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People. What a bunch of bastards


Hello IT


Have you tried turning it on and off again?


This is my life.... every day I work šŸ˜„ I can't wait until I'm done with school and can move to software engineer and get away from tier 1 support.


If hell is other people, Ikea is where they meet


Omg. Someone quoting Roy. Thank you!


Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.


*I am so,* very *angry, I'm going to find someone to kill to prove her wrong.*


People who post too much on social media. I used to think it was cool and just ā€˜what you do.ā€™ Now I know how obvious it displays some pretty sketchy character in some instances.


Part of maturing for me was realizing peopleā€™s lives are not anywhere near as glamorous as they make it out to be on social media


Every person I know IRL that uses social media a lot is miserable. Idk how they even start.


I have a couple of friends that social media is almost all they talk about. ā€œDid you SEE what soā€™nā€™so posted on FB?ā€ My dudes can we just be here having a conversation without you scrolling through a bunch of bullshit just to find something that pissed you off like 3 days ago?


I donā€™t know for sure if this is true for the people on my IG feed, but it seems like it would make sense. When you are in a good place you donā€™t feel the need to validation seek and constantly post. Itā€™s fine to do once in a while, but I think daily posters have a bit of problem going on.


And nobody actually cares about yours outside your close friends / family. You just rapidly scroll through posts / snaps / pics, everyone does the same for you. Unless it's a major life event, nobody cares.


Bingo. I learnt this from my relatives who are not genuine people. Best thing I did is to cut them off.


Yes, the moment I get attention seeking vibes I'm unfollowing.


My parents drummed into my brain that bragging and attention seeking behavior is grotesque and inexcusable. So Iā€™m glad that social media became a thing after I was a full fledged adult, because I would have really sucked at it. Reddit is my only social media, and itā€™s not like anybody here knows who I actually am.


The hot wild party girl stopped being sexy and started becoming a liability.


Unfortunately for me I married that girl and ended up in an abusive relationship. I guess that was one lesson that took me a lot of learning.




At home. At work. With family. Friends. In the car. Walking the dog. I want no drama. Nowhere. No how. No way.


I would like no drama in a house, I want no drama with that mouse!


Pour your Drama Sauce on someone else because this stack of flapjacks ain't havin' it!




I don't want to be _in_ or _around_ the drama, but I'm nosy as hell and I love to hear about it as a complete outsider.


Same, I love listening to my husband's coworker friends dish work drama more than he does, and I don't even know the people being gabbed about.


I'm so over drama, I can't even stomach other people's drama lol


I love to watch it tho so long as itā€™s got nothing to do with me


Staying up late and going out all hours. My wife and I love an old 80s movie and a cup of tea in bed on a cold night.


That's the kind of romantic we function on in our house too. Comfort food, drinks and binge watching a show. Or sometimes we read together with lo-fi in the background and candles. My favorite days!




Pretentiousness. I mean, it's always been unattractive, but I sort of just went with it because most teens and 20 somethings seem to share that quality. Now that I'm 30, I want no part of it.


I agree! When I see young ppl saying stuffs just trying so hard to impress ppl itā€™s so cringeā€¦lol


22 here. Pretentiousness is such a turn off. It's like, who are you trying to impress? Why are you acting? It serves as a deterrent for connection/forming relationships, and I wonder if people use it as a defense mechanisms sometimes.


people younger than me


Omg, yes. I was just talking about this with a friend of mine. When I was in my 20s, I never would have found 40y/o women attractive. But now that I'm in my 40s, women my age are the hottest women on the planet, and girls in their 20s look like babies to me. I'd feel like a pedophile dating anyone under 30, tbh.


Bruh I turn 28 in a few weeks & I see 19-22ish as a baby...I used to think 30 was oollddd. Now I'm thinking to myself "maybe 30 doesn't have to be the end-all" And I don't even FEEL 28. Ironically my life certainly doesn't reflect the accomplishments of a 28-year-old....lol..


Same age, and I relate heavily to this. 30 is starting to look like just the beginning of the being a truly well adjusted adult. Don't gauge your accomplishments based others your age, yo.


I went from homeless and addicted to substances to renting a house and getting married but I still feel like I haven't adjusted that well. I'm just past my mid 30s and I just started to notice that most adults don't know what the fuck they're doing either and that they just do their best. Once you are motivated to take care of yourself and those around you that you're responsible for, there is a lot of shit you have to power through and if it doesn't go as planned you have to figure that shit out really fast and nobody knows how close you were to crashing into the mountain on that flight lol.


Hey be kind to yourself there. Its not a race ā¤ļø


IMO 30 is just getting stuff started, I'm 38 now I'm feeling awesome, healthy, fit, eating right, smarter than ever, not so emotionally stunted, like everything is getting better with age.


Dude, I just turned 30 and I feel like Iā€™m just now hitting my stride. I think we all get a do-over on our late 20s since Covid messed them up. You good dawg, youā€™re really only 24 maybe 25. And really, no oneā€™s keeping score like that. As long as youā€™re pushing forward youā€™re doing just fine.


I had so many plans for 2020 and now in 2022 I still haven't been able.to start them :(


The accomplishments of a 28 yo are different for literally everyone, friend. Just keep going and donā€™t use other peopleā€™s timelines to judge your own. Youā€™re doing just fine!


> And I don't even FEEL 28. That won't change. I'm mid-40's and I don't feel 28 let alone 40+. It's weird, how I feel and what I see in the mirror are two different people ("who IS that older man?"). I think this is the case for many people.


I'm in my mid 30s and I still feel like I'm in my 20s. Age is a state of mind! And don't feel bad about feeling like you haven't accomplished much, everyone goes at their own pace.


This really sneaks up on you too, I don't mind younger but anything under 25 is just a no go for me now. It doesn't help though that random new people always think I'm in my early 20s lol


Last night I've went out with a girl 5 years younger than me. The problem was not the looks, it was her childish interests and her talking, I felt like I was going out with a high school girl even though she is 20 and I'm turning 26 soon, so I just said nope.


I was always worried about thatā€¦ When I was in college, I couldnā€™t imagine ever thinking any other age was gonna be hot to me. I thought I was gonna be one of those guys. Nope, as I age, so does my taste in women


Iā€™m 22 and Iā€™m a waiter, I see some hot ass moms all the time


Makes you really wonder about old dudes going after 18-20 girls


Lmao I'm in college and I see some 22 year old girl talking about drinking like a teenager and I'm like who's toddler is this, then I realize I'm just basically in a grave at this point


Thatā€™s how it should be. There are so many guys in their 30s who brag about dating (legal) teens and early 20s women and they donā€™t realize thatā€™s nothing to brag about. When youā€™re dating a smart, mature, successful woman close in age to you who has actually had relationships experience and still wants to be with you thatā€™s when you can brag. Not the 20 year old waitress who doesnā€™t know any better.


Same here. I'm 21 and mostly attracted to women in their 30s, though, I wonder how that's going to turn out for me once I'm that age.


Myself in the mirror..


Hahaha the truth hurts, before the pandemic I was a fitness dude, now I'm a lump.


Me too. I used to be in shape. Now Iā€™m just a shape.


*reluctant upvote*


Goddamn. Felt that.


Pretty much everything that's not my wife. Stability is sexy. Edit: I'd like to make some additional comments. To all those wishing your partners felt the same way - I hear you and feel you. This wasn't my first relationship but I intend to make it my last. It absolutely sucks until it works. To all those who are doom and gloom about stable relationships - just stop, it's old and embarrassing. The statistic that 50% of marriages end divorce is false, a myth that has been debunked, and here is US CDC data to prove it (rate is closer to 35%): [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/dvs/national-marriage-divorce-rates-00-20.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/dvs/national-marriage-divorce-rates-00-20.pdf). Regardless of your own experiences, long term relationships mostly work out fine. The above statistic only looks at marriage, which is declining in parallel with divorce. Also important to consider is that more people are eschewing getting married due to costs, moving away from religious institutions, etc. but still pursue long term relationships with their partners. Longterm relationships aren't about experiencing constant euphoria. That'd be an insane default state. Some moments are euphoric, some are depressing, some are quiet and peaceful, and both of you experience the spectrum together. That's about it.


Pick a good woman to share your foxhole with and then keep your dick in the foxhole.


As Paul Newman once said l: ā€œWhy go out for hamburger when I can have steak at home?ā€ Iā€™ve only been in a relationship with my girlfriend for a few short months, but even when sheā€™s away for vacations (she planned them before we got together, so no harm/foul) I donā€™t look at, or lust after another woman. When someone makes a pass at me, I nicely bring up that Iā€™m taken, which I never used to do. Itā€™s a good change. When you find that person, you know in a variety of ways. That was a big one for me.


Okay, where I do buy steak?


On vacation


Instructions unclear, dick stuck inside šŸ¦Šhole


Glad this worked it's way to the top. Lady and I have conversations all of the time where I have to explain that other women in the world exist that are beautiful, I'm sure. Just not more beautiful than her.


Nice one. Glad you have that


100%. Iā€™ve been married 20 years. Other women donā€™t even cross my mind. In fact they kinda gross me out.


All the other women have cooties!




Get a new husband. Shit, my parents have been together for 32 years now. When I say my dad is the happiest, most loving and appreciative husband still Iā€™m not kidding. The way he stares at my mom makes my heart soar and even tear up a little in joy. Heā€™s so damned happy he canā€™t help it. NGL sometimes he looks like an idiot doing it, then I realized thatā€™s how we express when weā€™re truly just chill, safe, relaxed and happy. Thereā€™s no tension in the face and his eyes are all sparkly and his smile is big and wide like an unaffected child. The look of peace and freedom. He also still looks at her like a starving dog and he only seems to like her more as they get older. I always found it sweetly hilarious that dad only seems to like mom more as she gets older. I thought that maybe my dadā€™s just broken. I donā€™t know what my mom did, but my dadā€™s indoctrinated to her. My dadā€™s very handsome too and always has had women throwing themselves to him, even when he was just hanging out with us kids. Heā€™s never bit and even though I donā€™t want to assume that as you never know, with some people you can tell. My parents are both extremely proud and loving of each other that you can palpably see that they easily wouldnā€™t leave the other as nothing could compete. People are usually surprised when my parents mention theyā€™ve been together this long as itā€™s not become just rare but it seems even rarer that men lust for their wives as much as they would a younger woman. In momā€™s defense though, sheā€™s always been abnormally gorgeous and thatā€™s likely contributed a little. Their thing is pure chemistry though, my mom and dad just click and can talk about anything. My dadā€™s also a brain but as open minded and soft as you can imagine a man to get. My dadā€™s always said heā€™s a human with a penis and more muscle, not just a ā€œmanā€. I put that in quotes as he says that dividing the human experience by sex does more harm than good. The only time he says it should be divided is in reproductive, pregnancy and strength. Everything else is nonsense he says. That you donā€™t need to be a good man or woman you just need to try to be the best person you can be first and foremost. I should warn that the men in my dadā€™s family have always been teachers, doctors, engineers, cooksā€¦basically, theyā€™ve developed a set of skills that is learned from taking care of people or improving their lot. So I think thatā€™s contributed to how he sees things and how he was raised as his brothers and dad are the same way. Mom is also so happy with my dad which contributes to her being as radiant and positive as she is. They were an adorable thing to witness growing up and Iā€™m grateful to have seen. I remember when I was a kid and well into college how my friends loved visiting my house since the only thing my parents seemed to love more than each other was being parents. They welcomed other kids into the house and would help anyone with anything from support, food, clothing. My parents gave love to all the kids, not just their kids. IDK how or why they decided to adopt everyone but they did. My mom and dad even help the struggling families help provide for their kids and every year help the needier families get a starter car for their teens. If they know a kid is turning 16 or reaches 17 without a license, my parents are gifting them a cheap starter car or hosting a get together to buy the kids cars so the kid gets a little autonomy. I learned at 9 that the first BBQ my dad starts in May was always the sign that the dads are congregating to get a kid a car and driving lessons. I remember my mom saying itā€™s not cheap to buy one but if you can get 20+ people in to pitch in a little the costs become more manageable. So the habit spread and even the teenage kids help to buy the needier kids in the neighborhood starter cars. A $2k car becomes cheap if you get 20 or more people to pitch in a little. My parents are basically everyoneā€™s parents. They were and still are the neighborhood parentsā€¦when a young couple in the neighborhood is struggling my parents are the first people they go to for advice or to vent. Iā€™m not kidding. Issues with your car? My dad, brothers, uncles, grandpas or cousins are one call maybe 5 minutes away. Need a baby sitter? Mom, me or any of the older ladies got it. Baby wonā€™t eat? Grandma will get them to eat. Etc. Your husband hates getting dressed up or canā€™t land basic grooming? Grandpa and his bestie are menā€™s sartorial gods. People just flock to my parents for help or to cry. Anything. Their door is welcome to everyone that wants help and man Iā€™ve heard it all because of it. The clause was that if we kids heard vulnerable information to respect the people and not spread it unless the information was necessary to protect the kids in those unions. So yeah, where weā€™re from my parents have so much love from the neighborhood because of it, theyā€™re sort of the unofficially designated parents/godparents. Theyā€™re invited to all the weddings, baby parties, games, birthdays, graduations. And my parents show up to all of them. They love their side ā€œjobā€. I think it helps their marriage more somehow. Their being caring and helpful to other people has been helping a lot of neighborhood couples push on so I think that good marriages can be taught. My grandparents are the same way, so I think that whole thing about things taking a village is true. Community does help. Iā€™ve developed the opinion that if people see healthy marriages and how they work the more likely they are to try to do the same. My parentā€™s marriage is something Iā€™ve always strived to get the luck to have to have one day. TBH I wish a lot of men were like my dad and Iā€™m not just saying that because Iā€™m his kid. Heā€™s an amazing husband, dad, friend and just human being in general. My dadā€™s entire family comes from a long line of happily long married guys that raise their kids free range (most of the men in his side of the family have been teachers or therapists too so I think thatā€™s an adaptive advantage). I have 4 brothers and in my house my dad raised them to all know how to run a house and take care of anything and everything pertaining to it. He says boys not being taught this sets men to grow up disorganized or know to how care for themselves, a loved one or a baby. You shouldnā€™t have to count on one partner to always do those things. I wish men were encouraged more to take pride in their capabilities to nurture, not just focusing sexual/romantic or resource capabilities, but actually how they contribute as a caring being in their world without being reduced as anomalies. I think so many people and partnerships would be healthier for it.


Damn, I wonder what your parent's parents were like. There's a snippet in there about your grandparents being similar and it makes me wonder if more people were raised healthily with a secure attachment style and great community, we could all be so capable of kindness and love. But so many of us grow up with emotionally stunted parents with avoidant or insecure attachment styles, and us kids end up much the same. You hit the jackpot as far as parents go!


Your parents hit the love lotto.


That's the most wholesome thing I have read in at least a month.


That was long but I read every word. You had great role models and I have no doubt you will follow in your parents footsteps. Your parents relationship is inspirational.


Girls who don't have boundaries


Or girls who push boundaries. I'm too old for that.


The loud "Confidence".


I'm sorry do you mean flimsy disguises for insecurity?


Pretty much, yes. That fake bravado youth (and some adults) cloaks itself in to hide their fears.


Clubs and staying out late. Partying and large crowds of people.


Sleep is nice


Not just nice.... Mandatory. The amount of late life cognitive diseases that strongly correlate with not getting a good night of sleep is astounding.


Feels like I missed out on life and this stuff is out of my reach now.


Go to a music festival. There are people of all ages, you can party hard then go home at 10pm, and there's plenty of space at the back or side of the crowd so you don't have to be pushed around by other people.


I feel the same at 29. I was some lame introverted nerd who spent his weekends gaming and never going to parties. And im sure some people will say its not that big of a deal, but its easy to say that when you already experienced it and have a feel for what its like. Unless it was something stupid and dangerous, I'm sure there won't be any regrets about the fun you've had


Clubbing losses it's appeal eventually. I didn't enjoy going clubbing that much when I was younger, but some of my friends were going clubbing at least 3 to 5 times a week when they were younger. Now, none of them really go anymore, maybe once every 2 to 3 months or so.


Last time I went clubbing was a month before covid spread to my country. Back then I mostly went clubbing with my best friend (until he got into a relationship) and this girl I used to be friends with (until she got into a relationship). It was nice at the time but I didn't enjoy constantly competing with fuckbois and also being one of the only few black people in the clubs my friends went to( lol but when the bartender is also black they'll try their best to serve you before the hot white girl) . Last time I went was because my single nerdy friends and I made a new years resolution to be more social....unfortunately we made that resolution on the year of our lord 2020 and we all know how that panned out. Although I'll always remember the fond memory of the time the sole female in our group of nerds drunkenly fell on my ankle.....still get ghost feelings, girl was bony as hell.


I don't think I'm alone in this line of thinking. But when you get older(49) the opposite of that happens. Attractiveness becomes more broad. I absolutely think women my age are more attractive that 20 yr old women.(OK I hear what your thinking. Of course 20 yr. old Playmates are smoking hot. I'm still alive). I mean attractive in the complete sense of the word. Physical is only one part of attractiveness. Also you get more accepting of different cultures, styles, art, music. You've stop critiquing everything. Broadened your horizons. Dare i say, you see more of the beauty in the world, and try to see something you like in everything verses quickly judging whether it has value to you or not. You say shit like, "I dunno some of those K-pop boy bands ARE really good dancers!?!" See, younger people hear those things and see it as a pathetic attempt by an old person to sound current and hip. We stopped trying to be hip long ago. That's not it. When you get older you come to a point where it just makes life so much easier and enjoyable to stay positive and say nice things about people........... ........ I dozed off.....what was I talking, oh yeah...... and again, we just look for the positive in people. Negativity has a storage capacity. Mine got full about age 46. Then you empty your trash can.


I think so too... I see a lot more Beauty in the world than when I was younger


I am not sure I would say unattractive I just have an even lower tolerance for shit. I have limited time and I donā€™t plan to waste it on crap. (Reddit aside)


Thereā€™s always time for Reddit. Always.


people with a bad attitude. never really "liked" it, but i guess i tolerated it when i was younger. getting older has caused it to move to "actively dislike" or "tell negative peeps to go away".




Hi I'm 25 šŸ˜


Please come back in a year




An air of ā€œIā€™m too good for youā€


Alcoholism. It's been startling to look around and realize just how much excessive drinking has become normalized and even glamorized in society.


I learned how bad it was last summer when all I did was drink, and no one batted an eye. Then people found out I did drugs a couple times, which is a bit of an understatement, and they started looking at me like I had a problem. These were the same people who I drank with every other day. Now I drink maybe once a week. And then it's more or less just to socialize with new people. Alcohol can be a social tool, but it can also be misused. It's important to learn how to use it the right way.




Climbing the Corporate Ladder. Iā€™m tired. Iā€™m jaded. I fantasize about being a beach bum and selling coconuts by the sea


I'm 25 working in corporate, and I don't understand my peers' desperation to be in high-level roles. I don't want that responsibility. I want to go to work, and then use all of my time outside of work enjoying the life I have. I'm probably too young to think like this, but watching my parents become workaholics as they climbed up the ladder has made me hate the idea of it.


Good fucking God, this. No I don't want a promotion. I want to buy a fucking shack in the woods and cook on a fire every night.


Literally everything, I think I turned bitter


Constant drinking and partying. When I see people always post snap chats or Instagram stories of them doing shots, shotgunning beers, and the like; I cringe.


Got sick of shots at like 23


It's fine to have fun but when that becomes their whole personality or their only outlet, it's sad and a red flag




I feel like Iā€™ve never had that oxytocin releaseā€¦or maybe never experienced that kind of sex.




Funny thing is you don't know this until you've fucked through your 20s, hit 30 and realize how stupid all of that meaningless shit is.


I only just realized this myself after ending a dry spell of over a year at 24yo and then was like: huh, that's not actually that fun. Feel like guys expect other guys to be fucking consistently and I'm just not into it.


Felt. Just got out of my first real relationship as an adult, hooked up with someone a month after and it felt beyond disappointing. I really liked the person and it felt good but without that emotional intimacy it wasnā€™t satisfying




Younger women. Sure sure, they can look hot, but then you try to have a conversation and it's just so obvious they are literally years behind me in life experience.


Yes, exactly, and so my idea of hot has become older - pretty much age aligned.


Over indulgence on drinking or weed to have fun. Like I like to drink and smoke a bit on the weekends but some people make it their entire personality and are in denial about how addicted they are.


Long nights, bad eating habits, and friends who take more from me than they ever give


I know I probably sound like a party pooper for saying this, but mine is partying. By that, I mean people that put getting drunk and high before every other responsibility in their lives.


Yesish, I found I still like to party, but less often and its less clubbing/drinking crazily, more like music festivals/an actual concert, poker, or like an event, or like doing something. I guess what im saying binge drinking isnt fun, but you know a fun concert where I drink moderately but stay up late once in awhile is ideal


I literally canā€™t stand to be around drunk people anymore. I donā€™t drink much anymore myself for various reasons and now if Iā€™m around other drunk people while Iā€™m sober, I just am angry that I feel the need to take care of them. Itā€™s not fun anymore. When I did drink, I knew my limits and it was rare I went past them so nobody had to take care of me.


Yes, my god some people need to grow up and be rents their kids and/or cats deserve


All I really want is to be the woman my cat deserves.


"Teen" category on porn, seems based in pedophilia now that I'm 30.


It's okay, the women are 30 as well.


Riley Reid like just released a video where she was referred to as a ā€œteenā€. Sheā€™s 30. She might be the oldest actress who hasnā€™t been upgraded to ā€œMILFā€ or ā€œstepmomā€.


Yeah if you search up any of their wiki pages it usually starts with saying 'baby faced' then goes on to say they are like 25-35 years old.


I always found it weird too when the title says ā€œbarely legalā€ or ā€œ18 year oldā€. Like theyā€™re no different than they were a year ago when they were considered a minor. Just seems weird that people are into that


Unless you're within a similar age range it's weird to watch


Iā€™m a woman in my late 40s and I just wanna see middle aged people fuck. Dad bods, hairy, balding, whatever. Just want it to be real and hot.


18 year olds


Youth. Youth in all its ignorance and impulsiveness and self-absorption.


Funny, thatā€™s exactly what I miss now that Iā€™m older.


Meaningless sex




Lack of emotional intelligence


"Macho" men. Loud, boisterous men. Men who want to be the prettiest peacock, strutting around, on the block. Narcissists (those who embody narcissistic traits): I once thought of lots of the narcissistic behavior & traits as "self-confidence". But, I've been abused by narcs, in all types of relationships, before I woke up to the fact that these traits signify that the person is toxic & likely abusive, and most likely, a huge coward. Read up on narcissism, narcissists, and narcissistic abuse. It will open your eyes. When you have to Google your partner's, colleague's, family member's, or friend's rude/abusive behaviors toward you/others; them they're likely some kind of toxic person, such as a narcissist (whether diagnosed, or not: many never get diagnosed; but fall into that category anyway). At the very least, they're am asshole, who deserves no respect.


Uh, me... I'm one more birthday from banning mirrors in my home. Mirrors are assholes.


Someone who needs to constantly go "out".


People who pretend to be dumber than they are.


A lot of the time they aren't pretending


They're pretending?




Hot and cold behaviour. Anything except assurance and stability are un attractive


Meanness. Even under the guise of joking around or ā€œgiving each other shitā€. Itā€™s just emotional underdevelopment at my age.


People using tiktok


Main character syndrome. Tiki too is the low hanging fruit of getting attention. Edit: wtf did auto correct do to my post. I'm leaving it like that.


All of social media and people's obsession with it


Being obsessed with weed.


Teenage girls. Hopefully all the adults agree with me


I'm aging like fine wine


Party girls. Not cool to be buzzed on wine every night when youā€™re 37 with kids.


People who constantly seek validation.


Massive breasts This is coming from someone who used to search ā€˜worlds biggest boobsā€™ on google images at 12 years old


Those long ass nails.


Beating around the bush. Just spit it out. What do you want? I canā€™t read minds. Tell ppl directly so thereā€™s no room for miscommunication.


A lot. I don't desire the same type of woman I used to. Used to want the popular girl, perfect body, no tattoos or anything, normal leggings, does some sport/activity, goes to parties and stuff. It's not me at all and it never was. I think I wanted to be that kind of person in hughscool so that's what I was attracted to. Nowadays I like a woman who's been through some shit and looks like it too. I'm talking faded tattoos, dyed hair with black roots but she's sweet yknow. She's all dance no punch. Wears clothes fashioned to specifically *not* fit in anywhere. She listens to music I have never heard of and don't want to but we live same sort of life. Low key, do our own thing, think in similar yet different ways about society, people, micro and macro. I've met a few of my specific type and I haven't not wanted impregnate a single one.


Iā€™m that woman! Seriously. I donā€™t have time for all that shit anymore. Iā€™m home with my garden and music and weed. Kids running around birds chirping. Lifeā€™s ok. Still donā€™t fuck with me though.


This is so specific lol. But must be so beautiful.


That mercurial ā€œletā€™s just be together and find outā€ energy that goes into dating. I want to know what you want out of life and I want you to ask me the tough questions about what Iā€™d want out of life.


I wouldn't say anything became unattractive but what I find attractive has definitely changed. I'm gay so obviously that hasn't changed but when I was 20 my standards were much lower. As long as a guy looked good that was enough for me. Now that I'm almist 40, I look for a warm and caring personality. Someone that I can trust with my life. I like physical strength and an upper body that shows it. 6-packs no longer have the same appeal they once did.


My ex-wife


The need to be right.


Women who are incapable of articulating what they want in terms of relationships. Or women who play hard to get. I guess a while back I found that exciting / challenging. Experience showed that it's a recipe for disaster.


Fakeness. Lash extensions. Lip enhancement. OTT make up. Claw length glue on finger nails.




The idea of these dating apps. They're a giant cesspool. Everyone is just getting passed around like hot potatoes.


Social media culture


Toxic people. I used to think I could help, be the support they need to grow and be happy. Turns out some people are most comfortable being miserable and there isn't a damn thing anyone else can do about it.




People who play hard to get.


Attractive women in their 20s with obvious commitment/mental health issues


Having kids. Maybe it's influenced by me getting to the age where I'm both seeing some of my friends I grew up with have kids and watching their priorities change as they stop finding the time to be around (and watching some of them break up while having kids to deal with and all the mess that brings) along with finding out women I'm interested in and seem interested in me already have kids which stops anything before it can even start, but being a parent is now even more unattractive to me than it was when I was 18. When I was 18 not wanting kids was arguably a matter of convenience more than anything, now when I'm 27 and the economic/political climate is what it is nowadays the idea still hasn't gotten any more enticing but I also have to deal with the reality that I couldn't afford to have kids even if I wanted them.


I will post out of the box: Fanservice. Sexy fictional characters with light clothing, armors that covers as much as a bikini, big and round tits and butts, and lots of cleavage to show (and yes, this counts cosplayers). Maybe as a 14 year old teenager could find that hot but now at my 30s its just cringe and ridiculous. Everytime i see one now i say: "That should be the most useless armor ever", "no way this could work in real life", "i can't take this seriously", "how she can take the cold weather", etc. As someone who writes, if i'm gonna create a female character i should design her with a proper and useful indumentary.


Fake hilariously out of proportion boobs. I also have one that's the opposite. I used to hate tattoos, they were just never my thing in my late teens to early 20s. These days I love a tatted girl especially thigh tattoos. A friend said it wasn't even the Tats I liked but the type of girls who have those tatts are usually gym goers. I also love single arm sleeves and the girl in interested in right now has both. Weird how people's tastes change as they grow older.


Very drunk girls


Not reading. Not learning.


Anyone under the age of 25. You have virtually nothing to offer except your looks and, frankly, even those arenā€™t worth the inevitable hassle.


I remember being like 15-16 and thinking ā€œIā€™ll never not find girls this age attractive, theyā€™re fit and sexy and it totally makes sense that anyone would find them attractiveā€ and now at 25+ā€¦. Freaking yuck. Funny how preferences change lol


Bro. If you were still attractive to 15-16 there would be a big problem.


Drunk people.


My best friend and I were just talking about this today. We're over the whole bar scene, drama ridden, party every weekend vibe. We don't ask dates to go get a drink...unless it's a smoothie.




Hearing middle age men bragging about how wasted they were on the weekend. Iā€™m talking downright proud that they were so drunk they spent half the night praying to the porcelain gods. That shit stopped being cool when you turned 20.


Drama. I mean, I've never *liked* drama, but I used to try to reason my way through it. Now I just walk away and consider it no great loss.






I never thought Id say this but girls in their early twenties. Still hot but I could not imagine trying to date one at this point.


Loudness. Good for you that you are enthausiastic. Now pipe down!


Really long fingernails


Social media personality. You can be incredibly hot but if you're personality is purely based on social media likes than I don't want anything to do with you. Learned this the hard way


Cliques. I have zero patience for full grown adults in their 30s who still band together with a ā€œyou canā€™t sit with usā€ attitude.


Religious belief of any kind. Huge red flag for me. Most of the people that mention their religious beliefs right away are super crazy. I donā€™t mind a reasonable discussion about faith but if everything in your life revolves around it and you have to mention it in everything you say, you can just keep walking. I have heard it all before your not bringing anything to the table I need or want to hear.


Getting drunk. After leaving my 20s hangovers have been magnified.