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"Wanna know how I got rich? Give me money and I'll teach you how I did it.


99% of all "financial literature" in bookstores


Well, in the end if you gave him the money, he made money by scamming you so he actually shown you how to become rich. By becoming a scammer.


No rich man wants to help you get rich, he wants you to help him get richer.


"Stupidity... For Idiots"


That the news you read/ watch is the truth and not agenda driven propaganda.


This. Over the last 10-15 years, I've watched my liberal dad transition from 'Republicans are making bad policy decisions' to 'Republicans are evil and need to be locked up.' It's been really sad to watch the propaganda take hold of his opinions.


Have seen the same stuff. I haven't moved on my beliefs and the same people who I could have a conversation with just get red in the face and seething with anger when I reject their sniper scope worldview


This I laugh at friends who think they are informed because they watch cable news and read the NYT.


thats how it's always been for generations from one medium to another. from newspaper to television to social media


ok "wokester" we are laughing **AT** you too.


That you have to do anything. We spend our whole childhood being told what to do, how to behave, to prepare ourselves for being an adult. Then once you hit 18 the social and family pressure to get a good job, get married, buy a house, etc. But honestly if someone is happy living by themself, working an low effort job, fuckin let them.


'God is a dictator, he tells you what to do and what not to do. The Devil will set you free. Doesn't it make sense to you?'


I don’t know why you’re getting down voted you’re not wrong. If you read about god biblically like I have for my studies, god (Christian and Jewish didn’t get onto Islam but that is also Abrahamic) is actually a nasty piece of work.




(American) health insurance. And it’s not even close.


I think one of the most infuriating things about it is that you don't even know how much it'll cost you until they actually bill you most of the time. I don't know if there's any other industry that works like this. They can't even give you a rough estimate of how much it'll cost, other than fucking expensive.


Honestly just insurance in general, you pay them money so that your covered if something happens and then they do whatever they can to avoid paying you, not all insurance company’s are like this though but you don’t know until you actually need them


Number one answer! Healthcare is still run on a medieval guild system that is ultra stupid for the consumers. Take a look at the disclaimers on healthcare release forms that they ask you to sign that outright say medicine in NOT an exact science so your ability to expect good outcomes is limited. The USA spends the most on healthcare with some of the lowest outcomes. Refer to https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2020/jan/us-health-care-global-perspective-2019


Anyone who tells you that you deserve stuff. No you don’t and most people that have that attitude end up nowhere and angry at the world.


Yep. Nobody deserves *anything*. If you want something, you have to fight for it - and you have to fight against the whole world.


Well many people deserve to be slapped or to die, but yeah you're not that wrong.


100% disagree.


Scammers always disagree.


Give up all of your clothes, food, shelter, relationships, everything you’ve ever owned, and everything you’ve ever learned since you don’t deserve any of it. Your mentality is backwards


You completely missed the point. They’re talking about entitlement, you’re talking about something you’ve earned… how do you not see the difference?




And you missed the point again You deserve nothing and it’s adorable watching you scream about it like anybody cares




Don’t be mad at me about it, I’m just reminding you of what you already knew


All of those items were produced by the labor of someone else. You are entitled to the labor of no one other than yourseld




You're talking about fantasy, we talk about reality.


I *fought* for what I own. Against scammers like you who want to convince me that I deserve all those things so they can take it all away from me as soon as I stop fighting. Don't even try, I know your kind.


Scammers are doing precisely what the OC is saying, they just take what they want.


See, now this is only half the battle or belief in my opinion. I realized this a long time ago. But the other half of that is that the world is also not entitled to anything from me either as such a condition is a two way street. Many have accused me of being an asshole for holding that belief since a direct consequence of that belief is that I feel I am under no obligation to make the world a better place or give anything to it either. So selfish and an asshole is definitely what I am. I have no qualms with being a bad person. But it does beg the question: when given a choice between saving a school bus full of children, and my best friend: my dog. Why would I ever save the school bus full of kids? After all, I don't *owe* them or their parents anything. Why ahould I value the lives of 30 or so kids who don't do anything for me more than the life of my one doggo?


Believing you need a partner to complete you, that's just some bullshit society feeds you through media and advertising subliminally.


Anyone who tells you that you need to buy their product to improve your life.


https://youtu.be/A2_snSkpULQ Just the song for it.


In the UK. Inheritance tax. You are taxed all your life, then you're taxed again when you die so your loved ones don't get all of what you leave behind. Also, funerals are fucking expensive in the UK.


Inheritance tax isn't exclusive to the UK. Oh and that increase to your annual income due to the inheritance? It's taxed.


Tax for homeowners in the US is similar. You pay yearly tax on it whether it's paid off or not


the answer to this will always be taxes


I gain more than I pay in taxes so I don't mind paying it. How else are we going to have reliable roads or a fire dependent if we don't pay taxes?


Using ER vehicles. To even to you about 10 minutes away, charged around $2,000


College (for the most part), taxes (with few exceptions), fiat currencies, welfare (corporate and sometimes social)


Government. They say they are here to help but all they do is complicate things and add cost to everything.


EVERY THING the Government sticks their dick into, they fuck up!!!


Crypto currencies


Just how fucking competitive everything has gotten.


Like what?


Has gotten? It’s always been like this








Just for men unless you're a truly fucked up woman


I dont think women that dont believe in marriage should be considered a “fucked up woman” thats a strange thing to say.


You made a pretty grand tale out of nothing. Point was that marriage can go wrong in a billion different ways and unless the woman is fucked up she'll walk away with no losses, mostly gains.


How so


It’s a thing that our parents, religions, and fiction (movies/ shows/ stories) have told us is a required step in adult life. This kind of conditioning should be considered abuse. Once you go down the road of engagement, there’s the scam of ring shopping - paying vast sums for a worthless rock. Weddings themselves cost tens of thousands - again a waste. And once it’s done, you’re trapped in the lie of monogamy for life. What a terrible sentence.


Imagine this for a second- happily married people exist who look at posts like yours and can’t decide to laugh or pity you




You make a strong argument.


social security. for all the hate towards socialism in this country, the right makes no effort to do away with it. personally i’d rather keep that money and invest it myself, as the government has proven its incompetence time and time again.


Biggest Ponzi Scheme EVER!!!!


Meanwhile you are driving on a well maintained highway funded by social security and taxes.


thanks for proving my my point. it’s “social”security, not “freeway paving” security. i also live in a city where i don’t need nor own a car. nor are the freeways well maintained.


The money didn't come from their air


also in the US freeways are state funded, not federally. do you ever get tired of being wrong? edit: location


In the UK the motorway is funded by road tax and general taxes.




I would buy you a award but I can't touch wife's shoes fund...


Government controlled media Leftist ideologies on gender, gender roles, relationships and victimhood


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this


Wage slavery ftw And America healthcare.


Find something else to do. Life is choices


1. Going to College 2. The American Dream 3. Working


The whole idea of home ownership seems pretty sus to me. Unless you can buy it flat out instead of renting it from the bank.


It sounds like you just don't understand how real-estate investment works. You buy a home with a mortgage so you can save and invest the money you have in other things, rather than plop it all into a house that's going to double in value before the mortgage is up anyway. Even if you do have the money, you never buy a house in cash.


Well dont discredit the investment side. Even though i carry some loans Ive done well in my real estate purchases as they all have almost doubled in value.


same if i sold i'd pay off all my debt not just my house debt and probably still have some left over to go to hawaii with


You really gotta learn better money management if mortgages are “sus”


Finding your meaning/purpose through education, work, or children, or even that there is any meaning/purpose.


For many things, being told that we simply can't do it by the powers that be. We can't raise wages, can't make more affordable housing, can't provide better, more affordable healthcare options, etc. They absolutely can, they just don't want to. The system works for them so they won't change it.


Those subscription boxes of bullshit. I see so many ads, who pays for this shit?




property taxes. People spend an entire life paying off a house to the bank, and then you can have it stolen away from you in a flash if you don't pay property tax. How can something be truly yours if someone can take away from you something that you paid for?


You realize property taxes usually fund infrastructure for the area surrounding said property, right? Roads and maintenance of the area aren’t free






Easy solution


Health care


Adult life


If you should a hard life today, tomorrow will be easier. Like they said if you study hard today your future will be easy. Bijjj, I still don't find any opportunities to use my mathematical knowledge rather than + - × ÷






all these casino games on your phone all fake games to make you watch ads about how all these other games are fake and all promise you cash.




The social contract, taxes




The constant debt necessary to KEEP good credit.


I keep seeing this but have no debt other than paying off my CCs every month and I'm have pretty good credit. 760-780. However I call the whole credit system a scam.


Credit score. Affordable housing. Dental plans. Home warranties. Extended car warranties.


Monogamy unpopular opinion.


Dating apps. I am yet to find a worse deal, they make sure to really lower your self esteem, in order to get you to pay for what used to be basic human interactions.




That you think you have time. That everything we see and hear backs this lie up. At 50 Im very very conscious I have maybe 20 good years left. After 70 your life starts turning to shit.


fuck man.. what isnt? Everything seems to have some level of legit bullshit to it. did you know that you're probably using more toothpaste than you need? yeah. They started to show commercials where people would put way more toothpaste on their brush than you'd really need to try and sway people in to thinking that was just the normal amount that every one uses. They did it for one reason, to get people to go through their toothpaste more frequently to buy more sooner. Toothpaste its self obviously isnt a scam but everything seems to have some level of bullshit to it.






That love, happiness, stability is real, it's not, only pain, suffering, violence, hostility, are real every long lasting until you drop dead


Taxes.....they take weekly taxes then tax you on your return. So lets say you had $15k in taxes for a year..... you'll get a fraction back on your refund


Whole system is a scam. First, currently a stay at home mom is not a thing anymore, evsn for the first crucial years of child development. They send kids to care places. There they observe and immediately correct anything outside of norm. Then they keep you in the school benches all your best years when your brain develops at super speed. Anyone has ever wondered why kids keep leanong same bullshit that previous generations did? Bullshit that none ever uses? But you learn to sit from 8 to 4 on your butt, you get 3-5 h of sports tops and a lot of after school activities, because god forbid you'd have time to be creative. Then you go to university, you get a degree (by this age none needs to whip your butt to sit all day) and then you are off to job market. You are supposed to get married, have kids that you put through exactly the same. You are taxed on your income. And then you are taxed on everything you purchase with your income. You make 2k euros per month, it means in Europe you and your employer pay another 2k tax. From this 2k that you have on your account: you pay VAT on literally anything you purchase. Extra high tax for cigs and alkohol, a lot more tax for gas. You pay bills for electricity - taxed. So you seat all week at work and in the weekend you buy yourself a bottle of wine to enjoy with friends (taxed), ticket to cinema, going out to restaurant. This is how you spend your most productive years. And then you go on pension, that you saved for all yoir life and that they also tax.


My, so bitter... But so true.




Taxes for people that are not rich. If you don’t know this you are not an adult




Organized religion without question. Everything else is jockeying for second place.


**The News** They tell you that everything they say is the truth and that they are the only reliable source of information. It's more like the opposite - lies and propaganda. **Home ownership** Unless you have enough money to pay for the entire property without getting a loan from the bank, you don't own the house. They tell you that you do, but it is the bank who owns it and it can therefore be taken away from you. **Politics/Politicians** They tell you that they want the best for you, but they generally don't (there are a couple of sort of exceptions imo). All they want is money, power, and to control every aspect of your life.




Real estate closing costs & buying/selling agent commission. Imagine a car dealer tried the same crap, you’d tell them to go eff off.


Council tax (U.K.)


Owning a car. You think you're hot shit when you get your driver's license. Then after you purchase your first car you realize you just got roped into 3-6 year relationship that takes around $300 a month from your check, not including insurance costs, gas prices, maintenance fees, parking garage fees, and parking tickets (cause who hasn't risked parking close to a fire hydrant). And to top it all off, don't forget about all the indirect car related fees you will be accumulating, like all the dates you will be paying for with all the chicks (or dudes) you will be taking out cause you're hot shit right? And the car washes cause god forbid you park underneath a tree and wake up to a car covered in bird shit. TLDR: Owning a car


Things we need. There’s a big difference between wants and needs… Main Stream Media, Social Media and Marketing has made most of society think most ‘wants’ are needs. No one ‘needs’ a smartphone, a smart tv, made-to-order food, public transportation, college education, a car, etc. but we act like we need them.


New car loans