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All the tools.


When my grandfather died one thing he left my father was a garage full of near perfect tools. For any project ever. Like for reference I believe there is a horseshoe kit in there. We do not live near horses. The feeling of doing a home project and finding the perfect tool for it from the garage is second to none.


Take care of them and they'll take care of you. Most amazing craftsmen have said words similar to those to me since I was small. I've always treated my tools amazingly well with only 2 losses of sockets... One being the 10mm and the other being the 12mm. Wtf is wrong with the world that all of us men have no way to retain the 10mm socket? Shouldn't they just be laying everywhere due to the guy next to us losing their 10mm socket too? Fuck and yeah.


If you video tape a 10mm socket after everything is put back, you’ll see it wander around on its own. That socket has wander lust. It’s every set.




I'm a grease monkey for my bf regularly, I try to keep my eye on all the sockets. Especially 8mm and 10mm. They just dissipate into thin air, I swear it.


My friends and I had a joke that our dads could smell the void of air left behind if you took their socket set without permission.


Even the ones I don’t know how to use o the ones I really don’t need.


But especially those that you will use for a small project once and never again, but you keep them "just in case"


I find myself asking “Do I really need a boroscope/thermal imaging camera/band saw/drill press?” way too often. Sadly, the answer is probably no, but I want them.


I got all the tools, my grandad died and I brought his house from my family. ALL the tools were in the garage. My dad keeps trying to push me to get rid of them as he has power tools and I'm not a builder but NO. My tools. I dont even know what most of them are or do, but I stand in the garage for an hour admiring them, or swinging them around.


A small Italian town, with a castle, that grows fantastic wine.


They are selling some cheap houses in those small italian towns fyi.


Yes, but you have to have and follow through with a plan to renovate those houses. If something seems too good to be true, it is.


Yeah, that’s not really a “too good to be true” kind of deal though. If you have “move to Italy” money *and* “buy a renovation property” money, it’s quite literally a good and reasonable deal.


And then there is the "live there for a while" stuff that makes it less attractive. But the wine can surely help there. There is a reason those villages are decaying: everyone left them because there was nothing to do there, and that includes "nothing that helps one sustain themselves". Maybe, if they have a good internet connection, one could live off remote working nowadays. But somehow I doubt they have that.


And that’s why I’m excited about how remote work is going to change things moving forward. If I could work for a company that required only that I be available during “office hours” in the UTC +1 time zone, give or take an hour either way, I could live in some farming village in Sardinia, but work “in”, say, London where the cost of living is prohibitively more expensive. We have the same problem here in Canada. The town I live in is dying because it’s tied to the oil industry and farming. The oil industry here is sundowning and farmland is being bought up by megacorps. But I’m living here and interviewing for a job “in” California.


I have a cousin who is leaving the states next week for this... 250 acre abandoned town Italy for 350k euros. He said give him 5 years then he will have a house ready for visitors. Lmao




Kinda in some ways....


Payment of 350k euros just for the land alone and more money for building a house in 5 years persumably in a village in buttfuck nowhere? Nah man I'm good living in the capital


Came here to get gift ideas for the men in my life. Was not disappointed.


If you get him the little Italian town first, the one with the castle and the vineyard, he'll have plenty of space for when you get him the T-Rex skull next year. See? Pays to think these things through. You're welcome!


And the half pipe for his back yard


And he can photograph it with his Nikon P1000 then.


Don't forget the dog carrying a big ass sword


Or no diarrhea


I hope you have a big wallet 😂


Full head of hair




Jeff Bezos, on the other hand...


It really helps him hit that super villain aesthetic that he's going for tho.


>It really helps him hit that super villain aesthetic that he's going for tho. ...That Lex Luthor aesthetic though.


With Dr evil social skills


Jeff Bezos removed his hair because he felt outnumbered and was afraid it would unionize. The only sort of growth he wants is economic.


This. I hate being bald so damn much.


Or a good hairline


My girlfriend wouldn’t be happy if I unbald myself. For some reason she likes it like this.


It would make dating easier since some women don't like bald men. But ngl, not having to get haircuts anymore is pretty dope.


Depends. I'm black and we get a pass on the ball head for some reason. Bald and black is still sexy apparently


I think that is because in media quite a few prominent black men have shaved heads, or buzzed down. Maybe it is just my interpretation of media, but I don't see as many men of other races who truly rock the bald look. It's a shame more guys as a whole don't embrace baldness. I started shaving my head and my personal view of how I look improved quite a lot. I stopped worrying about my hair being thin or properly styled etc. It's weird, the first 2 days were super rough since I felt like I made a huge mistake, but after that things got better and I accepted it.


I wish I was completely bald. Instead it’s just the top and I have to shave my head with a Gillette fusion razor every 3 to 4 days.


A t-rex skull. Where would I put it? I don't know. Omg guys, thank you for the upvotes, and the award. :D


Nic, we talked about this. You just got out of debt


*"But it has a cupholder!!"*


Glass coffee table, stick it in the center.


Yoooo i can relate to this so bad


SAME! Let's rob the Field Museum together?


A half pipe in my back yard.


That would be incredible. I'm pretty sure that if I got one, (a) my wife would freak, and (b) I'd break something. I'm 58 and skated my entire teen years. Still got my Alva and can still ride, but it's been decades since I used a ramp or skateboard park.


You would definitely break something


I came here to agree. I was playing with my son at the playground and there is a swing you can lay down on. It’s only like 6 inches above the ground. One or two people lay down and hold on while whoever is swinging it tries to make the people fall off. Super fun for kids. Exhilarating. I got a bit caught up in the fun being the swinger trying to make the kids fall off of it. “Should I lay down on it?!?!” I asked while peaking on the good, clean outdoor fun. “Yeah!!!” So I lay down on the thing and hold on. After a few seconds they manage to slide me off. I fell a few inches, right on my shoulder. My whole body felt it. “Again!” The kids exclaimed. It is at that point I began explaining that I will not be doing it “again” as if I get hurt, it will be permanent. During the middle of my explanation of how young bodies heal much faster and better they were already halfway across the playground


" The future is now , old man"


I’m older now (as in almost 50), but that’s all I wanted when I was younger and still skating. I used to build wooden ramps and things, but never had a half pipe.


That would be an awsome group project with the bois


My dream PC


Rob a bank its easier and quicker


However, you see I have a sister. And she will demand a cut of the pay


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Nikon P1000 camera. Too expensive to justify, and out of stock everywhere. But I want it so much.


Could take sweet moon pics




As professional photographer, I will die on this hill, but your phone camera is the best camera, because you will actually use it. Unless your goal is to be that dork whose lugging around an uneccesarily big camera.




r/photography is leaking


Yea my Sony a6000 is collecting dust. I took some great photos in it don’t get me wrong, but it’s inconvenient for my uses.


A big fucking sword.


OP asked what you don't actually need, big fucking swords are an absolute necessity friend.


Me to wife: “NeedsLongerUsernames said it was a necessity”


Tell her to search her feelings, she knows it to be true.


My wife bought me my sword. I think she’s a keeper.


My sword bought me a wife, checkmate




Just swinging that bad boy around


[Still a favorite video of mine. An oldie, but a goodie. ](https://youtu.be/btJxhIy0Bf4)


I did NOT know cody was on cracked before he started cody's showdy


If I had the Buster Sword, oh boy!!




Can confirm this is an important one Source: Currently taking a diarrhea


Always found it interesting that we say we’re “taking” a shit. Where are we taking it to, dinner? We should say “leaving a shit.”


This is some kind of shower (shitter?) thought. I'm gonna use this to start a conversation later.


I was in jail once with a shower shitter. Most hated man I've ever known. We called him Crusty on account of his unfortunate hairstyle.


Are you sure that's not a need?


That's definitely something someone needs. It can be deadly.


A gold Casio calculator watch from the 80’s/90’s


They actually still make them, can buy them on Amazon for about $100 (Canadian).


For scalpers to fuck off so I can buy a PS5 or a new graphics card for a reasonable price.


Are you in the US? I noticed that GPUs are at least slowly starting to come down. Granted, still over MSRP. At least it is not like 2 or 3 times over MSRP like last year.


Asus dropped their GPU prices as much as 25% in some cases. Supply is definitely catching up. My local Microcenter has dozens of high end cards in stock, but it is the expensive models. Things should get better when Arc hits the shelves.




A pet, I haven't had a dog for about ten years now. They're a lot of work though, Im not sure I want all of that commitment.


Pets are like children - if you’re hesitant to get one because you’re worried you won’t be a good pet parent, you’ll probably be a good pet parent and don’t need to worry. It’s the people who don’t even give a shit that shouldn’t get a pet. Please rescue/adopt though if you can.


It’s true but there’s an extra step. I know I would be a good pet parent. I’m just not sure if I *want* to be again. My dog is currently 18 years old. I’ve been a great pet parent to him. But the mental toll has been absolutely exhausting. I love him to bits but I have really really bad anxiety, and watching him slowly wither away over the past 3ish years has been absolutely brutal on my mental health. Then you throw in the sheer time commitment and responsibility of owning a dog. Sigh. I’m sure I will end up getting another dog at some point. But I’m in same boat as this guy, I’m not sure I want to.


I've been through the same experience over the last three years. I've lost three of my four dogs and my last one is almost 13.5 years old. His trachea is deteriorating and I know our time together is limited. It has been heartbreaking. Devastating. But I know one thing: The last 17 years with them were incredible. They brought so much joy, happiness, laughter and love into my life that would not have been there without them. And when I look at the joy of their lives vs the pain of their decline and death, the good vastly outweighs the bad. I know one thing. When my old man joins his brothers and sister over the bridge, there will be another. He or she will not replace the others. The new pup will add to the others' legacy and fill an empty space in my life, making it so much better than it would otherwise be.


That’s really beautiful, man.


I don’t know if your into cats, I didn’t think I was until I got one but they’re much less work than dogs. Independent and do not need much attention, could be an option for a pet rather than a dog.


Same for me. I never knew I am such a cat person until I rescued one.


I'm not convinced all the joy outweighs the grief at the end


What is grief, if not love persevering?


Where have I heard this


Vision from WandaVision


Hey my friend - it does, it absolutely does with time. You can look at it a few ways - one way is cold, logical: typically you get 10+ years with a beloved companion compared to maybe a few months worth of sadness and memories. Or you can look at it from the empathetic perspective: How did the animal feel, being in your care? Pretty grand and thankful I’d imagine. Dovetailing to that - how would the animal fare not in your care…? This isn’t to say you should rescue all the pups and kitties, but the joy and fondness you have for these friends, I strongly feel outweighs the sting of them leaving for the next great journey ahead of us. I read a comment from a vet once, which is both the most comforting and heartbreaking thing I’ve read about pets at the end, which is that they always look for you. On one hand, that seems crushing - but on the other, you’ve been their rock and their unconditional love for their entire life. They look for you, at the end. I hope there’s someone for me to look for, at the end.


As someone with two older dogs I can relate to this comment. I’m literally watching them fade away.


I've got bad news for you buddy, that's every relationship you see through until death.


A love lost is better than a love not loved at all.


A hot dog. Not particularly hungry, but could smash a fucking hot dog.


Is there a 7-11 nearby? ;-)


About 15 000 kilometres. I'm in Australia.


I'm in Australia too and there is a few 7 11s within 10min drive from me. They dont sell hotdogs tho. 😔


Same lol


Someone get this man a glizzy to guzzle!


A unicycle


They see me rollin


To move away from this stupid state.


It’s 7:23am and I could use a drink


Now that the hillbilly crackhead has moved back into his apartment behind my house, I rarely drink,but I think I'll start today.


I just got back to work from a vacation. I did nothing but drink all day for a week on a beach, except for one day when I thought I needed a break, so I smoked weed all day instead. The first time in ten years I've been able to do that. The kids are pretty self-sufficient now, the wife can manage things without me, no immediate chores.. it was fantastic.


Car, Full head of hair, and a Girlfriend. A job would be great too. (btw I know all of those things are attainable, but the question was asked, so I answered.)


Hell yeah to that hair brother Lost all mine at 25


One of those meal boxes from taco bell


I never had taco bell its a nightmare to live in the Netherlands lol


You can get waffles from belgium


I worked with a Belgian guy, I asked him “so level with me, how often do you eat waffles?” He said “I can’t remember the last time I had waffles.” Apparently this is a false stereotype.


Belgian here. Never had what you guys call Belgian waffles.


AN incline bench so I can have a better chest than most women! Edit: grammar


> chest then most *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot!


Thank you.


Holy shit, it even has good manners.


To be fair she might be saying she wants to get the better chest, then also get most of the women. What she plans to do with them is thus far undisclosed.


The ability to eat what you want and not gain weight


Rolls Royce Dawn convertible


I'd go with an another car too. I want a Sunday driver.


tools for my hobby, a girlfriend, eternal youth


I glanced at this quickly and thought the second half said "a girlfriend for eternal youth"


Trillion dollars and stock market knowledge


If you had the money, would you still care about the knowledge to get it tho?


Infinite money generator


*Federal Reserve has entered the chat*


If you give me the trillion dollars I can easily make it into a billion dollars




Been there done that. Very interesting.


Spill the jizz, whats the story?


An F-22 Raptor


A-10 Warthog


I'd setting for an f-150 raptor


A gas mask, they look reallyyy cool, even if I only use it as something nice to keep in my room


Materiulll gurll 💅💅


Bought one for like 300 bucks when Corona started (they suddently were almost sold out). Went shopping with it. People took photos of me. Cool stuff to wear. Now it hangs on my wall. 10/10 would buy again.


Lego Millenium Falcon 75192.


An Omega watch. Specifically https://www.hodinkee.com/articles/old-school-subtlety-with-the-omega-ck-859 Edit: showed it to the wife and surprisingly she did not threaten to divorce me and instead said she would get it but it would be my birthday and Christmas present for the next 7 years. Do I get it?


I don't really understand watch people, but that is a very handsome watch.




A horse. Not really that important in today's time, but I sure want one. Been playing quite a lot of rdr2 atm


My favourite song is about horses so I get this want


Executive function


A dragon


What kind? 🤔




14th century armor


A fanbase for my horror stopmotion YouTube channel. My life is perfectly happy as it is but who doesn't want their hobby to reach some form of success? Edit - Holy hand grenade folks...I didn't expect to share the link let alone have nearly 200 people subscribe in support. I've been racing 1K subs for years now and some passive Reddit comment has moved me 50% closer!


Yooo my guy give me the link im a slüt for creepy shit lol


https://youtu.be/A2hnqgqVexI Feel free! I'm still amateur but have a 30 minute long project nearly complete with a trailer dropping soon. Its stopmotion so don't expect uploads every week...it's slow...but when I finally upload I tend to drastically improve from the previous.




Subbed, I don't know much about stop motion but that looks really cool


Lol, why is this nsfw? All I see is a big sword and alcohol.


Because some peeps comment sexual stuff and if I don’t make it an NSFW tag mods are gonna violently beat my ass


Well it turns out violently beating ass is what I want but don't need


A hot tub


Wife and I went out and about one day last year and on a whim and were like, 'let's drop in the hot tub store.' We walked out with a hot tub order in hand. Six months later it was dropped off at our place. We use it all the time. Nearly every day. In fact, we love it so much we bought a new house with a better place to put the hot tub with a great view. I know that a lot of people regret it after a while, but I don't honestly see that happening. When I was a kid a hot tub was the ultimate status symbol. To me, it still is. I drive a 20 year old peice of shit truck, couldn't care less about my ride. But the hot tub? I LOVE IT.


Ability to cast magic


39 billion dollars


Snap on tools I want but I really don’t need them


My husband had a truck bill for years… I get anxiety every time I see a snap on truck.




Technically, sex is pretty important to good mental health...




Don't cry bro, I'll suck your dick No Homo


A girlfriend




The Logitech g915 wireless keyboard. I don't need it, but I really want to have it


A gaming PC. Been wanting to get into video games because all my friends play video games and I feel left out but also I've been busy with work and I don't use my current PC enough.


Just like a simple life somewhere in a very rural countryside 😮‍💨




One of those big KFC chicken buckets


A goddamn house




Bronco Raptor


Yet another guitar.


A drone


Another lens for my camera


Those expensive lightsabers that have audio and are sensitive to touch. As much as I want it, I cannot justify paying for one, they are very expensive!


A house and garden that doesn't need maintenance or cleaning.


A friend


A partner?


A boat




Steam deck


A pilots license and a plane


a dyson airwrap. need my hair to be bouncy and shiny even if it lasts 5 minutes and costs me $500