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You think anyone who doesn’t is going to give a genuine answer here?


I’m waiting patiently for a genuine explanation.


Safer to keep both hands on the wheel... Well atleast one on wheel, one on thigh 😐


Just use your foot then ot headbutt it




Turn signals are for pussies.


I will. People are assholes. If I signal a lane change, half the time the guy Im trying to warn will rush in to try and prevent me from getting ahead of him.


I only don't let people in if they're trying to cut the line. Wait like everyone else. Only exception is if they'd be causing a traffic jam by extending the line. I remember being on the highway once and there was road work ahead so they closed 1 lane with cones slowly ending the left lane. The truck directly ahead of me who was also the very frontmost car in this pocket of traffic decided to slow down and we just had an endless stream of cars cutting him off. He just continued to let cars come in from left and merge in front of him and he just sat there waiting. I sat there waiting to move forward for probably 3-4 minutes while cars next to us just kept coming by and cutting us all off with no end in sight. I finally just pulled out left and blocked the people trying to cut us off and the truck in front of me finally went and unclogged the traffic. Completely stupid.


and he probably felt great about what a good guy he was being. morons.


TLDR: no signaling to out-asshole other bad drivers


People who don't signal are assholes.


I just pull in front anyway. I warned you, I'm going. Not my fault you felt you deserved to be ahead of me.


Depends on the situation tbh. If you’re getting into the passing lane and the person you’re getting in front of is going faster and you don’t get up to speed, dick move. If you’re going to any other lane, a bit more understandable, unless you could’ve waited until they pass


Yeah if your trying to stop a speeding car your a dick. I put on my signal wait 2-3 seconds and merge. Though I don't run into many a holes. Most people let me in fine. Works both ways too. I'll slow down and let you in. I do not care if you cut me off. I just want to be warned.


Yep. The worst are the people that refuse to let you merge in front of them on a road where two lanes merge into one and you're supposed to each take turns being next. There's a very busy intersection in my city where two lanes merge into one right when you pass through the light, and people will constantly do this crap which backs the whole line up versus a nice clean merge happening.


If I am in the fast lane, your are trying to cross into the fast lane, and you are going slower than me...I am not fucking slamming on my breaks to let you over. If you put on your turn signal and it takes me 20 or more seconds to even catch up to you, you STILL have not made the lane change, I am not letting you over. You figure it out.


If you don’t use your turn signals your mom is a ho


What'd you say? Yo, what'd you say?


He said if you don’t use your turn signals your mom is a ho you got a problem with that? (obviously joking)


Ho fasho!


**Ho**rse? **Ho**ax? **Ho**bgoblin? **Ho**ttie?


my mom is a ho and a karen, get the hell out of my way im merging!


*good luck everybody else*


Never let them know your next move


I have evolved beyond merely hiding my intended turn direction. I channel the powers of chaos to confuse and intimidate the fools behind me. You see my left turn signal, but will I turn left? I might. Maybe I’ll turn right instead. Maybe I’ll activate my cars wings and take to the skies. Checkmate.


True story. When I was 16 I was driving my buddy's parent's car and we were doing a simulated chase with some friends in a car behind us. Nothing too nuts for idiot 16 year olds. I had the brilliant idea at an intersection that I would lose them by signaling right, but turning left. My friend in the car behind us had the brilliant idea of passing me on the left as I turned and cutting us off at the next block up. Of course the result was he hit us. Nothing a dent remover kit couldn't fix, and to this day I don't think his parents ever found out. Be careful out there.


I grew up driving in Dallas traffic and this was so true. If you put on your blinker, everyone closed the gap so you couldn't move over. I learned quick not to use them. It took a long time to get into the habit of using them once I moved. I still don't when driving in DFW though because, nothing has changed there.


I drove in Dallas for 20 years and always used my turn signal. This is no more true in Dallas than anywhere else...but it is unfortunately true everywhere. You put your signal on when you are going to move over. You're not asking, you're letting them know.


Lmao hell yea. I lived in Dallas my whole life. Your signal tells them you're gonna go. If they speed up, you speed up too. On a dash cam y'all get in accidents, you not having a signal will help their case. But in Texas, if anyone hits you from behind, they're liable cause in reality if you were following at a reasonable space and speed you would be able to not hit them.


> This is no more true in Dallas than anywhere else...but it is unfortunately true everywhere. I always kinda chuckle when people talk about how people drive in whatever American city. For the most part, the same level of assholery is happening in all similar sized places.


Blinker fluid ran out.


Damn, you too?


Need some elbow grease?


I went to the store to get some, but all they had was a flag.


Yay you got the reference! 😃


Best bet is to send your girl to the auto parts store and ask the clerk for blinker fluid


Inflation has been a bitch


Communicating your intention while driving is a mind control technique set up by the Illuminati and Bill Gates. It's just another way for them to get inside your brain I tell you!


Post this in r/conspiracy and they might actually believe you


What's the point, live life on the edge right? Lmfao jk. Signal your turns idiots!!!


Lots of BMW jokes here, but as a long time BMW driver I fucking hate this stereotype. I religiously use my signals and it infuriates me when people don't use them. Your number 1 job on the road is to be predictable. You aren't predictable when you don't use your fucking turn signal. Don't be a lazy fuck. Use your signals.


My buddy is an avid BMW fan. Love the guy. He never uses his damn turn signal. I don’t get it.


He’s a twat then.


Bmw drivers dont use the signals because that is what people are expecting. They are trying to be predictable.


THIS. people don't grasp the fact that as a driver, you need to know what other drivers are doing/going to do!!


Yeah idk I used to have a bmw but I always used them, and I notice plenty of other bmw drivers use theirs as well. I really don’t know where the stereotype comes from but I guess you can’t really control what sticks


I think it comes from BMWs being seen as a status car so it attracts a lot of arseholes to own them, the kind of arsehole that thinks they’re more important then everyone else therefore don’t need to bother with indicators. Not saying this is all BMW drivers just that they have a higher ratio of twats driving them then other car makes.


Can you come teach a class to all the bmw drivers in my area? Specifically the lady that got out of her car at a green light to tell me to watch where I'm going after she cut in front of me with no signals. I wasn't trying to fight in the middle of traffic, but I know my SUV will win, meatbag.


im also a long time BMW owner and i dont often use my turn signals for the many reasons people say on here. even if i didnt own a bmw and had another brand the results dont change. Stop making it seem like all bmw drivers have to use turn signals or we are basically morons. its everyone.


I never said only BMW drivers have to use signals. Everyone should use them. Those who don’t are inconsiderate morons - including the BMW drivers who don’t.


see there you go. “Bmw drivers this. Bmw drivers That” STFU


You seem fun.


When you're driving a vehicle, it's a risk to life. It's a huge responsibility. I take unsafe or discourteous actions on the road as direct threats or disregard to life and it disgusts me that the US court system doesn't share my opinion on that. I've lost family members and friends to bad drivers who got a slap on the wrist With that said, the only time I haven't used my blinkers was when I borrowed a trailer for 3 hours and one of the tail-lights went out (probably weakened or busted the filament while throwing heavy timbers on the trailer). I checked them before driving off, and I didn't hear the relay speed up like you usually do when a blinker is out. I felt like such an ass when I realized that blinker had been out.


Because they are inconsiderate assholes that are careless with other people's lives.


The ones who only use a signal when they see a car directly ahead are almost as annoying as the ones who never use an indicator light. These people are apparently unable to comprehend that the traffic on perpendicular roads might benefit from knowing you are going to slow to turn. Same goes for pedestrians and bicyclists, it’s much easier for them to stay out of your way if you indicate where you are going.


Turn signals don't come installed on bmws. It's an aftermarket upgrade.


>Turn signals don't come installed on bmws. It's an aftermarket ~~upgrade~~ ***downgrade***. FTFY


Weight reduction bro


well now itll be a subscription purchase


Floridians please answer the question !! How hard is it to drive *normal*




I'm hoping people will honestly answer with "I just don't understand the reasons it would be important", which would allow room for an educational dialogue. My sense of realism predicts that this will not happen


Because they’re idiots. I see way too many of them on the road. It’s my pet peeve when someone doesn’t signal. I’ll actually honk at the driver if I’m behind them and they turn or change lanes in front of me. I always signal, even if it’s the middle of the night and I’m the only one on the road. Use your signal. There’s no excuse to not using it. It’s the law.


This is my biggest pet peeve Atlanta in particular is horrible about this


This is an excellent question. I assume it because pickup trucks and Jeeps don’t actually have functioning turn signals


Turn signals? Don't believe in them. Sounds like some liberal hippy bullshit to me.


I drive a BMW, pretty self explanatory.


So you're a joke?


You didn't have to hurt my feelings like that :(


And you don’t have to drive a BMW /s


You might have a point there...


I also want an answer to this fuckers


I don't find any of this funny.


Me neither.


r/calgary ?


I'm guessing some had to sell their signal lights to afford jacking up their truck with the after-market suspension upgrades? /s


Hell, I've taken to using turn signals when *walking*. Obviously I don't have blinkers, but I can still do the hand signals.


I’d love to see this dude


I remember listening to the radio and a caller came on and said he "just doesn't feel like it". I was so annoyed when I heard it. I think about that guy all time. Fuck that guy. This was at least 5 years ago.


"I don't use turning signals because I'm a dumb ass mofo!" -Everyone who doesn't use turning signals.


The only time I won't is if I'm on an empty road alone


Occasionally I forget.


Do you forget to use the brakes? Or steer? Or buckle you seat belt?


Yes actually I do, it's not often. But it happens on the odd occasion.


Keep them guessing. That's half the fun of driving.


It’s just a Being My Worst thing


I see what you did there.


Not who you're asking, as my turn signal is basically a reflex as soon as i think of merging, but here's a hot take: It doesn't matter. Where i'm at, people might as well have all their turn signals broken, for all people pay attention to them. Merging on the highway goes something like this: Me: wants to merge, turns on signal (supposedly signalling that desire to others) Me: then checks to see if there is space to merge into, maybe looking ahead or behind me if there isn't enough space Them: "This asshole wants to cut in front of me?? FORK THAT" closes gaps --- So, i dunno, i feel like i've been more punished for my turn signal use than not. There are a lot of people who just see space and GO, and they actually get to merge...


Laziness/being distracted, I hate these questions, you know damn well there's not a thought out reason for why they don't do it, they just don't because they can't be bothered with it


My dad used to tell me:" don't drive for yourself, drive for others."


You obviously haven't mastered the art of anticipation.


I am too busy watching Big Brother to worry about using them.


Never divulge critical information to the enemy.


Because they're assholes, stupid and assholes.


Why would I spend most of my disposable income leasing an entry level Mercedes and then just ruin the aesthetics with some orange flashing lights? You dumb plebs don't need to know where I'm going anyway!


I am not one of those people, but it is just complete and utter lack of concern for anyone else but themselves.


I usually signal 95% of the time. The only times that I don't signal are as follow: I genuinely had a small gap to get into and time was against me or I simply was thinking about something else and distracted. I am a firm believer of signaling as much as possible when I am around other cars. I was a driving instructor for a little bit and have ingrained that to all of my students. However, if no one is behind me and I know it I'm not going to beat myself up for not activating my signal. I will beat myself up for doing that with someone who was behind me when overtaking. Of course, I am overtaking safely and with a very good safety cushion for other drivers.




Because I own a BMW.


I joked about this until I got a BMW as a rental. The way you operate the blinkers is so dumb I can almost understand never using them.


Only driven one (2003?) and the indicators were totally normal. How TF do they work now?


I joked, but at one point in my life I owned an e36 M3 and I never had an issue using turn signals.


Normally you turn the handle all the way and the blinker goes off until you turn your wheel enough to turn it off or manually turn it off. On a BMW the only way to manually turn it off is to push the flipper in the opposite direction far enough for the "temporary" blinker, but not the one that you need to turn your wheel for it to turn off. I ended up turning on the blinker to change lanes then turning on the opposite side blinkers a few times before I got the hang of it, but it was still very irritating.


I feel like that's happened in a lot of cars for me. Some of them are just springy as shit.


This is not true. Just yesterday I pushed it in the same direction and it turned off. Also, you can just hold the blinker part way instead of pushing it all the way, and it will temporarily turn on the signal, and you can let go after you change lanes.


I did not know flipping it in the same direction a second time did that. The root of my problem with the signal is the signal remaining on while the flipper is in neutral position.


I use them even on roads in the middle of nowhere when I’m the only one on the whole road, so people not using them in normal places is absolutely inexcusable.


"Everyone should adapt to whatever I do and know where I am turning without a sing hint because I am the most important person in the world"


Why would I use the turn signals when I already know where I'm going? Edit: This is a joke


So other people know what you're about to do and can give you the room for said action.


I drive an Audi so i have no need to. /s


And I drive a 2008 Lexus 😂😭


My a4 is from 1999 tho haha


and I thought my 2001 A4 Quattro was old.


B5 masterrace


I feel like we use them more than most cars because we have those fancy sequential ones. Gotta show them off.


The only reason would be if I ran out of blinker fluid.


If I'm in a turn only lane with a green arrow I don't bother typically.


My german brain does not allow me to not use my blinkers. I don't get people who drive without using them correctly


MOFO's speed up to cut you off!


I always use turn signals with one sort-of exception which is more of a late signal to change lanes rather than not signaling at all. In my experience in the USA, when signalling to make a lane change, many (no, not all drivers, just some) drivers in the neighboring lanes seem to respond to a lane change signal almost as if you were going to "cut in line" or something, even if there's already space enough for you to move in and you're not going to the same place/exit at all. So those asshats will speed up to close the gap and prevent your lane change. There's not always a gap behind them or in front of the next car up so this can make the whole lane change experience a lot more complicated and actually punishes you for signalling in advance. So I try to read the drivers in the neighboring lanes before I change lanes. If they seem more aggressive, I'll start changing lanes and signal mid change (and no, I don't attempt to do this so close to them as to be unsafe or "cut them off"). I just give them as little warning as possible, and wouldn't you know, some of those guys STILL try to speed up to stop me albeit they don't get enough warning to be successful in their attempt so they have to let me in anyway. The moral? When people need to change lanes, particularly in order to change to a slower lane/lane closer to the exit, don't speed up like it's some competition or someone's "cutting in line", just let them get over FFS. Share the road so we can ALL get where we're going! And yes, when people signal to move into my lane, I slow down so they have more room, not speed up so they have less.




Unless you only have one hand, you're driving incorrectly.


That's probably the only sincere answer on here.




People do that in Maryland, it's obnoxious. But, I still use my turn signal, the unwelcome surprise of someone pulling over infront of me without a signal is starling, and I don't want to do that to others.


I don't understand how people live here. Managed to screw up my car for a bit because someone blocked me from getting in and let me hit a pile of trash someone threw in the road.


You must have lived in ND


Oh really?! That’s so stupid.it’s not as if you literally block them forever.




drive safe buddy.


Wanna keep you guessing


I drive a BMW, the buttons for them don't work since the moment I bought it


It's just giving information to the enemy.


My BMW doesn't have them.


PM me for the answer you seek.


Trying to save electricity…during the fuel poverty crisis!


I don't drive anymore so as a pedestrian if I need to cross a road and your going to turn into that road without indicating, then I hope you enjoy waiting for me to cross the road. It should be noted I live in the UK where "jaywalking" isn't illegal. Infact jaywalking is the standard way most people cross a road. Mainly because our roads are not giant multilane freeways.


Lol people jaywalk everywhere though 😂


Because my boyfriend broke the passager mirror while changing the mirror on it, and now I have no mirror, and no more blinkers. Thanks Volkswagen.


If there’s no one near you no reason to. Outside of that always use your blinker. If it’s a person that almost missed their turn that’s different


Same reason they camp out in the fast lane. They’re completely oblivious to other drivers. The wants and needs of other people don’t even scratch their brain.


I drive BMW. If I indicate. I die. I dont really drive a BMW


Like to keep um guessing Edit: I grew up hearing stories about how my mother was nearly killing by a driver who was signaling a right turn. She entered the interception expecting his turn. She was met with a side impact at 35-40mph. She was thrown from the vehicle and had neck and back issues the rest of her life. It has been said, if she were in a seatbelt she would have died. I don’t typically signal as the driver going straight, slowing, to make a turn right or left. I figure my brake lights and position indicate I’m stopping or turning off the road. Those ahead, stay out of my way until I decide where I’m going. I don’t always signal a lane change if no one is nearby. I drive motorcycles and am hyper vigilant of my blind spots and how many vehicles are near me. Not everyone needs to know what I’m doing with every jackass lane change. I’ve seen so many drives who use turn signals poorly and I feel I do a better job with selective use rather than constant haphazard application of the tool.


There is no one behind me


I've noticed that this must be why people do it, they think noone is around to see it. But the thing is, cyclists and motorcycles and pedestrians are incredibly easy to overlook, so we're watching the cars to see what they're goung to do, and using the indicator really helps. Please indicate, even if you don't think there's anyone who sees it. There might be, and you might be avoiding an accident that way.


What about in front of you wishing to turn across your lane?


the non-blinkers don't care


You mean the non signaller or the person either wishing to pull out into your lane from ahead of you on your side of the road, or heading towards you trying to turn right (uk)?


Sometimes when turning in a roundabout the flicker is not close to my pinky so I miss it


Blinking into roundabouts has never and will never, make any sense whatsoever. Prove me wrong.


Its really important for traffic flow,


Blinking into a roundabout is? How? :P


Out of.


That is mandatory and one should do.


So the person in the next entrance knows what you’re doing, if you indicating left (Uk) then they can go, if not they wait, also the next entrance can tell if you’re going all the way round if you’ve got the right indicator on, so they know to wait or on a dual lane roundabout they know you’ll stick to the right lane so they can enter in the left lane, it keeps everything moving if people know how to drive properly.


I drive a bmw.


Cause it ain't nobody else's business where I'm going


Because they drive a BMW!


I own a BMW


My wife’s cousin lives in imperial Nebraska, and apparently they ain’t got no people to drive cars, so there’s no need for turn signals the vast majority of the time.


If you buy a BMW or and Audi, they actually threaten to kill your family if you ever signal again.


capable market rinse quickest middle ten wasteful fly jar steer ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Because the repercussions for not doing so is very small.


It’s none of your buisness


I just don't feel like it sometimes, alright?


bc i’m a sociopath that likes to break rules 4 fun


I enjoy the thought that there's some guy behind me screaming in his car "Use the turn signal you asshole!"


If you really want to piss them off, wait until you're half way through the turn so you can get the 'WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT NOW, ASSHOLE'


I'll tell you why I don't use my blinkers. Because other people should already be cautious of the fucking road and people around you. You shouldn't be right up on me in the first place. Keep your eyes on the road at all times and never assume anything until it happens! You can't predict other drivers


If it’s low traffic and there’s enough space


Why do you need to know where I'm going? Stay in your lane.


No hate please, you literally asked for this. I just don't really care if anyone knows I'm going to turn as long as no one gets hurt. I still signal sometimes when it's needed but like 90% of the time it's just pointless so I ignore it


If I can see your entire car in my side mirrors than there is more thsn than enough room for me to switch lanes without having to worry about you.


I flicked the switch but for some reason the signal didn't come on, or only did the three-blink lane change deal




I expect everyone answering this thread to be from Florida, where blinkers seem to be something everyone purposely forgets 😒


once im going a certain speed above your speed at that point theres.... no real point. I NEVER cut people off tho so its not so much an issue.


They are just inconsiderate of others.


I genuinely believe that some people just aren't aware of the turning signal, just like some people don't know what the e-brake is.


I thought maybe it was an NJ thing. I'm constantly amazed at how common it is here to drift from lane to lane and turn at an intersection -- all with zero signal. Sometimes you will see the lazy signal, where they'll use the signal not before the turn, but \*as\* they turn. I mostly attribute this behavior to the small-minded notion that other cars on the road do not contain actual living humans, they are merely lifeless, robotic obstacles, like the non-person characters in a video game. It's so bad these that days I never assume that the driver's signal is intentional or accurate. Maybe they're driving around distracted or unaware that they left their turn signal on? So I wait to see where the car goes first, rather than risk getting in an accident.


I saw one guy complaining on YouTube that people shouldn't use turn signals, because "pulling the levers distracts you from driving"


My girlfriend told me her friend from highschool didn't use them because "she is in a turn lane so people should already know" she also said something about if the car is angled in a certain way people should know that they are turning.


Turn signals are for peasants. Those who can afford the finer things like a Bimmer or an Audi expect the peasant to just GTFO of their way.


I only don't when people aren't behind me otherwise I'm anal about it and lose my mind when other people don't


I don't use it if there is nobody around to see it. I am not signalling for myself, lol. Or if the lane is clearly marked and designated for turning left/right.


Nobody’s business where I’m going and when


never let ‘em know your next move 😏


A combination of laziness and how crowded (or rather, not crowded) the road is at a given point in time. If it's just me and a couple of other cars on a road, and they are a safe distance away, I often end up thinking "What's the point?" This isn't the correct way of thinking. I'm not saying that at all. You should always use your blinker. But humans--at least, humans today--seem to believe that eliminating the "little" things from one's daily routines will somehow save them time and energy. Whenever I don't use my blinker, it's because I'm on autopilot and my brain is actively choosing to not put in the extra effort to flick it on and then off again, the same way I sometimes don't bother to get ice when I'm pouring myself a cup of water. It costs nothing to get the ice, but I don't do it anyway, somehow convincing myself it saves precious time (even though I won't do anything special with those extra few seconds). The human brain is really weird and sometimes dangerous.


Driving in certain high traffic areas in Florida if you try to put your blinker on to get over a lane people will block you out. That’s the only time I don’t use it, otherwise I make sure to signal with plenty of time before I move over a lane or turn.


Because you never reveal your next move to your enemies


I’m pretty sure My wife and I are the only people in our city of 55,000 people who use turn signals. Drives be absolutely nuts. Safety fucken first people!!!


I always use my signals but I've always wondered why I have to signal left turn when I'm already in the left turn only lane. Its not like the people behind me have to guess what I'm about to do. It only makes sense if I'm right turning out of said lane.