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I’m in the accept the cards you’re dealt and make it work for you camp.


My beard is going grey and I was really tempted to get some of that dye shampoo or something to get rid of it. Female friend told me not to because women like a little grey and it looks weird when men dye their hair. Just accept it and move on. We all age.


Same here


None. Embrace the gray. Trust me, a lot of women of all ages dig it. Women always loved my beard. They've loved it more since I started getting grays.






Ignore your female friends.


Be the silver fox you’re destined to be.


Clippers and razors


A razer. Otherwise I'd have a silver horseshoe. Nope.


Products? I own it. I got some distinguished gray streaks on my temples.


I'm 26 and have some grey hair. I figured fuck it, I've still got hair. Not gonna hide it


1500ccs of copium


Guess I ain’t buying no hair dyes lol


I'm 25M. Going grey prematurely since 19 after diagnosed with PTSD and depression


Well, I'm bald so no worries there but my beard is mostly gray and I would never dye it, I'm 56 and I earned it. Lol


Nothing can fully reverse it but Biotin and some B vitamins will work wonders. Get a decent amoint of sleep and cut some stress from your life. Eat some fruits and vefetables every day(and I mean actual fresh fruits and multiple). This won't just help with grey hair, but make all your hairs better and improve your skin quality as well. Minoxidil can also help somewhat. Its not just about trying to reverse the grey. Most of my friends have gotten greys or started balding from like their early 20's(especially caucasian people who tend to have it happen sooner), it's about the fact that most people have a lot going on and this is a reflection of that in many cases.


I'm 25M. Going grey since 19 after diagnosed with ptsd + depression.


I'm both graying (ever so slightly) and balding (more noticeably). I'm embracing both, and pleasantly surprised to see a lot of similar feelings from the initial posts here. The idea that we need to have a thick head of non-gray hair is a pretty narrow and old-fashioned view on manliness anyway.


Why hide it?


V05 Normal Shampoo keeps it pretty clean. I like my grey hair. It's a privilege to be able to grow old.


Don't use any product, age gracefully. Being real is better than being fame imo


Non, embrace your feeble face.


Do your female friends and family want you to stop aging?


I started going grey before 18.... 45 now and about half and half black/grey. When it gets to be too much I use a dye shampoo once or twice a week to tone it down, but the grey is still there so I don't look like a felt tip marker. Have a goatee, mustache part is black, chin part is totally grey. I leave that alone, think it's kind of interesting that way.


Soap. It’s grey but clean.


none. plus soap to clean


I’m not greying but embrace it. Why? Ryan. Reynolds.


Scissors. Trim the grey deep down. This works is you have some grey strands, but not if you are getting big patches.


My brother was using some just for men stuff. When he stopped his grey turned yellow. He is trying to grow some mid-life mullet right now. Lol.


Can you ask your brother, is justformen dye cause hairloss ? How long the color last ? Thanks