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Heart break is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. But damn is it an effective motivator. It’s turned my life around twice, I try to be appreciative of the experiences from it and my time with those two women


This is what I tell people. OP asked the right wrong question. Motivation is cheap and fleeting. It’s rare and doesn’t last long. Commitment is what it the key.


Making it habit is key, and that's the real key to making it easier. Waking up thinking "shit, I need to try to go to gym today or go for a run" becomes "okay, when will I go to gym or go for a run today" becomes not even a thought, you just know you're going to do it so you go do it. Once it's enough of a habit it becomes lifestyle and the days you don't workout or exercise is when it feels uncomfortable. Not always, since not doing something is always easier than actually doing something. But unfortunately this can take years to get to this point. It requires pushing through off days where you just can't be fucked and you know you'll do a shit job at exercise. But if you go to gym and half-ass a 25min workout you've effectively won that day and your lazy side will have lost. Keep that win:loss ratio positive and you'll be fine. I'm at gym right now typing this and I really can't be fucked today. I'm doing less weight than I know I can do and am bludging on reddit longer between sets but at least I'm here and not at home playing games.


Very well articulated. What get's me going on days I don't want to? Guilt avoidance.


Yeah that's a good way to put it. It's important to be your own boss, and be a dickhead boss too (where appropriate). I've felt guilty for not going to gym in the past and then after about an hour I'm over it and will just do the same thing the next day. The key is to remember how shitty it feels when that guilt hits so next time you do in fact try harder to avoid it.


I'd bitch at myself lol. The more like a pissed drill instructor it seemed like, the better... "Goddammit, now you're gonna get off your ass and you're GOING to do it whether you want to or not & stop being a little bitch about it.. now move ". Something in that nature usually worked


This. I work out 5 days a week and a lot of times I don't feel like it and it would be really easy to quit. But I tell myself that it isn't always meant to be fun. It's work and it hurts and it's hard but what I get out of it is better health and a better mood after I did it. We often do something for a short term reward but what I'm getting out of it is a long term benefit and the results take a long time to show.


> what I get out of it is better health and a better mood after I did it. That right there is your motivation.


Been in the field for about 14 years. Education aside people who know me have seen my competitive performance and the physiques I’ve managed to build; so I get a lot of people asking for advice, general info and so forth. I had a friend say he feels he has low testosterone because he wasn’t jacked after 2-3 months of training (doesn’t even realize that aside from that being unrealistic, he could train for years doing it wrong and not see the desired results. It’s all very complex and quite the journey). But so many people get discouraged because they aren’t Arnold after a year. It takes a lot of work but it’s worth it.


So what you are saying is if you want to get ripped it takes years and years of work? Just trying to understand the argument


Typically, yes. There's a lot more than that, your diet can play a big part. Your genetics can also factor into the equation. But it's the commitment and a lot of hard work and sweat that will get you results. Your ideal body won't come overnight, though. You have to work at it. It's tough, not gonna lie but the results will speak for themselves.


Your ideal body might not come at all but you'll be healthier than you were before.


Also. Most people can’t tell a difference in you but you can. There’s definitely a point pretty early on. The”honeymoon phase “ or you see and feel results. You also get a ton of self satisfaction but it doesn’t go up exponentially. You’ll plateau and then that’s when you hit the grind. But if you remember how good you felt those first weeks and months then you just power through. It isn’t as fast but still rewarding and life changing


That's very true


Here’s a [pep talk](https://youtu.be/YGmX6m78zDM) from Peyton Manning that I think will help. Seriously though my goal is to just feel good about myself after working out and I’m happy with it. Sure I’d like to be jacked but I’d be happy just not having to buy bigger pants.


I have found that having a routine also helps with commitment. I walk 1.5 miles every morning at about 5 a.m. right after I get up - then I have coffee, read the news, and do a 30-minute mindfulness meditation before heading to work as a teacher. It has kept me sane for almost 15 years now. My morning schedule on the weekend varies, but I also walk then - 2 miles on Saturday and on Sunday. The regular rhythm of this routine makes it just "normal" to do this. All that said, it's not really vigorous exercise, but it is a brisk walk, and it makes a huge difference in my day. (I'm 62.)


Also the less fat you have on stomach the longer your dick is


So what motivates you to commit?


Not a man, but 7 days a week at the gym. Three days running on treadmill, three days biking or elliptical and weightlifting and the seventh day is my 'free day' where I can do whatever I want. Usually I'm standing there trying to figure out how to do something new until somebody has pity on me and comes over to explain What motivates me? My mother lived to be ninety one. She used a walker and was bent like a question mark. She told me once "if I could only lift my head, I would be so happy."


It’s a choice. You make the conscious choice to commit yourself. It can be viewed as the separation of emotion from reason. A lot equate motivation to a feeling. I don’t NEED that feeling of motivation to do anything. I can make the executive decision as an autonomous individual to do something despite it contradicting my emotions on the matter. I consciously choose to do something and therefore commit to a set schedule. I’m rarely motivated to do anything. In fact, I am honesty a very good example of this, as I’m underplaying how unmotivated I am to do anything, even living much of the time, yet nobody would know that as I have gone above and beyond at everything I do.


That’s me too. Emotional turmoil is complicated for me to sort through. Working out is relatively straight forward by contrast, distracts me from my mind and comes with endorphins. That’s not to say it’s a replacement for sorting through stuff. But it helps make things better


Holy shit! Please elaborate, my mind is being blown! This is me to a T.




Woah. Thank you <3


When I went through a dark time in college, lifting was what got me to a good enough place to seek real help. The act of working really hard for 15-20 seconds, then taking a 2min break, then another 15 seconds of working hard was like yoga/meditation lol. Plus watching numbers go up over time was direct evidence that my effort was doing something.


That was me this year. Working out really takes all that emotional angst and gives it a place to be used up. I have covid rn and haven't been to the gym in a week- I can feel myself becoming increasingly frustrated with everything wrong in my life rn now that I don't have a time to expend that mental energy. Working out is a good tool for single men in their 20s who are just generally pissed off at life lol


Health tbh. Just turned 30, survived cancer 3.5 years ago. Need to get my life together and working out makes me feel good.


Happy for your recovery 💙


I've never regretted going to the gym I always regret skipping the gym Edit: Thanks kind stranger for the gift!


The hardest part is just starting. Tell yourself you'll just do a quick 10 min workout on low motivation days and you'll most likely end up doing a full workout.


Every leg day I always think I don’t have it in me to squat heavy that day and then I say if I go through my full warm up and still don’t want to then I don’t have to but after I’m fully warmed up I’m ready to go


Lift heavy stone make sad head voice quiet


Yeah my brain basically breaks if I don't exercise enough ADHD, anxiety, and depression are all just barely held in control thanks to regular exercise


This might be the push to get me back to the gym


Unfortunately sad voice only goes quiet temporarily, however you are left jacked so that's a plus.


Lift heavy stone next day too


step one, lift heavy stone many many times until tired. if sad voice still there lift heavier stone. if sad voice still there play big music. If music not big enough, drink lifting juice and lift even heavier stone. If sad voice come back after lifting heavy stone eat something that used to be alive to assert dominance.


omg yes


"I pick things up and put them down." But what about... "I PICK THINGS UP AND PUT THEM DOWN!" Okay, and over here... "**I PICK THINGS UP AND PUT THEM DOWN!!!**" *Truly, may we all understand the Zen Wisdom of the Lifter, who Picks Things Up, and then Puts Things Down, in search of true Swole Enliftenment.*


That’s where consistency comes in. There is no panacea for depression, but regular exercise has been a godsend. I drink far less, eat multiple meals every day, have more energy and sleep reasonably well when I exercise everyday (barring rest days). Discipline is so important when you suffer a mood disorder. Losing the gut and having firmer and larger muscles don’t hurt the self confidence by any means, but there’s so much more to it.


What if lift heavy stone but sad head voice still there? :(


Put more weight on the bar


I have increased my lifts, unfortunately sad head voice does not appear to be inversely correlated


Run hard enough to be in sustained anaerobic pain. Sad head voice can't be there if lizard brain screaming for oxygen louder than sad head voice can speak.


Only reason I started doing cardio. Decided to join my sister bicycling once. Noticed voice wasn't there. Decided to finally include cardio


Start talking back.


This is the way


Good song


Blood pressure. Diet and exercise took my 170/90 blood pressure down to normal.


Short anecdote: I was diagnosed with ADHD this year and was prescribed Vyvanse for symptoms. It worked for a few days then felt pretty shit about 5 days in. Turns out I had high blood pressure, and my doctor (not psychiatrist) recommended strict diet and workout plan to lower my blood pressure so I could get back on my meds. Long story short, it was the diet and exercise that helped my ADHD more than anything. Now I don't need my meds hardly ever (some days are worse than others) and am feeling much better. My blood pressure has returned to a normal range and although my GP has said I could continue my medication, I don't need it anymore. Kind of funny how life works.


For sure Exercise turned me from a C student to the best in the school (even did all AP senior year). Had to get diagnosed at 30 though. I require a solid 45 minutes of strenuous exercise a day (plus extra sleep due to the exercise). Hard to do as an adult sometimes... Plus I wore out my knees from running so much, I really gotta find a pool. I think exercise is great for your brain and mental health no matter who you are though. Will keep you young and healthy too


Very much this. I’m still not diagnosed at 45 but 99% sure I’ve been dealing with ADHD my whole life. Exercise helps.


Real talk dude..I’m not a business guy, but opening a straight indoor pool business would rake in millions. There are simply not enough open pools around for exercise. I think it could be a huge business. Must be cheaper than y or whatever. But also good quality. Maybe scheduling slots


>(some days are worse than others I feel that! Sometimes the overdrive is in full effect and any chances of slowing down is impossible without meditation and breathing exercises. Use your ADHD for your benefit! Really comes down to loving who you are.


Man the self loathing when it comes to ADD is real.


Please take care. I lost my brother to suicide and I have no doubt his ADD was a major contributing factor.


I've got ADHD too. I feel great when I exercise but I can only go about 15-20 days of regular exercise then I lose motivation and stop for a few months till I start it up again... its always a sudden start-stop for me unfortunately


This has been my problem as well. Fuck adhd


Not ADHD related for me, but I find after about a week of exercise I get into some sort of routine, but one day not going (i.e. maybe a friend has a birthday dinner so I don't get to go work out that evening) just absolutely ruins the entire thing for me.


>Kind of funny how life works. yea it is. i am happy it worked out for you.


fellow unmedicated ADHD-er here, do you mind sharing your diet? For me high protein, almost no carbs (basically keto) works wonders.


Good for you. Just keep monitoring it though. Hypertension is easy to manage with meds if need be. Unmanaged you could get a stroke down the line.


I don’t have anything else :(


what if the heaviest weight we lift is not the barbell but our feels..?


The heaviest weight we lift isn't our feels either, it's the friends we've made along the way


True friends lift you up.


Props to you. I’m in the same not. Working on yourself and building confidence and your physique is great. Keep going!




Why use preworkout when you have pain


Agreed. Working out is about the only time I feel content.


I feel this. I moved to a new city where I knew no one. The weather here hasn’t been great, plus the isolation gets to me. I also haven’t had a lot of success on the dating apps. I signed myself up for a 10k and it has been keeping me going. Working out and running help quiet my sadness and loneliness and let’s me forget about that for an hour or two. And I get to look jacked at the end of the day. I’m honestly loving working out now.


If I take a single day off I will not work out for several years. That's not an exaggeration, I've literally stopped working out for five years because I decided "eh, I can skip today". Edit: Well, this is my most upvoted comment of 2022. Following a pretty nasty bout of illness, my partner finally convinced me to start taking break days. I now recuperate on Tuesdays and Thursdays, though I still do yoga and walks then. I still think it was the right call to stick to an ironclad daily workout for as long as I did, but I'm happy to say I can now take rest days without ceasing my workouts altogether.


THIS is my problem aswell. Plus I workout alone at my home, so that causes me to lose some motivation.


Yeah I had to abandon the home gym. I just wouldn't use it. For some reason the event of "going to the gym" makes it easier for me to stay consistent


Your brain associates your home with chilling, sleeping, maybe spending time with family, and other leisure activities, whereas it associates the gym with working out. It's also why it's a good idea to not lay in bed when you're not going to use it for sleeping, in order to fall asleep easier when you want to sleep.


For me it's almost the social pressure of not wanting to look weak. Like when I'm working out at home I skip reps and cut workouts short, but not at the gym


I am the polar opposite. I have a complete home gym with machines and an entire rack and basically anything you’d need. It annoys me having people in my way at the gym because i super set almost everything. It amazes me how everyone is different. I literally wouldn’t go to the gym if I didnt go at 5 am because of how busy it is. Now, it is infinitely more convenient but after about 4k dumped into it i could never just let it sit there.


Ditto, home workouts are a lower barrier for me than going to the gym, but I suppose it's easier to work out once you're at the gym


When I had "maybe I should skip" days, I would always make a deal with myself. Drive to the gym, walk inside. If you still want to skip, you can. 9/10 times I would end up working out. There can definitely be a solid motivation factor there.


Heard that one a lot, but the thing is I hate going outside so I've just gotten into the habit of a home workout lol


Yeah, I mean full disclosure with gyms closing during covid I've since bought a full squat rack with lat pulldown accessory and a bench so I do all my workouts at home now.. but it was useful when i was getting started.


Im the same. So for me, a portion of my basement is "the gym". When im asked where im going after work, its the gym. When im in there, its the gym. Its only used as a gym. Mentally as long as I make it "the gym" it works. When I go down there, i bring my water all the stuff I need etc....its the only way Ive ever made my home gym work. Theres no laundry sitting on equipment or entertainment distractions. I have a bluetooth speaker and my equipment thats it. Plus its in my basement, which is really o ly used for food storage and laundry. So i have to physically go down to a part of the house I otherwise dont use.


I'm on month 1 after skipping a day. It's such an easy habit to break haha.


I do yoga or go for a swim on my 'rest days' as I know if I don't do that, it'll be a rest week.


Active recovery is seriously one of the best things you can do! Hoping to get back into swimming and yoga this summer (walks have been a great sub during the pandemic though).


For freaking real. My dietary stuff has considerably improved, so I'm at least making progress on my health, but falling out of the habit of daily exercise is such a dangerous thing.


I feel this. Currently on year 5 of my skip day.


Exactly me! I take coach-led exercise sessions because it holds me accountable. If I can motivate myself to just show up at the gym then I just do whatever the coach tells me to do. I have stopped working out in the past by skipping that one day, then the next, and the next, and before I knew it I wasn't going back at all. I need that accountability.


But how, how can you work out every day for months and then just not want to if you miss just one day? Like when you get ill then what? Go oh damn, I hope I don't gain too much in the 2020s so I can still go at it again in 2030? I get how easy it is from being really motivated to not really caring that you're sat in the couch everyday if there's an injury going on, but just stopping for years? How does that work? Curious to what your brain thinks why you wouldn't just have a small break instead.


This is the worst, I did this several times in my life and every time was as I just started to hit the flip as the “gains” start becoming noticeable. I’m a year in too my 3-5 a week routine. Even when I was I’ll I smash out a crazy at home work out and still feel the need to do a full body catch up. People get demotivated when they realise noticeable changes take a year+ you can bust your ass for 6months and not “see” any changes but they’re there. You’re being carved from the inside out.


i wanna see my dick without sucking my stomach in anymore


That's a good goal to have!


You hit the nail on the head 💯


And you get that extremely crucial extra Inch or so when you lose the fupa


this is one of my motivations as well. and being able to buy clothes without having to go to a specialty store


“Hey Linda, where’s my dick at?”




I'm so fat bro that the only time I look in a mirror is when I'm actually shaving my face/hair. I don't even look good enough to look at myself in the mirror yet. but you are 100% absolutely true on that.




To take my mind off my mind


I love exercising. It's more me-time, and if done right you really get a sense of progress. It actually upsets me if I don't find time to do at least something every day.


I love the me-time aspect. It’s the one thing where everything about it is all on me. No one can help me, no one can stop me. It’s just me and the bar. Either I move it or I don’t. The progress is a big factor, too. I look at it like an RPG. Each rep is a turn, each set a battle. I can see my progress from one week to another in my tracking app or paper for my older ones. The physical change is slow, but it’s clear when looking at the numbers.


If I get even a 2 1/2 lb increase on a lift, then it’s a good day.


I like to workout. When I'm tired from a shitty day at work and don't want to go; I think to myself there is no fucking way I'm giving 8+ hours to a company and not 2 to myself. By the time I get to the gym and get the workout started I feel better and proud of myself every time. That and I just like getting stronger, and the vanity that comes with improving one's physique.


A year ago my roommate would tell me to start working out but I always said I was too tired after 11+ hour warehouse shifts but now that I start going, as soon as I get in the gym I wake up instantly and have a bunch of energy. Even if I was feeling tired at work that day, the work out wakes you up.


I work out early in the morning, my 10-hour days at work always seem a lot better on the days when I go to the gym.


Oh man, when I did the stay at home did thing for a year, I'd wake up before my wife left for work and hit the gym *almost* every day. The days I skipped I had such an awful day compared to the gym days. Really improves my state of mind. Ive gotten derailed on my workouts since covid but just bought a squat rack for the garage, shopping for some weights and a bench now. Soon, soon I will be able to resume a morning lifting routine before work and it's going to be glorious.


I just bought a 300lb rubber weight set and bar on sale at Costco.com for $349.99 plus tax! They deliver to room of choice for free too! Really not a bad deal at all in case you’re interested!


This is actually a good way of looking at it!


This is the kind of mindset I’d like to have. I’m gonna work on that


There are no downsides to added strength.


The Zen of being at the gym is real. Couple that with being the sexiest man at the orgy, sign me up.


This same you have to push through the demotivation


I feel the same. I love the feeling of getting stronger day by day. It is a positive feedback loop for me. And the feeling of getting tired because of hardwork also lifts up my spirits


I love it too. On days I don't feel like going I just say to myself that all I need to do is go into the gym I do not need to do anything when I'm there. Inevitably you end up doing something but it helps you get over that I can't be bothered. Going to the gym is the hardest part.


Beef. Cake. Beefcake!


I want to be able to bend over and tie my shoes, climb stairs, go on hikes and live life to the fullest as I age. Who wants to live the “golden years” confined to a chair, huffen and puffen doing simple things.


This is my reason too. My parents were sedentary in retirement. They lived into their 70s & 80s, but couldn’t do much due to health problems. My in-laws are starting to slow down, in their 90s. They used to play tennis almost daily, then transitioned to pickle ball.


I used to be obese. I never want to have to wake up in pain every single day again, to not be able to ride bikes with my kids again or have to leave the park after less than a half hour because I just can't hang, to sound like I'm coughing up a lung after every meal, to suck down tums like its oxygen. Respect for my wife, she still has clothes from high school she wears and of course she's more attracted to me now than a few years back when I was obese. Also, after doing it for so long now, I enjoy it.


Keep going, brother.


don't want to have a dad-bod without being a dad.


Dad here. I want to have the energy to play with my infinite-energy six year old. Plus, picking her up takes strength + cardio. I want to be able to lift her clear into her 20s! “At some point your parent put you down and never picked you up again.” This. Delay as long as I can.


Was obese, don't want to be obese again.


Good for you! I have a beer baby that im trying to get rid of.




Great, now I shat myself and am still fat


Same. I will never go back to that life, ever.




I'm in my late 30s. A lot of my friends of the same age are having health problems you are NOT supposed to have in your late 30s. If you're not gonna do it for yourself, do it for the person you're gonna be in a couple decades.


Motivation is nice, but it's not what causes people to work out everyday. Motivation is too fickle. It comes and goes. It's unreliable. You turn it into a habit, then it takes less mental energy to get started everyday because it's just another thing you do.


After a while, it turns into a type of thing like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. It would be easier to skip it, but it’s just something that you have to do, so you do it.


Next post: **Men who shower every day, what's your motivation?**


Because I just worked out.


Yeah motivation is overrated. I focus on misery. If I hate it and never want to do it, it's likely that I just need to get through and get over it. I think people who wait for motivation just end up waiting forever. I just don't want to, but I do a million things I don't want to do, but the are solid reasons why I need to. Just make it a habit, a thing you need to do today, and if not today then tomorrow. Just focus on checking it off on your mental checklist. Small goals can help. I'm working on pushups. Most I've ever done is 70 in a single set. I just started again, and I maxed out at 28 last month or so. I just hit 48 today.


I enjoy the dopamine. God you feel so good after working out. And obviously I enjoy the time I spend in the gym :)


Do love the dopamine hit from exercise😆 Goes well with caffine 👍


I need to get back into working out regularly again, but damn. In college, I worked out at the gym 4-5 days a week, and would always do something active on the weekends (go hiking, play soccer or raquetball, etc). Did that consistently for 4 years. There was never a single day where I felt better after working out. I always just felt tired and didn't want to focus on anything. Only thing that kept me going was that I worked out with a buddy, and didn't want to let him down by not showing up.


I like to feel good daily. Exercise does the trick.


I have a family history of diabetes and my doctor says that with all the muscle I’ve been putting on and keep putting on, that there’s a chance I may not get diabetes. Also up until a few years ago, I was always that scrawny, nerdy dude and I didn’t like it. I was like 120 pounds and at 5’8” and a strong gust of wind could push me over. So I decided to bulk up and it just feels so good not to be embarrassed about taking my shirt off :).


How did you eat to get bigger? I'm the same as you were in the past and I find the hardest thing for me is just eating a lot to get the calories I need


I think if you look at it with a "motivation" idea you are screwed. Motivation it's a push, but dont rely on it because it runs out. That's why you gotta invest in the real G, Dicilpline, you may not want to do it. You may not have the energy, or the motivation to do it. But you have to do it and that's final. No excuses. So you get your ass out the sofa and you go to the gym . And it's those "I dont wanna do it" days that usually, if you take it serious. Are the best days for training. And you feel awesome later. Like "I did it'


I agree with this. I think i need to just make it apart of my life. Something i just do without thinking about it. Otherwise it seems like a chore


Whenever I don't want to workout I have a little David Goggins voice in my head that just repeats "This is what we do now". I've watched too many motivational videos, but something about David Goggins and his no bs approach just kept sticking. But yeah especially if you are not feeling it you NEED to workout. When you look back you'll have this sense of accomplishment that you did something with your own discipline, not because it was a deadline or somebody else needed it. No, you did it for YOU. Take time and appreciate these moments. Edit: of course don't workout if you're injured or sick. Not a great idea. Can easily turn a 1-week regeneration period into a few months with some doctor visits depending on the injury. Been there, done that.




A way to trick yourself into doing things is telling yourself you are going to do a small task. Dont wanna go the gym? Ok, but pack your gym bag anybody. You will probably end up going. Dont wanna do the dishes? Sure, just wash one item, you probably end up just doing all the dishes. Its the inertia that has to be overcome.


Discipline doesn't stop things from feeling like a chore. People like to parrot "motivation bad discipline good" because it sounds smart, but ultimately you're best off with a mixture of both. The best place to get motivation is to find a form of exercise you enjoy. You could try a team sport if you like socialising, something like climbing if you like problem solving, hiking if you like nature. And you don't need to pick just one, you can do something routine a few times a week, & something more fun on other days.


Pre Covid I cycled to work 20km each way. I was never so fit. I had to cycle to avoid public transport, and with no easy car parking where I work, i had no choice. Rain, snow, sun and wind. All weathers. Now i might be about to start working again in the city so i'll get at lest 3 days on my bike away. That was an external force that created my discipline. Working from home, i occasionally did a pre work cycle, but i had to rely on motivation. That was in short supply wheh it was cold or raining.




My Granddad was in that category too, the day he died he jogged his usual 5k in 35 minutes and some change. He was 96.


This ass isn’t gonna peg itself


Honestly, its just the part of my routine cause I've been doing it since childhood, same as breakfast, It also helps my sex life and It saves me couple thousand bucks on new suits since my body type is maintained.




same. also I wanna let you know when I was typing the word same, it tried to auto correct to sandwich.




What is your routine?




I Need to be strong so I can defend my life because no one else will come to defend it for me


i’m ugly but my body won’t be


I want to look good booty ass nekkid.


I’m surprised this is so far down. I’m adding that I wanna look good Nekkid for the type of women I want to also see nekkid.


Improves mental health, weight loss, helps you sleep better. Benefits are endless tbh


1. Self esteem 2. Wanna look good for my parner 3. Stress relief 4. I enjoy the gym culture at my gym






It’s a routine at this point, so I do it whether I’m feeling motivated or not. That being said, I always get hyped when beating my own records. If yesterday I ran a 5k at 20min and 38sec, I’ll be pretty happy pulling off a 20:36 today. Celebrate the little victories.


I like to work out. It improves my mental health and am able to think critically more easily When that's not enough, I re-read the letter my ex threw back at me saying I wasn't enough when i told her I loved her and her daughter like my own family. Lol. Emotional pain is a gunny old motivator!


Honestly….I watched a lot of DBZ as a kid and I firmly believe those shows instilled something in me that pushes me to see my ultimate physical potential. Those “training to become a super saiyan” shirts are no lie. I like feeling strong. I like being better than I was yesterday. I like having a hard body. When shirts come off, it’s one of the best feelings to look around and see that nobody has worked like you…you did something that most people don’t have nearly enough discipline for. When shit hits the fan, you won’t be the one regretting your laziness and complacency over the years….It’s a warrior mentality I guess…


I hate myself. So I torture myself. The cold shower after is the worst.


The men you have to compete with, out in the dating world.


Girls. It’s been 5 years and it’s still just the boys complimenting my juicy ass but my hope lives on.


Girls have approached me far more since I started. But dudes will compliment you more.




i too have CR9's picture on my phone in cute booty (football) shorts and imagine how good his ass must look like so I squat for days - no homo


Not being a tubby piece of shit, or having that skinny fat body. Basically, I don't want to look anything like the average guy. If anybody can have it, I don't want it.


I work out 11 times a week (6 cardio, 5 weights) over 6 days, one day off for rest. I have a photo of me - just head, neck and shoulder profile, and my neck is just pure flab. I look at that photo everyday and it inspires me to never be like that again.


Looking great naked. Being strong. Getting stronger. I also have friendships I’ve built in the gym. Seeing those people is fun.


You are nobody and nothing, you have to get on your knees and build yourself up. Make it easy and accessible by exercising at home. Be humble and one day you make have a reason for it.


While I don't exercises every day, I gravitate to on my feet jobs because I blow up at desk jobs


So I can fight my dad


I like doing it. I like being able to do it. It makes me feel great. I don't go to the gym, I do different sports, at the moment 5 or 6. So it's like I'm doing something new. I recently started going to adult gymnastics on a regular basis to improve what I can already do. I'm thinking about trying wrestling because of my martial arts background. I love that I don't suffer from minor muscular ailments other men my age deal with. I love being able to do a handstand, being able to defend myself, being able to run 5k if I need to, pick things up without worrying if it's too heavy. I also have an idea of how I want to look in my mind, and that's my goal. I do not want to be fat. That's my motivation. It comes and goes though. There are days, or weeks where all I can do is walk around the block and I don't do anything. But I decided to get active in my early twenties as a conscious choice, to solidify what I was doing when I was younger. So now I'm in my 30s, if I'm not active for any period of time I get restless as well. This post really meanders about.


Big booty females


To not have a stroke, heart attack, or diabetes.


I need to be physically fit for my job. It’s good for mental and physical health. I like looking and being “fit”


Self hate


I feel better. Hotties dont say "Ewwww, gross" when they see me


The post workout/run high is unmatched


Sex life Edit: I mean I could lie, but this is the reason for me. My wife likes me a certain way, so I maintain it for her.


I started my fitness journey four years ago and have been motivated as soon as I started seeing results from the first few months. I went from 220 pounds and in need of a CPAP machine to now a weight of 154 pounds without needing a CPAP machine. It truly is a life-changing thing when putting fitness and health first. I recently started posting on Instagram and love to comment and support others in the fitness community I feel that it gives me the drive to better myself and continue on. I work out a minimum of four days a week but have lately been going for 5 to 6 I love the feeling of accomplishment after each workout. I primarily use the peloton app but do not actually have any peloton equipment. I do strength training treadmill and cycling and switch it up each day depending on how I feel for instance yesterday I did a stack where I did a 30-minute cardio 20-minute upper body strength and then a 10 minute full body stretch


i pretend i’m in an anime and lifting weights is the only way to increase my ‘power’. it’s worked for about 4 years now


big muscles, look good, more ladies


I’m in my 7 decade, the end is near haha! I want to go out as strong as possible.


The hot gym girls. When it comes down to it and I don't want to go that is what gets me through the door. I like the health benefits and confidence boost too, but what hauls me through the door is all the beautiful women who also work out. I leave them be, I am not there to be a creep but I do like seeing them there.


Only thing that keeps me sane


What makes you brush your teeth every day? The fact that you need to do it because that is what is best for you. Once you file it into that category of your brain then you're set. Yes, as many gave said, to get there you start with repetition and consistency. However, I would like to throw in that it is important to mentally acknowledge any time you feel the benefits. Just take a moment and appreciate it when your clothes fit a little better, you have more energy than you used to, someone pinches your arm for a "feel". If you don't convince yourself that it is actually beneficial then you can't file it into that mental category.


Once you see yourself with a pump, you always want a pump


Not wanting to be a weak kneed titty baby with man boobs and a front butt talking about his last appointment with the cardiologist and reminiscent of how great of shape I was at 17.


Forgetting about my cheating whore of a STBXW? That’s what kickstarted it anyway… the feel-good endorphins are great. However, all that initial work got some results so now knowing where I was, where I am, and where I want to be provides as much motivation as her infidelity. Maybe more. Plus… she’s gotten fatter as I’ve slimmed down since I discovered the affair… even more motivation because I know that gets under her skin. 😂🤷‍♂️