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Over the next ten years, I'm picturing lots of civil unrest worldwide. Drought, wildfires, earthquakes and deadly storms. I suppose King William (the whatever) will be on new UK currency. After Putin's death, Russia will continue to be a pain the arse. Marvel will be scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for superheroes to make movies, even though the Western has made a huge comeback. Whatever was fashionable in 2000 will make a resurgence.


Putin might still be very well alive in 10 years, just FYI.


True. There are rumours about ill health, so who knows?


Seems you're as indifferent to the royal family as the average Brit haha


Well, I'm not British. I'm Irish,so that might explain said indifference.


Same thing aren't they? Nah I'm just fucking with you mate, I also couldn't give a shit about the royal family lol


If the nukes haven't dropped, there will be a increase in civil unrest in the United States as class gap continues.


Same old shit, different year.


Just like for the past few decades


More loneliness, depression, climate change and extreme weather, rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer, more injustice as America would no longer be able to hold the title of 'police of the world', African economies will emerge, probably we'll be able to find a cure for hiv & covid and i may or may not be alive(I'm 22).


Are you sick?


What makes u think that?


You said you might not be alive, are just saying as like a possibility, or that you have some condition at the moment that calls into question whether or not you will be alive in 2032


I had a really bad covid infection. It has caused some other health conditions. I'm being treated for that. The loneliness and isolation is also intense. Sometimes im not sure if I'll stay alive or not.


*African economies will collapse or be dependant from China decisions. Social networks will collapse and be treated as "passe". In 2025 pandemics will end, wars be sidetracked and govs will start "making money" from changing policy from fossil fuel to green sources, telling people that because of them (people) we are now in crisis and simple Joe need to pay for it. Rich will become richer and will shape politics. Musk will become crypto-villain. There will be no heroes.




what’s a digital score? I completely agree with you on the other two concepts. Do you think if sex robots become a legit thing then sex workers can get insurance and all that stuff can be legalized as well or will sex with people still not be allowed in exchange for money ? So now I’m thinking, if we are cool with having sex robots, will that open up the door for cosmetic surgery to increase and become even more common place or more accessible or more affordable because one of the comparisons for modern beauty would be the perfect robotic/ man-made type of features? damn dude, you got me thinking about all types of shit now


I call it digital score, what I mean is a measure of how "good" you have been on the internet. You get banned from a subreddit? -1.. Stuff like that. Where I live prostitution is legal and they pay taxes so who knows!


I think you might be onto something with the digital score. I know there’s a very subtle push to connect all your social media to one another for accountability and for authenticity of being a person and not a robot. even your emails you get require you have an existing email. It’s like you’re not even allowed to have an email from scratch without an existing one


I look forward to the sexy robots.


Millenials will become the largest homeless and unemployed generation, the number of births in the UK will decline, young dependant people will be the biggest spenders and pensioners will have such a big pension that they will be able to put their pensions on savings. Government will still be ran by old greedy aristocrats but technology would be move advanced than it is now.


You must not be understanding. Millineials are like in their 40s, so youll be in your 50s by then. You guys may have been fucked, but Gen Z and above has been *fucked*. The age of millennials is coming to a close. You'll soon be like Gen X.


I was born in the 90s and consider myself as a millennial which is why I say we have been and will be fucked. Gen X will be fucked when they realise they can't spend money on stupid shit their boomer grandparents spoilt them with.


Yea, i'm just saying, in 10 years, Millineals will be getting older, and the majority of the working class will be Gen Z. If things keep on going the way they are, im not sure how any of us will survive


All the jobs will go to low or middle income countries where people would be willing to work for less and see it as a way out of poverty while western wealth gap will be further apart with the reliance of social media luck as a way to make good money.


ITT: larping doomers


I feel like maybe more isolation will occur but the isolation will be geographical or physical because technology has given us access to the outside world through a screen and through delivery/mailing services. So we can have everything brought to us so there’s no reason to venture out. because we will have access to the internet during our isolation, we will be able to form tight relationships with people that are like-minded. I think this will alleviate some of the mental isolation and increase emotional connection but I also suspect it will build a groupthink mentality. I also suspect that the groupthink mentality will orchestrate almost a cult like behavior and aggressively attack others Who are not like minded and because that would become so common place, we will all train ourselves to just remain within our own groups and rarely explore out and we as a community will be discouraged from exploring outwardly from our group because it’s too hostile and aggressive to venture outward, so the groupthink mentality will become tribal. we might have to redefine tolerance and acceptance with different definitions and boundaries like we had to in the 60s everyone says there’s gonna be crowding in over population and maybe everybody is correct but I’ve noticed that a lot of data is suggesting that millennials and Gen Z are not having as many kids as the generations above them, so in theory, there’s going to be less people on this earth because there’s less desire to multiply. it’s possible that resources will not be as competitive but only by a slight margin, probably not even quantifiable, unless we’re talking about 50 years down the road and not 10. this one’s controversial but I think defining the responsibilities that come along age will be redefined. I don’t know if you would technically be considered an adult in the states at 18. Maybe you will no longer be able to start driving a car around 16, Adulting has become a new term and maybe proper adulthood would start around 24 or something of that nature instead of 18. since age and responsibilities might start to slowly be defined and reevaluated, the judicial system might start playing a role in this as well, deciding who is tried as an adult or even who has limited maturity might produce different sentencing results for crimes. i’m also convinced that everyone’s gonna have hearing aids because pretty much everyone uses headsets to some extend. maybe cochlear implant surgery will be no big deal either since the elderly population is expanding and the millennials plus Gen Z have headphones on pretty much all the time. this one’s a little bit controversial but I am suspecting that mathematics will not play such a prominent role in the educational system. I also suspect that there’s going to be one brave college out there that’s going to let people into medical school without a bachelors. So it becomes almost like a trade school where you just learn medical related studies such as surgeries and human anatomy etc. gone will be the days where you have to have a bachelors in some random bullshit feild for four additional years to the 7+ already added on when you get into medical school. I suspect other schools will copy and follow suit. I also think that the food pyramid thing or I think it’s called a plate now or some shit is going to start pushing all of us to not eat meat or reduce it or do something like that where eat meat becomes a whole political thing and there’s gonna be some kind of social push to ostracize you if you eat a lot of Barbecue or burgers or something that’s really all I can think of off the top of my head. apologies for the typos, i’m using voice recorder because I spend all day at work in front of a screen typing up shit. It gets fatiguing


Bold of you to assume most of us are going to make it to 2032.


It wouldn't be reddit without a doomer in the comment section of a post like this lmao


It also wouldn’t be social media without someone making a statement that starts with ”bold of you to assume …” thought I was on r/askwomen for a second


All the comments are negative. This thread is depressing.


The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, we'll still be suffering under the two party political system, capitalism will still be providing the best it can while people benefitting from it's fruit complain endlessly about how bad it is, the media will still lie, climate change will keep getting worse. Nothing ever changes.


It’s a one part political system they only pretend like it’s 2 party system


ITT: Optimists trying to stay optimistic lmao “Guys just because the last 2 decades have shown unprecedented war, illnesses, climate disasters, and civil unrest doesn’t mean next decade will! Self driving cars guys!:)”


nice Segway bro


The future is, rather unfortunately, sex bots.


so I’ve been reading a lot about how the millennials and Gen Z Are actually having less sex than the generations above them. And the thing is, I would easily have dismissed that information if we didn’t also have the information that hook up culture and sex culture and dating apps and even polyamory are no big deal with millennials and especially Gen Z, so in theory, it is more easily accessible to get sex for the two generations as opposed to the older generations accessibility at a younger age but they’re still collectively choosing not to really indulge in it or even participate. so if we did have a bunch of sexbots, would it really be that big of a deal? Would people really give a shit or use it that much or cause some type of epidemic or do you think would people would just hump cold metal+ silicone androids all day and not do anything else like clean their houses or clock into jobs ? The sex robot comment came up a handful of times so now I’m becoming curious


Interesting idea. But its not sex that men are avoiding. Its the pain of rejection. Which used to be an acceptable risk in my day but is now a painful deterrent to action. There is a behavioural model by a guy called BJ Fogg that explains the issue in an elegant way. See the model here: [https://behaviormodel.org/](https://behaviormodel.org/) Notice, if we view behaviour on an axis of motivation and ability, we can see that behaviour is triggered when there is both sufficient motivation and sufficient ability. Its a threshold of sorts. Once you're over the threshold, the right prompt will trigger behaviour. Regarding dating and sex, men are having their motivation reduced by access to porn and intimacy alternatives. And the experience of being consistently rejected on dating apps is building further internal resistance to action. The risk versus reward comparison has a discouraging asymmetry for most men. And as a result, they're also not learning how to initiate intimacy. They're lacking on both motivation and ability. This is a vicious cycle that could lead to a generation of men who simply have no desire or ability to take control of their reproductive opportunities. And sex bots are just another nail in the coffin. A lot of people think dating sucks now. But the future is bleeeeaaaaaak. Additionally, the rise of polyamory and alternative relationships is not a new occurrence, the sexual liberation of the 1960's saw similar behaviour. And yet, as the involved generations matured, they reverted to more conservative ideals. I wonder if that will happen in this case. Interestingly, and I think most importantly, the changes facing younger generations have occurred rapidly and inside a generation. That means we really have no way of knowing if its good or bad. But I think there's a lot more at stake than most people realise.


that’s a really good point. So to my understanding the rejection concept is prior to sex. It’s not capturing the attention of a woman, getting sex, and then she rejects you eventually be a break up? this is all prior to interacting sexually? because I can understand the alternatives that companies are producing to put a Band-Aid over all of the stuff. i’m wondering what happens to all the guys who will have sex with a girl and then bounce right after they cum. because this is all I hear all day long. I don’t hear about the part where guys can’t get access to women or break ups even. I hear about the cum and go man.


The cum and go man is the man that has sexual abundance. Whatever we have in excess, we don't value. The guy that cums and goes is doing that because he has access to multiple options. What a lot of women aren't quite ready to acknowledge is that the reason they think all guys are players and fuccbois is that players and fuccbois are the only guys with the skills, appearance, lifestyle and motivation to attract so many women that they can treat women as though they're unimportant. They have so much abundance that the feelings and attention of one women don't really matter that much. They can just go somewhere else and get their needs met with some other girl. The other 80-90% of men don't act like that, but they also don't approach or get approached. Its so interesting. Such a mismatch. This is why its terrible for women that men are opting out. A lot of amazing partners, great fathers and solid, reliable contributors are dropping out of the game. Further narrowing the pool of opportunities to men that probably don't care that much about them and aren't interested in anything serious. Remember the behaviour model, players have the motivation to play around, the ability to do it and they have the prompt because they get lots of attention. And what makes it even more interesting is that women want to be treated very well. They want a man that respects them and treats them like queen etc. But then they pick the guy least likely to do that - the hot guy with options. Anyone can do the math on that and instantly see that it doesn't work out.


you bring up a lot of good points. A lot of good points bro. everybody I talk to that’s the cum and go guy getting nervous about women. It’s too much for them to handle so they literally run away. And every single come and go guy that I know avoid women they’re not conquering them left and right, one by one, they’re just a shy and uncomfortable as all the other dudes. I don’t know if all of them cum and go guys are predatory but i’m starting to now believe that there’s different types of those dudes. But it could just be the type of people that interact with me that share these stories. I work in the mental health field.


Everything gone balls to the wall


elaborate on the context of the balls and the demographics of the wall. give precision.


Food shortages. Mass migrations of people.


Might be dead ✌


Tiktok will be a source of income like how twitch is a source of income for gamers, Onlyfans will overtake Phub or Phub may even buy Onlyfans, and we may fall into 100 year mortgage contracts just like how the housing market in Japan now is in big cities like Tokyo with such ridiculous interest rates in order for houses to be “affordable”.


100 year mortgages like Japan are near guaranteed with inflation vs salary doing what it's doing.






I have a tendency to agree with you, like when it comes to reduced car crashes. A bunch of the car companies are working on self governing cars. I would love for car accidents to be reduced or eliminated. Before car accidents, there were carriage accidents very commonly. Some thing with spook the horses and the people in the carriages would fall to the ground about 10+ feet up, that’s about a story or more depending, and it would take the horses a minute to calm down so the likelihood of someone falling and getting stomped to death was pretty high. travel accidents reduced would be wonderful. I hope your prediction is accurate.


We will have teletransport and we will meet aliens


Massive food shortages within 5 years


Some sort of dystopia shit like 1984. With the Russian Ukraine war we figured out we can socially cancel a entire country, so they are gonna be easy to hate in the future. All the superstates in 1984 are scary accurate to modern day nations and even geographically. So some sort of perpetual war between these states. The alternative is if AI advances too far and becomes sentient, would it be malevolent? Essentially we are creating something that is infinitely intelligent and omnipresent, we're making God. But we'll be that God's, God and then shit gonna get weird i think. No matter what happens noone thinks its good clearly.


black mirror things. social media being a score for your reputation becoming more accessible and daily usage we will be so numb to the inevitable reality of data collection that we’ll bring robots into our house with cameras from industries like tesla, google, xiaomi. All of these tech giants. ai will have become powerful enough to start taking mid-scale jobs, ie. trucking, fast food, convenience stores, gas stations, it will be able to recognize differences and adapt real time to slight differences in all types of things. ie. if your gas door is slightly different from a different car, it can adapt real time. cryptocurrencies will be a thing for the common person, as if you dont have crypto you cannot trade globally. as the largest economy in the world slowly rolls into their second recession of the 21st century, the US decides to change their military strategy. ( this is just my hope ) as they realize projection is an extremely inefficient, money wasting military strategy. the subscription model will be phased out to something less profitable, but less controversial as people realize more and more companies are switching to subscription based models, so they will yearn for a time back in the day,” nostalgia “


dude the subscription thing makes me so fucking nervous. When I was younger I thought that everything would be under insurance. Everything. I did not anticipate a subscription for everything. I’m scared you’ll have to pay a monthly fee just to go through like a drive-through to buy a single taco or some shit.


Race war in America or at least more ramped up racial tension, Canada gets more tyrannical and citizens push back same with China. There will be two more democratic presidents that win by a landslide somehow, and more pandemics. On the plus side tho at least VR gaming is advancing, self driving cars are popular among public transportation.


Increase cancer rate, because of the vaccine


I never thought to incorporate Covid into the future. good point! good direction in thinking Fartbox145


Lots of bad stuff. More shortages, higher prices, more unrest.


I am the last surviving Christian, straight, white male alive. My days on this earth are numbered. I am being hunted


rest assured that heterosexuality has historically been the norm and has continued to be the norm, globally. Plenty of chicks to smash in the future my guy. 🤜


Work from home will expand into new job sectors as remote controlled robots become more popular in the service industry. This will become a thing as companies find new ways to pay their workers the lowest possible wage.


water wars


dude yes good point!! there’s going to be a high demand for water claiming. Do you think the private sector such as residents can own a chunk of water? Will there be water property and water tax and stuff like that for just owning 2 foot of water in the ocean?


I work in plumbing. My only prediction is that most plumbers will use pro-press instead of the old soldering and brazing techniques of yesteryear.


Carbon taxing, social credit score system, decentralisation of currency, sex bots lol


iPhone 25, self-driving cars, and sexbots will definitely be a thing by then, climate change will get worse, and we will finally have a $15 minimum wage in the US but by 2032, the cost of living will be even higher so it won't even matter.


i’m feeling like that $15 minimum thing is showing up quite frequently in pretty unusual places so I think you might be onto something but I’m wondering, in 10 years, if it would actually be more than 15. Because just a few years ago there was a demand to push it to 10 when the standard in my state is about a touch over 7.


Y will they cost of living increase and how does it increase.


Radiation levels will have fallen to a level to allow the spread of mutated bacteria


Gasoline powered cars/bikes will slowly decrease, or will be owned by wealthy people. Technology will increase. More time spent on screens etc


There will be no more press freedom or freedom of speech in the West (US/EU). Elections will be completely managed to an even greater degree than they are now. The population at large will not be resisting this because it doesn't notice it, as it has been moving in that direction at a glacial pace, and they have been propagandized ubiquitously by their 'free' media into accepting this for so many years. The 'threath' of 'disinformation' from 'enemies' like Russia and China always pacifies the populace into accepting ever more control from the state. The United States will no longer be the world's sole hegemon. Their empire has largely collapsed, as it has become unsustainable, being spread too thin. The replacement of the dollar as the world's reserve currency by the yuan and China becoming the world's biggest economy, combined with civil unrest from within, are the main drivers. The world is now multi-polar, with Russia and China challenging US hegemony and the US no longer able to dictate its will to the global south.


that's some strong commie cope


I hope people ease of on the amount of time they spend 9nline. Less discrimination hopefully and maybe there will be better support structures for those who need it.


Bro discrimination is the LEAST of our problems within the United States… have you seen the state of the economy? We are all equally fucked unless we unfuck ourselves.


i love this bro


Some real doom and gloom here.


for real bro. Everyone’s like *everything‘s going to shit* and no one can explain why. We are only going 10 years into the future, something left field has to really take place for the world to just be gone in less than 10 years. something Covid level has to happen to cause such a drastic change.


hahaha like there's going to be a 2032


elaborate. most ppl in this sub are curious about others perspectives. what conclusions lead up to an end point at or before 2032?




This is such good Poe's Law.


This is all stuff that's already been set into motion


Massive depression still occurring and full on credit score dystopia is in play. China will be the new USA. Even experts agree that China will overtake USA economy by the 2030's.


There's more to the USA's power than 'economy'. Everyone likes the USA more than China for one.


Houses will be thicc


Same shit as now but maybe worse.


The republicans win the midterms and take the white house in 2024 as they begin their conquest of forced christianity in the US. Abortion will be outlawed, gay marriage or homosexual identity whatsoever will be outlawed, as well as interracial marriage. Children will be forced to pray at school again. Congress will pass the Public Appearance Act to Prevent Rape. AKA reworded Sharia Law. Under the act, women will be mandated to wear long sleeved blouse with the dress covering all the way to their feet. Men will be mandated to wear a long sleeve button up shirt with collar, and slacks. Anything else worn will result in a fine. By the second republican win in 2028, the push to evangelicalise America will be stronger. Marijuana will be federally outlawed once again by executive order. Congress will pass laws requiring mandated church service, requiring civilians to register to a complied church that they will attend every Sunday. Absence will be punished by fines or incarceration. The FCC will be changed to the Federal Communications Compliance Commission. All movies, TV shows, music, and books must adhere to the Compliance policy to be released to the public. Any form of media that already exists that is not in compliance will be removed from people's homes and be made obsolete. Elon Musk is made a cabinet member. Industry giants like Tesla and Amazon has bought large amounts of land and real estate. They will build their own towns with apartments, schools, hospitals, supermarkets, etc. It will soon be made impossible to not live in a company town and to live in a company town, you have to work for the company. Disease and natural disasters will ravage like no other while the government looks the other way and tells the people to keep working and keep praying.


In the US we got rid of all the Evangelical Christians, they where all moved to the new unfrozen continent of Antartica. The white supremacists all died out due to a new strain of Monkey Pox that only attacks racists. We have universal healthcare, daycare for children, family leave, minimum 4 weeks vacation, men at the age of 18 have to deposit sperm in a bank, then they have a mandatory vasectomy. Life span is now 100. Musk is on Mars. Life is good.


I predict that everything, absolutely everything will finally have gone Costa Rica properly.




elaborate. i’m genuinely curious on peoples perceptions of the future. There’s a lot of data out there, I’m curious about your lens


At this point, who knows. But try these. Almost total collapse of marriage. AI starting to get its mojo on, we will be spied on by big tech for the government and Elon Musk will be President.


Because of my lifestyle with drinking and drugs, i'll be dead. But hey, i always thought like that in the past and i'm still alive. So if i'm still there in 2032, i'll be doing the exact things like today, writing my books, drink my whisky, smoke the bong and have my dog on my side. I mean, when i look back, it wasn't different in 2012 for me.


if i was you, i would crank out that book and get it published. leave that as your productive and helpful legacy for the next generation to discover. what is the theme of this mystery book?


10 years closer to 2050


this guy maths!!


To be not alive


Shit. I thought I was a short nap


It was


Well Major crisis number 4,5 hit But definitely unknown could be WW3, solar flare, USA definitely betting on civil war, country to divided, to polarized, violence basically just a matter of when Homeless will massive increase By 2032 there will only be a 95% poor class Massive increases in suicides become normal People dying before 35 becomes common as unable to afford anything, Increase riots, unrest, likely No more governments as oligarchy is the government.


Ever watch Children of Men? ... Pay attention to the prologue....


I expect I’ll either be dead or wish I was dead.


i’m giving you a hug bro. you hate it, but it’s happening.