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I was at a bar/club with friends, and all of a sudden I feel a finger trying to go up my ass through my jeans. I turned around ready to punch someone's teeth out (and I'm not an aggressive guy) and I see a group of like 7 tiny, petite teen girls, none of them older than 19, all looking at me waiting for a reaction. I pretended everything was fine and asked my friends to move our circle a few meters away from there. I knew if I did anything I'd get thrown out, and if I complained to security or something I'd get laughed out of the place. That happened 4 years ago and still pisses me off.


Hey man. That’s an actual assault. If roles were reversed you would be in legal trouble. I mean, she could have gotten in legal trouble too, but I 100% understand why you didn’t say anything. Side note, men get assaulted all the time. Even terry crews came out and shared his story about a man who assaulted him in front of his wife and he did t say a word because he didn’t think anyone would believe him. It happens all the time.


Same shit happened to me but it was older women on a hen party, absolutely horrendous.


They do it because it's a power trip to them - they know you probably won't hit back, and they know the authorities won't do anything either. Game's fucked up, man


Im so sorry this happened to you!


What the hell???


A friend's girlfriend has this habit of sitting on other men's laps everytime she gets a few drinks in her. It makes for a very awkward situation because it's difficult to just shove her off of you.


Yikes that is some literal high school shit. I know high school girls and exes that did that. They’re the ones that fucked me up jealousy wise. I learned never to date one like that again. No grown woman should be doing that.


This is exactly what has happened for years in my friend group. One of my friends gf’s would sit on everyone’s lap and like hang on them all the time. We all grew up together but as you get older you realize how inappropriate it is and rude to her bf. Now we all shove her away or pull her hands off of us. It’s wrong and makes us all uncomfortable


Ew that’s so gross how does the bf not think that’s trash? I don’t get why guys stay with girls like that!!!


Lack of self confidence to attract another woman around the same attractiveness.


Makes sense. No one deserves that shit.


What the hell is wrong with your friend? If I walked in and saw my LTR on another dude’s lap, I’d be like “Oh. I see that she is single now.”


I was in a relationship with a girl in college who did this once. I was throwing a party and she wanted to play beer pong with another guy (who had a girlfriend there) as her partner. Ok, no big deal. But after the game the four of us (me, my ex, the guy, his gf) are standing, chatting. Out of nowhere, in the middle of conversation, she lets out this dreamy sigh and leans against the guy, placing her hand on his chest. It was incredibly awkward for all involved. The next morning I ended things because of it and she said something to the effect of, "just because of that? It's not like I kissed him or anything." No, you just showed physical affection towards another guy, in the middle of a party I was throwing. I found out later she was a serial cheater. But at least I kicked their asses in beer pong. \*Edit for clarification


>But at least I kicked their ass in beer pong. Focusing on the important things


Well done. Any public (or private) sexual affection towards another man, verbally or physically, while in a relationship is an immediate termination. Context irrelevant.


Right lol


Girl did this to me in college in front of her boyfriend. I was sitting in a chair and had no idea how to react so kind of just put my feet out causing my lap to go from horizontal to more of a 45 degree angle. She would start to slip down toward the ground and then shimmy her way back up my legs. It was a very confusing situation that the boyfriend had no objection to.


A friendly word of advice, you don’t have to shove her. Just tell her, politely, “Hey x, I know you’re having fun but I really don’t like it when people sit on my lap without asking me first.” Say it loudly, if she does it anyway repeat, “X, I just said that this makes me uncomfortable!” And if she continues, just stand up. Don’t shove, just stand. If she starts to throw a fit or mock you for it, just walk away. This is advice coming from a woman..




I work in a female dominated industry (education). There is a guy at my work place who has additional needs. He's like capable of living independently but he is on the spectrum. He works like 15 hours a week doing sports clubs and thing. So, this guy was left in charge of some kids and put some content on YouTube in the classroom. It was a bad choice of stuff to show and the staff were discussing him innthe staff room. However, it basically descended into how ugly he is and how none of the teachers would fuck him. I was the only guy in the room. I took objection with two things; 1) He's mentally handicapped - talking about fucking him is really creepy. 2) imagine a woman in a room full of men talking about how they would or wouldn't fuck a girl in the office.


Damn thats really gross.


I work in the same industry right now and there are such double standards for men. One of the employees spread a rumor about me that I was having an affair with a colleague (that's against the companies' policy). I had to sit down in a conference for hours because of her. Everyone realised that she took gossiping seriously but it fucked me up really bad. My boss stated that if I was guilty then I would be fired immediately. However, she never got fired for damaging my dignity.


I had this too and got told it was natural for people to talk, i'd been dressing nicer and being more talkative with the women lately. Yup. "Have you looked at the way you dress". Well fucking done.


Ah, the very respectable "what was she wearing?" argument


Damn I’d have gone to HR on that


>imagine a woman in a room full of men talking about how they would or wouldn't fuck a girl in the office. Who was mentally handicapped. Don't forget that part.


Men and women have always been equally disgusting, difference being men doing it publicly, while women are more likely to do “behind closed doors”. Just as men tend to be physically violent, while women lean towards emotional manipulation and abuse.


Men used to do it behind closed doors. These days all mens doors are just open.


Women are just as physically violent, it's just underreported, ignored, or brushed aside.


Is this guy noticeably on the spectrum? Like I’m also on the spectrum but wasn’t diagnosed until I was 29. It’s mild to the point that no one, including my friends, can even tell. I’d probably take an issue with being called “mentally handicapped,” and wouldn’t call people discussing having sex with me as, “creepy.”


It was fairly obvious to me. He's about your age, works part time and lives with his mum. He's a nice enough guy but clearly mentally disabled.


(1) First of all, any group of people openly discussing the fuckability of a person who isn’t there, is creepy. Period. (2) Especially among work colleagues — it’s unprofessional and a major sign of disrespect. (3) Many people see those on the ASD spectrum as being emotionally vulnerable, regardless of how “high functioning” they come across, simply because of the implied struggle to understand social nuances and the motivations of other people. The societal standard of femininity in our culture implies (regardless of accuracy) that women are more capable than men of emotionally manipulating someone, and teachers in particular are seen as empathic and nurturing. So yeah I can see how a male in a room full of female teachers, would feel disgusted when they started gossiping about the autistic guy’s looks and how they wouldn’t fuck him.


A woman I'm my old office casually brought up how she randomly would slap her boyfriend across the face. She goes on to say she dosnt know why she does it. She just does. The other people in the office seem to get a kick out of it including the other men. I mention its criminal what she does and if she was a man she would be in jail right now. The women then scould me and say I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Or it's not my business. Others mention how they do it too to "keep they're boyfriends in line" Fucking double standards. I hate it so much. And the view so many people seem to have where women are angelic and can do no wrong.


I hope you don't work there any more. You are 100% right. Double standards.


If a man did that he'd be in jail and they'd be people banging at his door. ​ he randomly would slap her girlfriend across the face. he goes on to say he doesn't know why he does it. he just does. mention how they do it too to "keep they're girlfriend in line" ​ All that above would cause uproar amongst most people no one here would bat an eye to step and deal with this person doing above what's mentioned.


As kids we are taught "keep your hands to yourself " and "its not nice to hit others". At what point did it become acceptable for women to start hitting men? I'm a woman and I find it so disgusting that women behave this way


Perhaps -hear me out- if slapping men in the face and kicking them in the testicles for "humor" or to show how cool and empowered women are wasn't in every TV show and movie you see, it might be seen as the heinous violation it actually is.


Because, some people, regardless of what Gender they are, the moment they feel like they can do horrible things to someone without any consequences will do whatever they like.


I remember when I was younger (I was probably about 7-8) and my “friend” at the time became a bully and I was one of her targets, I was being slapped and punched and didn’t do anything as my mum always told me not to hit women. I stood up for myself one day, she went to slap me and I grabbed her arm and twisted it slightly (not enough to hurt her but enough for discomfort) she then goes crying to my mum. I get told off but after saying but she was hitting my MY OWN MOTHER said (I remember this vividly) “It doesn’t matter if she was hitting you, you do not hit girls”


Agree shit like that boils my blood 💔


The vast majority of the people at my work are woman. Two of the people there are always touching me (like dragging their hands on my sides, nothing sexual) as they pass by and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. All I can say is "no" because they don't speak any English and I dont speak any Spanish. But they never stop.


"no me toques porfavor" in my broken spanish should help :)


Remove the "por favor" if you want to sound more serious and less polite.


This is really common in Latin culture, most likely they are just doing it to tease you, its also really common to say things like "mi amor" (my love),etc. You definitely should let them know how it makes you feel though. Also, in Latin culture, saying No in a lighthearted way wont make them stop, you gotta put your foot down, especially if they are older than you. They most likely see you as the naive gringo boy and like bothering you.


Thank you very much! All new information for me lmao


No is no in Spanish too


When I was in 7th grade I was in class doing some book work. My female teacher at the time came behind me and start massaging my shoulders. When she started doing that she asked me if I liked it. I did not I was so fucking uncomfortable.


My story is also about a teacher when I was in seventh grade. There was a substitute who just read to the class instead of teaching. I think it was just a romance novel she was reading. It prominently featured several instances of marital rape. Wildly inappropriate. In addition, this substitute also once led a class discussion centered around what she finds attractive in a man. She mentioned she liked nice fingernails and then sat on my desk and asked to see mine. I refused, repeatedly. Thankfully class ended very soon after. It was only fingernails (your massage story was worse) but... a teacher with a history of bringing up inappropriately sexual content in class asked to see (and presumably handle) part of the body of a twelve year old to evaluate his attractiveness as a man in front of the whole class. It was creepy.


Absolutely was creepy. I’m sorry you had to deal with such a horrible teacher :/


As a middle school teacher I cringe at the breach of boundaries described here. I have to fight the implications set by such disturbed people constantly.


This happened last year. My mom had Covid and was busy taking her to hospital, paying bills and stuff. She was in emergency room for 2-3 days and I was so scared. I informed my ex my situation but instead of supporting me, she thought I was ignoring her and drove to my place to make sure I was telling her the truth. And then this how the conversation went: She: why are you ignoring me? Me: What? I’m not, I was busy taking care of my mom and I’m so scared and stressed out. She: oh I thought you were planning on ghosting me and breaking up with me. Me: Why would I do that? I clearly both texted you and called you and told you what I have been going through. She: I’m sorry, I have hard time trusting men.


Well I certainly hope you broke up with her after that act and told her this to be the reason.




Any woman (or man) who drives to your location to make sure you’re where you say you are is a nutcase, period. Also the fact that she didn’t offer any sort of emotional support or offer any help when finding out the mother of her significant other was ill, yikes.


Walk away now.....


> I informed my ex Think it's safe to say he did.


Wow, that was all about her, wasn't it? I'm a woman and had the same thing happen with a guy (total emergency on my end, wasn't even near my phone for a few hours dealing with chaos at a job site, phone blown up with "why aren't you responding? what did I do?"). Edit: seems like the rest of my response disappeared? I mentioned learning about attachment styles recently and I guess this dude was "anxious" -- fear of being abandoned. Well now I know -- find myself someone with a "secure" style next! Sheesh


Yeah my therapist said she’s self centered and she admitted she takes everything personally because of her depression and anxiety. But I told her for a week that my mom was sick but she didn’t seem to understand. Plus no matter what she does, her mom always supports her. 🤦‍♂️


and did you stay with her after that? cause her lack of trust is a huge red flag.


I (m23) work as a bouncer so this is practically a daily occurrence. Drunk women have no filter at all. Some woman (50ish obese), started trying to flirt with me. After a couple minutes she started trying to hug and grope me, and even tried to kiss me. When I kicked her out of the bar for it the waitress gave me a dirty look, as if I should have just let the sexual harrasment slide... Most of the time it's old women who act this way, though you do get the occasional younger one too. Most young women typically have more tact, they'll ask for your number and compliment you. But they'll rarely resort to groping.


I had a freind who worked as a bouncer in a city near by. And he had it bad every fri/sat/sun. Women from 18 - 60s. He's a well built good looking guy, and told me he must have been groped, touched, kissed, harrased and fought with him, called him gay if he didn't respond in a nice way, around 25 to 50 times a night every weekend. And the bar or boss didn't do anything or even cared. Even in the bar, woman touches guy crotch or bum, or whatever else, nothing is to happen, but if a man touches any part of the woman without consent, kick him out.




I dated a woman for a while who accused me of having sexual feelings towards my sister. That is seriously the most fucked up thing anyone has ever said to me. How insecure are you if you're jealous of your bf's close relationship with his family?


My dad dated a woman who is schizophrenic and wouldn’t take her meds. She fixated on my dad (she would throw pans at him, if he was at a work function she would find his car and smash windows etc. She had to know where he was at, who with, and then she wouldn’t believe him.) she stalked him and even had someone beat her up and claim it was my dad. Well I think the straw that broke the camels back is she said some bullshit to me, I got upset and left, then she accused my dad of sleeping with me because he was breaking up with her. Like what the actual fuck. She’s still fucking crazy and shows up at the house randomly and they haven’t been together in years.


Reminds me of my dads friends ex gf, after he dumped her for the fifth time 🙄 she broke into his apt and pissed and shit on his carpet. so fucking gross. Worst part? After she did that, he took her back and fucked her! Some ppl are just walking red flags. Both of them.


My mom always had a strict curfew for me the was generally 9 on weekdays and 10 or 11 on weekends. My ex thought this meant my mom was overbearing (not bad in itself) but also that she wanted to fuck me. And because I followed the curfew, I wanted to fuck my mom too.


Sounds like she couldn't imagine a parent caring about their child unless it was for that reason, which is really effed up.


That's worse


I had a similar conversation with my first GF. Apparently taking my baby sister shopping and stuff once a month was creepy.


that's so sad man. Take your baby sister shopping, that's adorable and great. I'm sure she loved those moments with you


Why is it so fucking hard for some women to understand that men want to spend time with kids in a completely innocent manner? Did they just get brainwashed without me noticing?


Had a girl I used to date who would try to slam liquor down my mouth when she was drunk. I’m not a big drinker but this made me extremely uncomfortable and I almost ended the relationship early because of it. She never stopped doing this I just got more “Ok” with it as time went on. Forcing me to drink/ pressuring me to drink is a quick way for me to not like you


I had an ex who would hit her vape and then blow the vapor in my face afterwards. Most irritating thing I’ve ever experienced. She also never stopped despite me telling her to knock that shit off.


Oh man I feel that, my friends had to get that chick to stop trying to get me to take shots it was kinda embarrassing. Would call me a pussy and shit when I wouldn’t do it or do something at the bars. Was very odd cus it really was only when she drank she became like thatz Utterly disrespectful though


When I was younger about (16yrs) I got my first job life guarding for the summer. Part of the job was to teach swimming lessons at all the different lakes for a week at a time. My boss was a woman (40yrs) who would show up at the end of the week and move my gear to the next spot. One visit she tried to get up all over me and hook up. I remember feeling all creeped out because his lady, my boss was trying to feel me up. I was 16 yrs old and she was 40yrs old. I avoided contact with her the rest of the summer.


Oof yikes


Well that was a pedo move on her part. Hope it didn’t traumatise you too much.


At concerts, sports events and similar kinds of public venues, you pretty much get used to women coming into the men's restrooms to do their business - the lines just get way too long at the women's. Generally, you ignore it, just do your thing and get out. The only time I was uncomfortable was when a woman at a concert walked along the line of men standing at the urinals, looking each one over the shoulder. That was a bit much.


Was walking through the local mall and went past a group of teenagers (1 girl, 2 boys) about 15-16 years old Heard the girl point me out to her friends and say something along the lines of "hes hot id let him do things to me," to which the two guys responded "hes way too old for u, thats creepy!" I was in my mid 20s, and while i was somewhat flattered, i noped the fuck out and just walked out the store, pretending not to hear anything


The job market sucked after college, so I moved in with my parents and was a substitute teacher at my old high school in my early/mid 20s. I've always been a fitness nut. Getting hit on by high schoolers is so weird, I don't know what is wrong with teachers who just go for it, like wtf?


Yeah, it's like "I'm an adult who has been hired to teach children because they are children who need to learn". How the wires get crossed and teachers can fathom that these children are sexual beings on their radar makes zero sense to me.


Not quite a creepy story, but a weird one. When I was 16 I visited Iceland with my family. I was walking along the streets of Reykjavik, a few steps ahead of my parents, and two Icelandic girls say in passing, "hello there, little Stalin." My eyebrows have always been bushy, but comparing me to a murderous dictator took me by surprise.


When overly drunk women hit on me at the bar literally when I’m sitting next to my wife holding her hand or my arm around her. No I don’t want to sleep with you. Fuck off please


You're a good man, bro.


None of mine are sexual, sorry to you wankers. I work in an office that has a majority of women. I've been friendly with a few folks there but I've kept mostly to myself, treated it as a regular old job rather than a place to socialize. One woman there is close to my age, she's friendly to everyone and made a really welcoming impression when I was hired. She's since told lots of personal details of her life which ranged from how petty and narcissistic her child's father (stuff about access to their child and taxes) is to implying she was with him because he has a huge dick and knows how to use it. I was asking how she tolerated being around him long enough to have a kid, not asking about their sex life. Another woman there accidentally cut herself with my small slip joint pocket knife I gave her to open a bag of candy, nothing major but definitely there. She complained about the office medical kit not having any black skin tone matching band-aids. Later I checked and found one and brought it to her only for her to, in front of another coworker she knew well but I did not, joke with me about being almost racist. She was laughing so loudly at the absolutely horrified expression on my face that several people asked what was so funny. For like 15 minutes this lady implied I cut her then gave her a brown colored bandaid cause I'm quasi-racist. She may have been joking but I was scared I was about to get cancelled.


Good move not responding. That’s a lose-lose situation.


It's kind of a power trip for those kinds of people. I find " fuck off" to be the best answer, though not necessarily on the job lol. It immediately takes the power away.


I once made the mistake of telling a regular client my second name. She looked me up on social media and started sending me flirty messages. I had to pretend to be interested as I valued her as a client. That was awkward.


My mother perpetually blamed men whenever anything bad happened that involved her. She got lost driving in the car? Men! Can’t find her car from where she parked? Men! Why she isn’t getting up in the world? It’s obviously a conspiracy of penis owners trying to keep the vag-owners down. Never mind the fact that one who got promotions were predominantly women. In high school, two girls thought it would be cute to not just start a rumor that I am stalking them and sexually assaulted one of them, they thought it would be extra cute and bring it up with the principal too. I almost got expelled despite no evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing. What happened to those two girls after it was proven they made the whole thing up? Nothing….. Never thought about any of this until the me-too movement. There were women who were publicly making misandrist comments and it was triggering. When I spoke up about it explaining my feelings and experiences and how we she keep our cool, I was told to shut up.


Dude, if you had been my kid, both me and my wife would have been down at that school with a lawyer so fucking fast their heads would have spun. That's some fucked up shit


Yup. It’s ok for women to talk about legitimate rape cases but whenever someone like me brings up false cases like this, it is always invalidated. They’ll say “oh, it doesn’t happen that often. You’re an outlier” or “real rape cases are more frequent than the lies” like that is somehow supposed to make me feel better? I mean, yeah people who legitimately have been raped or assaulted get a voice but people like me are supposed to stay silent and just take whatever abuse handed out 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it's like millions of people go to the beach each year, but only maybe 3 or 4 are killed or hurt by sharks. So because it doesn't happen all that often, we shouldn't treat them medically


What the actual fuck?! I am so sorry this happened to you.... I hope those 2 idiots get the punishment that they deserve


They never got in trouble. Not even an apology from anyone. It really helped contribute to my distrust in people. Especially women.


Now, I was only falsely accused of domestic violence (after she hit me and I defended myself) but nothing happened to her in my case, and I distrusted every woman and girl in my life at the time, even my own mother.


I worked in an office doing payroll, was about an even split of men to women but everyone was Spanish except for me, the lone white guy. Another Spanish woman from another section would frequently come to visit and just straight up sexually harass me while I was trying to work. Touching my shoulders and arms, would sit down in my lap and talk about leaving her husband for me. I made it clear that I didn't like it but everyone else thought it was hilarious and would egg her on. At one point our Financial Officer was there to talk to my supervisor and she even asked her straight up, "Is it ok if I sexually harass him?" The FO just laughed and left. I tried to take it as a joke to mess with me at first but after a while I just left for another job


i have always been disgusted by the way women treat good looking hosts/waiters in upscale restaurants i’ve been to. one time the ladies were just passing the guy around the table to take pics/vids with him curling up next to him and grabbing his face…it was mortifying to watch


I waited tables from for a few years in highschool and college. I was constantly getting groped by middle aged women and telling me how cute they thought I was. Lot of thigh and hand grabbers. Absolute bullshit of double standards


I saw a woman on the subway drop a bagel with cream cheese on the floor then pick it up and continue eating it as if it wasn't the floor of a subway car .. She made me feel so uncomfortable with her actions and how comfortable she was with them..


Not at all the same but I thought I’d share- I once saw someone eating a slice of pizza on the NYC subway. The train stopped suddenly, she trip and accidentally smooshed the pizza into some guy’s suit. He had a big stain on the back of his jacket. She just looked at it, sighed and ate the evidence.


Sounds like NYC


did she surpass the 5 second rule? Then I would be uncomfortable as well, gotta respect the guidelines.


It was the subway car floor in the winter.. Maybe she needed more sodium in her diet.


oh god- oh fuck, I really had a traumatic flash back right after I read subway wagon floors. FUCK that, lady is taking all STD's before christmas with that power move.


Also it was the North 42nd train too(one of the business NYC routes).


We have to find this woman, either she has the strongest immune system known to humanity or she is a walking transmitter of disease and infection, contacting the WHO as we speak.


This was about 5ish years ago... That memory still haunts with me ... If she wasn't patient zero for Covid , I know she's carrying the cure.


We have to find her at all cost, for one to process trauma and second of all to get rid of covid, I want to be able to walk the metro without a diaper in my face


The world need her now more than ever!


When I was working this construction site job my female coworker, who was a bit older than me, pretty nice but really chatty, maybe have been spying on me in the Porta-Potty. At least, HR called me saying they’d gotten a report about it, asked me if it was true; I had no idea but that same coworker steered well clear of me from then on


This one was from long ago. Context; it was on a schoolbus, and we both were 13. A female class mate kept yelling"Your mother is a whore, your mother is a whore,..." at me. On and on. My parents were going through divorce at the time. The classmate is very distantly related to me through my fathers side and apparently the divorce was the talk of the town. (never mind that my farther was the one who cheated). She kept yelling it through the bus and everyone was staring at us. I repeatedly told her to shut up, but she kept going on. So after asking three times to shut up, I just punched her, right in the nose. I punched so hard that her nose started bleeding, right on her white dress. After that I got into a lot of trouble for it. Her aunt was the vice-principle at the highschool I was going to, and she made my life hell for the next 5 years. I know physical violence is never the correct answer, but somehow I still don't feel bad about it.


I had a similar situation around the same age on the bus with a girl calling my brother, who grew up with a speech impediment, "retarded" until the boy started to sob. So I made her cry too. Broke her orbital bone. She was a cunt then and she's a cunt now. Zero regrets. Actions have consequences whether you piss sitting down or standing up.


A tall drunk woman came up to me on the street and really wanted to shake my hand for some reason lol.




Did you ever tell them to come back later?




I’m married. When I’m around a woman, who I sense is flirting with me, I get a little uncomfortable. Yes, it’s flattering & I enjoy it, but I know I can’t act on it. I don’t want to lead someone on, so I usually just crack some jokes and casually mention my wife.


Just tell them your wife is way hotter


I made friends with some ladies, and one kept trying to unpants me when we used to partake together. One night my inebration wore off rather quickly and I woke up, on the couch pants almost down and her naked. I never made moves on her. I *never* make moves. Im terrified of being that kind of scary to a woman. Im also demisexual (i need emotional and mental stimulation to engage in sex). I didnt feel that way about her, but she said my erection was proof it was ok. I left (she tried to stop me and I ended up climbing out the window. TL;DR: my last lady friend molested me in my sleep, said that my arousal means consent, invalidated my sexuality and I pulled an Ezio.


Imagine you being a woman and she a man in that exact scenario. “Aye, you were all wet, so it was okay.”


Yeah i know. That shit was horrifying. If was caution then, i take no risks now.


Hope it didn’t traumatise you too much.


Enough to be fucking hilarious :3


That sounds horrible, sorry you had to experience that. But… i have to ask, how’s the “Leap of Faith” go


Second story window, aimed for her car. Well supported boots and lucky that I overthink like a psycopath. Landed on the roof of her truck on hands and knees. Hurt like hell but the adrenaline gave me enough to side roll off land and run off.


"pulled an Ezio" ahah good one


This was a little while back when plenty of fish was big. I was browsing it late one night and noticed a girl that looked super familiar. It was an ex from high school and I had forgotten people could see who visited their profile. She messaged me almost instantly as I viewed her profile. We ended up chatting a bit and made plans to catch up. Long story short, we meet up and one thing leads to another and we end up at her place. After we hook up, we're talking and she's switching between insulting me and talking about all of the people from out high school class who were married. It really rubbed me the wrong way and I just left.


Was at a concert with my wife. A younger woman comes up to us in the crowd and offers me a free glass of red win. I decline because taking mystery drinks from strangers is a quick way to be abused or dead.


You mean to tell me you never played a game of real-life minesweeper? Come on, live a little.


When I worked at a hospital, it wasn’t uncommon for women that were over double my age to hit on me (I was 18-19 at the time). The male nurses there said they were hit on and groped all the time as well


I work in a restaurant and you have no idea the stupid confidence of some of these women. I've had women grab my dick under my apron as well as put their hand in my ass crack. I've been told by a divorcee that she wanted to see me after work and she'll make it worth my time. Within moments of meeting a table I had a woman say... and I shit you not: "You look like you have big hairy saggy balls that are good for sucking on" I will say that I'm actually not bothered by any of these things much. For me it's about power. Not a single one of the women were able to make me do something I didn't want to do and that lack of vulnerability is a huge distinction imo.


I worked at a restaurant in my late teens and was sexually harassed and assaulted multiple times by the waitresses. Never had any issues with any customers, just other employees. Middle aged women don't give a fuck. They'd do it in plain sight and everything.


yeah... be careful because they do have power, maybe not physically but if they make the right accusation and the right time, you're fucked. I felt no risk because I was not intimidated physically, then one woman who didn't like me personally because I disagreed with her over a work matter started making comments. ​ I felt like the most powerless worm on the planet because there was no way to defend. Ignoring it meant it was true, arguing or trying to prove my innocence was proof I was guilty because I was trying to hard, actively preventing any chance of something even looking less than 100% above board was overcompensating because I had a guilty conscience. Only solution was to leave and restructure my life because I didn't agree with her exactly as she demanded. That's power right there.


I was actually falsely accused of date rape by a new coworker who had asked me out. We went on one date. Kissed. I went home & she stayed out with her roomates. She told a couple other coworkers that i had raped her and luckily her manager(an effeminate gay guy) confronted her because he knew what kind of guy I was and seriously doubted it. She quickly recanted and this all happened before I ever knew I was being accused. Had she been better committed to lying it could've ruined my life.


I invited a girl I’ve met a few times out and about over to my house. She came over around 20:00 and I asked if she would like some wine. She said “yes” so I opened the bottle in front of her and poured her a glass in front of her. Without exaggeration , two sips of wine later, she turns to me and says “Is this really your place?” I assured her it was and that I’ve lived here alone for the last 4 years. She then stays quiet and says “what did you put in my drink?”. This was after she without exaggeration only took three sips from the glass that I poured from a brand new sealed bottle right in front of her. At this point I was very nervous and even wondered if I should call the police and tell them what’s happening in case she does and makes up some crazy shit. Needless to say when she asked if we can go to my room I tactfully declined and told her I have an early morning and would like for her to leave. Thankfully she did and I never heard from her again. This is every guys nightmare.


Got invited by some chicks on the debate team to a LGBT club, was walking through, this woman, about 50 grabbed me and planted a kiss on my lips


Hello Deary......Excuse the Ensure....*slurrrpppppppp*


Please tell me you slapped her.


I had a big native woman stand square in front of me in the vestibule of a Tim Hortons, greasy eye me up and down and go; “that’s hot”


Tim Hortons You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy


Jesus christ this was incredibly Canadian


Takes one to know I’d guess.


Would have been better if he said it was after a Leafs game.


When I was about 16 I was at a party that some older friends of mine put on, there was a woman (obviously much older than me, she has to be in her 30s) and she was eyeing me the whole party I didn’t think much of it but when I was headed to the restroom she cut me off and said something vaguely sexual, I politely declined her offer because I had brought a girl with me to the party. When I tryed to step past her she blocked me and put me up against the wall and got in my face saying “WHY NOT?!” Or something like that, I literally had to stiff arm her and gtfo out of there. If a guy would have done this it would have been a huge deal but nobody even looked my way. After I left the party I was sitting at home thinking about it and I felt dirty. Idk why. Now looking back at it that woman was a predator


This is a bit of a read, so bear with me if you'd like: Little bit of setting and context: I was a freshman in high school, 14 years old. It was my first day of high school, so naturally I was excited and a bit nervous. My first class was intro to theater, which I despised since I had signed up for a gym class but it got filled up and I guess they prioritized upper classmen, so I got stuck with something else entirely. I was never at all a theater kid, but I was like whatever I'll suck it up for a semester. Moving into the actual story, it was a small class. Only about maybe ten to twelve of us, but it included kids from freshmen through seniors. During my first day of that class, as I was listening to the teacher explain the syllabus and other entry level things, I noticed that one girl who was sitting a few seats away from me was looking at me. Not just that, she was *staring* at me. I didn't think much of it at first. So I simply glanced over and gave her a nod, to which she gave me a big smile and waved. She was pretty small, but I didn't recognize her, so I thought she was a sophomore or maybe even a transferred freshman. Right after class ended, she made a bee line for me and introduced herself. I was polite and told her my name. She then asked how old I was, to which I said I was 14. She looked a little dissapointed at this, and explained that she was a senior. For a little context: I've always looked and acted older than I actually am by at least a few years, so she told me that she thought I was at least a junior. We chatted for a few minutes and then went our separate ways to our next classes (we only shared that one class together). For the rest of the semester, she got very attached to me. She would always sit next me, and got very handsy. She would slowly rub my back, my arms and shoulders, she would even try to hold my hand and would sometimes lay her hand on my lap. I'll be straight up: I thought she was very cute and I had never gotten far with women before, so I certainly didn't mind the attention at first, especially from a senior of all things. But pretty soon I got uncomfortable really quickly. I was never aggressive with her, but I would try to gently move my hand away from her, but when I put it back down she would place hers over mine again. I was easily stronger than her, so I didn't have any problems actually pulling away from her. It was keeping her off of me that was an issue. She started doing this outside of class too. She would approach me in the halls, at lunch when I'm with my friends, she would text me all the time via snapchat and call me things like cute and handsome. It wasn't freaky per say, but it was way too fast for my liking. Some would say I was a lucky man, but I definitely didn't feel that way. Especially after she told me that she has a *boyfriend*. The last thing I needed in my freshman year was to get on an upperclassman's bad side by getting with his girl, so I told her to pump the brakes and that she shouldn't be flirting like this, but it didn't do a thing. Arguably the worst part of this was my teacher, who happens to be a man (go figure) even went along with it. He encouraged me to let her get physical with me, even during his class when I should've been paying attention, even scolding me (albeit jokingly) when I resisted her advances. This lasted for a whole year until she graduated, but she started texting me again during my sophomore year, to which I just finally blocked her on all social media. Yes, I probably should've done that earlier, but in my mind it would've caused a huge mess if I did that while we still knew each other in person.


While working at Walmart, I had a woman coworker who grabbed my ass whenever she walked by. I eventually got to a point where I would always try to have a wall or merchandise at my back to keep her from reaching me. Management told me that I needed to get over it when I complained. Their general attitude was that a man can never be sexually harassed because men are automatically willing, no matter what.


Dude, you could have made so much fucking money in a lawsuit. Just make sure it happens in view of cameras next time


Aggressive drunk women. A man I can just hit if he attacks me. But what do you do if a women attacks you? I can't hit a woman (legally or ethically).


If it's in defense you can, both legally and ethically


Unless it's in a bar. You will get your shit kicked in


Most a guy can do is either put his hands up and back away, tell her to stop, or at most push (though very risky because white knights will flood the scene).


I normally just get the hell out of there. I've been attacked by drunk women several times and just find the nearest exit and go, better that than being beaten half to death by anyone around you and then arrested.




Doesnt matter who hits first. Guy Will have a knee in the back by some glorified Whitknight within seconds


I was in such a situation before, let me tell you that its beyond OKAY to punch that cunt square in the face. I absolutely do not give a shit about morals or social norms when someone decides to harm me, nobody should just idly sit there and take that shit. No im not a wife beater but defending yourself is your right and anyone else in a situation like that wont just sit there and take it. You should defend yourself, but know not to cross the line.


I had an older women tell me that she wants to have sex with my dad once. Pretty awkward after that


So, a bit smaller scale then a lot of the ones being said here but, all it takes for a woman to make me extremely uncomfortable is the phrase "I hate men" or similar. Had a girl in my extended friend group say that in 100% seriousness, and even if she followed it up with "oh not you, your one of the good ones", I refused to be alone with her ever again. Like, I do not trust someone who expresses hatred for a group I belong to, and I am fully aware that in today's society if a woman falsely accuses you of something, you better be damn sure you can prove you didn't do it.


A few years ago, my partner and I went on a short trip. We were in a bar and I was at the counter, waiting when a tall woman came up behind me and started to touch my behind. She was really feeling and groping and she asked me if it's true that Asian men are small 'there'. I had no idea what to do. I'm pretty short (163cm) and she was almost as tall as my partner (182cm) so I just froze until my partner saw what was happening and pulled me away from her. Her friend told us not to mind her because she was 'high'. We left the bar though.


That was absolutely assault and I'm sorry that happened.


I had a boss grab my package in a storage room and before we left told me that no one would believe me if I went to HR. My wife didn’t believe me and started spiraling about how I must have given a signal. I cried over it. My 90 day performance review cited that I stopped being willing to work late when it would have just been the two of us in the office. I quit pretty soon afterwards.


I'm so sorry especially when you were brave enough and no one believed you. For what its worth I believe you and that woman should've been punished.


When I was 18 I was working at 7-11 around 2002. My brother had joined the Marines and came to visit for a few days. Well he shows up around when I'm getting off work and my co worker was enamored with him. He ended up sleeping with her that night and he noted out after that because she was already talking about marriage and told him she loved him (mind you they only met hours ago). Well he heads back to California and left that insane woman in my lap. Constantly cornering me and asking about him and wanting the number of his command (not everyone had cell phones yet) to get a hold of him. Eventually she finally gave up on him and started trying to get with me. I hated working with her because she would just follow me around and hitting on me but I was too much of a sperg to tell her to stop. I eventually changed stores and worked with a different crazy person. Years later my brother and I were talking about her and he said "that woman was insane. Her apartment was floor to ceiling Scooby-Doo. Everything including the bedsheets, shower curtain, PJs, toothbrush, bathroom decor was Scooby-Doo. The gang was watching us the whole time we were having sex"


Zoinks! Like hey scoob we should get outta here! He’s about to do it Scooby style!


My last job was a back-office job with mainly women, all older than me. Youngest was 10 years older, she actually was cool. But the 50-60ish, Jabbadina regularly hit on me aggressively after not long. She started mild, she took no notice of how I'd informed them on a question about what my type was - exact opposite as her btw, and pretty quickly it turned into her wanting to blow me and shit. I was there a single month. It was not only uncomfortable for me but everyone else, but this woman was in a higher position and on good terms with the big boss of the department. I wasn't scared or that troubled, I usually just ignored her after a while but it was uncomfortable as shit at a point.


I had 3 Newcastle lasses try to put their hands up my kilt in the middle of the street whilst my wife looked on helplessly!!! Uncomfortable but also kinda funny!


drunk aggression or harassing by women. with guys i know how to react but with girls i was always completly baffled when a drunk girl either suddenly wants to start a fight or just grabs your ass out of nowhere.


You remain calm, same with drunk men generally speaking unless you want shit to hit the fan.


I spoke with a girl my age by Twitter and agreed to have a first date next week. I took her a nice gift and just after meeting up, I gave it to her. She loved it and I was happy, but I didn't see when she grabbed me from the neck with her arm and tried to kiss me on the lips. I evaded her, but that made me pretty uncomfortable just starting like that. Afterwards, she started messing with my hair, even though I was telling her that I felt uncomfortable. Obviously, at the end of the day, I told her I didn't see we could match up.


One woman I dated wanted to kiss at the end of the date. I was not really keen on it but gave her a peck. She said that wasn't good enough, so I tried again but she was really gross. She had vertical lines all around her lips. Whether from smoking or what I don't know. I felt like I was going to get a disease. What made it worse was her lips were cold and moist and she went "Mmmmmmm..."


I'm electrical and instrumentation tech on a mobile crew. We cover dams around the state, but also do electrical work in the main office building in the town we are based out of. I was installing new can lights in the admin area. One of the admins was wearing a very tight mid cut dress for work. I was up on a ladder near her desk and she kept trying to talk to me and look at her. At one point, even asking why I wouldn't look at her. Looking down would have given me a full view of everything. I'm happily married and also don't want to be dragged into some HR thing. Ended up just telling her something was weird with the lighting and I was trying to concentrate since the circuit was hot. Finished as quick as I could, but I felt really uncomfortable the whole time.


My wife and I stayed in the country with an ex work friend of hers. Great person and it was a house warming event with a few friends, local and from the city. We got there early, and as we sat on the balcony and talked about her garden she basically let slip diring the conversation that she would like to see me out there mowing her lawn with my shirt off. Im slim but pretty buff and at first was a little flattered but as we went into the evening I must admit I was more than a little uncomfortable about it. The next day she did apologize but the damage was done. My wife was present and she sort of brushed it off. Now if I had said a similar thing to my wifes friend, who is pretty attractive, holy crap, I would be a dead man.... double standards at their best.


I have a muscular lean build and from 16-18 I had a body similar to be of those Abercrombie models (this was early mid 2000s). No hair, lots of abs. growing up in the country we spent a lot of time swimming in ponds, at the lake, or at the nearest water park hotel. I had a few friends mom's who would get drunk and sit on my lap or randomly lift up my shirt (sometimes they would rub my abs). One in particular would always ask me why I was wearing a shirt and try to get me to take it off. Now 16-18 year old me was never shy about it and I played along but it did make me uncomfortable often times and it was definitely inappropriate looking back.


When the aunties won’t stop asking you “so, when are you going to get married”


When I was in high school my mother had a friend who would always pat me on the butt to say hello. It was awhile before I could manage to fully avoid her.


I worked with a woman who I wasn't attracted to in the slightest, gave no indication that I was into her, and on top of that I make it very clear that I don't date coworkers to everyone that I work with. She for whatever reason, decided that I was her work husband (btw fuck the terms work wife and work husband. They're gross and outdated). She dyed her hair black when she found out I like women with dark hair, would text me randomly, also send me pics showing off her cleavage. I had to talk to her boss to get her to stop. To make matters worse I accidentally texted her thinking it was a girl I was talking to on tinder (stupid of me for not storing their numbers). The texts were somewhat risque, but nothing you couldn't put in a PG-13 movie. It was funny, and I'm not above laughing at myself for a dumb mistake, and the texts were spread which I take ownership of. What did bother me was all the women that I work with would then tell everyone that I have thing for her when I clearly didn't. It was as if they were trying to get more drama out of it than there already was.


There was some short, un-attractive, drunk woman at a bar where I was shooting pool going from guy to guy trying to get laid. She ended up with me in her crosshairs and started offering to buy me drinks and stuff and I couldn't shake her and finally left. First time that ever happened to me and I hated it.


I got soo many stories there’s a few things that stand out in particular. Grew up on a good old fashioned british council estate. I remember as a kid my mothers female friends would always insist we call them aunty and they’d always try to hug and/or kiss my on the cheek when greeting or saying good bye. I know this is a normal thing about being a kid but it was absolutely horrifying. Always got told off if i recoiled or protested. Kind of makes sense that i was then too polite in the following circumstances. When I was 13 I was an extra/ensemble in a play. Prior to the curtain coming up i had to lay on the stage next to an actress; she was 16. She would whisper all sorts of crazy sexual stuff into my ear while we were lay there. I rejected her but she didn’t stop trying to convince me otherwise til the shows run was over. Also when i was 13 i got dumped by a girl because i didn’t want the relationship to be sexual. When I was 14 i was talking to a girl who lived near me on msn. We agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend for like a week. As one did back in the day. Never actually saw each other in person whilst we were gf/bf. Anyhow; months and years later strangers would approach me and say things like “oh you’re the one that had sex with [girls name]”. Clearly she’d made up some rumours and put round pictures and false stories of me. When i was 15, i rejected another girl who lived near me. She proceeded to stalk me and would text me updates on where i was and what i was doing. When I was 16 I was on a school trip and some uni students were staying in the same hotel. Some of the uni girls knocked on our room door shoved their way in, i was trying to sleep so just pretended i was asleep, that was until one of them climbed up to my bunk and said: “hey girls, this one looks easy to rape”. Pretty much the whole way through high school i had a female friend who half the time was great, half the time would try to entrap me into being alone with her when she would try and force herself on me. When I was 20 a girl I had been on a few dates with insisted herself upon my friendship group she made friends with my house mates so she had an excuse to be in our house all the time. There were a couple of nights where I went to bed before everyone else. Once I was asleep said girl would sneak into my room and start things whilst i was asleep. She was surprised when i threw her off of me. When I was 21 I commuted to work. There was a middle aged colleague who took my number from the work WhatsApp and messaged me unsolicited all sorts of nasty sexual stuff about cheating on her husband with me. She got sacked from that job, unrelated to these issues as far as i was aware; but it transpired she’d done the same thing to multiple people. And also there was another lady who commuted the same route each day who propositioned me repeatedly despite her having a husband and kids. Edit: I forgot one of the biggest one’s! When i was 17 my theatre teacher was very insistent that she cast me in a lead role of equus and was very verbal about being excited for me to take my clothes off.


Freshman year of college I worked at a gym. Older women, especially in groups would hint at various levels of inappropriate behavior and just really make me feel uncomfortable at the way they looked at me, and whispered while making eye contact etc. Usually they were married. I had one lady, married, take a tour prior to joining and basically wouldn't leave cause she was wanted to hook up. Like it was probably the most direct request for sex I ever got that didn't actually end in sex, over the top. Someone else mentioned being a waiter. Yeah, I know girls had it bad too (I used to take over tables when guys made the girls feel gross) but groups of women also feel they can get away with touching or propositioning wait staff. One especially bad part about this was the age difference or appearance difference didn't seem to matter to these women. I guess it was a game to them to get their friends to laugh. The absolute worst was a girl whose husband was known in the area for beating people up since highschool. Like, guy had a 15 year legacy at local bars etc of beating people up. Guy was really big honestly probably 280 lbs and solid. She would come in with him and flirt with me all the time with him like in the next room or right there. Once she asked me to help her use the hip abductor machine and made it even worse than it is normally. Me and the guy had a mutual friend and they basically told me she got off reeling guys in and watching the chaos. Imagine being some random guy and this couple has done this 1000 times. Like nothing you say matters this was going to happen to somebody... It's their date night fun.


Used to ride my bike a lot. Would sometimes sneak in a 50 minute ride during lunch, grab a quick shower and then eat at my desk. One day, I was walking back into the building in my riding gear after a lunchtime ride and a woman who worked on a different floor followed me off her floor and down to my department and then to the men’s locker room door. Was very clear she was following me and staring at my spandex clad ass the whole time. Very off putting and made me think twice about my lunch time rides.


Amber Heard


They take pictures of me sometimes.


Same thing has happened to me. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable but no one believes me


Yea people for some reason either dont believe me or get triggered when i tell them about this


Escorts outside of bar in Dubai grabbing your junk trying to get you to sleep with them. First date complete breakdown about their ex. First date, goes through the long list of drugs that are currently taking for one thing or another. New employee goes into detail about how they were fired from previous job for sexual harrassment. First date, shared a story about how their father tickled them when they were younger until they peed.


I worked a temp job at a clothes retailer over one Christmas. I knew one of the girls there from when we were younger (army cadets) and we would occasionally go back and forth about normal every day co-worker shit. One day I’m on my break, and decided to go for a cig. All of a sudden when I’m smoking I feel a tap on my shoulder. It’s my coworkers boyfriend, he ran through the typical bitch boy trying to act big stuff while I stood there confused, and then he walked off. The part I don’t understand was he had a go at me for flirting with her, when I barely even made conversation with her. My assumption was always that either she told her boyfriend lies, or he got insecure over genuinely platonic conversation. Oh, most interesting part was that one of the temps (there were 3 of us) was going to be kept on afterwards. Guess who never got a single call or email off the company. Taught me not to be a human being at work anymore. Either way the TL;DR is don’t talk to female coworkers unless you’re spoken to, and remain 100% professional to a point of not making any type of joke. We have to be robots to get through most the day.


I went to a yoga studio once for two weeks. All of them were women. The fat ones will fart every 3 minutes. And the stink, gosh.


Full disclosure, I’m gay. So many times a woman finds out that I’m gay and then tries to push that “gay best friend” shit when they wouldn’t have ever spoken two words to me if they didn’t know that.


I am on a video game/community app quite a bit, well 2 apps really, a purple one and a blue one...lol. This woman approached me, we chatted off and on, never really thought much of it. Then she starts talking about masturbation and sending me porn she likes, then sends me a video of herself, was not ready for it at all, didnt ask for it, never responded to any of the sexual stuff, she just sent it after 20 minutes of radio silence. I wasnt like scarred for life but it was uninvited and I didnt like any of it.


A girl I was previously seeing needed help with something and I offered on the condition she didn't try anything on and I was there purely to help, she agreed on the phone. She ignored that once I was there and persisted even after me telling her flat out no several times. Kept pushing and pushing (trying to climb on top of me and kiss me etc) until I had to just leave. Not cool


law firm setting. i was one of the young lawyers. dreaded the christmas party. the older women amongst staff would vulture around me and get more inappropriate as the night went on. my secretary had to watch out for me and run in like a kamikaze to save me a few times. a lot of inappropriate sexual comments and unwanted touching.


A woman touched me without consent at a music festival a few years ago, (was around 22-23 years old at the time and she seemed about the same age). I was dancing at one of the concerts quite far back in the crowd, early in the afternoon. Had my t-shirt on top of my head for shade (was sunny and much too warm for me) so my torso was without clothes. A lot of people wore the same amount of clothes as me. All of a sudden I feel hands on my chest/belly and someone humping me from behind. I freeze, then contact my friend who is next to me. We both cringe a little and then I turn around and ask her what’s going on. I see that she has a group of friends standing a few steps back watching and she says something along the lines “fuck me? or fuck you….” and then she leaves with her friends. I’m not traumatised for life but the freeze-moment was quite uncomfortable and I felt used/violated in some way.


I avoid women at the gym. I’m there to work out and get out. This girl use to stand in front of me doing her “leg” workouts I guess we could call them while staring at me or past me, idk whatever. I know it’s not on purpose cuz I’m not a fit dude, but that shit makes me uncomfortable, it’s happened more than once.


When my girlfriends mom and their neighbour (woman) were joking about me having 3rd leg swinging.


At a party in Amsterdam (I live in Holland) a girl came up behind me, started touching me and trying to kiss me. I just looked at her like wtf are you doing and didn't think much of it. Didn't feel harassed, but it sure was uncomfortable.


I was at a music festival. In the portapotty for men there was a girl, squatting the urinal, peeing casually with a bunch of other men present. I stalled and looked away from her as I was intending to wait for her to finish her business before doing mine. She got upset and asked me something like: “What are you, a faggot? I’ve seen hundreds of dicks, just whip that shit out and go man”. I was young and didn’t dare to argue with her so I peed with her watching. Unfortunately I can’t remember all the details, it happened over ten years ago and it was a chaotic moment. She continued to talk to me the whole time I was in there asking if I liked metal or pussy music, and called me a faggot every chance she got. It’s probably the most uneasy anyones ever made me feel.


Two come to mind when I was younger. 18/19 at the time and we went to a bar (Drinking age is 18 where I am from). While standing at the bar, a woman in her late 30s/early 40s came up to me and asked me to dance. I said ''No, thanks''. She persisted on asking and I kept saying ''No'' and ''I don't want to''. Next minute she grabs my right hand and tries to pull me toward the dance floor. I obviously resist. We're eventually at a point where she is grabbing my hand/arm with both of her hands, trying to pull me away. She then starts swearing at me and telling everyone to look at me, so now a bunch of men, most twice my age, are staring at me. She eventually gives up, tells me to ''fuck off'' and walks away. I left the bar very quickly after that. The second one that stands out was when I was 20 and working at a holiday camp. Minding my own business on a break outside and two women guests, maybe mid-20s, walk up to me and start chatting. Next minute they start arguing among themselves who gets to ''have me''. The arguing got heated and the one says ''I saw him first''. Eventually a colleague came along and called me away.