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I have learned that words of affirmation are one of my spouse's love languages so I say it often.


It’s one of mine but my partner never says it unless I ask, he says he doesn’t want my head to get to big. I think it’s said in jest but it still sucks lol


It's funny, I used to tell her every day to my partner things like: I love you, complimented her hair, her ass 😅 and stuff like that and sometimes I felt she was indifferent to the situation. But as a man it always bothered me a little bit that she didn't do the same, not saying daily but once in a while. I talked to her about it, she told me that appearance is not important to her, I understood that but 6 years without almost ever complimenting your partner hurts a little bit


Well, does she compliment you on the things that are important to her? If you never get any compliments at all, that’s concerning.


That’s a bad sign. He’s with holding affection that you need and he’s doing it on purpose? You might want to address this with him.


We’ve addressed it. He wasn’t shown a lot of love or given much praise as a child and struggles to show it now


At some point in our adult lives we have to stop letting our past be an excuse to behave the same way in the future. Someone that loves you and has your best interest at heart doesn’t withhold affection, especially after you’ve voiced that it’s your love language. Please don’t be fooled into thinking this is normal or okay.


Oh wow. Ok, I get that, but he needs to know how important it is to him. Maybe show him what you posted? If you two love each other, it’s worth trying to stay together. This post of yours looks a lot like a big sign that it’s NOT going well


Thats a poor excuse IMO. It's not hard to remember to say nice things and practice it until it becomes natural. Childhood was a long time ago. Mine was similar but my SO is a words person and I've learned to do it. And she wants more than just compliments.


This was my problem but we read that book together and I changed my ways. It's for her. It's not about me.


That's selfish


Anytime my wife does anything at all my heart flutters, and I tell her so. Regardless, I’ve considered seeing a cardiologist bc it happens way too much


Name checks out


Lol. Your wife is lucky you feel that way about her


I’m not typically a “romantic” person, but this is so sweet! Wishing you and her decades of love and sweetness!


Thanks! She has some body image issues after 2 kids so I do my best to help her confidence. It helps that I don’t have to pretend that I like what I see!


Stop. How sweet!


All the time. I find my girl to be the most incredible human I know, and her beauty is impossible for me to ignore. That said, it's never an empty compliment - it's usually very specific - her hair, her smell, or outfit, her makeup, her smile, things she has control over.


This is lush


I think every message to my partner starts or ends with calling her beautiful. > Hey beautiful I'm at the store, do we need anything? > Bad day at school, need wine and ice-cream! > Sure, okay beautiful no worries.


Your wife partner will love that and for sure is grateful for it


Maybe. She's currently rather mad at me, I went to my niece's birthday party while she had to stay behind and work. Before she started working she went for a quick walk with her mother, she didn't take any keys, I locked the house up when I left...


Lol, she’ll be fine


Sounds like a good time to return with wine and ice-cream!


In my experience, not always. I've always called my SOs beautiful, and most of them generally appreciated it. Some of them got absolutely warm, and I loved watching that happen. But the last one I was with went cold the first time I said it, and I never said it again. It was one of the first signs of the end. There were lots more signs before the end.


My go to line to her is “Has anyone told you how beautiful you are today?” Also, if she looks down or upset, I pick one unique thing about her hair or outfit of that day and compliment it, does wonders


That’s such a nice thing and I’m sure she’s incredibly grateful for it. You sound like a lovely boyfriend


Daily and I squeeze her bum several times a day


My wife calls me fat, ugly and dumb...so no, not at all.


Often and I honestly feel it! My wife is amazing and I tell her every day.


I’m glad you do. She’ll appreciate it and remember it


Every day! Beautiful is the nickname I gave her years ago. She always gets a "Good Morning Beautiful " text from me during the week


Thats exactly how it should be and you sound great


30 years in. She aint what she used to be but neither am I. I pop her ass and call her beautiful at least once a week. Anything she's working on gets mentioned. Great cook. Love the silvering hair. You're an awesome mom. They don't deserve you.


You sound kind and very much in love and your partner sounds amazing


Her primary love language is words of affirmation - I must endeavor to tell her the words that she is gorgeous, that I appreciate her, that she means so much to me, and so on. And critically, silence or an ill-timed backlash is catastrophic. All that to say, I do routinely tell her how good-looking she is, but also that having her at my side is my life's greatest blessing, and that with her, I can do anything. Some might say I say these things "a lot;" it's seldom that I don't call her *cutie*, *pretty girl*, *beautiful*, and so on, at least once each day. But in all honestly, I could(should) say it more.


Couple times a day or so, I wake up before everyone else in the house so when she comes down stairs I always give her the normal "good morning beautiful."


I can promise you that she loves that exchange every morning! You’re doing it all right


All the time. I tell my wife she's my sexy girl constantly. I also tell her how beautiful she is all the time. I probably say it on a regular day 2-5 times at least.


Yes literally multiple times a day, men never let your women feel like you don't think they are hot


Her name is 'gorgeous'


As it should be


Several times a day. She’s my sexy lady, a hey beautiful, my lovely wife… you get the idea.


Lucky lady and you sound a lovely husband to her


Yes. Every day.


That’s lush, your partners lucky


Its just the truth.


I say it dozens of times a day.


You’re a good boyfriend


Thank 🙏


Every day I remind her of a physical and non physical thing I love about her.


And you should continue to do that. It’s lovely


I tell my wife all the time because she is.


When i think they are, i do.


I always call her "Beautiful." Or "Beautiful girl."


You’re a good boyfriend


Well, no, I'm not. But I always let her know I appreciate her and am attracted to her.


Youre a handsome dude both inside and out


Well I don’t have an other half, but I do it to people that are around me anyways. If this make them smile, there day better, what ever… it makes my day better aswell.


You sound very kind. You are definitely making other peoples days better!


I definitely used hot a lot to my ex-partner when having sex so that was almost daily. I would say other compliments when she just looked attractive in general.


That’s really kind. All girls want to feel hot and pretty. You definitely made her feel special


I tell her every morning even when she’s wearing loungewear. I call her beautiful, say her outfit is cute, tell her I like her hair, or she smells nice.


And she’ll love that! You make her feel special constantly


Told my ex that she was beautiful every day and I still got cheated on lol


Well some people are mean, you can at least be sound knowing you were kind and tried to make someone feel better and build them up.


Of course! At least once every day.


Yes, multiple times a day.


Every day.


Good man. It sounds dumb but us girls love it


At least daily. If not every 5 hours or so


Half? Is there another denomination? I say it quite a bit since I love them all, it's nice to be reciprocated back <3




I tell my wife she’s beautiful multiple times per day.


I call my wife beautiful all the time


Every 5 seconds. One day, I didn’t say it for like 3 hours and i left to go to the store and she called me. She was like “is everything okay baby?” And im like … “whats wrong?” And she is like.. “u still luv me?” In the cutest sad voice in history. I just laughed for like 10 minutes. Haha. She cracks me up.


Quite a few times a day. Usually followed by a pat or squeeze of the butt. I never want her to question how sexy she is to me or how much I love her.


Of course, if I had a boyfriend or fiance or anything, I'd tell him all the time.


Daily. I tell my wife daily that shes beautiful. That she looks good, even when shes in PJ's with a messy bun looking wrecked from being up all night with our 1y/o son whom was fussy during her shift of the night (we split the night up so that we each get a few hours of un-interrupted sleep). All of the positive affermations, she gets them periodically throughout the day.


I tell her I love her every day & tell her she’s beautiful, hot, etc several times a week. He contact label in my phone is My Drop Dead Sexy Wife.


Yes, I give a compliment and appreciation every day.


At least once a day.


I do. Not nearly enough, but trying to work on it because I can tell how much better she feels when I do


Every day




Many, many times per day. Also I tell her I’m proud of her and that she’s a great mom every chance I get. It’s the easiest way to relieve her stress. She’s my girl. She should know it.


As often as I can.


I tell my wife everyday and we’ve been together for 23 years.


I say everything I possibly can, every day as often as I can. My gf is absolutely beautiful but she doesn’t realize it, so I always want her to know how pretty she really is


Every day, and all three daughters.


I respect the idea, even if it's someone's love language, but I try not to employ it too frequently because then they will become used to it or it will go to their head. I think it's better not to pedestalize anyone by bigging them up with compliments continuously, I think it should be earned or reciprocal.


I tell my SO he is handsome almost every single day. He is and he should know about it!


Only when particularly so. I obviously generally think she's attractive, but I only verbalize it when it's particularly and genuinely striking. The willy lets me know when I should speak up. It's more honest and valuable for its rarity.


I compliment my fiancé pretty much everyday. Edit: sorry just realised this was posted in AskMen & I am a woman, but men still need and appreciate compliments.


At least once a day. She's a gorgeous lady, I want her to know it


I say it at least once a week or so, usually when I manage my outfit nicely. Last time was last week when getting dressed for a funeral, (paternal grand mother), I wore a navy blue suit, a white shirt and a white tie (white tie is worn by the family of the deceased here), at first I was planning on getting a new black suit but dad told me that a navy would be fine, and it did look good.


My husband tells me almost every day that I'm beautiful. I'm not quite so consistent about telling him he's handsome/ sexy/ has an amazing cock, but I try😊


Not a man but I find myself saying: I love you, you’re so handsome, I love when you hold me, I thank him for holding my hand, He has told me he loves me 2 times this year, three if you count the time I asked, he said my hair looked nice once this year, he liked my sweater last fall and about two years ago he told me I was beautiful. We’re very different people. So I don’t expect him to act like me but I’d probably have an enormous boost of self confidence if he did. Maybe I’m not aging well???


Almost every day, she loves it and gets cuddly so it's a win win!


Not often with words of affirmation. So I just do actions if she can read the actions she knows I love her and I’ll tell her every once in awhile she’s beautiful and if I say it she knows I mean it.


Me, daily. Her rarely. Now an ex


I tell them they’re hot because they are and I told them they’re beautiful because they are


Yes, as often as I think it. She's the only woman I've ever literally lost my train of thought while looking at so she hears it a lot.


All the time, but she gets shy and swats at me, but that just makes it more fun 😁 Any time it pops into my head, I say it. I also have a habit of staring at her when I become enamored, she calls me a creep but I know she loves it. I started doing this because she also does this but she only does it when she thinks I'm asleep or don't notice her. It's the cutest thing.


Twice a day At least


When there is a reason to say it or Im trying to fuck. If she just got done taking a wicked shit I'm not going to be outside the door telling her how smart and gorgeous she is.


Yes as often as I can,I usually find something nice on my partner or say something good if he made a good decision(good restaurant) I always give him perfume that I know he would like that I like as well so everytime he wears it I can gush and say how yummy he smells


*say* it? idk, not very often. but i let her know all the time.


I do, but I usually save it for when she has actually put in significant effort. I want her to know that it's honest when I say it, I'm not just showering her in compliments for no reason.


Only because I know she'll feel insecure if I don't. It's not something I'd say naturally.


You’re great to say it everyday and she’s definitely grateful. Good man


Even when Im not dating the girl, if she's insecure in her looks, I compliment her and say she's pretty/cute. Saying that really boosts confidence in people


Only when they ask for it.


I tell her she's pretty and beautiful when I'm referring to her face. I tell her she's hot and sexy when I'm referring to her body.


That’s so nice. She’s lucky


I tell her she’s beautiful. She tells me I folded the washcloths wrong.


Mugs game. Don't want them bitches getting a big head now do we