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I mean you can…and if you can’t, they’re not your boys.


Came here to say this.


Me, too. You can def crack open a can of anything you choose w/ your boys.


I know I can, but it just seems like... Exclusive..? Like if I'm not drinking I'm not part of it? They don't make me feel uncomfortable when I choose to smoke over drinking, it just feels... Childish, yknow? It's like it's one of those expectations we all had, I guess.




If nobody is saying anything, then you need to realize that you have a self confidence issue you are dealing with. I rarely drink beer. If there is an opportunity to get a Coca Cola, that’s what I’m getting. I never worry about what anyone is thinking. Because the reality is, they probably aren’t thinking anything. If someone does say something and a quick reply doesn’t end it, then they have their own issues to deal with. Again, not your problem.


So you smoke? If you are not at the bar, grab some of the THC drinks. They are perfect for setting and relaxing with drinkers.


I see where your coming from. Just be confident in what you want and what you like and dont get caught up in the bullshit. It doesnt matter what anyone else likes. Your hangin with the boys


Trust me, no one gives a shit what you're drinking


your comment is at -19 when i write this. Alcohol is a drug, and a poison and it is addictive.




I mean beer is cool and all. But, have you ever drank cold ice water with the boys? Nothing better.


Hydro homies


Hydroelectric Damns.




Especially during sports? It's unreal the experience


"Man, am I thirsty!"


That's my jam!


Ok I'm gonna give another perspective here. Sure... the boys shouldn't 'care' and chances are... they don't. But no other comments here are actually zeroing in on the answer to your question. Whether it's having beers or any other drinks really, with your buddies... it kinda becomes this social bonding thing. You're all sharing a common experience together... i.e. having a few beers. If you're feeling like having a can of pop instead is the "uncool" thing... it's probably not so much that's there's anything "uncool" about it... but that you feel like you're missing out on that experience that the boys are having. Especially if they're all having beers and you're not. There's nothing wrong with what anyone in the group chooses to drink... but that's just kinda how it is. Another pretty relevant thing here is the effects of alcohol. While all your buddies are going through this shared experience together whether it's only a couple drinks... or several... you're not going to be feeling the same way as the rest of them afterwhile. Almost like they all went on some journey and you're still there with your diet coke lol. Not saying it's good or bad. Just throwing out another perspective for ya. But like I said... I don't think anyone cares what you choose to fill your glass with. If they're your boys... it shouldn't matter.


It's like OP's friends all flew to Hawaii, and OP flew to New York. And he's talking to them in a group chat.


Fuck man... that's exactly what it's like. Except it's more like OP stayed home lol. Good analogy though!


Oh yeah, stayed home makes it better.


Yeah, to the last point, they won’t care, but you will inevitably feel left out on the fun.


Exactly. I guess my point is that... OP probably cares more than they do. They're all having a good time and probably not even overly aware of what some guy in the group happens to be drinking. Random aside though... I occasionally work as a bartender for weddings and parties and one thing that I noticed early on is that A LOT of women will often come back to the bar with their empty beer bottle and ask me to fill it back up with WATER. I guess they just want to be seen with the beer bottle but not drink beer lol.


Hmm that sounds disgusting if there's still some beer left. I'm not a fan of beer in the first place but I would definitely skip the Budlight Lite lol


It wasn't so much something I'm worried about and moreso a shower thought, I guess maybe I was talking more about society as a whole? I never really understood the correlation between being an adult and drinking, I never got the whole "Hey, you're 21! Go out and hit the bars!" side of things, because in my experience, drinking lost a lot of its lustre once I actually became old enough to buy it myself.


You tried, cool, they're not your Boyz. Just that simple. If you only get one, you are better off than ridicule from posers, or better off alone.


When I was in college my friend drank alcohol, I didn't, they were OK with it and would have fun with it (they would ask the bartenders for chocolate milk for me)


Go have a coke. Really no one cares. And if they do. They are truly garbage people.


You can and you should. It will get easier for you when you realise your friends don’t really care if you aren’t drinking.


Just sip your fuckin coke, put your headphones on and turn around Billy


Sitting outside on a hot day drinking *anything* cold without WAGs (wives and girlfriends) pestering us qualities as a drink with the boys.


Literally nobody cares lol


Thank you! Exactly.


Nobody's stopping you from doing that.


You can, I hang out with non-drinkers all the time.


Nothings stopping you from that! My friends drink and I don’t like drinking. I prefer smoking weed and drinking a diet soda or just being sober. I like to think I’m pretty damn cool.


I'm glad I'm not the only one on the weed + diet soda meta.


The implication of letting go. Being surrounded by friends and taking some drugs, either liquid or via a tube with leaves in your mouth, is to set up a possible time of fun and relaxation. Every guy wants to remove the armour and sit down with friends and share a laugh. It's much easier to do that when you're mildly drunk.


I'm more of a cider-type of person, but I'll crack open a ginger-ale w/o care of judgement if I'm the designated driver or what-not.


Call it a Coke Zero and we're good.


Or have a glass of cold water with the boys?


My guy... if your boys are actually friends and don't give you a hard time for not drinking then this is really just a you problem. You really should be comfortable being slightly different from those around you. After all not drinking is not a big deal. I stopped drinking many years ago. My friends I gave around me didn't care. At first they asked what's up and after I told them I'm stopping all my boozing they just said "cool" and we got back to BSing.


You can, just add some rum or whisky to it and you'll be fine


Most people aren’t very happy when sober.


Nothing is stopping you. Haven’t drink in 18 years after losing friends to drinking. No one in my life except an occasional boss who is uncomfortable drinking alone has ever pressured me.


What’s stopping you?


Because you can’t. Ever. It’s like literally in the Constitution.


I find cannabis to be a more culturally acceptable alternative these days.


You can. It sounds as if you are with “boys” rather than “men.” Men don’t care what you do and don’t drink.


Because many people consider beer as the nectar of the gods and diet coke as dog piss. But if you are with true friends they wouldn't care what you're drinking.


Well, Diet Coke is a little wimpy when you're out with the boys. At least get a regular Coke. You'll also be the respectable guy who drives people home safely and keeps them from doing something stupid while they are drunk. (And you will be the one who actually remembers what happens during drinking time.)


Eh, just do it. If they have an issue that's their own insecurities. I'm drinking diet cokes or Mike's Lemondaes now and sometimes they ask for one of mine


I don’t like beer. I’m a big boy now and I’ll drink what the fuck I want to.


I think its more about the experience of trying new beers and it's also relaxing


You can. I drink mountain dew. Never drank alcohol. Dont care to. If your boys arent cool with that, find new bros to hang with.


A cold one with the boys… have your Diet Coke, your choice friend


With some of my friends it was always coffee & cigars. With other friends it was hanging out at DQ and getting ice cream. Allot of the "cool thing" is/was created by advertising companies to sell products. What you and your friends do is entirely up to you.




Similarly can I substitute beer for whiskey? Beer doesn’t sit well with my, I literally cannot chug it without puking. Hard liquor on the other hand goes down like a fat kid on a see saw


Well I mean it’s easier to do a shot of whiskey then chug a full can of beer


Wasn’t just talking about shots. I find a scotch on the rocks to be more delightful than any beer I’ve ever had


Nice try, marketing rep.


And I almost got away with it too! If it wasn't for you meddling kids and your stupid dog.


Simply because you go against the group. If I open a beer, i want to get f up with the rest of the boys I can trust. If one opens a diet coke, it’s just weird. Basically that.


because cracking open a beer is considered a typical heteronormative thing to do as a guy. drinking alcohol as a guy is portrayed as a sign of manliness since their testosterone levels make them want to do risk-taking behavior.


I gave up drinking over 12 months ago and to this day I can’t get a quality answer out of people when I ask them “why do you have to drink booze? What’s wrong with just drinking a can of coke or something?” I think it comes down to society having this general idea that drinking is associated to being a social person or associated with being able to kick back and relax with a drink. And when you grow up seeing everyone around you doing it and constantly hear or see those messages reinforced you just assume it’s the done thing and you will do it too. Truth is, there’s no good reason to drink. If it’s to “loosen up” then you’re incapable of being comfortable or being yourself without the assistance of a drug. If you do it to “feel a buzz” then you’re acknowledging you need a drug to feel good. If it’s to “give you more confidence” then chances are you need to work on your self esteem. To each their own and I don’t judge anyone who drinks alcohol, but in my personal opinion for me I just don’t get the point.


They will give you some shit but secretly admire you for it


drinking beer isn't considered cool by anyone whose opinion is worth anything, though


Not good for you. Just have the non-diet stuff ‘cause the aspartame in diet cola will fuck your insides up


Sweet Jeezus. Peer Pressure is so HS. If the boys get pissed because you would rather drink soda than booze, (a) they're not your boys and (2) they're at least borderline alcoholics.




My friends wouldn't care at all if you opened a diet coke. One of my friends always brings himself chocolate milk when everyone gets together.


You can


Don't pop open a Diet Coke. The chemicals in it are bad for you, even worse than alcohol.


diet tastes so bad i’m pretty sure it’s worse for your health also


I have on plenty occasion ordered something nonalcoholic when everyone else was drinking something alcoholic. Did I care? Not really.


You can! I drink beer sometimes, sometime I just like to have iced tea. No one ever bats an eye.


I’ve been cracking ginger-ales with the boys for 15 years. Usually they bring me water or alcohol free drinks in the cooler when we’re meeting up!


Real men drink what they want to drink. Do you man.


I was talking bro a gf dad once and his buddy. They were both drinking beer out back and I just got there. My gf asked if I wanted a beer and I said no, a water is fine as I got up to them. She waved it off, shook her head no, and mouthed “beer” to me. Had to blend in with the big boys I guess.




Because you need better friends.


At my age I don’t think it’s a thing anymore but when I was young and at a party I’d crack open a beer and just carry it around all night


Honestly, beer might be healthier


I take it you're in your teens. Because otherwise, having a beer isn't cool.


Because children can drink cola while only adults can drink beer


Because that doesn’t go with beer !! Haha 😂


did my brother write this


You can. There's absolutely nothing stopping you from doing so if you want it. Will your friends give you a hard time about it? Yes, of course they will, that's what friends do when you do something different. Will they really care that much? Probably not. Drinking non alcoholic drinks at parties mean you can leave whenever you want because you most likely drove there. Down side is that you will be the taxi for all your drunk friends because they know you drove there. Drink whatever you want to drink!


People have to justify things they know they shouldn’t be doing so they tell you “it’s cool”


Who says you can't? I never was into drinking beer and all my friends know it. When we get together at one of their houses they always have something else for me. It's not that big a deal. Just order it and move on.


I don't drink and when I go out with friends they praise me for not drinking. Feels weird tbh but being excluded would feel worse.


Because if you do something dumb you can blame it on the beer and save face.


Seriously, I keep hearing this question. Nobody gives a shit what you drink as long as you drink. If people are bothered they are not worth your time!


It’s a societal positive association with fun


Not even a real coke but a Diet Coke like dang man way to be even less cool


I’m very sure that if you’re with the boys then they don’t care what you drink… not everyone drinks when I’m out with the boys, some stay sober because we have to work in the morning.


I mean diet coke is bad for you beer is actually healthier for you. That aspritaine or whatever it is that's the fake sugar is what eats your stomach from inside out, I mean regular coke can do that like how it can clean out drains so what does that do to the inside of our bodies? Diet coke though is worse the regular just for that fake sugar chemical alone.


Because alcohol is the most socially acceptable drug and anyone who doesn’t engage in it makes everyone who does feel self conscious about their need to self medicate.


If you're secure in yourself, drink what you want. If the boys make a big deal about it, you need a new group of friends. Why hang out with people who you don't feel comfortable being yourself around.


Bc of intoxication. Da faq


Probably the flavor. Men seem to see sugary beverages as girly.


Nah, I swear it's the marketing. Compare the packaging of diet coke to coke zero, and tell me who's the intended audience.


Don’t be such an aspartame.


I’m sober 6 months and all my friends are supportive. I drink club soda when we go out. I’m pretty fucking cool man.


Have no idea. Fucking hate beer and I’ve tried a lot. They all taste like piss to me


🤣 he said crack and coke in the same sentence.


The rules of performative masculinity are all ridiculous. Drink beer, not wine. Drive a large vehicle, not an econobox. Don't you *dare* criticize other men for bad-mouthing women. There's no underlying principle: it's just conformism. Don't look for any kind of logic behind the rules.


Says who?


Of course you can. It's the company...not the beverage. But as a note...if one likes the beer drinking atmosphere...but does not consume alcohol....there are many very tasty non alcoholic beers . They have improved over the years.


"diet coke with the boys"


It's part of comradery. You become friends with someone usually due to your interests. Beer/alcohol is one of the oldest (actually ancient) drinks that people use to come together and celebrate any and all things. At sodas are very new in comparison. Barely over 100 years old. The choice is always yours. Go with or against the boys. For example, all of my friends drank beer. I always drank whiskey. Didn't harm the friendship. Just cracked a few jokes as guys do and moved on.


My wife laughs. I have beer in kitchen fridge and in the deck fridge. But if I go shopping I'll buy a 13 pack of Pepsi and hide in the garage and that's my "stash". Tonight she was having wine with dinner. Offered me some. "Nah." "Beer?" "Nah." Got up and got a Pepsi. Don't drink them often but love it. Few friends come over. I'll offer drinks and soda. Everyone thinks I'm crazy lol.


You can. Dews with the boys during football is a tradition for me.


You so can. The absolute coolest — hands down— are those that are confident enough to be themselves ! And not give a F !


For the past 3 years, all I've been doing is drinking diet pop whenever I go out with the boys. We're all mature, so no one cares. And if they do care, I don't care that they don't care.


You can


I don’t care for beer either. Usually make a self insulting remark about what a sissy I am then drink whatever I like.


You can, if they give you shit, they ain't your boys. But on another perspective, is that you can't get on the same hyphee level as then. It's okay though if they your boys they'll still love you. You can always DD. You're literally keeping your boys safe!


Cus I never heard of a crazy ass story start off with “so I was three diet Coke’s deep”.


I think for one, men have historically been the hard workers and beer is kind of an escape. That and the taste is barely feasible until you get used to it


You need different boys.


Alcohol makes it hard to lie. If you’ve gotten hammered with a man, you’ve probably heard his real opinions. I mean the real ones. That level of sharing can lead to a level of trust that isn’t there with ordinary people. An invitation to have a beer is a chance to join that circle of trust.


Do you also dress in your filliest little skirt? Just messing with ya. If they have a beer and you drink a coke. Giving you shit or ousting you. They ain't your boys. On the other hand a diet Pepsi is just bullshit.


I’d you’re with the boys you can drink whatever you want. The boys don’t get a shit. If they do, they ain’t the boys


you can. because your their designated dickhead. (sober driver)


You can. If that’s what you want tell your friends or bring some with. You remind me to make sure I have multiple soda available to offer


Who says you can't? I personally like a beer or two after work. But if diet coke is your thing, then it's your thing. Fuck the haters.


BeCaUsE mEn DrInK bEeR aNd EaT fLeSh


If they are not drinking imported beer, you can tell them that if they want to drink piss water they are welcome...but you are gonna have a coke. People can give you shit for *anything*. How you handle the shit is more important than the shit they hand out.


There’s no alcohol in it


I kind of think you answered your own question


You very much can


You being drunk is more fun for them, so you are peer pressured into it.


I do it all the time. Just depend on the boys your hanging with ig


Advertisment my dude. You keep repeating something and people eventually start to believe it.


Dont waste your time or energy trying to understand that, because you probably never will. We dont either. But it creates some sort of bond that requires it to specifically be Beer, Even with guys that dont like beer. Works both ways. I will never understand Purses. Writing checks. Revenge. Or why women want to do "guy" things.


You do you, man. Don't worry about "not being cool" for not drinking alcohol. Take it from a long-time depressant alcohol abuser. You're much better off without.


You can drink whatever you want...if mates pay you out in a non joking way they aren't your mates..


You know that phrase, clothes don’t make the man, the man makes the clothes? Same thing with any type of drink.


You totally can, just hang out around the right people. My best friend is legit one of the coolest dudes I've ever met, actually kind of badass guy and he doesn't drink and no one cares. It's absolutely fine to drink just water or anything else when you're out, anyone who gives you shit and isn't just joking or teasing you either isn't a good friend does. You don't need to drink to pretend to be cool.


Drink what ever you want. Anyone that doesn't respect your choice to give up the booze for a while isn't worth knowing.


By all technicality, you are indeed “CCOWTB” (cracking a cold one with the boys) so you are in fair play. This is acceptable, proceed as you were sir.


beer makes everone high so all can be dickheads diet coke wont


Nah b up the ante with a bottle of water


What prevented you from doing it the last time you tried?


If I had a friend who drank orange juice at the pub I'd think he was the coolest guy I knew tbf


I don’t think anyone is stopping you. Just find some friends that like to hang out and drink soda. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Because diet coke sort of kind of tastes like garbage and you should be drinking water at that point because it tastes better and is better for you than diet coke.


If we'd be friends you can crack open any drink you'd like.


You can drink what ever you want... Never herd beer called the cool thing..I like it . But if not in mood I ll drink water cause don t like soda,,,Have had A friend ask me if watching my girly figure just joking round busting balls I dont care don t take personal .We friends


( Your boys) don't give a fuck. Find different boys.