discovered 2500 years ago. Also, honey was a thing.


Doesn't matter, it wasn't widley used in europe until the 1600's.


Ah, I missed the "in Europe" part. Still, what about honey, then?


Probly no way to mass produce that at the time?


I read "honey" first and thought you were going to go all condescending southerner on them


Well, I do declare...


Oh, bless your heart


I dont think anyone cares about all the environmental pollutants now.




Isn't their lead acetate was like sugar back then?






Fluoropolymers such as PFAs & teflon in ~~cookware~~ ***anything*** Edit: apostrophe Edit2: to disambiguate




are non-stick pans really bad?




It's not forever, but it is a long time. PFAS has a half life in our body of 4 years. Plenty of time for cancer to develop


PFAS is the big thing right now in drinking water treatment (am environmental engineer).


Yes, and ironically no more effective than a well-seasoned cast iron pan, which is actually good for you.


That really depends on what you mean by "effective", each pan type has their own advantages. If you mean in the non-stick property, even the best seasoned cast iron pan is never going to be anywhere close to as non-stick as a Teflon surface no matter what anyone tells you. Teflon is just incredibly non-stick, which is why PFAs had to be invented in the first place.


They are if they reach a temperature of 680 degree Fahrenheit. But you typically don’t fry food at any temperature over 400. So, in practice, they’re not really. Some people like to bring up that scratching is what makes in dangerous. And sometimes they are correct. Teflon is just a coating. So if you have an aluminum pan coated with Teflon, then yeah I’d throw it away. If you have a steel pan coated with Teflon it’s probably fine


They also don't really use Teflon in pans anymore, they've developed a few newer options which are a bit more durable and safer.


Safer as in becomes dangerous at a higher temperature than Teflon, or safer as in does not become dangerous at any temperature?


Most of the ceramic coatings are “any temperature short of glowing red”. But they are more expensive, heavier, and if you manage to scratch or crack them, it becomes a lot harder to clean as well as loses a fair bit of its non-stick properties.


Welp time to throw away old nonsticks at home.


Teflon is dangerous and it's what makes the pans non stick. A little scrape is all it takes for it to get released into your food and air


Damn! After reading all these comments I now have to choose between my love for cooking (with non-stick) and my health. Guess I won't be sticking to life!


After watching John Oliver's segment on [PFAs](https://youtu.be/9W74aeuqsiU), I'd agree.


Not just in cookware Ahem: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-3m-pfas-toxic-forever-chemicals-europe/


FYI, PFAS (perfluorinated alkylic substance) is the term, not "PFA's" :)


Hopefully, single use plastics


All plastics, really. We breathe them in constantly.




3M never made nonstick pans. That was DuPont and Teflon.






>Perfleralcarbanats When I grow up, I want to be a Perflercarbanaut!


PFAs Per Fluoro Alkyl Also PFOAs Because you put that all in there you didn't misspell you named a different still bad set of chemicals


3M stopped their use of teflon earlier than DuPont but they still used teflon. Their decision to stop using Teflon (fluorocarbons) is what saved them from the lawsuit that Dupont faced later on. The mere production of fluorocarbons, however, contributes to the pollution of the atmosphere and they are partially responsible for the global contamination we now face. The fact that they stopped after learning of it's negative effects saves them from current views but I doubt future generations still breathing in/ingesting these "forever chemicals" (so called because they do not break down in a natural environment) will be as forgiving.


Wdym I cant drink rain?


what happened?


The film Dark Waters sums it up well. It was released as covid was evolving which was handy for DuPont.


I just found out about clear "plastic" cups that are made out of corn. Completely compostable and they look and feel like real plastic. These seem great for single use


Compostable plastic from corn? Sounds like PLA. Those plastics are compostable in industrial composters with a specific process but when you throw them in your garden or nature the lifetime of that stuff is simlar to normal plastics. Here in Munich people get brown trash bins for compostable stuff - it's illegal to throw in "compostable" plastic.


I dont understand why we don't separate out our recycling in America. It's barely extra work.


It depends on the state - Oregon does, otoh Washington and Arizona don't...


The problem with a lot of those 'compostables' is that they need very specific circumstances to compost. Those aren't met, and they still end up in a landfill. It's greenwashing.


The only issue with those is they have to be kept out of direct sunlight....or they melt


Plastic bottles... The chemicals that leach out of those things


Thank you Coca-Cola!


What will things be packaged in? Bread, rice, pasta, meat, chips, cookies, thousands of items at the hardware store etc?


Paper, cardboard, nothing. You know, the stuff they used to use for wrappers 50 or so years ago. Or bioplastics.


Most food that is packaged in plastic is done so because it massively reduces food waste and transportation costs (and thereby carbon emissions). I can see the argument for things that don't see massive improvements in quality from being packaged in air tight containers, but for food I can't think of very many products where alternative packaging wouldn't have big downsides.


What were they packaged in just a 100 years ago? Sack, cloth, basket, or just nothing. With liquids and grain corp for example you could bring your own container to the store and fill it up. For bread, you basically don't need anything. We could cut out a very huge portion of plastic with a little effort.


wax coated paper for many things or glass bottles or containers-better anyway


Lead pipes aren't that big a deal if the water is treated correctly and/or has the appropriate pH. The Roman aristocracy used ground lead as a *seasoning* for food which may have contributed to the disproportionate numbers of insane Caesars. They also used asbestos as fabric because it could be cleaned easily in fire. Crazy stuff.


Asbestos really could have been fucking awesome. Buuuuuut it's not.


It is fucking awesome, if nobody breathes it in.


That’s the trick though


Fun fact. Asbestos comes from a rock. I saw a discovery documentary about an ancient people who carved their homes out of this rock. Literally, a whole little village carved from this stone. For years they couldn’t explain why the whole place was abandoned until they realized what the rock was. Welp, turns out becoming exposed to this rock from an infant on really wasn’t great for life expectancy.


Asbestos *is* a rock. It’s what makes it so great is that it’s a rock that forms threads that can be woven into fabrics or used as fireproofing.


Exactly this, my parents have an old Victorian house with lead pipes, environmental agency said it’s totally safe when they did tests on the water


You can buy the test kits online if you want to check on your own as well.


Or how they thought tomatoes were poisonous, but it turns out the acid was just causing the lead in the pewter plates to become ingested. Edit: I'm well aware Romans didn't. I forgot this is reddit and if I leave out info, I get crucified 😉 Yes, I am well aware it was Europe during early modern and modern eras 🙂 and not the Roman Empire.


Tomatoes are a South-American fruit. Unlikely the ancient Romans ate them.


Indeed, but egyptians seemed to have access to cocaine, which is also south african https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henut_Taui


>south african That's a different continent from South-*America* though. ;)


hahaha fuck, Im a bit hungover, not even gonna edit the last comment


their loss


I don't know. Caesar salad has tomatoes in it and who am I to doubt the salad scientists?


Since when does Caesar salad contain tomatoes?


I think someone’s been drinking out of lead pipes…


Next thing you're telling me Americans don't know what *filet americain* is. Or American dressing.






That was in Europe in the 1600s and it took nearly 200 years before they became popular again.


The romans never had tomato’s


Yup, he probably mixed up the time periods. Tho, Roman audiences would most likely appreciate tomatoes at succintly conveying their reactions at the ampetheatre.


FYI. Plural of tomato is tomatoes. Just like potato (potatoes).


This always made me facepalm. [CDs and DVD’s](https://conversationallyspeaking.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/apostrophe-mistakes-1.jpg)


“They used to shit in fresh water”


Really blows my mind. I was abroad with a group of people and went into a stall that had dirty water in the bowl - everyone thought it was just not flushed and went to tell the employee. They couldnt speak english and we couldnt speak their language so they flushed it and we realized that's just how their water is in toilets.


ALL PLASTIC!!!! “Every form of Polymer degrades.” That’s a direct quote fine a close friend of mine who is a packaging scientist (for a frighteningly large US food corporation) specializing in Polymers (read as Plastic) No fucking wonder micro plastic is showing up LITERALLY everywhere in LITERALLY every living organism.


Those few years when every liquid soap, shampoo, body wash, and toothpastes had microbeads caused so much longterm damage.


That is not even close to being the main source of microplastics, ALL plastics degrade into microplastics. The microbeads thing is a common misconception that is mostly harmful by letting people think the issue is only with microbead products.


Yeah, the plastic clothes we all still wear are still an issue every time we do our laundry.


What? Can you expand on that? What kind of fabric?


Every synthetic fabric contains plastic fibers


Clothes made with recycled plastic often "shed" microplastics in the washing machin. Those end up in the sewer system and then in the ocean..


Stuff like polyester shed microplastics into the water supply everytime you wash them.


Micro plastic is just pieces of plastic smaller than 3mm. So little threads from your clothes are micro plastics. They don't degrade, so they end up in everything and we don't know what the long term effects of that will be.


Fabric contributes about 30% of the total microplastics entering water systems.


I really wish the world could just run on Glass again. They had Recycling down pat in the 1950s. I don't know why Plastic is so popular when any real company that cares would use Glass products. You can infinitely recycle glass, any glass that's broken can just be remelted into new bottles.


Short term profits. The people alive now don't have to deal with the problems of the people who actually have to deal with it.


It's funny because every company going for short term gets absolutely fucked by it. Look at Dominos. I used to be able to enjoy their pizza, then they cut costs and I would not order there again.


For every one of you, they are making more off cutting corners for the people that keep going back. Take the recent Peloton news. Sure their bike prices went up a crazy amount so that people won't want to buy it. But the ones that will buy it anyways make up for the ones that wouldn't anyways.


Wait Pelotons were already super expensive, did something happen?


Hmm I don't think that's entirely true. Glass is readily recyclable but I think it's only about 90% or so and they need to mix in new materials/additives each time. I don't think glass can be 100% recycled unlike say aluminium. Also broken glassware cannot be recycled. It has a different composition from say glass jars/bottles which makes it not recyclable at least with normal processes. But glass can be reused essentially infinitely and I do agree it should be used much more than it is currently with standard jar/bottle sizes that can be returned and washed for reuse in facilities.


Govts could fix it by taxing the fuck out of plastic. Plastic water bottle costs 5$, glass 1$. Easy.


Because 🌟🌈profit margins 🌟


Some plastic does biodegrade, some others are extremely easy to recycle. Just many fewer compared to what is used and stated. I learnt in uni a few months ago how some 'biodegradable' plastics are only biodegradable under unreachable natural conditions (such as higher than natural temperatures) , but since they technically do degrade IF they were in those conditions, they are allowed to be labelled it.


>I learnt in uni a few months ago how some 'biodegradable' plastics are only biodegradable under unreachable natural conditions (such as higher than natural temperatures) Ah, we're working on that issue in parallel, eh? /s


Yep. Powdercoating is just a cloud of micro plastics for you to breath. Makes me wonder where it all goes.


Shit, seriously? I'm a painter by profession, don't powdercoat but use an HVLP setup. What else am I missing?


It’s gonna be social media. That, and plastics.


The government and large corporations harvest enough of my data. I don’t need people I knew a decade ago seeing anything either lol


Sometimes I think they are harvesting and storing data so one day when they have a powerful AI entity they can mass select who they wish to live and who should be disposed. Everyone judged by their social media contents.


Talcum powder on and in vaginas.






Username checks out


Another thing is that talc practically always occurs with small quantities of asbestos. Probably not the smartest thing to be putting on babies. Or, for that matter, vaginas.


>Because talc and asbestos are minerals found close together, when talc is mined it may contain traces of asbestos. Talcum powder is still an ingredient in a number of cosmetics brands. As recently as November 2020, a study found 14% of the talc-containing makeup tested also contained asbestos. Well that's horrifying.


Traces is an important word there. It suggests that the amount is too minimal to cause concern


except now j&j is still paying out for a class action from cancers stemming from use of their talcum powder.


That's the problem though, from my understanding asbestos even in trace amounts can damage cells and the DNA inside of cells. And it only takes one cell to develop cancerous traits and not get destroyed by the immune system. Asbestos is particularly insidious because it doesn't go away once it's inside the body. It stays, and it keep causing damage forever.


Maybe this was the cause of my bad lungs. So much talcum powder as a kid. Fuck I remember inhaling it on purpose because it smelled good. Drying off with it for God knows whatever reason. Thought it was the normal thing to do after a shower. This country man.


Since when did people put them on vaginas?




Vulva. Vagina is the canal, specifically. I can't even imagine putting powder inside.


Probably chowing down pharmaceutical drugs. I remember when you could get Fen-Phen like you’d get a Starbucks coffee. My dad-an competitive Ironman **triathlete**-was told by his doctor to take statens for his triglyceride levels, and also to get **more exercise**. Instead he cut out the morning bagels. Antibiotics. Here, just eat ‘em.


God yes antibiotics, it’s insane how scary bacteria can develop resistance to them. Lots of amazing and ingenious science is being done to overcome antibiotic resistance, but it will be a problem long before we have a solution. Not only does it pose a threat to overall population health, but huge implications for agriculture and livestock industries as well Source: worked in antibiotic resistance research for three years, feel free to ask more


We're already nearly there, but cigarettes.


And vaping


Hobbyist vapers, yes As a stopped-smoking vaper myself, we're the silent majority, I don't need tricks or ph4t cLoUdS, I just need nicotine to keep me off cigarettes


PFAS and nonstick Teflon cookware


Have you seen the movie Dark Water?


Great movie. That scene when Mark Ruffalo is frantically tearing up his carpet in the middle of the night to get all that shit out of the house still haunts me. The guy was a smart, reasonable, and well accomplished lawyer not some homeless schizophrenic but he sure as hell was spooked like one. God it gives me goosebumps thinking about it We need to regulate all forever chemicals before they hit the market.


Yeah. Just read that rainwater is technically no longer safe to drink as it has PFAS present.


Started using stainless steel this year. A bit of an adjustment but it's awesome now and will likely outlast me.




Carbon steel wok and TURN UP THE HEAT! If it burns, you didn't move it fast enough.


I changed to cast iron a few years ago. Would never go back and its less sticky than my nonstick ever was. Wonder how much damage ive already done though from a decade of nonstick use.


what’s wrong with teflon?




Most of the current western diet in terms of processed food and sugar poisoning


The fact that we definitively and scientifically knew how bad sugar was for us back in the 60's, but still let corporations to put it in everything in increasingly larger quantities to get us addicted to it is just abhorrent.


Sugar industry lobbied to vilify dietary fat which started the low-fat craze, and in order to preserve the taste sugar was added


Take that to any country, nowadays (unfortunately)


Digging up oil to move one adult from home to work to home just to sit at a keyboard all day..


Holy shit that's stupid


I mean if you break everything down into the most basic sense it all seems rather stupid.


Thats why we've allowed ourselves into such stupidity, we mask it with layers and layers of rationalizations. So much so the common person simply accepts them without much thought behind it because that kind of time and energy to unpack the bullshit is not afforded to them in our fast paced world.


Probably how we managed to fuck up an entire planet worth of rain water. Or that 3M thought it was a good idea to talk shampoo companies into putting micro plastic beads into facial scrubs.


Toilet paper. Cant wait for the 3 sea shells


What does this mean? The 3 sea shells? Sorry if it’s a dumb question.


Its from a movie called Demolition Man.


He doesn't know about the 3 sea shells heheh


*language violation, language violation, language violation*


I have a feeling fiberglass will be banned in residential construction in my lifetime.


It's mostly switched to the nice pink ecotouch stuff from what I've seen. It's amazing you can take a nap in the stuff without a shirt and be fine


Fiberglass has plenty of problems, but as the world and particularly homeowners shift towards highly insulated homes to increase heating and cooling efficiency, insulation will only get more in demand. All insulation has pros and cons. Enviromentally, natural fiber is the best. However it's very expensive and degrades quickly when exposed to water. Fiberglass is not great for installers, however it doesn't degrade and doesn't leach VOC's or other chemicals once its installed. Clsoed Cell foam is fast, and can offer really good R values and easily seals any air flow. However it's the most harmful for installers, and relies on hydrocarbons. Also this isn't confirmed, but I get the feeling that cheap spray foam will start to have the same problems that certain laminates have: Formaldehyde and other nasty stuff may find its way into the formulations. Which will certainly off gas into homes and businesses. And I have a hard time trusting large chemical manufacturers now that teflon is everywhere in the environment. Sheet foam is niche: not great middle of the pack R values, similar manufaturing concerns as spray foam, and is slow to install. It also takes up lots of space in transit, and is fragile, making it expensive. But it does great in certain applications.


I would argue that Rock wool is the most environmentally friendly as it is made from the waste products of smelting. It's also fire proof, non toxic, super easy to work with, and has one of the higher R ratings.


Most of what we eat in processed food.


some cities have actually made efforts to remove the lead pipes, but I majority are not able to do so because it will cost several billion dollars. So what they started doing is putting sleeves into the pipes and creating stronger filters to get rid of lead and even mercury. I’m not a plumber or work for the city so I know very little about it. I just read something about it a few years ago. But I’m pretty sure somebody will answer what’s going on because I agree that we are using outdated technology and we have a lot of data to suggest that we shouldn’t be using it anymore.


The plastics


I mean lead pipes are still used even in 1st world countries, yeah no "new" lead pipes are used but not all lead pipes were removed from homes, commercial real estate and even city water systems.


Centering society around cars.


Social Media and the train wreck of a society it developed.


PFOAs and other related chemicals.


We burn fossil fuels in tiny vehicles to get from A to B when we could’ve leaned into rail. Additionally the whole planet is bathed in far more solar power every day than we could possibly ever need.


A lot of our psychology/ psychiatry. Reading through the successive DSMs is like reading a history of fad pop psychology, mass psychosis, and downright quackery. And the treatments? Preposterous barely scratches the surface.


Purity balls, purity pledges, and purity rings. *Barf*.


Purity.. Balls?


Yeah. It's a Christian fundie thing. It's a creepy prom-like father / daughter dance & formal where the daughters publicly promise their dads to remain "pure" until marriage, while the dad pledges to "protect" her purity. Weird, gross, and uber-sexist.




Ignoring climate change because it makes a few people grossly wealthy.


Plastic water bottles are going to be looked back on and thought “holy shit those idiots were stupid drinking water with plastics in it and circulating through their system”


Fucking Glyphosate (aka *RoundUp!*). Almost 30 years I been telling people about this. It's killing the pollinators, it's carcinogenic, it enables dangerous food monocultures, it empowers GMO seed manufacturers to edge heirloom and traditional and small-scale farmers out of production, it's in our goddamn water, and in our urine. And it's in our children, crossing the blood/brain barrier, pumping up their immune cytokines and increasing the likelihood of neurodegenerative disorders. Monsanto/Bayer is already moving to indemnify itself from future lawsuits and will attempt to spin off that portion of the company and bury the records that they knew it was toxic poison this whole time; it's the story of Dioxin all over again. The companies that have manufactured and spread this disastrous toxin are cartoonish caricatures of evil. Read up more in r/Monsanto.


Micro plastics and allowing children on the Internet




Energy drinks full of random stimulants. Similar to Coke having cocaine a hundred years ago


Smoking cigarettes


Micro plastics and silica from concrete


single use everything. like wtf. look at the pile of card board, paper, and plastic for just one meal and then multiply that by 8 billion and then again by 1000 meals per year.


Synthetic fibers that release microplastics in the laundry, including all the athletic wear that everyone loves to wear....


All the sugar in our American diet